Title | : | Ramen Obsession: The Tale of a Tokyo Ramen Shop and One Chef's Quest for the Ultimate Noodle |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 4770031572 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9784770031570 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 160 |
Publication | : | Published February 1, 2012 |
Many food industry experts believe that the ubiquitous noodle dish, ramen, will be the next big thing from Japan to enter the Western culinary world. This is the first book to be truly about ramen, and the passion for it of those who consume it and those who create it, represented by the author Ivan Orkin. Ramen Obsession is a very visual book, illustrating the world of ramen from all angles. The text covers, in the first person, the dish, the shop and the story of the chef's journey from a young New Yorker washing dishes in a sushi shop to his opening of his own ramen shop in ramen-mad Tokyo. The author shares everything, from the contents of the shop's refrigerators and the rich mixture of ingredients, to the tools of the trade, the design of the interior and exterior of the shop, the smells of the soup, the magic of the sauce, the texture of the noodles -- even the sounds of the slurping. Orkin also offers a selection of recipes based on his thoughts on ramen.