Title | : | Draco Malfoy and the Heir of Slytherin (The Mirror of Ecidyrue, #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | ebook |
Number of Pages | : | 322 |
Publication | : | First published July 24, 2020 |
Draco Malfoy has never been very good at following plans.
Words: 94423
Draco Malfoy and the Heir of Slytherin (The Mirror of Ecidyrue, #2) Reviews
Balance of humor and angst is perfect here. Sometimes it's painful to see how low is Draco's self-esteem, so "Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug" tag on the work is 100% relevant.
Hard to choose favorite scene, but one with
I just LOVE how snarky is this Draco:
Second-years brewing Polyjuice, almost definitely on their own? Merlin, Hermione was a miracle. Potter, not so much.
"We do not speak of it!" said Aragog fiercely. "We do not name it!" What was that thing, Voldemort Lite? -
Ratings: ★★★★
I don't know but the author's characterization is just cute. -
Hogwarts 2nd year
AU Time travel
Hogwarts was a pasture full of sheep, waiting for their shepherd to lead them to slaughter.
Perfect blend of angst & adventure & humour.
Draco is wonderful character. His friendship with Hermione & Ron & Dobby & Hagrid is lovely to see. Draco’s & Harry relationship continues to be more complex one, it doesn't help that Harry has a crush on Draco that Draco doesn't notice since he has a worryingly low self esteem.
"Draco," Potter said firmly, "It doesn't matter what spell you used. We're alive. Don't worry, we wouldn't tell on you no matter what, okay?" Draco looked at Ron, and he didn't hesitate before nodding. Draco seemed to have taken the Imperius situation as far more serious than they had.
"Yeah, mate," Ron said. "Save me from spiders with dark magic anytime" -
Aprobado justo, le pongo 3 estrellas sólo porque es entretenido. Uffff, esto claramente está escrito por alguien que tiene muchísimo más frescas las películas que los libros (no es algo malo, sólo es un detalle que se nota MUCHO por lo que voy a decir a continuación), pero que ha seguido los libros a la hora de copiar los diálogos y escenas canon. Esto da lugar a divertidísimas (no) contradicciones constantes, como que Draco no sepa lo que es una acromántula o no sepa que sí combatieron al lado de Voldemort, o que Dumbledore se niegue a cumplir al final del libro una amenaza que no ha hecho porque la situación en la que la hizo jamás se produjo.
Mi sensación general con este fic es que su fama viene "heredada" del fandom gringo, que les flipa (tenemos que dejar de fliparnos por las cutradas que les gustan a los gringos), pero en realidad quien lo escribió no sabe manejar muy bien las escasas escenas totalmente propias y su estilo es tan pobre como el de la propia Rowling. Sin embargo, esto es lo que hace que ambas partes "casen" bien. Hay ratos en los que parece que pilla el ritmo, sobre todo en las interacciones entre Draco, Ron y Harry, pero luego otros donde lo pierde totalmente. En este en particular, se carga todo el libro en el final: el clímax de la cámara secreta lo narra LITERALMENTE como si Draco estuviera mirando al suelo. Ni siquiera se le ocurrió que hay un punto en el que el basilisco pierde los ojos y no es peligroso mirarlo. Por no hablar de que Ron y él están ahí por estar. Sin más. Vamos, no me fastidies, pudiste hacer una escena de acción chulísima con los tres, sin varitas, sólo supervivencia. Ya van dos clímax que me escamotea sólo porque da por hecho que me sirve el del libro original que no estoy leyendo, sin darse cuenta de que, por muchas similitudes que tenga, no está contando la historia de Harry Potter, sino de Draco Malfoy. Y que Draco Malfoy cerrando lo sojos o desmayándose no proporciona información y es un fiasco.
En fin, sí hay cosas buenas: la tensión entre Draco y Harry, los vaivenes de Draco y Hermione, el misterio (que espero que se resuelva más adelante, porque pinta a un muy buen foreshadowing) del hechizo rastreador, la escena de Navidad con la multijugos, la inclusión de Luna desde tan pronto... -
I don't know why I kept thinking you were guilty. It seems so obvious now it wasn't you. I just always feel so off-balance around you, like I can't trust myself. My brain doesn't work. I never know what I think about you. I'm sorry I'm such an idiot about you all the time. Everyone acts like I'm some kind of hero because I'm the Boy Who Lived, but you're the only one I've ever really wanted to think I'm a hero.
Me he enganchado, sí, ahora tengo la necesidad y la emoción para leerme los siguientes.
Tengo que decir, que al principio fue algo pesadito que Harry y Ron (incluso una vez Hermione) desconfiaran de Draco después de todo lo que ya habían pasado juntos. Pero claro, después de la tormenta viene un arcoiris, Harry y Ron se dieron cuentas de sus errores y se disculparon, lo que ha llevado a una linda y cercana amistad, que me hizo de verdad muy muy feliz.
Por fiin, por fiin la relación entre Harry y Draco va avanzado y esto es lo que me mantiene picada y emocionada y por esa razón no puedo esperar más a leer el tercero.
Y por último, Draco, Draco es la cosa más adorable que he visto 😢❤, la forma en que ama y aprecia a su padrino, la forma en que ayudó a Neville, la forma en que quería acercarse a Luna, la forma en que quería salvar a Hermione, la forma en que se hizo cercano a Hagrid, todas estas acciones nos hace ver que Draco es una masita de amor 😭❤.
Yo solo quiero que Draco sea feliz y ya no sufra. -
Draco's reliving of the past continues with his second year at Hogwarts!
I love how the events are similar enough to the canon books that you can recognize them, but different enough that Draco's attempt to not change the past might just result in a butterfly effect of killing himself and others. It keeps me on my toes.
I also love how Draco is an awesome character, but his opinion of himself is definitely not such. -
Definitivamente me ha encantado el desenvolvimiento que tienen los personajes. Me ha gustado mucho como se ha conectado todo y me muero por leer los demas.
This was first published on my birthday and I was not aware of receiving such an absolute gift??????
For fanfiction, this is top-notch, next-level shit.
It's actually really well done, and I can tell the author is a great writer. If this was a properly published novel, I think it could be pretty amazing, but it is what it is.
I think this one was much funnier than the first. I found myself laughing a lot more. Probably because Draco has become more comfortable with his situation and things aren't as depressing. And then there's Draco's FLIRTATIONS. Like DAMN, kiddo, you're supposed to be TWELVE.
The polyjuice potion scene had me giggling and cringing in equal measure.
I was so surprised when the diary was destroyed earlier than in the original story. But then it all came together, and I thought, Well played. That was brilliant, actually.
There were several additions and changes made to the story. The fate of Lockhart makes me wonder if he'll come back in future installments of this series.
The addition of Luna was also superb. Although, honestly, sometimes a bit OOC. Really, I think Harry was the biggest OOC. Just his dialogue in general, but also some of his actions/reactions seemed off and a clear product of fanfiction.
Also, I must say, Draco really doesn't do much. A couple of times he tries to change the future, sort of, and he fails and needs to face new and unfamiliar consequences. But for the most part, nothing changes. I wish there were more repercussions to his actions, plot-wise. More changes! Why is he dawdling so much all the time?! -
I never thought I would spend my last 3 days completely submerged in a draco malfoy fanfic in 2022 but here we are.
I've had my fair share of Malfoy fangirling in the past (but that was mostly directed at my crush on Lauren Lopez and her depiction of Malfoy in the Harry Potter Musical) but I dont think I've ever actually read a fanfic dedicated for Draco before.
This ofc all changed when I saw the Mirror of Ecidyrue series on a friend's page when I was stalking her recently reads and decided to read the first chapter out of curiosity.
The story was really original and creative, the characters were fresh but still managed to act semi-canon and even though I was a little bit weirded out by the mental age difference (especially clear in the first book), I was told that that would be fixed in the later books and surely it was.
You can clearly tell that the author really cares about her characters and the world that she's building and that love shines through in the entire character arc (which I guess qualifies for a redemption arc?) of Draco
Overall I really liked it, 4 stars instead of 5 because some of Harry's lines were a bit uncharacteristic and I would've enjoyed a less cliché approach to his feelings for Draco. But I cant wait to read the next book -
Me encanto! Incluso más que el primero, amo esta versión de Draco y Harry, la tensión que se cargan a pesar de que apenas tienen 12 años, es una tensión bien creada y descrita, porque sabes que tiene sentimientos por el otro pero ninguno de los dos cree que el otro le corresponde, es tan hilarante.
Corroboro lo antes dicho, esto es mi nuevo cannon, sin duda alguna, me fascina.
Tengo que admitir que me tomo algo de tiempo terminar este libro, dado que me desesperaba mucho que Harry y arón no creyeran en Draco y que este se la pasara solo todo el tiempo, pero después de que Hermione fue petrificada, todo tomo rumbo, Harry consolando a Draco, y por fin creyendo en el, es una de las cosas más bonitas.
Sin duda, seguiré leyendo sin detenerme. -
If you told me last year that in the year of our lord 2023 I would be spending literal DAYS reading Drarry fanfiction I don't even know what I would have thought but here we are. This series is lowkey hilarious like listen to some of the things that happen in this one:
- Draco tells Ron & Harry that Luna is his cousin but Luna, Xenophilius & Draco just end up accepting it is fact from then on, no questions asked.
- Draco calls Percy 'Peter' the entire time even though he knows his name is Percy.
- Lockheart falls in love with Snape after the dueling demonstration.
- Snape is a Bi icon.
Fanfiction writers are truly the backbone of our society. -
The first one made me forget how dark things could go and like The chamber of secrets, book 2 is full of very good moments that usually we wouldn’t say are the most popular. Draco is more and more authentic & I love reading a friendship with him and Hermione or even his reluctant appreciation for Ron, his second favorite Weasley.
Kids are being kids, Harry is the cutest most clueless but Gryffindor brave & LUNA 💙
Draco needs a hug here but there are lots of nice snarky moments for the win too. -
Ya pero ver todo desde la perspectiva de draco es muy inexplicable, los sentimientos encontrados que tengo por el pobre tratando de no arruinar el futuro y eso causándole severos ataques de pánico, mientras su familia es un asco, y al mismo tiempo su relación con su padrino y nuevas amistades.
Uff, realmente me tuvo en un vaivén de emociones. -
Esta es la clase de historia que te hace llorar de impotencia y solo quieres que el protagonista mande todo y a todos a la mierda y sea feliz, pero claro, como es una buena persona no puede hacerlo. Simplemente amo esto en especial.
this is the best thing in the universe!
One thing that I like about this series is that even though it is a "retelling" it still keeps me guessing on how every story ends. I absolutely loved it!
oy yoyyoy i think fan fic is still not for me
Draco me dueles
Puntuacion real 3.5
I love this Draco.
wtffffff i loved it
con este reafirmo que me gusta mas que Harry Potter original. Mi nuevo canon
i could not recommend this more omg
“Lo amo tanto.
Tenía que haber sido la insensatez del momento lo que hiciera que Draco pensara algo tan imposible. Pero lo hizo.”