While My Pretty One Sleeps by Mary Higgins Clark

While My Pretty One Sleeps
Title : While My Pretty One Sleeps
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0671673688
ISBN-10 : 9780671673680
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 318
Publication : First published May 15, 1989

Gossip columnist Ethel Lambston knew everything about everybody who was somebody---so there were more than enough suspects in her murder. But for Neeve Kearny, owner of an expensive Madison Avenue boutique, the killing of one of her best customers had eerie echoes of another death that occurred many years earlier---the murder of her own mother. Suddenly, Neeve is plunged into the mystery of Ethel Lambston's murder, following a trail that leads from the glittering pleasure palaces of New York's rich and beautiful to the Mafia underworld. In the tradition of Mary Higgins Clark's staggering bestsellers, Neeve Kearny is a woman determined to find the truth, caught in a swirl of money and romance---and stalked by a killer who's closer than she could ever dream...

While My Pretty One Sleeps Reviews

  • Diane Wallace

    Captivating read! compelling,interesting and great storytelling. One of my favorite books by this author (paperback!)

  • Jerry

    I hadn't read one of Mary Higgins Clark's books in a while; now, I'm reminded why she is called the Queen of Suspense.

  • Jeilen

    Este libro estaba en el estante de mi madre cuando yo era chica y no me lo pude leer. Ha pasado mucho tiempo y más o menos ya sabía quién era el malo,pero fue bueno al fin salir de la intriga de tantos años.

  • ✦BookishlyRichie✦

    This is my first Mary Higgins Clark book and I'm so glad I really liked it. The amazing late Jessica Walter narrated this audiobook so it made it 10x more enjoyable for me. I really liked this and am looking forward to picking up more of Mary Higgins Clark in the future. - R.

  • Noella

    3.5 sterren. Hoewel de achtergrond van dit verhaal, de modewereld, me niet zo erg interesseert, vond ik het verhaal op zich wel goed. Een rijke journaliste, die klant is bij het Modehuis van Neeve Kearny, wordt vermoord. Zo begint het boek. De moordenaar verbergt haar in een groot park. Voor de buitenwereld lijkt het of Ethel vermist is, er wordt geopperd dat ze, gezien haar wispelturige aard, misschien voor een tijdje op reis is zonder iemand te hebben verwittigd.
    Neeve maakt zich echter ongerust, omdat Ethel de dag na haar verdwijning een afspraak met haar had, die ze normaal zeker niet zou hebben gemist.
    Dan wordt toevallig het lijk van Ethel ontdekt en gaat de zaak toch aan het rollen. Er zijn verschillende verdachten: haar ex Seamus, die het financieel moeilijk heeft omdat hij nog altijd maandelijks een grote allmentatie aan Ethel moet betalen; haar neef Doug, die steeds op zwart zaad zit en nu in het appartement van Ethel is ingetrokken, en iemand uit de mode-wereld, waarover Ethel beweerde dat ze informatie had die heel erg schadelijk voor zijn reputatie zou zijn.
    Maar er speelt meer, en ook Neeve en haar vader Myles, zelfs haar overleden moeder Renata, hebben iets te maken met de moordenaar. Zo wordt het verhaal toch spannend.
    Hoe verder je komt in het boek, hoe spannender het wordt, en de lezer wordt verschillende keren op het verkeerde been gezet.
    Goed geschreven.

  • Abbie

    While My Pretty One Sleeps is another harrowing mystery novel by Mary Higgins Clark. I liked the story but it wasn't as exciting as some of Clark's other works. The plot revolves around the death of Ethel Lambston, the best-selling author who wrote shocking articles about famous personalities. Ethel was a wealthy public figure with a scumbag, leech of a nephew and a hot-tempered ex-husband who was going bankrupt after paying her a total of 12,000 dollars a year worth of alimony; not to mention all those people she wrote her articles about. After her sudden disappearance, her personal shopper/designer Neeve Kearny was apt to uncover the mystery. But unbeknownst to Miss Kearny, her life was also threatened by the same man who killed her mother. Myles Kearny, the ex-police Commissioner gets involved in the case when it is discovered that Ethel was killed in the same manner that his wife had been --- slit in the throat. As they work to find the killer they discover just how close to home the case really is.

    Every time you think you know who the killer is the story takes you on a roller coaster ride of wonder and suspicion. The depiction of the characters was clearly well thought-out that you'd have a hard time guessing just who the culprit is. I really liked the story.

  • Maria João Fernandes

    "Que pode a Primavera fazer, a não ser renovar a necessidade que tenho de ti?"

    "Enquanto a Minha Bela Dorme" é o primeiro livro que leio da Mary Higgins Clark e quando cheguei ao final, questionei-me porque demorei tanto tempo a finalmente decidir conhecer a autora.

    A história tem como pano de fundo o competitivo mundo da moda, que ao contrário do que dá a entender, nada tem de verdadeiramente belo. Como se por si só não fosse suficientemente catastrófico, o mundo da moda colide com o mundo da literatura e jornalismo. Junta-se uma pequena, mas significativa contribuição da policia e outra, um pouco maior, da Máfia italiana e temos uma história com suspense, mistério, amor e humor.

    A autora dá-nos a conhecer, de um forma intima, a vida da dona de uma loja de roupa de designers e do seu pai, que para além da casa partilham a dor da perda da mãe e esposa. A narrativa dá-nos diferentes perspetivas de diferentes personagens e intercala o presente com as memórias dos envolvidos.

    Mary Higgins Clark escreve e descreve de uma forma tranquila, e nós assimilamos o que nos é dito com igual calma, o que nos permite usufruir da sua escrita simples e cativante, que só pela sua grandeza nos consegue transportar para o local onde se desenrola a ação. A grandeza do seu estilo literário é acentuada pelas questões e dúvidas que mantém até ao final e pelo caminho das possíveis respostas, que inclui vários suspeitos e motivos.

    Descreveria o livro como uma história de mistério, com influências de um policial e contornos de um romance. A verdade é que, como na vida, esta história tem um pouco de tudo. A autora retrata uma relação entre pai e filha de um modo profundo, ao mesmo tempo que insere o nascimento de uma paixão e realça as personalidades das suas personagens através dos seus pensamentos e ações.

    Depois de uma viagem emocionante, a revelação final não fica aquém das expectativas, muito pelo contrário!

    "Acabo sempre por cantar os Parabéns a Você a mim mesma."

  • Bruno

    Mais um cartucho explodido da Mary Higgins Clark que não me deixou desiludido. Vários suspeitos com o propósito de nos deixar mais baralhados. Mas desta vez acertei logo a meio do livro quem seria o assassino... Basta estar atento que uma frase revela tudo! ;)

  • Holly

    I really enjoy Mary Higgins Clark I find that I have to have enough time to read because I get so involved in the book that I need to have everything right with the world again before I can stop reading.

  • Henry

    A very good Mary Higgins Clark mystery/thriller. A good plot with twists and turns. I could have done without all the fashion industry drama and descriptions of outfits. Some may enjoy it but I have no interest in this nonsense. So three stars instead of four.

  • Emily

    Εύπεπτη ιστοριούλα γεμάτη χορταστικά αμερικανικά στερεότυπα.
    Η πανέμορφη, πανέξυπνη, εξαιρετικά επιτυχημένη και πάμπλουτη Νηβ Κέρνυ, κόρη του συνταξιούχου, πρώην διευθυντή της αστυνομίας της Ν. Υόρκης, κατά σύμπτωση εξαιρετικά ικανού και αγαπητού, είναι ιδιοκτήτρια ενός φτωχοκαταστήματος με ρούχα και αξεσουάρ, στο κέντρο της πόλης που δεν κοιμάται.
    Ασχολείται με το να ντύνει κυρίες που δεν "το έχουν" με ρούχα που ο μέσος άνθρωπος χρειάζεται για να τα αγοράσει μισθούς 2 ετών.
    Όταν μια πελάτισσα της εξαφανίζεται, η αυτοσχέδια ντετέκτιβ ξαμολιέται να τη βρει, με αρωγό τον πατέρα της και, στην πορεία, μαντέψτε .... έναν πανέμορφο, καλοντυμένο, πάμπλουτο και σε αρμόζουσα ηλικία, διευθυντή εκδοτικού οίκου, που θα την αγαπά για πάντα! Τί τέλεια όλα!
    Η εξαφανισμένη είναι μια γρια στρίγγλα και μισή αλλά όταν βρίσκεται δολοφονημένη, ο αναγνώστης ανακαλύπτει σταδιακά ότι ήταν ένας άγγελος!
    Ο δολοφόνος εποφθαλμιά και τη Νηβ αλλά δεν έχει υπολογίσει την πολλαπλή σύμπραξη δυνάμεων η οποία θα οδηγήσει σε ένα ολοκληρωτικό happy end και στην πανωλεθρία του Κακού!
    Για audio book ήταν μια χαρά ...
    Τί να πω πιά για τον Ηρακλή Στρούγγη που διαβάζει τα περισσότερα βιβλία που ακούω;;
    Πρέπει να πάμε για καφέ καμιά μέρα ....

  • Jennie

    I really enjoyed this one. I love Mary Higgins Clark, as you can see by how many of her books I've read! This is definitely a good one!

  • Lottie Panebianco

    I really enjoy Mary Higgins Clark's writing style. The reader learns exactly what happens, what people say to each other, what characters are thinking. We see what they are wearing and what their surroundings are like. However, we have to draw conclusions for ourselves--we are given enough clues to figure out the mystery, but we are also given lots of red herrings. The characters are all interesting and understandable--even the villains. This book is no different. Set in the fashion industry in New York with characters that include the retired police commissioner, a freelance writer (muckraker) and a publisher, as well as the main character--the owner of a posh fashion shop, the book is rich in both character and action.

  • Erin

    Mary Higgins Clark continues to be an argument for letting your readers/watchers/consumers of media follow the breadcrumbs deliberately set out for them, rather than changing everything up in the name of surprise. I saw who the bad guy was from less than halfway through, but the journey, watching all the characters figure it out, getting exactly why they did it, that's the fun of it. I don't need a book to blindside me (though Clark does leave some great false trails and I have been tricked before), I just need an engaging story.

  • Art the Turtle of Amazing Girth

    Too much quick certain true love for my taste.

    Clark also over uses some ten cent words in five cent spots, such as solicitous, she uses that one 3 times in the same page and a half span.

    If this were my first foray into her universe of books, I would probably not read any others. There are too many authors out there who are better than this.

  • Meredith

    Ugh! The story line fine but all the talk on fashion and matching this with that got to be a bit much. When a character changing outfits is not necessary to the plot, in my opinion, is pointless unless the outfit has significant ties to the storyline.

  • Inés

    A pesar de que Mary Higgins Clark es una de mis autor@s favoritos, esta novela me ha decepcionado.

  • Adelaide Blair


  • Allison

    Read this when I was like 12 and just reread. The clothing descriptions are incredible.

  • Lunii


  • Cro3

    Un libro piacevole e scorrevole. Consigliato per una lettura non troppo impegnata e staccare un po'.

  • Jessica

    Pretty good but I like her latest stuff better. This one you can tell was written in the 80s as CSI has really developed further now past simple fingerprinting & lie detection tests. Plus it was pretty obvious from about a quarter of the way in who the killer was. Still, I do love MHC's easy style. She's up there with John Grisham for easy, fun reads - an author you know wont let you down.

  • Hugh Bradley

    Thrilling! Keeps you entertained and on the edge of your seat! You can't go wrong!

  • Bonnie

    This was a fun, easy to read mystery. It felt very 90s and I was into it.

  • Sandra

    La novela tiene una prosa sencilla y fácil de leer. Si bien es una novela sobre un asesinato, su trama es bastante entretenida y muy poco escabrosa, con bastante personajes y misterios por resolver.
    Aunque no es una gran trama policial ni será un clásico del género, sirve para pasar un buen rato y entretenerse leyendo porque la historia tiene un ritmo bastante ágil .
    Un poco predecible su final ya que las pistas que se van dejando sobre todo llegando al final hacen que sea fácil de adivinar quien es el posible asesino, por lo que el desenlace no es tan sorpresivo. Aún así me gustó.
    Y para que no falte el romance, la historia también cuenta en un plano secundario la atracción que Neve siente por un antiguo conocido, como también el de éste por ella y como van desarrollando de a poco una relación.
    Fue mi última novela del 2016 y tendré en consideración a la autora cuando quiera leer historias de misterio policial sin sufrir demasiado ni devanarme los sesos en busca de un asesino ni tratar de desenmarañar una trama psicológica, no nada de eso, Mary Higgins hasta lo que he leído opta por temas no muy escabrosos y finales redondos, autoconclusivos y felices . Lectura ideal para intercalarla con otras tramas mas densas o para una tarde de verano.
    Mi reseña completa aquí:


  • John Mcconahey

    The last four or five books I’ve read by women authors seem to place a lot of emphasis on fashion, either as a theme or as a supporting characteristic of the plot. This book is no exception.

    Neeve Kearny’s uncle is a prominent fashion designer. He set Neeve up in an elite boutique in New York. Ethel Langston, a writer, is one of Neeve’s better patrons. Ethyl is offed. Because the corpse is not dressed in the correct stylish attire, Neeve becomes suspicious. Neeve’s daddy is a retired NYC police commissioner whose wife was brutally murdered seventeen years earlier. Will we find Ethyl’s killer? We’re certainly presented with a virtual pick-list of viable suspects.

    This 1989 best seller refreshingly contains no sex or foul language, and unfortunately, very little interest-generating excitement – until the final 10 percent of the narrative. Then, everything miraculously comes together like the pieces of a fine Swiss watch. This is a good book to have while one is waiting for a dental cleaning appointment or a Jiffy Lube oil change. However, I can’t believe it is one of Clark’s best works. I give it a 2½ out of 5.