The Climate Cure: Solving the Climate Emergency in the Era of COVID-19 by Tim Flannery

The Climate Cure: Solving the Climate Emergency in the Era of COVID-19
Title : The Climate Cure: Solving the Climate Emergency in the Era of COVID-19
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1922330353
ISBN-10 : 9781922330352
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : -
Publication : Published November 3, 2020

mergencies test governments, organisations and individuals. Although Australia’s prompt, science-led response to COVID-19 has not been perfect, it has saved tens of thousands of lives. But for decades, governments have ignored, ridiculed or understated the advice of scientists on the climate emergency.

Now, in the wake of the megafires of 2020, a time of reckoning has arrived. In The Climate Cure renowned climate scientist Tim Flannery takes aim at those responsible for the campaign of obfuscation and denial that has already cost so many Australian lives and held back action on climate change.

Flannery demands a new approach, based on the nation’s response to COVID-19, that will lead to effective government policies. The Climate Cure is an action plan for our future. We face a fork in the road, and must decide now between catastrophe and survival.

The Climate Cure: Solving the Climate Emergency in the Era of COVID-19 Reviews

  • Bec Hillier

    Everyone needs to read this book!!

  • Text Publishing

    The following book reviews have been shared by Text Publishing – publisher of The Climate Cure

    ‘The real strength of [Flannery’s] book is its emphasis on solutions.’

    'This book is short but it packs a powerful punch.’

    ‘Flannery combines scientific understanding with political nous…his prose is crystal clear about the nature and extent of both catastrophe and cure…[He] offers hope over despair.’
    Australian Book Review

  • Stef Rozitis

    Some of what he says is useful, especially the science. His economic information is less good (although even there he makes some good points, he just falls into the trap of being surprisingly conservative which is a wishful thinking mistake I think) and his writing style is not engaging.

    A useful book to help you think about issues that need to be thought about.

  • Lee Kofman<span class=

    This was a necessary book to read. Flannery knows how to hold hope where there sometimes seems to be no hope at all. I love his wisdom, and I above all I love his pragmatism. Rather than making idealistic sweeping statements criticizing everyone, he works on bringing the right and the left, climate change believers and deniers, together to labour hard to save whatever is still possible. I also really love the clear, accessible list of solutions he offers at the end of the book, as a summary. Now all we need is governments to implement them. Ahhh…

  • Scott Lines

    While there is no new information presented to those already familiar with Tim Flannery's work, this book does provide a succinct summary of the past, present and potential future of Australia's role in meeting (or more often the case, not meeting) the climate challenge.

  • Rich Turley

    A must read for any Australian interested in the future of our country

  • Ty Parsons

    A book with the word 'cure' should have provided so much more than heavily prejudiced, indirect comparisons, and political insinuation. Realism presents facts, not confirmation bias, supplied in a "if only we'd done this" or "unless we do this" style of narrative. Catering to a specific market, this book does nothing more than fuel the beliefs of its readers, and comes across as opinion presenting as certainty.

  • Mikayla Imrie

    Not surprising information presented in this book however a succinct overview of how we can limit our emissions and the associated climate change impacts. Describes how the COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated we can make significant change for a pressing issue. A pity these solutions will never be enacted with the current government.

  • Joel Blacker

    Tim Flannery makes many complex scientific ideas accessible to the everyday reader in this book, The Climate Cure.

    I enjoyed that this book largely covered recent events and up to date science.

    I would encourage Australians to read this book in the hope that we might collectively take more climate action, and focus our efforts on corporate fossil fuel companies to begin with.

  • Kerry

    Excellent summary of the situation as it stands in Australia at the moment and the solutions and directions we need to pursue. History will not look kindly on Tony Abbott and his successors. Thank goodness for scientists like Tim Flannery!

  • Marni Celia

    Succinct summary of current challenges posed by climate change in Australia and offshore. Concise means to refresh my memory on the topic. I valued the book being written during the pandemic and the parallels the author has identified between both crises of COVID-19 and climate change.

  • Alex

    Informative, though the treatise--that the Australian federal government is capable of acting decisively to combat climate change and chooses not to--is mostly common-knowledge at this stage. Flannery does go the extra mile to provide a series of concrete policy proposals that could be adopted.

  • Samantha

    Fascinating. Disturbing. Deeply frustrating and angering. This is a great book for entry level citizens looking into climate action for the first time.

    Deducting a star for the typos I noticed, they really should have been picked up during the editing process.

  • Clare

    Simple but not simplistic and scathing but not devoid of hope.

  • Dooley Whitton

    Tim Flannery has done a great job at explaining some of the mega challenges that we need to face as a country, and as a planet. Definitely get your hands on a copy.

  • Roger Carter

    OK, but a bit of "more of the same".
    Some good points made but it got a bit tedious.

  • Libby Fallance

    A fantastic readable summary of the climate crisis in the Australian context.

  • Sharpay

    When it comes to addressing climate change I am not sure what is more complex - science or politics.

  • Kit Morrison

    An excellent read. Flannery highlights the parallels between COVID-19 and the climate emergency and offers practical solutions to reduce Australia’s carbon footprint.

  • Bella McMahon

    Absolutely amazing book. Information is easy to understand and cited. Loved this book so much. Highly recommend

  • Michael McKeever

    As expected, both enlightening in the simplicity of approach and saddening in the federal gov’s obfuscation to date