Title | : | A Holly Hands Cozy Mystery Bundle: Knockout (Book 1) and Sucker Punch (Book 2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 416 |
Publication | : | First published May 9, 2021 |
In KNOCKOUT (Book #1), repossessing Lamborghinis and other exotic toys from criminals is second-hat for Holly. But finding a dead body—and solving a murder—is not. Luckily, Holly has Lucky by her side—a neglected pit bull she found on the wrong side of a job, who refuses to leave her side—and who, like her, has nowhere to go but up. Together, maybe they can crawl their way out of the urban hell of their bad slice of Baltimore, where coming home at night is even more dangerous than going to work. Maybe Holly can manage to get her young daughter the medical treatment she desperately needs, and manage to get her out of her dangerous public school and into the private school of her dreams. Just maybe, she can fall in love with that private school Dad from the other side of town and start a whole new life. Or maybe not. Life has never been easy for Holly. And if the past few days—and the dead body in her trunk—are any indication—it’s about to get a whole lot worse.
In SUCKER PUNCH (Book #2), things seem like they may be looking up for Holly—until she is called into for her biggest job yet: to repo a mega-yacht. It seems like an absurd task, made more absurd by the mega party she encounters on board. Yet Holly is up for anything. But that doesn’t include dealing with a dead body. Or for having to solve yet another crime to keep herself out of jail.
A Holly Hands Cozy Mystery Bundle: Knockout (Book 1) and Sucker Punch (Book 2) Reviews
Knockout 4* 9/8-10/22 (single book edition) (210)
Sucker Punch ?* 9/?-?/22 (216)
- no table of content in the navigation panel (really annoying for Kindle users reading mostly offline and switching between devices - using page # works only for the 'normal' page length which became rare over the past couple of years - I've had even several books with 2.5 pages in the app for desktop computers and tablets, and up to 12 pages in the mobile app on smartphones/iPhone)
- the dog's name is Frankenstein or the short form of 'Frank' not Lucky!
+ Holly's mastering life despite some bad blows (not all of her own making)
+ Olivia's so brave and cute - love her more than the MC -
4 Stars
4 stars for Sucker Punch. Holly Hands is in big trouble. She's suspended from boxing, her daughter isn't doing well at her current school and she needs several medical procedures that Holly can't afford. What else could go wrong?