Hot Mess Love by Aria Hawthorne

Hot Mess Love
Title : Hot Mess Love
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
ISBN-10 : 9780996836487
Language : English
Format Type : ebook
Number of Pages : 450
Publication : Published October 15, 2019

Available Oct 15, 2019: Okay, it’s true. I am totally the thirstiest single girl in all of Chicago for wanting to drink those dimples right off his beautiful, Euro-chiseled face the moment he walks up to my candy counter and says, “Cheers” with his posh British accent and deliciously devilish smirk. #EarlofStudlandia

He’s offering me a one-night stand in his penthouse hotel suite and I’m the kind of habitual hot mess who’s willing to accept it, if I wasn’t already overcommitted. #MistressofMisbehavin

You see, I’ve been suckered into accepting this crazy second job. Despite the fact that I’ve never held a respectable, responsible job for more than a month in my life, I’m now the social media director of Boink, my favorite online store selling “intimate accessories” for single girls like me who not only want to have frivolous sex in the city, but who also don’t want to wait around for Prince Charming to magically swipe right, just so I can experience my nightly Mighty O’s. #MyPleasureChest #MyFemaleEmpowerment

But there’s just one problem—Boink’s old crotchety chief investor, who I’ve never met, is determined to force the business into bankruptcy, and the only way I can keep Boink afloat—and my new job as its Director of Cumbacks in play—is if I can convince my newest nemesis, Mr. Kit Crusty Balls, that I can turnaround his failing company faster than its JackRabbits can make me say, Ooh-ooh-ooh-OOH-LA-LA-LAAAAaaaaaaa.

And hopefully, whenever he returns to Chicago, Earl of Studlandia and I will finally have our royally raunchy romp, despite the fact that our impromptu texting affair and unexpected emotional connection might be softening my noncommittal Snarky Brat heart into the fantasy of something more than just one night of whoreplay. After all, I’m now the respectable, responsible social media director of Boink. Maybe it’s time for a sexy international man candy of mystery to persuade me to find love within my own pleasure chest. #OnlyFoolsFallinLove #FirstTimeFanGirlofFoolishness

Hot Mess Love Reviews

  • Ꮗ€♫◗☿ ❤️ ❤️

    #FunAndFlirty #Hate2Love #HotAndSteamy.

    This was an extremely contemporary book which brought in some of the fun of social media. Parts of it reminded me of that hilarious hashtag skit on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon where Jimmy and Justin Timberlake go back and forth talking in hashtags. In this book, the heroine of the story is named Conchita and she works part time at a Candy store, but her brother in law Harvey gets her a second job working at a sex toy company named Boink that is behind on the rent in a building he owns.

    He thinks Conchita can help their business by being the social media director. She takes to the job immediately, posting all over various sites with pictures of their products and funny hashtags. However after only a few days she hears from the company’s owner that the man that backed them with the funding, Mr. Griffin, is closing things down. Conchita pictures a stuffy old dude, so she starts to hassle him by tagging him in all her posts and calling him names like #CrustyBalls.

    Conchita and Mr. Griffin end up in bit of a social media war. Little does Conchita know, that Mr. Griffin is the same guy she met as Christopher at her candy store job and she has been flirting with him and is planning to go out with him when they can align their schedules.

    The book has some really funny parts and when Christopher and Conchita discover that they have been having an online war with each other, the story really starts moving forward. I genuinely liked Conchita, she has this inner voice she calls “Snarky Brat” and it is Snarky Brat who thinking all of these hilarious hashtags and funny nicknames even when she doesn’t happen to be posting online. She calls Christopher the Earl of Studlandia because he is British and she has a ton of names for herself.

    The romance between the two main characters is super hot. Snarky Brat comes up with plenty of awesome hashtags to prove it. Conchita gets a pug puppy from Christopher and names it Mr. Barney Snuggles or Mr. Snuggles for short, because that is the kind of person she is. I have wanted a pug puppy for quite a while, so I was extremely jealous of her (yes I do know it is crazy to be jealous of a fictional character), but everybody goes a little mad sometimes, right?

    Thanks to Netgalley and French Kiss Press for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review.

  • Mindy Lou's Book Review

    What a cute, adorable, and fabulously funny story! I absolutely loved Conchita as a heroine. She was super sassy who had no shame. She owned her sexuality and spoke her mind. She was refreshing.

    Her hashtag thoughts were perfectly timed and brought great amusement to this story. Her twitter war with @crustyballs had me rolling. And...this girl had a sex toy shrine. #bowtothequeen

    Oh Christopher, what a British hottie you were. As hot as you are, you may have been outshined by your lover, but that's ok. You have an awesome accent and you are a billionaire. Enough said. Ok, I liked him more than just as Conchita's loverboy. Their first encounter was smokin, and all the sexy times after? even hotter.

    I get such a kick out of a playboy falling helplessly in love for the first time. Especially when they own it. This couple was such a treat. They were open and honest with each other while still having some mystery to uncover. They had fun and played as a couple. That's a rare gem.

    This was funny, sexy, romantic, and a dash of seriousness. I highly recommend!

  • Chris  C - A Midlife Wife

    Absolute cheers for a great ending. Fun rom-com overall. 4.5 stars
    There were a few things in the story that really got to me. Boink’d is written with a YA style but the characters are late 20s and 30s – I'm trying to remember. It was fine with Christopher’s character but Conchita got a little out of control.

    The story is a fun rom-com with great characters. Conchita lives her life on her terms. She even had her own alter ego in the book. Bit strange sometimes. LOL

    She was given a dream job in social media and took it to the max. That meant hashtag sayings were #SprinkledThroughoutTheEntireBook!

    While it’s part of the humor of the story and her great sense of snark, it was extremely distracting to have so many. 99% of them I skipped over.

    In the beginning of the story we were kind of tiptoeing around trying to get these two together. However, it was the last third of the book that really turned the story around for me and brought the goods.

    I adored Christopher. His sense of decency, emotion, and his incredibly talented bedroom skills really made the story what it is. Spicy!!

    Hawthorne worked hard with the story. It certainly shows through her fun loving and careful crafting of two great characters that truly were made for each other. It’s definitely a story that you will want to read again and again.

    I can see why Hawthorne is a much loved contemporary romance author. Fun stories with hot connections that seem like your friends. Boink’d is a perfect example!

    * copy received for review consideration
    Full Review -

  • TheCleverBookWorm

    I can’t remember as to when was the last time I truly enjoyed a contemporary romance. This book kept me spellbound right from the beginning until the end.


    It’s a delightful romp with a pretty sassy heroine Conchita who’s a no holds barred young woman in her late 20s. She works part time at a 🍬 candy shop, also part nanny to her niece, and suddenly the newly hired social media director of an online store that sells intimate accessories for women.

    Her oozing charisma attracts the dashing Christopher (Kit) the hot, filthy rich British/American guy who has a few secrets hidden up his sleeves, and by the way did I mention that he is also the chief investor of the company where Conchita works at. #Uh-oh #complicatedlove ❤️🥰🤭


    The first reason why I love these two is that right from the beginning they have this instant attraction that they didn’t deny, even though they were both not looking for something permanent. Second reason is that they are two headstrong people that are willing to make sacrifices for the people they cared for and their beliefs. Third reason is that I love their social media banters. And the last reason but definitely not the least is Conchita’s cheeky internal monologues and hilarious and sometimes snarky hashtags.

    Things haven’t been easy for these two. Their simple encounter turned into something more than they expected. Overall, what I found was more twists and turns to the story revealing the depth of each character that kept me peeled to the book.

    I can go on and on why I love this book 📖 , but you should just go ahead and read it already. This book is a sexy rom-com with a little bit of heat that any romance reader would definitely enjoy.

    Would I recommend this book? ... Totally Yes! #SizzlingHot  #VerySaucy

    Overall Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
    Note: An ARC was provided by the publisher/author for an honest review.

  • Julie

    I received an ARC in exchange for a honest review.

    After a gap in writing Aria has still got what it takes. I loved this story about Conchita and Christopher. They meet in a sweet shop that she is working in and have an instant attraction. The story follows her new job as Social Media Director of her favourite website for all things of an intimate nature. She is instantly a huge hit and sales rocket! But the investment company have decided to pull the plug, can she turn things around?

    It also features Conchita's sister, Alma and her husband Harvey plus their baby Marisol who stops Conchita and Christopher on not one but two dates!

    I laughed and cried reading this book. Very enjoyable read!

  • Deb Hanson

    Aria Hawthorne

    I’m not one for dissing books, it’s not my style, but sometimes the story just doesn’t work for me. While this is a non flattering review it my my opinion, but please make your decision Conchita was possibly the most annoying character I have ever “met”. Her hashtags were annoying and I won’t talk about the confectionery. If she had good gait, it was her way with the feminine products.

    I can’t say to much about British company owner, Christopher. He was just… errrr British. So yeah I’m done!

  • Terry

    3 1/2 Stars

    Conchita just got a new part-time job doing social media for an adult toy company ... and the same day she meets Christopher. Christopher is a billionaire Brit who has come to America to deliver some bad news to a company that he has been floating for 3 years ... an adult toy company. Can Conchita save her new job? Will she be able to convince the Krusty old Brit to re-invest?

    I liked how Conchita and Christopher didn't know who each other were ... because they acted so differently in person and by email. I just found all the hashtags distracting from the story ... I know it's because she was a social media expert, I just found it too much. Otherwise the story was a cute, sexy and funny romance.

    I received an early copy courtesy of French Kiss Press through NetGalley in exchange for a hones review.

  • Beth Cotter

    Review from NetGalley

    I received a free, advance copy of this book and this is my unbiased and voluntary review.

    Ah sex toys, who can't get enough of them. Conchita is offered a job helping to bring a Sex Toy Company called Boink'd into the twenty first century by using her social media expertise to help bail the company out. What she doesn't know is that the man she becomes attracted to after one night of sex after a couple of tries that is, is the same man who is going to close it down.
    Christopher is an American who was raised in Britain, he finds that Conchita is the one he never thought he would find.
    Neither of them ever thought that marriage was in the cards for them. Working through everything that is thrown at them they finally see a happy ever ending for them. You will love Snarky Brat and all of her comments too.

  • Urvashi

    The attraction between Conchita and Christopher is instant when they meet at the sweet shop she works in. The same day Conchita gets a job offer to work as the social media director for an women's intimate accessories store website, the same company that Christopher plans to stop funding. Will Conchita be able to convince him otherwise?
    I absolutely loved the banter between Conchita and Christopher when they both are unaware of each other’s role in the company, Boink. It was witty and hilarious. And their chemistry is super hot. For two people not looking for anything permanent I liked the fact that they didn’t really fight they connection. Boink’d is a fun and smexy read, that I immensely enjoyed. My only suggestion would be a little less #tags.

  • Kimberly Anne

    This was my first read from this author and I can't stop smiling. It was funny. smart. well written, and I fell madly in love with the characters. There were a few times when it felt a bit like I was reading a teenage romance with all the hashtags, but I found that they fit well with the story and the banter was great. Overall I thought the story was fun and refreshing. It would be perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon guilty pleasure.

    ~ Kimberly Anne

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  • Marissa

    Kindle Copy for Review from NetGalley and French Kiss Press LLC.

    I received a free, advance copy of this book and this is my unbiased and voluntary review.

    This is about a romance comedy about thirty something girl in something meets a guy looking for a one night stand. But things end up being more as they end up combining their work and personal relationship into a string of missteps.

    Can they sort through their situation in order for their no strings relations to be more than just a sexual hookup? It’s a typical rom com with sex innuendos.

  • Colleen

    Sexy romp, lots of hashtags which I got used to. At the beginning I was not sure. Despite all the snarky banter, WOW sex scenes and truly unusual careers I felt a lot of wonderful family dynamics and strong independent women, and two people who despite themselves opened up their minds and emotions and fell in love, Forever. The downsides to the story, was the length, but that is just me, because there were a few times where I just wanted Kit and Conchita to get to the “point.” The author very kindly gave me an Advance Reader Copy for my honest review. Enjoy😉

  • Christina

    Conchita irked me with her constant hashtags every few paragraphs. I was about to give up on this book because she was a lazy and immature slacker. I finally powered through to the end and it appeared to me that the ending was much better than how it started. Christopher had to be a saint to put up with her constant silliness. I voluntarily read this book via NetGalley for my honest opinion.

  • Danielle

    2 stars
    How do you know you are too old for certain books???? #HATAGS
    They were everywhere in this book!! In the middle of sentences! It drove me crazy! It reminded me of my teen daughter with all the #hashtags !!

  • Sherry

    ***Thank you to NetGalley, French Kiss Press LLC and Aria Hawthorne. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All opinions are my own.***

    For me, this book tried too hard on several fronts. Funny moments were overridden by overused hashtags or language/expressions. I struggled to remember Conchita was a smart girl because her own actions and thoughts made her seem the opposite at times. I wasn’t really a fan of the character with the exception of how hard she worked to save the company whose products she loved. The chemistry between Christopher and Conchita was there, but neither seemed like the sort to want more than a one-night stand. Admittedly, I didn’t understand his preoccupation with Conchita. I think I enjoyed their anonymous social media bantering more than their actual relationship. If you like a lot of steam and sex, and don’t mind hashtags interrupting the plot constantly, you might enjoy this book. Reading other reviews there were plenty who did. It just wasn’t for me.

  • Nightbird Novels

    Conchita Castillo is a sexually free and liberated woman who finds the fun in everything... but doesn't stick around for long afterwards. When she meets a sexy British man who is definitely going to be her newest fling, she can't wait to get between the sheets with him... too bad the universe has other ideas...

    Christopher Griffin is a sexy British billionaire investor who is only in Chicago for a short amount of time... until he meets Conchita and all of the reasons he has to return to the UK, all of a sudden pale in comparison to getting to know Conchita better... in and out of bed...


    Hot Mess Love was an ultra sexy and thoroughly amusing read. Conchita and Christopher are insanely attracted to each other and want nothing more than to sleep together ASAP, but with first dates and constant delays getting in the way, their intended fling turns out to be something much more than they were expecting...

    Conchita is a hilarious tell-it-like-it-is woman who has a problem holding down a job, or a relationship for that matter. Although, when her dream job lands in her lap and requires Conchita to do what Conchita does best, she finds herself suddenly thriving and putting her all into saving the failing company, and ensuring a future of all things sex toys.

    Christopher is a Brit who loves American girls, and Conchita is the most fascinating one yet. With his business in Chicago wrapped up and not requiring him to remain in Chicago any longer, he has no reason to stay and get to know her better, but missing out on Conchita has made his predictable and often times boring life over in England start to look less and less appealing.

    This was a good read, I loved the plot and the characters had so much potential, but it unfortunately just didn't deliver for me. Conchita was a favorite character from previous books, I love her personality and her free thinking existence. But the hashtags were just too much. I actually stopped reading them completely and it helped me stay within the story so much better without them. Christopher came off as sexy and fun, but his British identity really confused me, it seriously just did not add up.

    I really liked the writing, but the story was just too long in the beginning, with a too quick resolution in the end. The sex was HOT, but lacked substance, and I felt the characters needed a connection that went further than their sexcapades took them. As you can see, I am all over the board on this read. I wanted to love it, but there were just too many aspects that kept me from doing so.

    I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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  • Sheila

    Off the charts & out of this galaxy stars !!!! Night Owl 🦉 award as well 😊

    ARC received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed are my own & have not been influenced in any way.

    BOINK’D IS ONE AMAZING READ !! I absolutely loved it from the first page to the very last written words ....

    The sign of a truly great book is not wanting it to end even after the HEA & this book has one that still has me thinking about it! A re-read is definitely in order ASAP !!

    It’s also great this book has some of the characters from the Chicago Billionaire Series - I was so excited to see especially Alma & Harvey flow into the story line. This book can however be read as a standalone.

    Conchita & Christopher are perfection as the main characters. I also really loved Conchita’s super snarky alter ego ... giving this mostly put together - but sometimes a hot mess character some of the funniest dialog I have ever read ...

    Few examples that I ❤️ ❤️ ( Instagram references too )

    Oh great ... an arrogant filthy rich double British butt wad ... no freaking wonder
    Right shall I pick you up ? NO, HE ABSOLUTELY SHALL NOT !!!!SNARKY BRAT SCREAMS AT ME ...
    #DirtyDishes Galore
    #Queen Of Cookie Crumbville
    # Scared to look inside my own Frig

    Who has not thought some of this - first date my apartment is a pretty scary place right now - LOL FUNNY !!

    Of course Christopher thinks Conchita is one “saucy minx” - FINALLY they get to go on their first date & it’s magic !!!

    This book checked a lot of my boxes for an awesome read :

    Relatable yet very different characters that bring out the best in each other
    Chance meeting
    British Billionaire & just your average shop girl ( aka the saucy minx )
    Finding a career you love & you are exceptionally good at ( 25,000 Instagram followers take notice )
    Epic fail to epic romance = HEA ❤️
    Feel good read - bring on the snarkyness
    Sizzling chemistry that will certainly melt your e-reader 🔥🔥

    Highly recommend this read and you will definitely want to check out this author’s backlist .

    Read in one sitting could not put it down - loved it so much - top ten read of 2019

  • Anita Byars

    #Schzammy-Fabulosa! OMG this book! Every single person needs this book in their lives... The world needs these kinds of sweet-adorkable-belly-laugh-inducing-lighthearted-romantic-dirty-sweetness-like-everything-good-in-the-world-all-rolled-up-in-a-Fantastic-rom-com-book.

    I loved Conchita and her inner mind snarky brat. When she meets a man with a sensual British accent at the sweet shop she works at, her life is about to get a lot more complicated. Especially when her brother-in-law Harvey gets her a another job at, a struggling personal toy company as the social media manager. Conchita is perfect for this job since she is one of their biggest customer and a social media whiz.

    Christopher Griffin or “Studlandia” as Conchita nicknames him is handsome, sophisticated, sexy, and has a sexy British accent. He is taken by Conchita and her refreshing, uninhibited, daring, and impulsive personality. But as these two try to have a one night stand life keeps tormenting them by keeping them apart. When Christopher has to return to England he keeps pursuing Conchita.
    These two are spontaneous, passionate and so right for one another. But what will happen when Conchita finds out that her new man crush is her biggest arch enemy?

    Warning!! Please be very careful eating or drinking anything when reading this book. Sudden hilarity may cause a choking hazard. Cheesy, snarky, crazy, scintillating comments can be extremely hazardous and dangerous! #Love-it!

    I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thought and opinions are my own.

  • Asian Chef

    I received an eARC of this book (thank you very much) in exchange for an honest review.

    I was excited for this book and to read from this author after her last book. But was surprised as I realized that the author has changed her writing style from her four other books published and that ones I love.
    I feel that the idea of a putting up a funny story was kind of “forced” and the hashtags wore overly done excessively to the point that it became annoying to read in almost after paragraphs and conversations between the two main characters. I also find the first half of the story dragging. Some scenes weren’t necessary. At some point the story was kind of derailed and the action taken were not much justified. At about 75% reading, I saw a glimpse of the author’s usual writing style but not fully used.
    Overall, this book is way off from her Billionaire series (Considering that this is linked to one of the series). Not to compare… but the kind of plot she made here is not the same Aria Hawthorne I like, if that makes sense. I can understand that sometimes, they need some writing change, but I feel that this was rushed and was not carefully written. I wish she would write more books like how Exes, Closer, Devotion and the rest of her Billionaire series. Those were really good and soooo refreshing.
    My apologies, but I have to give this book three stars.

  • Karen Shortridge

    I loved this story, it has a great plot, the characters are a great mix with brilliant humour throughout. Conchita and Christopher meet in a sweet shop where she is works, they have an instant attraction. Her brother in law gets her new job as Social Media Director at her favourite website that sells everything you would want for an intimate time..... an adult toy company. She knows her stuff and how to advertise it which is a huge hit and sales rocket. The investment company that have been helping this company over three years decide to pull the plug, disappointed she tries everything to turn things around and hopefully change their minds. Christopher is head of the investors from the UK over to give the decision directly to withdraw funds and close the company. The battle that ensues will have you laughing out loud and be prepared for lots of hashtags ( all part of the social media scene)

  • Brenda

    At first I thought there was way too much hashtagging. Then I got used to it and skipped most of it.
    Then I thought it had a little more sex scenes than were really necessary, but I just skimmed through some of those.

    In all honesty though, I really enjoyed this story. Conchita is a full figured gal that loves her sex toys. She is a love 'em and leave 'em kind of girl. I loved her social media texts for Boink. I also loved the adoration Christopher has for Conchita and her sexy body. Although the story is fun, funny, sexy and did I say fun???, the characters feeling come out loud and clear. A man and a woman who each never have allowed themselves a long term relationship find themselves falling in love only to have the conflict in the story bring an abrupt end to the relationship. Then we discover that each one has a wealth of insecurities. Can they work through them?

    Don't let the hashtags etc. stop you from reading this most refreshing, fun story. It really is worth it.

  • Lisa

    This is a Netgalley ARC review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

    I’m not gonna lie: at first I thought this book was super cheesy but I’m glad I stayed with it because I was wrong. It was a really good book. Do Chita is a “normal” woman in that she’s not size 2 and is proud of it. I love a book with an imperfect heroine who owns it. I thought Christopher’s flaws were realistic but he didn’t come across as whiny. I thought the multiple meet cites in this book were perfect. I enjoyed all the secondary characters, especially Harvey and Stubie.

    I was not a fan of the hashtags throughout the chapters. I felt like “Snarky Brat” was just a distraction. It seemed like a comedy shtick. I didn’t think it was necessary.

    I can’t wait to read more from Aria Hawthorne.

    I didn’t notice any formatting or typographical errors.

  • Jeannie Nichols

    HILARIOUS, INFECTIOUS AND SHOW STOPPING! I received an ARC of this book and I have reviewed it voluntarily. I’ve had the opportunity to complete ARCs for a few other authors and have declined to leave a review if I didn’t believe the book was good- that’s absolutely not the case with this books d this author!!!! I won’t leave spoilers for this book- that’s just not fair to anyone looking to read this book. Aria has knocked it out of the park with this book. I was laughing and intrigued with each page. If you are looking for sassy and funny, this is a great book to read! It kept me engaged and intrigued. I was thoroughly entertained. I found myself wanting to read it all of the time, even while driving and working (#problem #itstoogood). This book is more than worth the download and the time to read. You won’t be disappointed. In fact, all of her other books are worth the read as well