Draco Malfoy and the Talon Brand (The Mirror of Ecidyrue, #5) by starbrigid

Draco Malfoy and the Talon Brand (The Mirror of Ecidyrue, #5)
Title : Draco Malfoy and the Talon Brand (The Mirror of Ecidyrue, #5)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : ebook
Number of Pages : 503
Publication : First published November 29, 2020

A man is dead at Draco Malfoy's hands, and the consequences will reverberate for Sirius, for Harry, for the wizarding world entire, and, most of all, for Voldemort. It is not so easy, though, to forsake his parents and his old friends in Slytherin, as he is forced to choose what he will become and who he will leave behind. The only certainty left to Draco is his own power, which is becoming stronger and stranger and more and more dangerous.

Almost as dangerous as how much he loves Harry Potter.

226164 Words

Draco Malfoy and the Talon Brand (The Mirror of Ecidyrue, #5) Reviews

  • Greta Rase


  • Roxana Chirilă

    This series only becomes more interesting and intricate as it goes on - an alternate universe that's slowly diverging from the original, eerily similar in points, but also different enough that you never quite know what to expect.

    While I find myself a bit uncomfortable with the romance side of things (Draco has spent such a long time pining from a distance and rejecting the object of his affections that the chemistry between the two feels off), and I'm not so sure that grand scenes of public trials and teary weddings are really my thing, the plot and unfolding events are brilliant.

    I also find that relationships are a definite strong point: found families that work together so well, blood families that don't, friendships that develop on bases different than in the original (and perhaps they're truer, for that), and enmities that run deep.

  • Anna Kļaviņa

    Draco/Harry, Remus/Sirius, past Draco/Theo(in different time and not with this Theo)
    Hogwarts 5th year
    AU Time travel

    Some part of him had doubted it would work. But she shrieked and held onto her wrist with more agony than he could have dreamed, as the talon shape reignited as if it was the first time.

    It was beautiful, really, the line and sharp twist of it seeming to hover in the air above the scorching flesh. Like a musical note, at the point where a piece's most striking leitmotif twisted into a minor key for the very first time. He remembered Harry's scar from her in the blue loop, I must not tell lies written forever into that hallowed skin, and it was all he could do not to laugh at the sounds she made.

    Some part of him had doubted, even if it did work, whether he would actually be able to make himself go through with it, given his old damnable squeamishness. He'd hated causing pain, when it came to being forced to use Cruciatus by the Dark Lord. He would have thought anything close to torture would have once again made his skin crawl and breath seize up. Instead, he simply felt a condescending amusement.

    And stronger. He felt that too.

    Slowly the wand is twisting Draco & I really want to know what's going on.

  • Angie  R.G.


  • Angie

    Amo, Amo, Amo
    Ya dije que amé este libro?

    Sirius declarado inocente
    Draco viviendo con Wolfstar
    Capitan del equipo de Quidditch MIXTO
    Siendo super poderoso papasito, con tremendas estrategias que no tiene ni Dios
    La BENDITA tensión acá es palpable, ya chapen pls

    Por supuesto el Ejército de Dumbledore con su más guapa adquisición
    Y Dobby, DOBBY ven que te beso el cerebro, eres más Drarry shipper que yo.
    Neville y Luna son esa pareja que no sabía que necesitaba.

    Draco enseñandole oclumancia a Harry ya cambia por completo la línea original, así no se cree las babosadas del sin nariz.

    Severusssss, no mereces lo que te está pasando bb, ven te cuido.

    Ya se besaron AHH
    Drarry amigos con derechos pero ya pareja casada
    La boda Wolfstar ✨
    Draco diciéndole Te amo a Harry *c muere*

    Cómo siempre mención honorífica a la tremenda amistad entre el trío de oro y los primos fav. Y los bff Draco y Hermione? Uff

    Anyways, Theo no te tocaba.


    Dragon, mi vida, tu vales muchísimo y todos a tu alrededor lo saben, eres increíble y no solo por tu potencial mágico o tremendo poder, sino por tu corazón y lo mucho que has demostrado querer y proteger a los que amas sin esperar nada a cambio. Tu no tienes culpa de lo que pasó pero estas haciendo maravillas con tu segunda oportunidad, espero que llegues a un punto en el que veas en ti todo lo que los demás ven... Pls no te mueras.

    Me acabo de dar cuenta de que esto es solo fanservice.

    ~ Draco Lupin Black 🛐

  • Juli

    Me atrevo a decir, que por momentos me gusta muchísimo más que el canon.
    Y esto me lleva a pensar, que bueno que hubiera Sido en algún momento plantearle a Draco una situación que lo lleve Posta a replantearse todo y ver de cambiar de bando antes. Súper interesante como se podría haber desarrollado eso

    Amo la saga de Harry Potter, pero fuera de joda digo que la saga de Draco Malfoy, no tiene nada que envidiarle, es muy buena

  • Maria

    Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, or have more things at stake. This was just absolutely brilliant, and I’d like to be buried with a paper copy of this, please. The ending killed me. I know I still have two more books to go, but I could tell from book one that this was going to reach the legendary All The Young Dudes status of “epic”. And it has.

  • Tzila World

    No diría que Draco debió haberlo hecho pero se lo merecía la rata esa, por el contrario, mi niño se hunde más en su pánico y ansiedad por no arruinar el futuro, salvar a todos y aún así, sin sentirse suficiente para Harry, dios, es que mi dragon no merece todo ese peso sobre sus hombros:((

  • jenn ashley

    4.5 🌟

  • Koala

    Que dolor este final.
    Theo va a sufrir demasiado con esto y Draco se sentirá muy culpable. Esto va de mal en peor.
    Mi corazón no soporta.

  • wen

    Definitivamente es un 5/5, es por mucho el mejor libro de la saga.

  • Alexanndra


  • Paula Hernandez

    Why is Harry getting more annoying and needy and dumb? I can’t. Also, Draco talk big game and is all I’m-a-dark-wizard but like, no. He’s a kid making bad decisions, that’s all.

  • Darien1

    Lo que pasó acá? Fue enorme. Y me rompió el corazón como en mil millones de pedazos.

  • Day ✨

    the best of the series so far, truly a work of art.

  • Rua AES

    Excellent honestly it’s a completely original work at this point as opposed to a rewrite.