Title | : | Cyberpunk 2077, Vol. 1: Trauma Team |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1506716016 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781506716015 |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 96 |
Publication | : | First published February 1, 2021 |
Nadia, an assistant EMT for a privately-owned business known as Trauma Team International, is the sole survivor of a failed rescue mission turned shootout.
After she agrees to continue work for an upcoming extraction mission, Nadia discovers that her new extraction subject is Apex--the man who's responsible for Nadia's former team members' deaths. A hundred floors high in a skyscraper filled with members of Apex's rival gang, Nadia and her team must complete the extraction.
Cullen Bunn (Harrow County, Uncanny X-Men) and Christopher Mooneyham (Predator, Nightwing) introduce an all-original series based on CD Projekt Red's brand-new game Cyberpunk 2077!
Collects Cyberpunk 2077 #1-4.
Cyberpunk 2077, Vol. 1: Trauma Team Reviews
Much better than I initially expected it to be. The best Cullen Bunn work I've read in a long while.
It's pretty much all action, and it is done well. There's a bit of ghost/deceased-talking-to-main-character stuff, which is hokey and unnecessary from a storytelling perspective.
The art is uniformly excellent.
3.5 stars -
Reminded me of The Raid set in a cyperpunk world. There are these trauma teams that are part extraction groups, part EMTs. They are hired to extract hurt individuals from impossible situations. In this situation they have to get a gang leader out of a 100-story high rise controlled by a rival gang. The helmets they wear look cool but it made it really difficult to tell the colors apart. The art is very kinetic but the panels don't always connect in a way that tells the action of the scene. The book works when the story is all action but I found the flashbacks to dead coworkers distracting, taking me out of the story.
Note: I haven’t got to play the game (yet! I’m definitely planning on getting it once it’s on sale and bugs are sorted out).
This is only what I thought of the comic, I don’t know if there’s things in this that are any better or worse if you’ve played the game that this is a tie-in to.
This comic book tie-in for a game that didn’t even come out when the first issue was released is way better than I would have expected.
What’s it about?
The year is 2077. We follow Nadia, who’s part of a trauma team, ready to rescue and give medical assistance to whoever’s paying. However, the streets are deadly and her previous team had been killed. She gets back to the job with a new team... but she’s dealing with dreadful memories of the past and one of the people that needs her help is someone she wants revenge from.
The story is very interesting. I didn’t know if a story about a medical team in this kinda environment would be particularly great but this is not your standard medical drama. It is a fast paced sci-fi action story with a well written plot.
The artwork is great. It suits the tone of the book very well with exciting colors that make the story pop out and bring the world of Cyberpunk to life through comics!
The characters are well written, interesting and there’s more to them than I expected. I really cared about Nadia early on in the story.
There’s a lot of intense, compelling and bloody action throughout this book.
This book is mostly unpredictable.
The dialogue is pretty good for the setting.
Why not 5-stars?
The ending is really... (sigh). I’ve mentioned this kinda ending before where it’s not even necessarily a bad ending but it definitely gives me a “what the fuck, that was it?” kinda reaction. I really don’t like where and slightly don’t like how the story ended. It somewhat made some of the book seem pointless.
Despite not particularly liking the ending, this is a great miniseries. Even if don’t give a shit about the game, this comic is worth looking at if you just like the idea of action-packed futuristic science fiction. I don’t really know what else to say but pretty much if you want a well written futuristic action story with great artwork and surprisingly good characters, this is a good pick.
4/5 -
*Thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.*
This was an explosion of colours. That coupled with the fast-paced action made it a little disorientating at times but it was still relatively easy to follow. In fact, I liked the flashbacks interspersed with the action, it was smart and worked well.
I was worried that because I hadn’t played the game and didn’t know anything about the world of Cyberpunk 2077 that I really was going to be lost reading this. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case and this was just as easily accessible and understandable without prior knowledge of the world it’s set in as it would’ve been with. The only thing I would admit I’m confused by was I guess I’ll never know the answer to that. And it’s not the only thing the comic was quite ambiguous about. Which is a little annoying but also one of the comic’s strengths.
The plot itself was great and the protagonist was wonderfully complex and intriguing. My only gripe is that I’d have loved more. This was packed with so much and the comic has already successfully managed to make me attached to the protagonist Nadia, so I’d really have loved to see what happened next for her. -
Cyberpunk 2077 «Травма Тім» — це шалений вайб! Надзвичайно кайфове, брутальне місиво, що буститься надзвичайно емоційною та динамічної історією, простою, але такою, що ідеально вписується в сетинг франшизи.
Подихав в паперовий пакетик, емоції вляглися, тож детальніше про сам комікс і чому він мене так зачепив. По-перше, це саме те, що я просив і завжди чекаю від якісного екшену, море крові, поломаних кісток та вдосталь бойових сцен. По-друге, харизматичні персонажі, тут цей запит повністю закривають кіберпсихи з купою імплантів та аугментацій, а також персонаж головної героїні. По-третє, якісний сценарій, що не псує динаміки, а в ідеалі несе в собі якісний емоційний наратив.
В «Травма Тім» маємо характерного персонажа з глибокою емоційною та психологічною травмою, а також класичне протистояння совісті та людяності проти системи та жорстоких реалій соціуму. На мою думку автору та художнику вдалося ідеально відобразити жорстокий світ Cyberpunk, в якому людство не вагаючись обмінює людські чесноти на кредити та апгрейди.
Стосовно роботи художника Міґеля Вальдеррами та колориста проєкту Джейсона Ворді — це база! Ці панове відпрацювали на п’ятірочку, все надзвичайно професійно та зі знанням справи. Шалена динаміка вибухів та пострілів, чергується з шокуючими статичними сценами розтрощених голів та шокуючими зображеннями залитих кров’ю облич з мертвими, застиглими очима. І все це в фірмових жовтих та рожевих кольорах франшизи Cyberpunk 2077 які змушують моє серденько стугоніти, як старенька кібердека.
Якщо ви хвилюєтеся, що нічого не зрозумієте, бо не грали в гру, не дивилися аніме, не читали лорбук, то дарма. Комікс цілком самодостатній і має достатньо низький поріг входу, тож можете сміливо купувати та насолоджуватися частинкою досконало створеного всесвіту Cyberpunk 2077. -
«Кіберпанк 2077» від CD Projekt Red очолював список найочікуваніших ігор 2020 року. І не дарма. Освітлений неоновим світлом футурустичний світ наукової фантастики є надзвичайно багатим, судячи з відгуків про гру. Тому його цікаво досліджува��и. Тож не дивно, що Dark Horse Comics взялося робити те, що вони роблять чи не найкраще у своїй царині. Сценарист Каллен Банн і художник Міґель Вальдеррама розширюють цей світ за допомогою лімітованої серії коміксів «Кіберпанк 2077: Травма Тім» #1–4, який перенесе вас у брудний, небезпечний і жорстокий світ Найт-Сіті.
У центрі сюжету перебуває Надя, асистентка медичної допомоги, яка працює в приватній мілітаризованій медичній групі під егідою Травма Тім Інтернешинал. Як єдина, хто вижив після невдалої рятувальної місії, яка призвела до стрілянини та вбивства всієї її команди, вона починає роботу із психіатринею, щоби зрозуміти чи вона далі може виконувати поставленні завдання. Коли її знову визнають придатною, Надя знову опиняється в центрі чергової небезпечної для життя місії. Ще більше занепокоєння викликає те, що новий суб’єкт для порятунку є особою, відповідальною за смерть її попередньої команди.
Я хвилювався, що, оскільки я не грав у цю гру й нічого не знав про світ «Кіберпанку 2077», усе буде незрозумілим. На щастя, це було не так. Усе було доступно та зрозуміло, без попереднього знання світу, у якому воно відбувається. Оповідь, яку вів Каллен Банн, була надвзичайно динамічною та супроводжувалася короткими перервами для перепочинку. А потім знову відразу у вир подій. Усе читалося на одному диханні. Каллен Банн добре встановлює суперечливі почуття та емоції Наді, створюючи критичну та драматичну ситуацію, у якій перебуває головна героїня. Або, ще краще, чоловік, який убив більшість її екіпажу, а його потрібно врятувати. Чи конфлікт бригади швидкої допомоги, яка працює в корпоративному та явно аморальному майбутньому.
Говорячи про малюнок, скажу що Міґель Вальдеррами ідеально справився зі своєю частиною, починаючи від літаючих машин, будівель, міських вулиць, а закінчуючи зображення медиків та інших персонажів. Уважно придивившись до малюнку, ви помітите дрібні деталі на шоломі медпрацівників або графіті на стінах, які роблять світ більш реальним. Також було досить дивне відчуття під час читання, бо незважаючи на шоломи медиків, які закривають їхні обличчя, у їхніх тілах відчувається багато емоцій від похиту голови чи згорблених плечей персонажа. Звісно, воно працює разом зі словами, які говорять персонажі. Але в будь-якому випадку це складно зробити. Колорист Джейсон Ворді використовує багато кольорів, щоб показати численні екрани, будівлі, яскраве освітлення тощо, але костюми персонажів навпаки дещо приглушені. Це допомагає виділяти кров, коли починають летіти кулі у всі різні сторони. Разом мистецька команда надає малюнку того стилю й ефекту, який і потрібен жанру кіберпанку.
Як і слід було очікувати від історії, що базується на світі, де багато технологій і низька мораль, у коміксі «Травма Тім» є багато темних поворотів. І Каллен Банн, і Міґель Вальдеррама чудово занурюють читачів у цей сюжет. Тут багато екшену, розвитку емоційних персонажів і побудови світу. Це, справді, хороша історія про посттравматичний стресовий розлад. Усім раджу без винятку, якщо ви любите історії в цьому жанрі. А мене ж комікс переконав якнайшвидше пограти оригінальну комп’ютерну гру. Також маю надію, що видавництво Vovkulaka не буде довго чекати та надрукує інші комікси із цього світу. -
Amazing, must read tie-in!
After much hype and hype for the game Cyberpunk 2077 it turns out much like the game this comic was a huge disappointment. I love the Cyberpunk 2020 setting for the tabletop Role Playing Game and have spent a lot of hours upon hours not just playing the game with friends but reading the background with all the information about the world. Cyberpunk 2020 was the from which Cyberpunk 2077 was pulled. I recognize the terminology and corporate world run world. Trauma Teams are these grand mythic indestructible, ridiculously over armed for the job medical retrieval and evacuation company. No one with a player character could ever hope to get a Trauma Team account. Sometimes our characters were hired as grunts or a distraction for a Trauma Team attack. One game session was literally paid our characters to get close enough to trigger the Trauma Team Life Alert on a person so that a Trauma Team would come and extract the rich rocker or media personality. They were like gods.
So to have such a basic story was kind of disappointing.
Oh and don't get me started with the art. I don't know if the art was just a bad editorial decision or just bad art. The cyberpunk world is not shiny and blurry and indistinct. It is not hard to tell one character from the other. The World of Cyberpunk is sharp edges and horribly in focus. Sometimes it is overly gray but that is another problem.
Anyway, I read it, made me sad. 2.75 stars rounded down. It probably is not that bad I am just disappointed. -
I’m in what sounds like is a minority and loved Cyberpunk2077—hell, I played it on a refurbished first wave PS4 and had a great time—and I saw this pop up on my local shop’s page and figured I’d give it a go.
The writing is almost passable, but not quite. The art is consistent, maybe a little too hazy sometimes for me, and maybe a bit generic in its paneling, but a great balance between the worn out matte world and the vibrant, intruding gushy night lighting of the genre-appropriate cityscape.
The iconography of the trauma team uniform does a lot of heavy lifting (it’d be great to get a maxtac comic too, honestly), and the jerk they’re hired to rescue is very cool design-wise, if not laughable as a mouth-piece; it’s not quite embarrassing dialogue, but it’s a little hokier than the genre demands (in fact, the CyberpunkRED manual and the original game’s books as well are all written with this electric and enthusiastic prose that serves a point), or perhaps in hokie in the wrong direction.
Pretty slim volume, felt like I paid a buck a page, but happy to have given this a read all and all. The future imagined here isn’t a stretch: the world feels full of bad people, it’s hard to make a living (doubly so to do that successfully and feel morally sound in the execution), and people who suck still have power and wealth and sometimes (too often) we’re forced to work for those people. If a book that dabbles with a bit of ptsd, cool art design, and lots of action sounds up your alley, then give this a look! -
Like a combo of The Raid and the newer, good Judge Dredd movie, where the judges have to retrieve a criminal from an apartment complex full of bad guys. This story is action-packed and follows a female member of a trauma team who must rescue a client from who turns out to have been responsible for the deaths of her entire crew in a previous mission that went wrong. That's pretty much it. The artwork is a bit sketchy at times, but does its job.
Nadia este o asistentă medicală care lucrează pentru Trauma Team International, mercenari care salvează viața clienților lor bogați în timp ce distrug viețile "victimelor colaterale" (în general săraci lipiți). Este singura supraviețuitoare a unei misiuni eșuate, în timpul căreia un spadasin psihopat i-a ucis (rânjind satisfăcut) toți colegii. Încercând să-și refacă viața după această pierdere (care e mult mai profundă decât pare), ea își ignoră trauma și se întoarce pe străzile nemiloase și scăldate în neon ale universului Cyberpunk 2077. În mod ironic, ținta noii sale misiuni de extracție este spadasinul responsabil de moartea coechipierilor ei. Ce va alege Nadia - datoria sau răzbunarea?
Grafica lui Miguel Valderrama e consistent decentă, chiar bună uneori, dar culorile fac toți banii, Da, Jason Wordie face o treabă foarte bună. Povestea este bine spusă, deși nu e deloc originală și încearcă să înghesuie prea multe în prea puține pagini. Iar finalul e evident.
Cu toate astea, e o lectură plăcută - "plăcut" poate nu e cel mai bun termen pentru o poveste cyberpunk rea și dură, scăldată în sânge și luminată de explozii, cu acțiune non-stop, priveliști spectaculoase și o eroină defectă - dar cu o inimă de aur. -
Una pequeña novela gráfica ambientada en el brutal y desesperanzador mundo de Cyberpunk 2077.
En esta historia seguimos a Nadie, una médica que trabaja para la empresa privada "Trauma Team", dedicandose a salvar la vida de clientes ricos y poderosos usando metodos poco convencionales como grupos enteros de soldados paramilitares que se meten de lleno en zonas de conflicto de la megaurbe Night City solo para sacar al cliente si su servicio lo requiere. Nadia ha sobrevivido a una misión especialmente cruda; todo su equipo fue obliterado en combate y solo ella sobrevive para contarlo.
Tras una entrevista para evaluar su estado mental, Nadia ingresa en un nuevo equipo, volviendo de golpe a la sucia realidad de Night City para cumplir un nuevo trabajo. Lo que encontrará allí no le gustará, ya que tendrá que enfrentarse directamente a sus traumas y elegir entre su deber como miembro de Trauma Team o hacer lo correcto.
Un cómic cargado de acción y un mensaje poderoso sobre lo que hacemos por ganarnos la vida, con un final que pone los pelos de punta. Me ha encantado. -
Docela příjemné překvapení. Bunna nemám rád, Cyberpunk jsem nehrál a videoherní komiksy spíš nemusím - přesto Trauma Team funguje. Hlavní zásluhu na tom má hádám to, že komiks nepracuje s videoherním hrdinou, ale pouze si vypůjčuje svět.
Zápletka je primitivní (akční záchranná mise s morálním dilematem), ale funguje a rychle odsejpá. Kresba/barvičky moc fajn.
3,5* -
I received an eARC courtesy of Dark Horse Books via Edelweiss in exchange for my honest review.
I am left feeling generally underwhelmed. While the gritty artwork was amazing, the story was just very "meh". I am unfamiliar with the video game, so I don't know if coming at this with fresh eyes was good or bad. But overall, this was a bit of a letdown. -
Judge Dredd, M.D.
Um quadrinho interessante, bem sucedido no que se propõe, e que ajudar a expandir o universo de Cyberpunk 2077.
Publicado originalmente em 4 volumes, a obra tem um enredo interessante, com uma arte bonita e com cores vibrantes. Temos aqui uma protagonista de nome Nadia, que trabalha no Trauma Team, uma corporação especializada em serviços médicos de resposta rápida. Após passar por uma situação traumática em uma missão, Nadia recebe a chance de participar de um novo resgate, mas se deparará com um dilema cruel. -
This was disappointing compared to how much I loved the world created by the video game. The story, (though pretty simplistic) was hard to follow, and I'm not sure if that's the fault of the art or the writing. The ending was really disappointing, and left me wondering what the point/meaning of it was.
oyunun kendisi değil ama grafikleri çok dikkatimi çekiyordu, grafik romanının çizimlerini de bir o kadar beğendim. bir sırası var mı bilmiyorum ama elimde iki grafik romanı daha var. kafa dağıtmak için attım kenara, tüketim sektörüne hizmet edecek gibiyim bir süre.
Pas mal meilleur à ce que je m’attendais! Ils ont bien recréé l’ambiance du jeux! Hâte de voir la suite
An unepected high note, both for Cullen Bunn and a media tie-in.
Really amazing comic, had low Hope's since reading the last cyberpunk comic but this was so captivating with the art and storyline.
Відмінно намальована історія про загін “Травма Тім”, якому доводиться рятувати не дуже приємного клієнта, м’яко кажучи. Як “Рейд” чи відносно свіжий “Суддя Дредд” (написав, а потім побачив, що і інші рев’юери це помітили - автори коміксу підглядали у занадто популярні джерела, плюс є трохи явних посилань на аніме 80-х років), але з меншою кількістю ультранасильства, бо на саму лімітовану серію відведено було відведено лише чотири глави.
Сам сюжет про вибір та конфлікт між професійним та особистим, та ще й так, щоб врешті не скотитися у посттравматичну яму. Головна героїня розкрита поверхнево, але підґрунтя її дій зрозуміле. -
Класна історія, цікава. Щемка. Але, як то часто буває у цьому всесвіті, тяжка й безвихідна. Здається, що у Найт-Сіті взагалі немає щасливих історій.
Poor Nadia. I was really rooting for her during this entire short. She struggles with idealism and the trauma caused by the world around her during this short comic, and it doesn't end up alright. This isn't a deep or complex comic, it's a promotion for a video game for god's sake. However I'm a sucker for cyberpunk so I couldn't help but nab this fast story on Dark Horse and read the whole thing in a half hour. Right now I'm reading another sci-fi novel where if you have enough money your morals don't keep you from getting things. That message rang true for Space Merchants in the fifties and its still believable for Apex in this story too. Scary, sad and action packed, this was a fun distraction from other reads I'm working on right now.
Mediocre. It takes the seed premise of the movie Dredd and swaps cops for a for-pay medical team, while still being a metaphor for cops. The logistics of the team are fuzzy and don't make much sense if you think about it. The end is a bit disappointing, but some of the philosophical discussion raised in the first issue is interesting.
I haven't played through the entire game yet, but I decided to pick this up and give it a read because the game aesthetic was so cool. I usually find Dark Horse to be a top publisher in terms of their stories and franchises they choose to engage, so with that mark of quality I picked up the individual issues.
These four issues cover a short story involving a Trauma Team within the game universe. Now, Trauma Team is not a major aspect of the game itself, instead their more of a medical service offered within the game universe... at least for those who can afford it. The game universe every bit a capitalist dystopia in similar fashion to things like the Judge Dredd, Aliens universe, most of the books by William Gibson, Bladerunner and even the movie Fifth Element. Now, Cyberpunk the game hearkens back to the 80's so it's one of the earlier builders of the whole Cyberpunk aesthetic.
This also isn't the first comic book made for the Cyberpunk universe and there were a couple small series made in the 90's, but it doesn't look like that got much traction. Fast forward to 2020 with Keanu Reeves signing on to have a part in a major video game production and we immediately get tie in stories!
I had no idea what to really expect from this story and I was pleasantly surprised with the way Trauma Team played out. This being a rather gritty future Trauma Team is, basically, a militarized ambulance service. This follows the story of a Trauma Team operative named Nadia who was the sole survivor of her first team and convinces the company to keep her on. This is the tale of that new mission with a new team. Now, it's no secret that Cyberpunk is a gritty and violent universe, so expect a lot of action and quite the body count by the end of the story. It's not necessarily a happy story, and if you've played the game you certainly won't expect that. I think the way it was written was really good and I'm not sure I predicted every single turn of events, despite how much sci-fi I have consumed over my life.
I don't think you need to play the game in order to read this comic series, however, it certainly helps. You definitely get a deeper insight into the world if you've played the game, but I don't believe it is required. The art and coloring is excellent. They did a great job of reproducing the weird blend of bright and glittery with dark and gritty, which puts the game universe in this weird head space as you journey through it.
I'm not sure if this will be the beginning of more series within this universe. But if Dark Horse is producing material of this quality I look forward to checking out any other journey they take into this universe. They tend to have good writers involved so we'll see where they go with this. Either way way this is a good action packed four issue series that gives you a story about something that was only sort of seen from the side lines within the game. -
This revolves around a woman named Nadia who works for Trauma Team. It’s framed as her giving a psychiatric debrief in order to be cleared for duty after a exfiltration goes awry. It shifts from the interview into flashbacks as Nadia embarks on a new assignment that similarly goes bad.
Initially, this is compelling. I didn’t mind the art, I liked trying to humanize trauma team because they’re a corporation that forces lack of agency onto individuals by dictating who gets necessary care. Of course, only those who can afford it get it. But it also, seemingly, doesn’t care if those with memberships kill members of the trauma team. And that’s when this story starts to fall apart.
Diegetically, the story actually doesn’t make sense according to the world as established in the video games, which I have played and beaten. And within that world, I’ve never seen gangs attack trauma team and when they do, they are literally just mowed down because trauma team has access to corporate tech that is far and away better than what the gangs have. Now, granted, in higher levels, I think a player character could take on trauma team, if they approached it smartly. But also, they could obliterate an entire gang very easily. Also meds in game don’t look like they do in the comic, and combat stimulants are more effective.
Within the world of the comic, divorced from the game, the story fails to follow through on what is interesting about the comic. It tries to show how autonomy is removed when serving a corporate entity. And the only outcome for those who choose to dissent end in death; but that this choice is poetic or noble because a traditional sense of Justice is being served. It’s actually just revenge though, in my opinion, given what we learn of the target to be exfiltrated when Nadia returns to duty.
It constantly seems at odds, adding worldbuilding that is not present in the game; sometimes actually contradictory. It seems hard to believe that a person who pays for their plan and then is known to harm the trauma team would be something the corporation would disregard. If anything, it would heavily police those that pay and qualify with treatment, cancelling service. Why would they sacrifice equipment and Human Resources if they don’t have to? They’d just keep the money and jettison the person, free of liability, no?
So who is this story for?
Why is it attached to the game world? Perhaps if it wasn’t connected directly to the game, some of it would have worked? Nadia’s story, ultimately, lacks follow through, though. So I’m not sure how much would have resonated with me regardless. Just being another story where there’s no ostensibly viable option and so death is preferable is trite in cyberpunk. We should be attempting to explore much more interesting questions. -
Video game players have been waiting for CD Projekt Red’s CYBERPUNK 2077 for years! Ever since the first video of the game was released, we waited, and waited and waited. The game was released and was a bit buggy (they are working on it), but early in the game, we are introduced to a Trauma Team. An independent EMT response team, armed for potential conflict and ready to take the client to a hospital. It also depends on what level of care package you pay for. The more you pay, the better the care.
This graphic novel deals with an EMT, Nadia, who loses her entire team on a mission, they were taken out by a savage gang. Nadia is cleared to go back to work, on a new team, and gets a call for a “Platinum Level” client, and basically land in a gang war hot zone. The platinum client in question? The gang leader that took out Nadia’s team.
The writing for the story is sharp and fast. It is a very quick and satisfying read. The art? Oh, my God, the art! It is fantastic. So much so that you can taste the grit of the city, the cordite from the guns, the blood, the viscera, all of it! I was transported to Night City. I felt the tension the team was under. Shoot, I was part of the team!
I should note that if you own the separate issues, 1-4, then you do not need to get this book.
I give this 5 bookmarks out of 5!!!! -
Cullen Bunn takes a break from his horror production line to give us this SF tie-in, with a smart choice of angle. Not that I've played the new computer game, but back when the Cyberpunk RPG was set in what turned out to be a crazily optimistic 2020, trauma teams were part of the furniture, a means for characters who'd been shot to shit – and had the funds to spare, obviously – to call in a heavily armed and armoured medevac. So, rather than go with any of the obvious and now somewhat played-out leads, the cyborg ninja or daredevil hacker, this miniseries asks: what must it be like to be part of those trauma teams, risking life and limb to rescue people with far more money than you, who very likely got themselves into that situation through greed or stupidity, and consider you a function rather than a person? It's a way to get past the seductive genre furniture and into the dehumanisation and runaway capitalism cyberpunk was originally intent on addressing. Similarly, Miguel Valderrama's art and Jason Wordie's colours avoid the too-cool-for-school greys which can render the subgenre a trial, instead emphasising the overload and neon. Beyond that, I'm not convinced it does anything much beyond being a tense little action thriller, but at this point any cyberpunk story which doesn't have me yawning is achieving something.