Kay’s Anatomy: A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body by Adam Kay

Kay’s Anatomy: A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body
Title : Kay’s Anatomy: A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0241452945
ISBN-10 : 9780241452943
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 405
Publication : First published October 15, 2020

Do you ever think about your body and how it all works? Like really properly think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well... pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your maths teacher's is even weirder.

This book is going to tell you what's actually going on in there, and answer the really important questions, like:

Are bogies safe to eat? Look, if your nose is going to all that effort of creating a snack, the least we can do is check out its nutritional value. (Yes, they're safe. Chew away!)


How much of your life will you spend on the toilet? About a year - so bring a good book. (I recommend this one.)

So sit back, relax, put on some rubber gloves, and let a doctor take you on a poo (and puke) filled tour of your insides. Welcome to Kay's Anatomy*.

*a fancy word for your body. See, you're learning already.

Kay’s Anatomy: A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body Reviews

  • Rebecca

    (4.5) I only intended to skim this, thinking it would be full of facts I already knew, but within a few pages I was hooked (and laughing out loud, to my husband’s annoyance) and had to read every word before it was due back at the library. Even if you’re a smarty-pants who knows all about anatomy, I guarantee you haven’t experienced it like this before. Think of this as a juvenile, graphic novel version of Bill Bryson’s
    The Body; that’s exactly how thorough, accessible and entertaining it is. (It does for bodies what Caitlin Doughty’s
    Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? does for death.)

    I knew what to expect from Kay after
    This Is Going to Hurt and
    Twas the Nightshift before Christmas, but I preferred this to his previous books because – as it’s for children – he cuts the raunchiness and plumps for innocuous forms of humor: puns, dad jokes, exaggerations, quickly retracted made-up facts, toilet humor, and running gags about having a robot butler, hating mushrooms, and putting up with a dumb, mischievous dog, Pippin. I also especially enjoyed the notion that the strange names for some parts of the body are all down to “Clive” and his naming committee. The laughs continue all the way through the appendix and index.

    But where it counts – delivering vital information about not smoking, mental health, the changes of puberty, and facing the death of someone you love – Kay is completely serious, and he always lets readers know when it’s essential to tell an adult or ask a doctor. Henry Paker’s illustrations are perfect companions, silly and grotesque in a Family Guy way. The only dedicated sections I would add would be on 1) obesity and a sedentary lifestyle and 2) the ageing process.

    Favorite new fact: eye gunk is called gound and is made of mucus, dust and skin cells.

    Favorite passages:

    “Have you ever thought that your body is just a strange lump of meat, held up by a big pile of bones, wrapped in a bag of skin, and all controlled by a crazy supercomputer in your head? Oh, you haven’t? Sorry if I’ve freaked you out. But what I’m saying is your body is weird.”

    “Most moles are nothing to worry about, but sometimes a mole can in fact be skin cancer. That’s why it’s important to tell someone if a mole has done one of the following things: changed shape, changed colour, got bigger, started bleeding, started itching, or dug up your garden. (Sorry, wrong type of mole.)”

    “At the end of your bronchioles are alveoli, which are tiny bags of air, like microscopic bubble wrap. They’re not to be confused with ravioli, which are little square parcels of pasta that taste a lot nicer than alveoli. If you spread our all of your alveoli on the ground, they would cover the area of a tennis court. I very strongly recommend that you don’t do this, however, because they’re pretty crucial bits of your lungs”

  • Nicole

    This was a really fun and easy to read book about the body aimed at children.

    Despite being aimed at a younger audience I really enjoyed this book. It's full of jokes and light humour to make the book interesting and accessible to young children.

    It's full of diagrams and doodles which are funny and make the medical jargon easy to understand.

    I wish I had this book when I was a child because it would have made learning science much easier.

    I loved the fact this book was inclusive. It talked about being trans, IVF and lots of medical conditions people will have in a simple way so children understand them and not make fun of their friends who are different.

    If I had kids, I would definitely make sure they read this when they are 7-11 years old.

    Highly recommend!

  • Julie

    Truly informative and loads of fun! It's easy to become totally absorbed and I enjoyed many laugh out loud moments!

  • Jovi Ene

    „Un ghid complet (și total dezgustător) al corpului uman”.
    Pe Adam Kay l-am tot citit în ultimul timp în traducerile de la Editura Publica, așa că nu am ratat prilejul de a citi această carte concepută special pentru familii, pentru a fi citită în cadrul familiei (10+, spune coperta întâi) și care este chiar ceea ce își propune. Un ghid complet, în care corpul uman este luat la puricat pe îndelete, accentul punându-se nu pe explicații științifice terne și plictisitoare, ci pe discuții libere, amuzante, deschise, oferite de un fost medic; da, „total dezgustător”, pentru că Adam Kay își dorește să vorbească pe înțelesul și mai ales pe placul copiilor, așa că găsim pretutindeni cuvinte și sintagme precum caca, pipi, muci și... gluteus maximus.
    Noi am citit cartea, cu voce tare, împreună, în ultimele săptămâni, am râs și ne-am mirat, ne-am bucurat și am descoperit încă o dată că plăcerea unei lecturi de „știință pentru toți”, la vârste mai fragede, vine și din inspirația autorului, care trebuie să glumească, să vorbească pe înțelesul tuturor potențialilor cititori, să spună lucrurilor pe nume și să tragă semnale de alarmă, inclusiv discuții privind necesitatea vaccinului împotriva Covid-19.

  • Milena

    Z tej książki dowiedziałam się więcej niż z biologii przez 4 lata.

  • Zuziamowczan

    fajne ale za proste dla biolchema👍

  • Bridget

    This is a bunch of fun. A frolic through the intestinal system, and all the other systems of the human body. Adam Kay has quite the sense of humour, this tied to the awesome illustrations make this thoroughly engaging. Yes, lots of squirmy inside secret body business in here. It is the sort of book that will appeal to a bunch of kids pouring over it and shrieking at the squirmy bits that are inside them.

  • Marko Jovanović

    Ceo osvrt možete pročitati na blogu Knjiga za dušu:


    Osvrt ću započeti citirajući svoju koleginicu koja mi je u odgovoru na stori sa fotografijom ove knjige napisala: „Eh da nam je ova knjiga bila dok smo spremali ispit iz anatomije.“ 😄 Veko, u pravu si, učenje bi bilo sigurno zabavnije, a možda uz zabavu (kako to često biva) i produktivnije 🤔 Elem, verujem da možete zamisliti kako izgledaju udžbenici iz anatomije za srednje medicinske škole i fakultete. U pravu ste… sa puno tekstualnih informacija, komplikovanih crteža i tabela, teško izgovorljivih reči, suvoparne i obimne. Ne zvuči baš primamljivo nekom ko se ne bavi medicinskom naukom, zar ne? 😅 (nekad nije ni nama, ali psssttt 🤫🤫).
    A šta mislite kako izgleda knjiga o anatomiji koju je napisao lekar, glumac, scenarista i stend-ap komičar čije su predstave rasprodate i do godinu dana unapred? Ovako impresivna biografija autora već najavljuje nešto malo zanimljivije i kreativnije 🤔(nadam se da ovo ne čitaju moji profesori. 😬)
    E pa, da rasvetlimo misteriju – u pitanju je jedan urnebesno zabavan, beskrajno simpatičan, gotovo na svakoj strani humorističan i nadasve izuzetno edukativan vodič kroz ljudsko telo namenjen svim generacijama čitalaca da se makar okvirno upoznaju sa građom našeg organizma i sa načinima kako on funkcioniše.

  • Willemijn jufwillemijnopallstars

    In Adams Anatomie wordt op een grappige (en vaak vieze) wijze beschreven hoe alles werkt in het menselijk lichaam. Alle moeilijke woorden worden gewoon gebruikt, maar soms wordt er een grappige afkorting aangegeven.

    Het boek is ingedeeld in veertien hoofdstukken. Van huid, hart en bloed naar voorplanting, leven & dood en microben. Aan alles is gedacht. Op elke pagina staan ook ondersteunende illustraties wat het boek natuurlijk helemaal af maakt.

    Adams Anatomie zou ik aanraden aan kinderen van 9 jaar of ouder. Ze kunnen het zelf lezen, maar samen lezen is natuurlijk ook leuk en leerzaam!

  • Aldi

    Funny, informative, inclusive, and while *I* got a bit tired of all the fart and bogey jokes after a while, I'm pretty sure kids will love them, lol. I particularly liked how he made a point of normalising things like non-neurotypical conditions, disabilities, gender variety, etc., and didn't shy away from difficult topics like death, depression, eating disorders, etc. I'd rec this to anyone with kids as a wonderful way to package a lot of interesting, important, and delightfully gross information.

  • Monika Cechowska

    Książka przeznaczona hmm same nie wiem. Zawiera podstawowe informacje o anatomii. Treść skierowana do nastolatków. Myśle ze tych młodszych. Ogólnie fajna propozycja. Szybko się czyta. Napisana ciekawie. I ma ekstra ilustracje.

  • Mehsi

    Always wanted to know how you body works? Don’t mind some disgustingness? Or some horrible facts? Then be sure to read this fun and hilarious book.

    I read another Adam Kay book last year I believe and liked his writing style, so I was eager to get this book. But there was another reason why I wanted it. I have been addicted to the Horrible Science (and other series such as the History and Geography ones) for years now and this one seemed to tell kids about bodies in the same way. With humour, fun illustrations and disgusting facts.
    And after reading I can tell you it had the same vibe/feeling as that series. So be sure to check those Horrible Science series as well next to this fab book.

    The book is split up in sections. We first learn ALL there is about your body which takes almost all of the book and then we get two more sections, reproduction and life + death. I have to say I was most invested in the Body parts than in the other two sections. I did read both sections, and I did have some giggles, but I don’t know, those two are never favourites of mine, also not in other books.
    The first part is all about your body, as I said, and with that I mean every bit about your body. From the tips of your toes to your hair ends. Yep, Adam Kay will leave no shed of hair, no piece of skin left. There is plenty to find out about our body and also about Adam’s dog, Pippin. No Pippin, don’t eat that. ARgh.
    I loved how the book was split up in sections and that we slowly find out more and more with each new chapter. I like how the chapters/sections were done, how each new chapter was a new part of the body.

    There are also questions (with a story to go along with it, will Kay ever get his Q key?) and a section called true/poo.

    He tells us all these fun facts with tons and tons of humour, puns, fourth wall breaking, and more. While I in general LOVED his humour and LAUGHED a lot. At times it did get a bit too much. Which is why it took me a bit longer to read this book. Yes, it was funny, yes, I enjoyed it a lot, but it was just too much at times. And sometimes he tells a fib first and then corrects himself which confused me at times.

    There is also plenty of delightful, disgusting, horrible icky art. I loved the depictions of our body, I really cannot look at my organs in a normal way. Already couldn’t thanks to comics online, but this one gave me new interpretations of my organs and now I just see my lungs bouncing on the diaphragm, or my stomach binge eating all. 😛

    But this was disgustingly fun and I had tons of laughs! Adam Kay definitely has a way with words and I would mind more children’s books like this. I would recommend it to all, I am sure this will be a hit with kids.

    Review first posted at

  • Virgia

    to było swietne! potrzebuje wersji rozszerzonej i robotycznego lokaja.

  • Chrys

    This will probably be a surefire hit with younger readers, it's fascinating and full of interesting information about the human body. There's a humourously silly element which will help make learning fun.

  • Laura Elizabeth Duff

    For children.

  • Wystukanerecenzje

    Czytaliście którąś z książek od Adama Kaya? Autor do tej pory serwował dość trudne opowieści o lekarskich przygodach, dając do zrozumienia, że wcale nie jest tak miło i kolorowo, a czasami, niestety, lekarz bardziej cierpi niż pacjent. Tym razem jednak postawił na coś dla młodszych czytelników. Jest to dowcipna książka, w której autor stawia dziwne i zabawne pytanie, ale jednocześnie potrafi zainteresować czytelników i to nie tylko tych młodszych, choć czytając wspólnie można się nieźle uśmiać.
    Moje ciało jest dziwne, twoje też, nauczyciela matematyki nawet dziwniejsze. Dlaczego? Na tego typu pytania znajdziecie odpowiedzi w środku i być może nawet jako dorosłe osoby dowiecie się jakichś ciekawostek?
    Polecam serdecznie zarówno dla młodszych i starszych czytelników. Pełna faktów opisanych w zabawny sposób historia wokół naszego ciała.

  • Diana

    For the first time ever i find a non fiction book that i would have liked more in text form than audio. I guess jokes aimed at kids get a quiet smirk from me if I am reading them, but when they are actually performed they get fucking annoying. Maybe i should stop reading kids' books, but that's a load of rubbish

  • Zoe Hall

    This is most certainly a children's book, but I really enjoyed reading it (and actually did learn a thing or two!). I really like Adam Kay's witty writing - I did find myself giggling like a naughty school child a few times.

  • Ophelia

    Funny, witty and informative book for children (and adults) to learn about the body.
    Recommend reading it with your child so you can discuss some of the more embarrassing aspects together and have a good chat about it all.

  • Karolina Brzezińska

    Ile waży ludzka skóra? Ile wanien krwi przepompowuje dziennie nasze serce? Ile okrążeń wkoło ziemi zrobiłyby nasze rozciągnięte żyły i tętnice?
    Ze szkoły pamiętam funkcje skóry, serca czy naczyń krwionośnych, znam obiegi, budowę. Adam Kay „ugryzł temat” z innej strony. W książce „Twoja anatomia. Kompletny (i kompletnie obrzydliwy) przewodnik po ludzkim ciele” w sposób humorystyczny przestawia wszystko to, co o ciele powinniśmy wiedzieć. Cała szkolna wiedza przekazana jest w sposób zabawny, z dosadnymi przykładami. Czy pamiętasz ze szkoły ile litrów krwi przepompowuje serce? A jeśli powiem, że 90 wanien? Teraz na pewno zapamiętasz :) Jakie odległości pokonują erytrocyty w ciele? W ciągu czterech miesięcy wędrują spod Pałacu Buckingham pod wieżę Eiffla! Kojarzysz jakie części mózgu pełnią poszczególne funkcje? Zerknij na kolejne zdjęcie, z takim schematem znacznie łatwiej wszystko skojarzyć. Jeśli kiedykolwiek musiałeś się uczyć budowy kości w nadgarstku, to wiesz jaki to problem, jest ich masa! Może nauczysz się wiersza? - „Łódka płynie, Księżyc świeci, Trójgraniasty Groszek leci. Czworoboczna Większa z Mniejszą się zmówiły, Główkowatą na Haczyku powiesiły” – tym sposobem zapamiętasz kości: łódeczkowatą, księżycowatą, trójgraniastą, grochowatą, czworoboczną większą i mniejszą, główkowatą i haczykowatą.

    Gdyby podręczniki szkolne wyglądały tak, jak książka Adama Kaya, to dzieci z chęcią by się uczyły. Książka zawiera masę ciekawostek, zamiast długich stron nudnego tekstu tematy wyłożone są krótko, konkretnie i z humorem. „Twoja anatomia” pełna jest obrazków, schematów co z pewnością sprzyja zapamiętywaniu.

  • Paris

    I learnt so many new things from this book and highly recommend. However, I was kind of put off by the child like writing. There are lots of jokes because this book was written for 8 year olds but sometimes it gets a bit boring and unnecessary.

  • Kaz Curtis

    Brought this book for my friends kids but thought I’d read it first - very funny & lots of useful information for the kids.

  • Elaine A

    Great book - my 9 year old daughter loved it, and it was a fun read for me too!

  • Jay  Walsh

    So funny

  • Irina (Lohe Loeb)

    Lõbus ja õpetlik. Kohati huumor liiga lapsik, aga usun, et sihtgrupile kindlasti meeldib.

  • Amelia

    So interesting! That is so informative and funny! I love it!

  • Lola

    I loved this book so much, and just like the marvelous medicine it was brilliant! 5 starts to this one.

  • starezdania

    Szkoda, że nie miałam takiego podręcznika w szkole. I te ilustracje!