Title | : | Kilala Princess: Mulan (Disney Manga) (Disney Manga: Kilala PrincessMulan gr Book 1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 128 |
Publication | : | Published September 9, 2020 |
Kilala Princess: Mulan (Disney Manga) (Disney Manga: Kilala PrincessMulan gr Book 1) Reviews
This one felt like a cash grab. It felt tacked on, and we didn't even get the scene the cover promised, so...
And Rika Tanaka, who wrote for the original Kilala Princess series, doesn't appear to be associated with this spinoff either. The art didn't look like Nao Kodaka's adorable shoujo work from the original either beyond the cover, so that was pretty disappointing too.
The story was rushed, the artwork middling at best, and the characters felt like shells of their former selves. It didn't feel like magical girl Kingdom Hearts anymore.
A major disappointment. -
I'm not the biggest fan of the original 5 volume Kilala Princess but geez! The original had its faults from what I remember taking away from it but this is really bad! This seems to be created by an unrelated group and some random comic company continuing the story conveniently making it when Tokyopop wanted to enter the direct market. And the end product predictably is poor.
Story-wise it's uninteresting with basically nothing happening. The writer didn't seem to know what to have Rei do so he does basically nothing and barely talks. Kilala was a series where the Disney stories would help Kilala solve what to do outside of the Disney worlds. This time it's about how to be a leader. But in the least interesting way? And with a bunch of snowball fights since they're scared to show Kilala actually fighting while others do?
The art is terrible. The original artist blended Disney and shojo manga aesthetics well but here these new artists have Mulan looking and Shang looking off. The mascots get it the worst with Mushu looking like off-model clip art. There are just so many questionable art decisions. Backgrounds are often a single color or a terrible gradient with outside spaces constantly reusing this terrible sunset gradient. Gutter space color changes all of a sudden once they're in China to pure black and it looks bad. Sometimes colors go outside the lines and they even forgot to color Kilala's teeth ten pages in making her have purple teeth cuz of the background. Faces are always slightly changing with some characters' eye colors shifting panel to panel.
Looking into the publication history this seems like a cash-grab with near non-existant ties to the original duo creating it and it reads like it too.