Małe kobietki (Małe kobietki, #1, Część 1) by Louisa May Alcott

Małe kobietki (Małe kobietki, #1, Część 1)
Title : Małe kobietki (Małe kobietki, #1, Część 1)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 837779571X
ISBN-10 : 9788377795712
Language : Polish
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 464
Publication : First published January 1, 1869

Pełna wersja książki składa się z dwóch części: "Małe kobietki" i "Dobre żony". Występuje jednakże pod jednym tytułem: "Małe kobietki". Polska edycja to tylko pierwsza część.

Ameryka, lata sześćdziesiąte XIX wieku. W domostwie zwanym Orchard House od pokoleń mieszka rodzina Marchów. Pod nieobecność ojca walczącego w wojnie secesyjnej, opiekę nad czterema córkami sprawuje samodzielnie ich matka, Marmee.

Córki pani March – stateczna Meg, żywa jak iskra Jo, nieśmiała, uzdolniona muzycznie Beth i nieco przemądrzała Amy – starają się, jak mogą, by urozmaicić swoje naznaczone ciągłym brakiem pieniędzy życie, chociaż boleśnie odczuwają nieobecność ojca. Bez względu na to, czy układają plan zabawy czy zawiązują tajne stowarzyszenie, dosłownie wszystkich zarażają swoim entuzjazmem. Poddaje mu się nawet Laurie, samotny chłopiec z sąsiedniego domu, oraz jego tajemniczy, bogaty dziadek.

Małe kobietki (Małe kobietki, #1, Część 1) Reviews

  • Barry Pierce

    Okay I’m just gonna say this. I liked Little Women. I’m an 18-year-old guy and I liked Little Women. What. It’s quaint. It’s quaint as fuck. I’m such a Jo.

  •  Teodora

    3.45/5 ⭐

    Full review on my Blog:
    The Dacian She-Wolf 🐺

    So, feeling classical and pinky, I’ve decided to read Little Women.

    I felt kind of intellectual when I carried it around with me in trains and subways, not gonna lie. But leaving that aside, I quite enjoyed it. I could actually label it as a cute and educative reading. But that's it.

    There’s no much to say about it though. Everyone knows what’s it about. And if you don’t, you can find out what happens from Friends. Rachel and Joey ruined this for me anyway, they could do that for you too.


    I was under the impression that nothing really happened.

    Even though there were a lot of little stories about our girls’ little “adventures”. Those adventures were more like cute day to day things than anything else and they did bring a smile to my lips from time to time.

    The important thing about them though was that they taught you something of value, even though it was about pride, hope, health or social matters. You can count on those stories to help you be a tad better. At least I can honestly say that some of the advises in there gave me something to think about.

    There is a sincere approach to matters. There is a society full of rules and labels. Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy must learn for themselves how to grow in order to make a good living in this society that is a bit cruel and unjust to women.

    The girls have such different personalities and this is what makes them challenging. My personal favourite is Jo with whom I seem to resemble sometimes. She’s a wild spirit, free and in need of making herself heard. And also, her boyish air and the love for reading good books add to that aspect.

    Beth is my second favourite because she’s sweet and innocent and knows how to love with depth.

    “There were many Beths in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully, that no one sees the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping, and the sweet, sunshiny presence vanishes, leaving silence and shadow behind.”

    Meg is the eldest so she has to take care of her sisters, to be their role model, but she loves luxury and wealth and is caught between two lives: the one she has and the one she wants to have.

    Amy is a brat most of the time but sometimes she has her cute moments, I must say.

    I’m totally in love with Jo and Laurie’s friendship though. There is something so warm and natural about it that it just fills my heart with joy and cuteness.

    “She could not speak, but she did “hold on”, and the warm grasp of the friendly human hand comforted her sore heart.”

    Their love for each other, platonic love in its essence, is one of the best things this book has to offer. They’re both in for wide smiles and mischievous plans. And I love it.


    The empowering little speeches are a nice touch to the story and this is one bit of educative matter every single person who reads this book must extract and place somewhere near their heart. It is what makes this story one to never die.

    “Better be happy old maids than unhappy wives, or unmaidenly girls, running about to find husbands (...). Poverty seldom daunts a sincere lover.”

    With that being said, what do you think about this piece of classic literature? Is it worth reading? Does it impress in any way?



  • Patricia Bejarano

    4.5 en realidad.
    Mujercitas ha sido un libro que me ha enamorado por completo.
    Esta es la historia de las hermanas March, cuatro chicas muy diferentes. Todas tienen diferentes ambiciones. Meg quiere tener mucho dinero, Jo es la rebelde y se niega a crecer, Beth es un amor y es hasta demasiado buena, y por último Amy, algo mimada por ser la más pequeña, aún así es amor puro.
    Es cierto que es una historia sobre personajes y su crecimiento personal durante una época dura económicamente y por su padre, que se fue a la guerra. Es un gran reflejo de la sociedad de la época, donde no dejamos de ver el papel que debía representar la mujer y que sin duda, me pareció bastante avanzada en el caso de las cuatro hermanas March. Me ha encantado conocer sus vidas, ver como iban creciendo y madurando. También me han hecho sufrir en algunos momentos, incluso he llorado con ellas, pero también me han hecho reír con sus locas ideas.
    Está claro que la autora escribió este libro sabiendo que público iba a tenerlo en sus manos y es en parte, una guía en muchos momentos de como ser una mujer de bien. Aún así, lo he disfrutado muchísimo y he cogido mucho cariño tanto a los hermanas como a otros personajes. Es una lectura muy tierna y es toda una delicia leerlo, sin duda lo recomiendo muchísimo.

  • come book

    Już wiem dlaczego „Małe kobietki” zasługują na miano klasyki. Mimo tego, że ta książka w wielu kwestiach odbiega od dzisiejszych czasów i określenia roli kobiety w społeczeństwie to zawiera w sobie uniwersalne prawdy życiowe i wartości, które zawsze będą aktualne.

  • Lucy

    I loved the unique personalities, individualism and traits of each girl and how the sisters handle and react to the ups and downs in their lives. The portrayal of sisterhood was accurate (I then learned that this book was semi-autobiographical so that maybe why the author wrote about this topic so well).

    Absolutely loved Jo and her ambitious nature! I loved her creativeness and dreams of becoming a writer (despite its male dominance in this time period) and her aversion of what a “lady” should be/act like.

    I cannot wait for the new movie to come out and hope it includes most of the book material ☺️

  • Anna

    Jak na razie pozostawiam ją jako "dnf" - niedokończoną. Może kiedyś wrócę. Na chwilę obecną, mimo całej mojej miłości do literatury tamtego okresu, nie mogę znieść pretensjonalnego, moralizatorskiego stylu Alcott.

  • Dalia Nourelden

    نساء صغيرات


    رواية بسيطة وخفيفة جدا ، اسلوبها خفيف وممتع ، نتعرف فيها على عائلة مارش وحياتها والمواقف التى يمرون بها وشخصياتهم وتصرفاتهم و ما يتعلمونه سواء بالنصح المباشر او من خلال التجربة

    الأم : مسز مارش تمثل لنا الأم بحنانها وعطفها وحبها لبناتها مع قوتها للم شمل العائلة وابداء النصائح لبناتها سواء بأسلوب مباشر بالكلمات او بطريق غير مباشر حين تتركهم يتعلموا من الافعال

    ميغ (مارغريت ): كبرى الفتيات تعمل كمربية للاطفال ذات جمال ، تحب ان تعتنى بنفسها وأشيائها

    جو (جوزفين ) : تعمل فى خدمة عمتها العجوز ، و تتمنى لو كانت قد ولدت ذكر ، شغوفة بالكتب و تتمنى ان تصبح كاتبة وكان لها بداية ناجحة وتتمتع بروح مرحة

    بيث ( اليزابيث ) :
    وهى الشقيقة الحنون ، التى تتحمل مسؤولية البيت و هى الصدر الحنون لاخواتها ، خجولة وتحب الموسيقى وعازفة رائعة

    واخر العنقود ايمى : مشاكسة ومدللة العائلة ، تتشاكس دوما مع اخواتها خاصة جو وتحب الرسم

    و الجار الغنى العطوف والصديق لعائلة مارش مستر لورنس الذى يحنو على العائلة وعلى البنات و خاصة بث التى تذكره بحفيدته المتوفاة

    وحفيده لورى : صديق للبنات وخاصة جو ويقوم معهم بالكثير من الانشطة

    ومعلمه مستر بروك ويكون صداقة مع عائلة مارش وساعد الاب مستر مارش اثناء مرضه وبقى معه حتى عاد للمنزل

    انتهى الجزء الاول و نتجه للجزء الثانى لاكمال باقى الرحلة الخفيفة 😊
    رفيو الجزء الثاني

    26 / 4 / 2020

  • Luís

    It's classicism in its best, beautiful, elegant and moving!
    A charming story shows the links between sisters with different characters: Meg the reasonable, Beth the sweet, Amy the mischievous and Jo the rebel. And it is these differences in personalities that allow the readers to identify with one or the other. I would say that these young girls are our mirrors.
    This novel traces this family's journey during the American Civil War and describes life from a new perspective. Often funny, without ever sinking into sensational, the story is incredibly touching because of the characters' lives punctuated by joy and extraordinary moments of anxiety. We also follow with pleasure the daily adventures of their existence and evolution since the four young girls will not be quite the same at the novel's end.
    Little Women is a feminine family chronicle full of truth, beauty, good feelings and emotions.

  • April (Aprilius Maximus)

    1.) Little Women ★★★★
    2.) Good Wives ★★★★


    “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”

    representation: LOL this is a classic, fam. No good rep here!

    [trigger warnings are listed at the bottom of this review and may contain spoilers]

    ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 4 s t a r s *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

    Please note that Little Women is often split into 2 parts, and this review is just for part one.

    I thought this was so wholesome! I absolutely cannot wait to continue on and read the next part and then watch the movie coming out this month! Of course there were some minor things that I disagreed with that impacted my enjoyment of the novel, but a lot of that is due to the fact that this book is a classic, so of course it's going to have some shitty things included. The main things that bothered me were how it was encouraged for Jo to keep her anger in check and always appear to be a nice, calm lady and how the book could at times be a little preachy (but this one wasn't too bad!) Also, Jo is DEFINITELY a part of the lgbtqiap+ community, but we ain't going to see that are we haha.

    trigger warnings: (i forgot to keep track so sorry if i missed any!) slurs like *mp and m*dget, loved ones being enlisted in war, family members being extremely ill, death of an infant, death of a pet (bird).

  • Isa.

    Esta es la clase de libro que uno toma cuando quiere recordar las cosas bonitas de la vida y sentir un confort y amor sincero por cada uno de los rostros que forman parte de la narración. Amé con mi vida a cada una de las March, con todo y sus desatinos. Sentí que crecí durante ese año al lado de ellas y pasé uno de los mejores momentos al lado de ellas, les lloré, temí con ellas, fui feliz con sus logros y creo que las amaré hasta la eternidad.

  • Ania

    Niesamowicie ciepła książka, przypomina dom i przynosi pewien rodzaj komfortu. Bohaterzy są naprawdę dobrze wykreowani, przez co większość z nich totalnie skradła moje serce. Na 100% sięgnę po kontynuację tej powieści!!

  • erigibbi

    Piccole donne è stato il libro della mia infanzia. Certo, ho letto Harry Potter, i libri del Battello a vapore, libri di fiabe e favole, ma Piccole donne è stato uno di quei libri che ho letto e riletto. Ho perso il conto: forse l’ho letto cinque, sei volte. E lo stesso posso dire del film che mi è entrato nel cuore tanto quanto il libro.

    Sono passati tanti anni e Piccole donne, sempre preso in prestito dalla biblioteca, non è più stato toccato né tantomeno letto dalla sottoscritta.

    Principalmente per paura: se l’ho amato così tanto da piccola, forse significa che è più un libro per bambini che da adulti? Forse significa che se lo rileggessi ora non lo amerei come l’ho amato in quel periodo felice della mia vita?

    Poi vedo che al cinema, a dicembre, danno di nuovo il film, rifatto. Vuoi non rileggerlo? Mi sembra che il segnale sia forte e chiaro, di certo non potevo ignorarlo.

    E quindi eccomi, molto preoccupata, che mi accingo a rileggere questo piccolo libro (consta di trecento pagine, ma per me è sempre il mio piccolo libro, un po’ come il vostro cane da cinquanta chili che sarà sempre per voi il vostro cucciolo).

    Mi è bastata la prima riga:

    “Senza regali il Natale non sarà un vero Natale,” brontolò Jo, sdraiata sul tappeto.

    Gli occhi si sono fatti lucidi, il respiro mi si è mozzato in gola, il cuore si è gonfiato di gioia. Avete presente quella sensazione e quell’invasione di sentimenti quando dopo moltissimo tempo incontrate di nuovo un vostro caro amico o la persona che amate e avete la possibilità di stringerlo, di abbracciarlo, di raccontargli tutto quello che vi è successo e di sentirvi a casa? Ecco. Non è un’esagerazione se vi dico che mi è bastata la prima riga di Piccole donne per provare tutto questo.

    Mi sono sentita a casa, mi sono sentita amata, e mi sono sentita bene come se fosse già Natale (che per me è uno stato d’animo più che un singolo giorno di festa dove si aprono regali).

    Da piccola sognavo di essere Jo: ero un maschiaccio proprio come lei, divoravo libri proprio come lei, e lei è stata la prima (e forse l’unica) a farmi desiderare ardentemente di diventare una scrittrice.

    Quanto, quanto mi è mancato tutto questo. Quanto mi sono mancate loro, le sorelle March, una più diversa dall’altra, ma tutte amabili, così come la loro mamma, sempre pronta alla comprensione, a diffondere consigli, storie con una morale e suggerimenti ricchi di amore per le sue bambine.

    Quando vi sentite scontente, pensate alle fortune che avete, e siate grate.

    Meg è la figlia maggiore che ama l’eleganza delle buone maniere e dei bei vestiti; Jo, ribelle e anticonformista, ama la lettura e la scrittura; Beth, così timida da non riuscire ad andare a scuola, è dolce, sensibile e ama la musica in cui manifesta un vero e proprio talento; Amy, la più piccola, è quella più capricciosa e vanesia, l’artista di famiglia che ama dipingere e disegnare.

    Ci sono tante Beth nel mondo, timide e mansuete, che se ne stanno nel proprio cantuccio fino a quando non c’è bisogno di loro e vivono per gli altri con animo così lieto che nessuno si accorge dei loro sacrifici fino a quando il piccolo grillo del focolare non smette di frinire, e la dolce e gioiosa presenza non svanisce, lasciando dietro di sé solo ombre e silenzio.

    Sullo sfondo la guerra di secessione americana, un padre che è andato a dare il suo contributo, una madre che fa di tutto per non far mancare nulla alle sue figlie e anche ai vicini ancora più poveri.

    Piccole donne è un libro ricco di morale, di riflessioni, di pensieri profondi, di buoni propositi nonostante le difficoltà nel metterli in atto, di amore fraterno e famigliare, di amicizia, di lavoro e di sacrificio. Sicuramente un libro perfetto per il periodo natalizio, in cui spesso diventiamo più materialistici del solito, pronti a perdere di vista i veri valori nell’ansia di aprire un pacco confezionato per noi.

    E allora lasciate che vi suggerisca di riprendere i vostri piccoli fardelli; perché, malgrado a volte sembrino pesanti, ci fanno bene, e se impariamo a sostenerli diventano più leggeri.

    Piccole donne di Louisa May Alcott (in realtà primo libro di una serie) si legge davvero molto velocemente. Vi affezionerete ai personaggi e sicuramente amerete una sorella più delle altre, a seconda di come siete voi e di chi vi assomiglia di più. Leggendo Piccole donne ne trarrete solo che beneficio perché è una lettura che riscalda il cuore e vi fa stare bene.

    Per me è stato come tornare a casa, essere accolta da una famiglia che mi ama, che ti fa trovare il camino acceso dopo una giornata gelida, un pranzo caldo pronto a rifocillarti, baci e abbracci dai membri curiosi di avere notizie su com’è andata la giornata perché realmente interessati a saperlo.

    Insomma, Piccole donne è una coccola e tutti abbiamo bisogno di coccole.

  • Melindam

    Original rating: 5 stars

    Update: 4 stars - still a comfy-cosy/feel-good read, but I am aging or getting more mature or whatever you want to call it, so kissing goodbye to fresh bloom/youth/innocence/naivety and 1 star!

    Ah, the idea of transcendentalism and the happy notion of inherent goodness of people and nature. How it appealed to me (it still does, but felt a bit spoon-fed this time round!)....



    It used to be a favourite book of mine, though I haven't read it in quite a while (more than 10 years, I think). I don't deny seeing and loving the 1994 Winona Ryder movie first that inspired me to read the book, which I loved even more. Ah

    And to think that author
    Louisa May Alcott knew Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Henry David Thoreau. WOW!

    This brings some other, happier thoughts to mind, which have something to do with
    Little Women, but even more with literature from America in general.

    I just cannot deny myself the pleasure of reminiscing about my favourite uni-lecturer, the divine Bill Murphy. I will never forget the day I set eyes on him when entering the lecture hall. He looked like a veritable tramp with unkempt clothes and hair who somehow lost his way. But he had such kind eyes and smile. And once he opened his mouth to talk on 19th literature in the US, he captured his until-then snickering and rather patronising audience. Oh, all those discussions we used to have...
    I was really lucky to be able to talk about transcendentalism & Louisa May Alcott, among many other issues.
    *Another SIGH*

    Thank you, Bill!!

  • Romie

    the amount of love I have for this story surprises me. I didn't grow up with it, didn't get to see any adaptations, and yet, the moment I started reading, I knew it was something special. I fell in love with the characters, all of them. they all taught me something, and seeing them grow throughout the book was such a pleasure! I cannot wait to read good wives and see what happens to them all three years later! (4.5)

  • Layla

    ~ 4.5 stars ~

    I want to start by saying that I really liked this book, it is was quite enjoyable for the most part.

    This review is only based upon part 1 of Little Women. My copies of this series splits book 1 into two volumes, Little Women and Good Wives. And my opinions on Little Women compared to Good Wives, despite them being techniqually the same book, are vastly different.

    ~ The Characters ~

    Having connected with the characters, I found myself much more invested in the story.

    Jo was my favorite out of the sisters as I related to her the most but I was fond of the others too.

    Laurie is so great too. Even if he doesn't end up with Jo, their friendship and dynamic is still one I love.

    ~The Writing ~

    This writing style is one I really liked. Not only does it have the charm of classics where its all proper, pretty, and elegant, but it is also easy to understand. It didn't stump me despite the fact that I am not accustomed to the language.

    ~ The Relationships ~

    The friendship and sibling bond was *chefs kiss*. I don't see sibling relationships portrayed much in books, or at least accurately.

    ~ The plot ~

    The one thing that I wasn't particularly a fan of, was that it's basically just a bunch of scattered events over a longer period of time, and while there were stories and parts of this book I loved, even adored, there were also a few I skimmed out of disinterest in the particular happening. And that is why I knocked it down half a star.

    Final Thoughts: It's great, and I highly recommend....but only to the right person. I realize that this particular style of story or writing is not for everyone.

  • Avani ✨

    love this classic

  • Rahma.Mrk

    بعد قراءة كتاب عقيدة الصدمة الذي أرهقني.
    جاءت هذه الرواية بلسمًا لتعيد لي بعض الهدوء.
    نتبع حياة عائلة آل مارش إثر سفر والدهم لتلبية واجب العسكري .
    كيف ستتأقلم هذه العائلة الصغيرة مع شظف العيش وصعوبات اليومبة ؟
    من خلال ا
    أربع نساء صغيرات :


    🔹️ مرجريت "ميج" حسناء العائلة المتذبذبة بين الرغبة في مباهج الحياة والثراء خاصة أنها تربت فيه قبل أزمة أبيها المالية وبين إنصياع الى نصائح أمها والقناعة
    ستعيش عدة مواقف وتقارن بين وضعيتها كفتاة تعمل مربية كادحة وبين صديقاتها .
    لكن هل سنتصر رغبتها في البهرج ,البذخ أم ستكون مثال كما يريد أبوها وتحرص أمها ؟
    🔹️جوزفين "جو" الشخصية المتمردة الثائرة التي بدأت الحكاية بمقتها انها انثى: تُحرم من المغامرة والحرية
    لتنهي القصة بتضحية صعبة لاجل عائلتها .
    🔹️بيث الخجولة والروح المعطاة التي تقدم وتعطي حد نكران الذات
    من جميل أن عائلتها و جيرانها ثَّمنوا جهودها و لم يكونوا جاحدين
    🔹️emma دلولة العائلة الأنانية وترمي بالاعباء على اخواتها
    و تتذمر من العمل .
    لكن كل ذلك يتغير إثر حادثة تقع للعائلة .
    🌸الام ميسز مارش مثال لسيدة الصبورة الحكيمة التي تستغل حكايات يومية كعظات لطيفة لبناتها
    أعتقد أن كل فتاة تتمنى أن تحظى بمثل زوجها
    فهي تعترف ان كرمها, نبل اخلاقها كان أصلا فيها لكن صبر وحكمة زوجها كانت نقطة فارقة

    🌸لوري صديق العائلة متشوقة لمعرفة احواله في جزء الثاني

    رواية كلاسكية دافئة مع أسلوب سرد جميل وسلس
    لدرجة أنني بدات قراءة لراحة .ف انهيتها
    23/juillet/20 🌸

  • Alba Turunen

    4 Estrellitas. Qué grato leer éste libro de nuevo y qué buenos recuerdos me trae. Si hay algo que más recuerdo de ésta historia es cómo me marcó la película de 1994, crecí con ella y allí conocí a las hermanas March.

    Originalmente leí "Mujercitas" allá cuando tendría 16 o 17 años, pero no recuerdo si fue el libro o una adaptación juvenil.

    Si bien la adaptación cinematográfica está basada en el libro, lógicamente faltan muchas más cosas que ocurren en el libro, pero lo mejor de la historia si fue plasmado en el cine.

    "Mujercitas" es un clásico escrito por Louisa May Alcott que nos transporta a los Estados Unidos de 1860, envuelto en la Guerra de Secesión. El padre de familia está ausente luchando en la guerra, mientras que en casa quedan la señora March y las cuatro hijas: Meg, Jo, Beth y Amy, de entre 16 y 12 años.

    Esta es la historia de las cuatro hermanas y sus vericuetos durante un año entero, y como crecerán y madurarán hasta convertirse en mujeres.

    Años atrás, los March eran una familia próspera, pero una mala inversión los sumió en la pobreza, y aunque algunas de sus hijas (Meg y Amy) sueñan con el lujo de casarse con hombres ricos, no puede decirse lo mismo de Jo, que es un auténtico marimacho, o de la tímida Beth, que sólo quiere estar tranquila en casa, mientras la vida pasa por delante.

    Aunque el libro tiene una serie de capítulos algo lentos o pesadetes, en esencia se lee solo porque está narrado de una manera directa y magistral, además se ve en él que el estilo estaba destinado para un público joven, de manera que el lector pudiera meterse en la piel de las hermanas March.

    Lo que más puedo destacar es la fiereza y voluntad de la segunda hermana, Jo, indiscutiblemente la protagonista de ésta historia; y su relación con su vecino, Theodore Laurence, o Laurie, a quien no puedo dejar de ver como Christian Bale.

    El libro es una apuesta segura, y la edición elegida un auténtico lujo, me alegro de que RBA haya sacado una colección de clásicos tan cuidada y bonita, merece mucho la pena.

    Aclaro que aún no he visto la película nueva que han hecho de "Mujercitas", pero ya mismo me pongo con el segundo libro, "Aquellas mujercitas" y después veré la nueva adaptación.

  • Stacey (prettybooks)

    This mini review is part of a
    blogpost talking about three children's classics.

    Little Women was one of the classics that had been on my wishlist the longest. I think I first came across it while watching that episode of Friends. I didn't know much about Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March, but it seemed like the perfect children's classic for me.

    Yet Little Women wasn't as engaging as I had hoped. I wasn't emotionally drawn into the sisters' lives, which is important for a character-driven novel. It's a great shame as I had high hopes. But I am struggling to decipher what exactly my issue was. I think I just wanted more to happen and more of an emotional punch – whether due to a sad story or a joyful one. It felt to me like the chapters could have been short stories rather than a linear storyline with a beginning, middle and end, even though it follows the lives of the sisters from childhood. I enjoyed some chapters quite a bit, whereas others not so much. And I was also surprised to discover that what I expected to happen in Little Women actually happens in the next book,
    Good Wives
    . I've not given up on Little Women, however. It's one I'll be coming back to, now that I know what to expect!

  • Sandra Uv


    "Ahora ya no son niñas pequeñas, ahora son Mujercitas.”

    Mujercitas me ha parecido un clásico bastante bueno, lleno de momentos divertidos y tristes al mismo tiempo. Ha sido todo un placer conocer a las hermanas March y cada una de ellas se me va a quedar en el corazón. Algunos capítulos son de muy relleno y me he aburrido pero en general me ha parecido una lectura fácil y entretenida. La edición es una maravilla.

    Reseña completa:


  • Ms. Smartarse

    While most people may associate the four March sisters with the Celestial City or the Pilgrim's Progress, my initial thoughts tend to veer towards Amy's bawling face in the
    1987 anime version's
    German opening sequence, pictured here for your convenience.

    Amy being spanked

    Unlike some kids who'd hurry home from school to catch it on TV, I was more interested in the anime that would start 1 hour AFTER this one... and I wanted to give myself enough buffer time. So the end result was probably the same: in that I ended up watching each episode at least 3 times over the course of my middle school years.

    With the above in mind, I have to say that the narrative thread of the story definitely reminded me of several episodes, such as:
    - Mr. Lawrence's affection for Beth and her piano playing
    - the ball where Jo is trying to hide a burned spot on her dress behind her glove, while Meg has the time of her life
    - the girls spending all their pocket money on Christmas presents for their mother

    Amy topples Beth over

    I do have to give the book credit, for giving the characters a slightly different "aura"... although that also ended up alienating about 80% of the cast. For example, in my recollection:
    - Meg has always been the wise older sister, stoically bearing the burden of responsibility.
    - Amy, a heavily spoiled, but ultimately just an adorable scamp getting into trouble.
    - and Laurie, though not exactly wise, but a rather more temperate presence in the girls' lives.

    Finding out that:
    - Meg was in fact exceedingly vain
    - Amy was quite shallow and obsessed with wealth
    - while Laurie's thoughtlessness in pranks could easily veer into dangerous territory
    ... was somewhat of a let down.

    Logically I realize that I may be looking at my childhood memories through rose-colored glasses, and that characters with both virtues and short comings, are definitely more real. Still, I can't help but feel the odd disappointment pang after reading the book as an adult..

    Jo drops her apple

    Add to that the overly moralistic conclusion of each chapter, and the deal was sealed for me.

    Score: 2.4 /5 stars

    I wanted to like this story so much, that I may have unwittingly amplified the impact of all these disappointing details. That said, I positively adored Jo in all her quick-tempered and rash behavior. Beth may have initially been channeling a certified saint, but seeing her get her fair share of flaws, ended up ultimately endearing her to me.

    This would have been a perfect book for my 11-12-year old self. I would've enjoyed all the references to the Celestial City and the Pilgrim's Progress. It may actually have even given me a sense of purpose... for a few days, at any rate.

    March family portrait

    As it is, I first became aware of the novel's existence during my college years, by which time I had become too old (i.e. cynical) for such stories.

  • Asmaa Qa

    أجمل ما قرأت و أقربه إلى قلبي
    هي برأيي تتحدث عن النعم!
    صغيرها و كبيرها!
    الصحة،العائلة المحبة،البيت النظيف،قطعة الخبز،وجه الأب،بركة الأم، الزهور و الشمس!
    عن رحمة الله التي لا تنقطع حتى في أشد الأيام قسوة
    عن الأخلاق و النبل و الفضائل
    رواية كهذه يجب أن تدرس للتذكير بالقيم
    بهذا الأسلوب الشيق و الممتع ، بهذا الجمال، بهذا النقاء
    لا تكفي ٥ نجوم تستحق عشرات الالاف منها !

  • Teresa

    As Mulherzinhas são boazinhas, boazinhas; muito amiguinhas dos pobrezinhos, da mamã e dos ratinhos.
    Como tanta bondade não é apropriada para uma maléfica da minha estirpe, será melhor desistir antes que me faça mal...

  • Anna

    I’d rather have my ear talked off by Austen’s Mrs Bennet than read another of the overly righteous March characters’ speeches!

    I only pushed through (this being my third attempt to read Alcott’s novel) so that I can get the most out of the new movie adaptation, which I’ll be seeing at the cinema this weekend. From what I’ve gathered, Greta Gerwig put her unique twist on the story, interpreting the novel in a refreshing way, to fit a present-day context and challenge contemporary viewers. Fingers crossed I’m gonna love it!

    But this? It’s so incredibly dull and preachy… I guess I’m in the minority corner. I rather preferred Laurie and Amy, since Alcott was trying so desperately to make you like Jo’s tomboyishness.

    I know the book paints a portrait of what being a woman constituted at that time, nevertheless, it hasn’t aged well! Even the title and the overuse of the word little throughout seems somehow belittling... I just can’t!

  • Marilena ⚓

    Μου άρεσε περισσότερο τώρα ως ενήλικη!Αγαπώ τις αδελφές κάθε μια για ξεχωριστό λόγο!
    Ξεχωρίζω την Τζο για τον αυθορμητισμό και τον δυναμισμό της!

  • Noha Badawi

    This is officially my favorite classic of all times.
    I see myself in the future picking it up again and again and never getting bored.

    I saw the movie first (the 2019 version) and I was so giddy in the theatre , laughing, smiling, crying and feeling all warm and cozy.

    And as much as I feel in love with the movie; the book brought me more joy!
    Don’t get me wrong, the adaptation is uncanny and perfect.
    But what I loved is that book still made my imagination run wild, with more depth and details to the drama that is the March family.

    I found myself relating to every single character on a certain level but most of all I found myself in Jo March’s passion and fire.
    I wanted more on the romance side but I do appreciate still how undeveloped it was.

    This is a book about strong women.
    A mother, unrelentingly raising and caring for her daughters while her husband is away.
    A young sister who’s so compassionate and calm and wants only to be with her family and play music.
    A elder sister who’s very content with her mundane dreams to fall in love and start a family.
    A sister who’s fire walking on earth, with passion that could fill up the entire world and a determination to prove herself.
    And lastly, the sister who loved silently and dreamed of being the best female artist the world has ever seen.

    I loved every single detail to pieces and I know that I’m going to pick this up again and watch the movie a million times over.

  • Literatura  Niepoważna

    Gdybym czytała ją w dzieciństwie byłabym zachwycona, mam jednak wrażenie, że to jedna z książek, która czytana w dorosołości po raz pierwszy, sprawia wrażenie "moralizatorskiej aż do bólu". Ciepła i sympatyczna, ale film podobał mi się dużo bardziej 🤝

  • Ema

    História chata, é tudo bonzinho, ninguém se enerva, ninguém se odeia, ninguém tem problemas, tudo se resolve, a mãe é perfeita, o pai é perfeito, até a mais rebelde das irmãs é chata de boazinha. O livro não tem nada de errado, a não ser ter ficado parado no tempo, mesmo quando incentiva à bondade, humildade, ao espírito de família unida, ao controlar o temperamento e ao trabalhar honestamente. Este manual de bons costumes para raparigas em crescimento, cheio de clichés e frases feitas da época, foi feito por encomenda, hoje em dia a encomenda seria completamente diferente. Nem sequer é um livro feminista, é algo próximo dessa ideia, sim, mas achar que a mulher só será uma Mulher quando casada com um homem e tiver começado uma família amorosa e respeitável... é chato e não reflecte a liberdade e a vontade da maioria do primeiro mundo. Nem vale a pena falar na religião... Se o tivesse lido com dez anos, acho que a probabilidade de o achar fofo já seria escassa. Mas com oito talvez ainda acreditasse na máscara que é dizer que o mundo é perfeito.

  • Axl Oswaldo

    ”Sé que no habrán olvidado lo que les dije antes de marchar, que se mostrarán cariñosas contigo, cumplirán con su deber, combatirán a sus propios demonios y saldrán adelante, de modo que cuando vuelva estaré más orgulloso que nunca de mis mujercitas.”


    Justo lo que buscaba, justo lo que encontré (y un tanto más).

    Si hay algo en particular que me fascinó de Mujercitas fue su estructura narrativa, y es que es posible hacer una especie de ‘experimento’ con este libro: puedes abrirlo en el inicio de cualquier capítulo, leerlo y llevarte contigo una lección de vida que ha sido aprendida por alguna de las hermanas March (o todas ellas) hacia el final del mismo capítulo. A mi parecer, cada uno funciona de manera independiente como una pequeña historia que te llenará de paz y tranquilidad al momento de terminarlo. ¡Una completa maravilla!

    Estoy convencido de que no olvidaré por mucho tiempo las vivencias y aventuras de Meg, Jo, Beth y Amy, sin dejar de lado al joven Laurie. Todos ellos personajes entrañables que se quedarán por siempre en la memoria de muchos lectores, chicos y grandes, así como en la mía.

  • Constantine

    Rating: Very Good

    Genre: Classic

    I'm usually not a big fan when the main characters in the story are children or teenagers but this classic is very well written by Louisa May Alcott. It's a beautiful story of the poor March family with four little girls, Meg, Jo, Amy, and Beth. The author has given these girls or little women as their father calls them some very unique and distinctive characteristics. Each of them felt very real to me with their flaws and vulnerabilities.

    One thing I want to stress on is the moral lessons that this story gives. There is a lot of kindness in this tale, lots of goodness. It's beautiful to see in literature when the parents build this kind of lessons in their children, nurture them to grow on being kind and respectful towards the others. There is this sense of friendship between the girls and between the girls and their mother. I was a bit hesitant getting into this classic but I am glad that I did. I liked it a lot.