Title | : | Merciless Kings (Boneyard Kings, #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 212 |
Publication | : | First published December 9, 2021 |
The first was when I lost my parents.
The second came when I had to leave behind everything I knew to move across the world to live with my only remaining relative.
But what was life for, if not for living? So I kept moving.
Then the third thing happened, just as I was about to begin my junior year at the prestigious Blackstone University.
I caught the eye of not one, not two, but three of the most infamous guys on campus. The three guys from the wrong side of the tracks.
Saint, Mateo, and Callum.
And now that they have me in their sights, I know that there's nowhere I can hide.
There's no escape from the Boneyard Kings.
Merciless Kings (Boneyard Kings, #1) Reviews
These three kings!
The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙💚🖤💜❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙📔
World building: 🌎🌍🌏🌎🌍
Character development: 😳🤬😏🤓☺️
The heroine: Everly Walker - A junior at Blackstone University where her uncle is the Dean. Her parents died in an accident while in her senior year of high school. Her uncle became her guardian and since then she has been attending college.
The Hero(es): Saint Devin - Tall, tanned, with green eyes and blonde hair. He is a Junior and one of the Boneyard Kings. He looks like an all American, but has a darkness inside him that frightens Everly.
Mateo Soto - a junior at Blackstone college, like his two friends he is there on scholarship. He can be impulsive and quick to anger.
Callum Connelly - he is a senior and the leader and protector of the guys. He is definitely the strong silent type and doesn’t like many people.
The Story: The town of Blackstone is split between the wealthy north side where Everly’s uncle lives and south side which is ruled by the Boneyard Kings. They are called that because they live and work in the local car junkyard which is rumored to be named the boneyard because of what is buried there.
The first meeting between Everly and the Kings disappointed me. It was over way too fast, Everly freaked out and cried when there wasn’t anything to cry about and the guys seemed like they were play acting at being tough guys. Maybe if it would have lasted longer and more happened it would have been different, but it was like they pushed her around a bit and scared her a little and she fell to pieces.
I was afraid the whole book would be like that but it got better pretty quickly. There was a lot of background information on each of the main characters and the story showed that the guys were pretty tough, but they had good hearts as well. Though they are hanging around Everly as some sort of revenge plot and information gathering about something that involves her uncle.
I liked the story, the way the romance built, and the way that Everly finds herself attracted to all three guys. Each in a different way, to match their personalities. The book ended with a huge cliffhanger and I hate that I have to wait months for the next book.
I voluntarily read & reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts & opinions are my own
BookBub -
This book was a tease to what I can imagine is going to be an amazing series. The scorching sexual intensity between these characters kept me panting for more! So many questions left unanswered, then of course it ends in one earth shattering cliff hanger.
1,25/5 ⭐️
Te 0,25 za tą jedną scenę w warsztacie bo jakoś mi przypadła do gustu, ale reszta? 💀
Książka pisana na jakimś dziwnym przyśpieszeniu, max 3 strony na jakąś sytuację i to i tak było dużo.
Zero poznania jakiegoś głębszego bohaterów, oni ogólnie są przystojni, groźni i chcą się ruchać.
Każda dziewczyna w tej książce jest idiotką, dosłownie każda. Każda chce ich przelecieć i nawet te „przyjaciółki” głównej bohaterki ją gnębią za to że to na nią jest uwaga tych „króli” skierowana.
Ja mam dużą odporność na cringe, ale kurwa bez przesady już… Tu są tak absurdalne dialogi i nazewnictwo niektórych części ciała, że wykręciło nawet mnie.
Skąd się w ogóle wzięła jakąkolwiek relacja między tymi królami a nią? Kij wie bo ta książka tak zapierdala, że już na 20% ona zaczęła dostrzegać coś w typach co ją straszą i gnębią bez powodu XD
A te powody? Skąd oni to wytrzasnęli? Dlaczego w sumie o cokolwiek ją oskarżyli? Ta ich historia kupy się nie trzyma.
W ogóle to jak Everly wpakowała się z dupy do tego śledztwa XDDD Nagle po tylu latach usłyszała jakiś skrawek rozmowy swojego wujka i stwierdziła, że to podejrzane i będzie go śledzić. Aha? XDD
Warto wspomnieć o tym w co na to śledzenie się ubiera! W SUKIENKĘ I RAJSTOPY XD W jakim ona świecie żyje? Bardzo praktyczny strój na zakradnie się, obserwowanie i ucieczkę.
Tak obrzydliwe teksty się tu pojawiają i tyle absurdu to dawno nie czytałam. Chciałabym wiedzieć ile razy średnio na jedną stronę pojawia się słowo kutas/fiut, podejrzewam, że około 7?
Oni dosłownie tylko o tym rozmawiają XD TO JEST TAK KURWA KOMICZNE W PEWNYM MOMENCIE.
Boże… Dołączy do najgorszych książek tego roku, załapała się na sam koniec w grudniu. -
I am still trying to wrap my head around wtf I just read. Like wow. I feel like this book seriously needs a trigger warning since there is some rape sh*t going on.
What pulled me to this book was the description and it being a RH which I’m very into at the moment. I always love the unique dynamics between the FMC and her boys, but this story made me feel sick.
It started off confusing and didn’t get much better. I felt like I was dropped into the middle of a storyline that wasn’t fully flushed out until…well I’m still not sure what’s going on.
To top it off, I feel like this story gives a very messed up representation of what romance and relationships are. The first interaction with the guys and our lead FMC is them molesting her at a party. Somehow she gets turned on, but that doesn’t change facts, they grabbed her, locked her in a room with the lights off, felt her up and threatened her. These are the guys we’re supposed to be rooting for? Like TF?!?!?
Their motivation didn’t make sense either. Like her uncle did something to them so might as well fuck the niece even though she most likely had nothing to do with anything? Maybe just ask some questions you dumb fucks and don’t sexually assault people. Like after they did that they still said they were almost 100% sure she didn’t do anything but oh well let’s screw her over anyway? Like that’s really messed up and I’m so confused as to how we’re again, supposed to be rooting for these three guys.
This is a hard pass for me. I had to keep skipping around hoping that it would get better or make more sense, it doesn’t. Especially since the last scene is a giant rape scene and it makes me feel sick. -
Okay 𝐖𝐓𝐅 Seriously!!! This is the 5th book in a row where I'm bored out of my mind and just blah. Am I being punished by the universe for some 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 reason i'm not aware of. Like Honestly Am I?....So help me God if this 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐲𝐜𝐥𝐞 of boring books puts me in a reading slump i will be out for 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝.
This is the first book in the Boneyard Kings series and features Everly and her men - Saint, Mateo and Callum. Everly is a junior at Blackstone University and lives with her uncle who is also the dean of the university. Her parents died in an accident and her uncle is now her guardian.
Saint, Mateo and Callum are the Boneyard Kings on the south side and people fear them and what secrets they hide. Everly and her uncle are on the north side and her uncle is not as good as he claims to be. Saint, Mateo and Callum believe that Everly holds information that is vital to their particular plan of revenge. In using Everly though they begin to feel more for her than just a pawn in their plan and they soon find she may not be in possession of what they actually need.
This story is full of background, angst, lies, some steam and secrets. There are a lot of unanswered questions and this one had one hell of a cliffhanger. This was a bit of a bully romance and I liked how each hero played off each other and the way Everly interacted with them. I would have liked some more relationship development with them all though. Their moments together seemed too short. Overall...while not an entirely unique story line, I do think it's a pretty good start to a trilogy that I will definitely be finishing. -
Everly zaczyna kolejny rok na Uniwersytecie. Tym razem jednak wszystko jest inne ponieważ trzej innych uczniów - Saint, Mateo i Callum, którzy uchodzą za tych studentów o mrocznej przeszłości zaczynają się nią interesować by wykorzystać ją do swojego odwetu.
Dla mnie książka jest zdecydowanie za krótka i mam nadzieję, że z pomocą przyjdą mi kolejne tomy dlatego, że cała oś fabularna czyli dlaczego i do czego chłopacy potrzebują Everly jest przez całą historię zagadką. Nie wiemy dlaczego szukają oni zemsty na niej i jej wujku (który jest dziekanem uniwersytetu) ale przez całą książkę dostajemy nikłe wskazówki, które mają na celu zmuszenie nas do tworzenia teorii.
Każdy z chłopaków jest inny. Saint jest tym duchem towarzystwa, Mateo jest bojowy i skryty a Callum opanowany i oziębły. Nie są braćmi ale piekło jakie przeszli spoiło ich więź silniej niż ta sama krew. Dzięki retrospekcjom z dzieciństwa chłopaków można zrozumieć ich psychikę i charakter, który został brutalnie ukształtowany. Uwierzyłam w ich postacie jako outsiderów na uniwersytecie i faktycznie czarne charaktery bo wielokrotnie mnie zaskoczyli przez czyny i słowa, a nie stwierdzenie autorki: "oni są źli" więc ode mnie ogromny plus za ekspozycję.
Nie jestem jednak przekonana do Everly. Wszystkie jej bardziej intymne zbliżenia są raczej przez nią zbywane. Zabrakło mi jej refleksji i bardziej wybrzmiałej postawy co do relacji z chłopakami. Podoba mi się, że jednak nie gra tutaj ofiary i sama skupia się na innym wątku śledztwa przez co historia trzyma w napięciu. Autorka w zgrabny sposób pokazała, że Everly ma z każdym z bohaterów inny typ relacji, inaczej oddziałuje na drugą osobę przez co finalnie ten wątek romantyczny wyszedł bardzo smacznie.🫶
Końcówka niestety złamała mi serduszko. Ostatnie zdania czytałam trzy razy i potrzebuję drugiego tomu na już. -
Merciless Kings is the first book in the Boneyard Kings series and it was beyond great! I was hooked from page one. These authors brought three hot want hate them, but secretly have to love them guys, one feisty college girl who won't backdown and an captivating storyline that will grip you... have you wanting more.
You'll get more. You'll get so much more. Just like Everly, you'll end up getting more than you bargained for, but you'll love it. Every dirty word, every dirty touch, every filthy moment - they'll make you squirm... from pleasure and from pain, but your dark heart will devour it. She had no idea what she was walking into after moving in with her Uncle after losing her parents. Things are not what they seem and she isn't sure who trust or what to believe.
Callum, Mateo and Saint - Holy hotness, you guys! These three! They bring the heat. Attending college and working at a junkyard is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these three "brothers". They will make you want them, hate them, hurt them... most of all you'll want to fall on your knees for them. These Boneyard Kings will take and take, but they'll give it to you just as good.
If you're looking for a hot RH with an intriguing story filled with secrets, twists and intense chemisty - This series is for you!
My gosh, that end... Why?!! How could you do that to us!! I will be couting down the days until I get my hands on book two!!!
*ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review* -
Już dawno nie czytałam czegoś tak strasznie słabego (myślałam, że nie ma nic bardziej tragicznego pod względem wykonania niż Penelope Douglas, a tu proszę - niespodzianka!). Dialogi o niczym, kartonowi bohaterowie... wygląda to na kolejną książkę o "rżnięciu", która nie oferuje nawet fajnego wątku głównego. Wszystko jest tutaj "z dupy".
dnf 30% -
TW Non Con
The good is that this is fast-paced and is a very quick read. The downside for me is that the FMC was a doormat, the MMC's reasons for what they do are not fleshed out, and this rests heavily on "she's betrayed by her body so it's all good". The cliffy at the end does intrigue me enough I might pick up the next book but it's also possible I'll completely forget about it because I'm just not invested enough in these characters. -
so stupid. how does this even have any high review or even mediocre reviews that was so bad like my brain hurts. not to mention some of that weird non-consensual rapey stuff occurring throughout the story. like so gross and just horrible.
do not read -
I am 𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 over the cliffhanger that I was hit with! This cowrite blew away any and all expectations I could have conjured for these two authors. Everly is just a pawn in a wicked game of moves, clueless of the Boneyard Kings real intentions. She just wants to get through college after uprooting her entire life when her parents died in a tragic accident. She's forced to move halfway across the world with her only relative, her uncle, who also happens to be the dean of her pretentious new school.
Callum, Saint and Mateo have their suspicions when it comes to Everly Walker. Without solid proof it's all speculation, but they know something sinister is happeneing. As the dynamic and story plays out, we're given clues here and there to what might be going on behind the scenes but not the whole picture. Just enough to keep you hooked and looking for more. I read this in one sitting and couldn't put it down. Angst, spice, secrets, drama, emotional turmoil. It has it all and I cannot WAIT for the second book. -
1st read: 5 stars
2nd read: 4 stars
Merciless Kings is about the story of three men who are looking to find answers and seek revenge for their old man and dead brother, but in order to do that they have to make someone pay. Someone by the name of Everly.
This book gripped me from page one and then I accidently read the whole book within 24 hours not to mention the book was pretty short. (less than 300 pages) This book had so much fiery, angsty scenes that it left me HOT AND BOTHERED (in a good way of course lol.)
OH! And pleaseeee be prepared for a cliff hanger so I would advised buying all the books at once or getting them all from kindle unlimited so you can read the next immediately. I am already half way through the next one in the series so be prepared to see me gushing about this series again soon.
HIGHLY RECOMMEND to those who love the dark romance with angst fiery scenes, secrets untold, and mysteries to unfold. -
***4,5 "Boneyard!!!!" stars***
"You belong to the Boneyard Kings, Everly. Don't forget it."
I adore Becca Steele's writing style and I love Claudia Lymari's dark pen...
Imagine my excitement when I heard that these two were about to write a book together!!!
And what an explosive result they gave us!!! Honestly, I'm pretty selective with the reverse harem trope cause they have the ability to make me feel awkward, but this RH was so freakin' good!!!
And I'm craving more and more of Everly and her Boneyard Kings!!! Especially, after that huge cliffy in the end...
Please, girls!!! Hurry up!!!
"You didn't want to get on the bad side of the Boneyard Kings."
Everly is in her junior year in the Blackwood University. Her guardian is her uncle and also the Dean of the Institute. Everly is a usual girl, until she is getting the attention of the Boneyard Kings... Three hot dudes from the wrong side of the tracks who had set their eyes upon her...
Are they having ulterior motives??? Or they just happen to notice her and want her??
And what is happening to her when her heart is beating wildly when she is around to one of them??? Or all of them???
"She looked like a fucking angel, but wasn't Lucifer supposed to be the prettiest of all the angels?""
I really liked this story... I liked the multiple POVs... I liked the glimpses in the boys' past...
Saint, Matteo and Callum couldn't be more different between them, but they were family, even though it wasn't running the same blood into their veins...
And they were joined to a common cause... They need revenge and Everly is the way to get it!!!
But their plans are making holes when all three of them are starting to have a soft spot for this girl.
Will they let revenge aside or will they stick to the plan???
"Some toys were meant to be broken, and no one wanted to play with the broken pieces afterward. And that was just exactly what Everly was -something to be broken."
I really enjoyed this story... Sometimes, I needed for Everly to appear more stronger in front of these guys, but still... I really liked her... She got herself in a difficult position and honestly, I don't know how she will manage to untangle this crazy mess...
Plus, the lies and the secrets are pilling up and I'm afraid that they will shallow her whole, the same as the guys will!!!
"Next time you see me, or my brothers... run."
I really loved all three guys...
I liked how easygoing Saint was, even though he was hiding a darkness inside of him...
Matteo was an amazing creature and a more difficult nut to crack and then, there was Callum who was the silent one and the calculating type and for a reason, he is the most mysterious for me!!!
Still... I can not choose!!! Everly is a hell of a lucky girl, even though the boys want to turn her life into a living hell!!!
Yes, these three were ruthless and cruel, but when you got inside their heads, you could see that there was kindness in them and they were very loyal and protected of their loved ones!!!
"You're a fucking complication that none of us needs."
I'm really wondering how things will turn out after this unbelievable ending...
I also need answers to so many questions that I'm having...
Just... Don't be very late, Claudia and Becca!!! I'm dying here from the agony!!!
"The queen had found herself in a tarnished kingdom, and she was about to witness how to make a monarch bleed."
**I received an ARC for the exchange of an honest review** -
TW: dub-con/non-con
2.5 star?
This was…weird and the miscommunication was annoying buuuuuut the steamy scenes were verrrry hot (especially the library one) -
When two of your favourite authors in the world get together to write not only a book, but a Reverse Harem romance you know you are going to be in for a wild ride and boy was it a ride!!
Saint, Mateo and Callum- The Boneyard Kings were killing me with their slow burn revenge plot against Everly because even though they knew she was just a pawn in a game, they couldn’t help but get attached!
Becca and C.Lymari bought all the heat with those scenes and I found myself having to stop and take a break. There are certain scenes in the book *JUNKYARD* that blew my mind!
This book had everything I loved in a reverse harem book. The boys were all different in their own ways and Becca and C.Lymari made me fall for each of them! The suspense and mystery had me flipping through the pages trying to figure out what was going on and then BAM the worst cliffhanger 😭
If you love reverse harem books then this one is for you! Fall in love with the Boneyard Kings today!! -
Ok WOW!!! I AM SPEECHLESS!!! This book was beyond amazing and that ending OMG THAT ENDING!!! What am I supposed to do now?!?!
Merciless Kings is the first book in the Boneyard series and I couldn’t put it down! Both of these authors are my favorites and them coming together and writing this story is everything to my little reader heart ! This story has it all angst steam secrets lies betrayal the twists and turns the emotions this was a freaking masterpiece! If you love bully/enemies to lovers college reverse harem romance than you’ll love this story! It’s super spicy with a suspenseful twisted plot and characters that have insane intense chemistry the sex scenes are super hot ! I can’t wait for book two !!! -
4.25 stars
HOLY HELLLLL what an opening for a trilogy. This book was mainly setting the scene and introducing the characters and getting into their minds, but this was the perfect way to do it. I loved reading all of their points of view and not just focusing on the h. I need to start the next book immediately. -
Ta książka nie miała w sobie nic.
Bohaterowie w ogole bez wyrazu, obrażeni na cały świat.
Wszystkie emocje pojawiły się znikąd.
Ta książka na Legimi ma 216 stron i mam wrażenie jakby autorka chciała wrzucić w ta książkę jak najwiecej ale się nie napracować.
Mi totalnie nie podeszła. -
Absolutely loved it!
Had me hooked from beginning to end and that cliffy has me reeling! The guys are so hot and that last scene before the cliffy 😳🥵🥵🥵 yes please! I need more of that in book 2 please!
Can't wait for the next one! What a great start to a new series -
You can never go wrong with either Becca Steele or C Lymari books. Merciless Kings was no different and steamy as can be.
Merciless Kings is the first book in the Boneyard Kings trilogy. I couldn't put this book down. I loved it because it gave me Caiden and Winter vibes from the Four Series by Becca Steele.
Everly is on the radar of the Boneyard Kings, but she has no idea why. She finds out that it most likely has to do with her uncle, but she really doesn't know what happened or what the Boneyard Kings true intentions are.
This was a quick read and if you like RH and college bully, I highly recommend this. That cliffhanger has me NEEDING book 2 like yesterday!!! -
The full cast narration was AWESOME!
The story absolutely sucked. None of the plot points connected. Nothing made sense. The ending was ridiculous.
The only reason I finish this book was because of the fullcast narration 😭 -
Honestly? Complete shit.
I'm sorry but there's just no flow.
It's all so choppy.
These three guys are obsessed with Everly despite her displaying ZERO personality.
Theres no fight? She just blows them, or lets them finger her whenever they want even though all theyve done is literally stalk her, fucked with her, bullied her, like...cool i've read this storyline before (Corrupt is similar) but i expect some push back at least? This plot was so poorly executed.
So disappointing...I liked Saint though..that's likely the only reason I made it so far in the story. -
Książka o ruchaniu, nic więcej i nic mniej
Are you obsessed with reverse harem college bully romance with tons of steam and suspense? Then Merciless Kings, the first book in Boneyard Kings series by Becca Steele and C. Lymari is for you. It was a fast paced, super sexy and action packed romance with complex plot and fascinating characters.
Everly Walker has come to stay with her uncle and Dean of Blackstone University after unfortunate death of her parents. She is still adjusting with her grief and the new environment. And the bad boys of Blackstone from south side aka wrong side of town have targeted her. Callum. Mateo. Saint. Three orphan boys living in junkyard of cars and ruling their side.
This story stands out for the solid storyline. It's not all sex and bullying. The authors built up the characters and their background and their complexity. Everly has suffered great loss but she is fighting. Even when these arrogant boys are trying to make her life living hell and she doesn't understand why. The boys are all different yet same. Coming from broken home. Bound by love and loyalty. Broken yet beautiful. They have survived by sticking together through everything and claiming the world as their own. They are ruthless and cold and violent in a controlled way. They are driven by this mad need for revenge and Everly was supposed to be a pawn. But her sweetness and fierceness has made them all fascinated. Mateo and Callum is more towards the silent killer type while Saint will kill you with his charm. The suspense was amazing. As I was trying to figure out what has Everly's uncle done and that cliffhanger was just so shocking! The chemistry was fiery red and so so filthy. The enemies to lover tension was so sweet and it is just the beginning. Right now they can only feel the blinding passion and the emotional bond is yet to develop fully. Everly thinks she shouldn't be attracted to these devils and let them manipulate her body and mind but she is helpless in face of their magnetic connection. And the boys are repeatedly reminding themselves that revenge is their ultimate goal.
I am so excited and impatiently waiting for the next instalment of Merciless Kings by Becca Steele and C. Lymari.
I reviewed an early copy voluntarily -
Oh I loved that cliffhanger. It came out of nowhere and it was such a great way to end the book and ensure that we are highly anticipating book two. I had to check the release date once I finish the book.
Mysteries, mysteries and mysteries. I feel like we didn’t get details about anything, even the pasts of the characters. So, of course, we just want and need to know more. I loved that the authors gave us little glimpses of the pasts of the guys, just enough to add a few pieces to the puzzle but still leave a lot of room for theories. I enjoyed not really knowing the guys and what makes them tick. I have theories and I feel like it might be part of something bigger and I hope more (or all) will be revealed in book two.
Although the book was told from multiple points of view, I feel like we only really got the surface of a lot of the characters. We learned a bit more about the female main character but the guys were very much surface level.
The dynamic between the characters was pretty typical for a bully romance but there wasn’t a ton of progression of getting past it. Pending how the cliffhanger goes, this will be good. There’s something going on. There is already a spark between them and the lack of communication and new and different emotions will eventually be resolved and I think they will soon be an explosion.
I was very much engrossed in this book throughout and the cliffhanger was so good. Can’t wait to see what happens in the next book.
4.5/5 -
Name some of the greatest dream teams that you know of and go! The 1992 US men’s Olympic basketball team, the 1985 Chicago Bears and their Super Bowl Shuffle, and peanut butter and jelly. Unfortunately, there is one pairing missing, Becca Steele and Claudia Lymari. These two authors are dynamites separately but put together, watch out world because The BC show is unstoppable.
Merciless Kings is their brainchild and HOLY H#LLS BELLS was I knocked off my feet!! I was blown away, by the story they were able to weave together, which completely sucked me in from the beginning. The steam, the angst, the Boneyard Kings, and even that cliffhanger😲…yes dark mommies can I have some more??
Well, our gracious cowrites will happily oblige in book 2 of this mysterious, intriguing, and wicked trilogy!! I know I must wait, but I cannot wait to see what comes for our main characters. How deep is this predator/prey or cat and mouse scenario going to go? For that matter, how deep are Saint, Mateo, and Callum willing to go for Everly? What are the truths? What are the lies? Those shocking twists and turns that suck you in a little bit further. ARGH!!! Five stars people!!!!
I just have to ask, why didn’t you write together sooner, ladies?
Way to start the series!!! -
1st person/multi pov
Spice: 3.5/5
Well, this was interesting to read/listen to. For starters, I love the fact it is multicast audio and it really elevated the audiobook to be able to listen to it told that way. The story overall was mysterious and kept me on the edge of my seat wondering what this big revenge plot is all about. The guys are bad but somehow not as awful as I was expecting them to be. Not that they were angels obviously but I did feel the bullying was not as heavy as some others I have read. The spice was minimal but with this being the beginning of a series where they are getting to know each other that is to be expected.
I still have so many questions about what is going on and what really happened that have these guys so set on seeking revenge but again it's not a standalone so it's expected. But that ending!!! OMG! I'm so kicking myself for not already having the second and third books in my library to that I can immediately start them. Best believe I will have them ASAP though because I am dying to know what happens after that startling event!