The World of Cyberpunk 2077 by Marcin Batylda

The World of Cyberpunk 2077
Title : The World of Cyberpunk 2077
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1506713580
ISBN-10 : 9781506713588
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 192
Publication : First published July 28, 2020

An insightful, captivatingly designed, full-color hardcover that transports readers to the futuristic megalopolis of Night City--the epicenter of the vibrant new action-RPG from CD Projekt Red.

Step into the year 2077, a world dotted with dystopian metropoles where violence, oppression, and cyberware implants aren't just common--they're necessary tools to get ahead. Delve into incisive lore to discover how the economic decline of the United States created a crippling dependence on devious corporations and birthed the Free State of California. Explore the various districts, gangs, and history of Night City. Learn all there is to know about the technology of tomorrow and research the cybernetics, weapons, and vehicles of Cyberpunk 2077.

Dark Horse Books and CD Projekt Red present The World of Cyberpunk 2077--an extensive examination of the rich lore of Cyberpunk 2077. This intricately assembled tome contains everything you need to know about the history, characters, and world of the long-awaited follow-up from the creators of The Witcher video game series.

The World of Cyberpunk 2077 Reviews

  • Jonathan

    Great intro into the world of the video game. Not so much an art book as an actual background journal on the world, gangs, mods, etc., with excellent art of the video game. A shame the game itself was released as it was, though I'm confident a year or two down the road, they'll make it right.

  • Pavlo

    Я читав цей лорбук у відриві від гри, на момент читання я не пограв у Cyberpunk 2077 і хвилини. Та безсумнівно, CDPR вдалося продати мені цей світ, ідею, ще до виходу гри, як і мільйонам ґіків по всьому світу.

    Лорбук «Світ гри Cyberpunk 2077» – це ілюстрована енциклопедія Cyberpunk 2077, яка поєднує риси такого собі туристичного путівника по екзотичній країні та глянцевого каталогу, присвяченого подорожам та пригодам. Лорбук подано, як цикл статей від маленького, але незалежного інтернет видання «Дізнавач Найт-Сіті» яке має за міссію розповісти, як живеться у 2077 році, і що «High Tech, Low Life» це не те щоб романтично.
    Тут присутні описи з історії альтернативного всесвіту Cyberpunk 2077, війни корпорацій та події, що привели до становища, яке склалося у світі на початок гри. Є детальний опис всіх районів Найт-Сіті, визначних пам’яток, мешканців, їх соціального статусу та звичок. Описи технологій кінця XXI століття і приклади їх застосування. Є детальні досьє на провідні корпорації та найвідоміші бандугруповування. Є навіть реклама, притаманна Найт-Сіті.

    З того що мені не сподобалося, то це певна нерівність розділів в якості викладення. Деякі, як от наприклад 1-й розділ, що розповідає передісторію, чудово і докладно викладений і дає вичерпну інформацію про події, що передують основному сюжету. А деякі, як от розділ про технології, зброю та мозкограй надзвичайно сухі та малоінформативні.

    Та незважаючи на всі мінуси, дане видання чудовий приклад клопіткої роботи, де помітно з якою любов'ю та прискіпливістю вибудовано світ та лор гри. Наскільки органічно вплетено та поєднано ідеї Ґібсона, Діка, Отомо з посткіберпанковими філософіями і роздумами про трансгуманізм.

  • Fraser Simons

    This is an interesting bit of reading that could benefit from a mission statement.

    The art changes often and isn’t actually codified on the page as to what it is. Is this concept art? An in-game snapshot? Stylization of something in-game? It’s all pretty nice but the strongest pieces are often illustrations, so the constant change ups are actually a bit of a disservice and dampen my hype for the game because it looks worse than what is typically on the page.

    The text and overall structure are serviceable but won’t blow anyone away. The perspective changes a lot, I think unintentionally? The problem I had is that it introduces jargon and doesn’t explain it, so it assumes quite a bit from the reader. For instance it never actually explain ICE but explains a different program acronym right beside it, even though ICE is referenced often. I don’t think it actually tells you why money is the Eurodollar either, but I may have missed it in my read through. In any case, there are quite a few questions that popped into my head as I read that weren’t ever answered.

    It does explain the world the player will be in pretty well though. But I think people will take issue with some world building aspects itself. This could be an art direction problem but every part of the city seems to have no culture bashing whatsoever. Which is wild. Rich and poor Chinese, Japanese, the displaced Haitians, and Mexicans are isolated groups into their own sectors. Why are the climate displaced people interested in settling in Night City at all with the constant wars? Why didn’t they go to Europe?

    Gangs are all depicted as one ethnicity. The opening picture for nomads seems to be someone indigenous and it talks about how it’s mostly rural America. So they mixed with indigenous people? I dunno, man.

    I think some of these problems could be solved by expounding on information. I’d wager a lot of this world building comes from R Talsorian games, who do quite a bit of research usually. The answers would be more interesting than how things have settled in the city in this way, to be honest.

    But the page count is certainly limiting, I’m sure. But on that note, the layout could have been strengthened a lot by using paragraph styles that extend to the full use of the column. It’d look a lot better, like you’d read in any novel. It’s frustrating that full page layout almost always is the worst layout when it comes to things like that. There’s empty space on the next page because they just dropped text in when they could have just moved the entire paragraph to the next page instead of having it carry over.

    However, Most people probably won’t care about that and just want to get some history and see some great art, and on that front the book succeeds wonderfully.

  • Spencer

    The World of Cyberpunk 2077 is an introduction and overview of the setting included in the upcoming game Cyberpunk 2077. It’s pretty interesting and gives you a good idea of what to expect when you step foot into Night City, although parts of this book are a bit dry, and I found myself becoming bored by the end. I also thought that some aspects of the history could have been expanded and other parts of the book were a tad too long. I did really enjoy the art though, (I assume it’s concept art for the game) to be honest this was the part that got me the most excited for the game!

  • Adam

    I'm usually not one to buy a lot of these game type books. I rarely by the "art of..." or "complete guide to..." books at all, but this book is quite a different animal. Now, I realize this book was released as part of the pre-launch project for the upcoming video game and I bet a lot of people jumped on it up front and in that frame of reference it might not be as great of a read. I'm sure the thinking was that this would be a good way and somewhat quick way to get players up to speed on the setting. However, the game play itself is a far more powerful tool for this and I wound up reading this book well after I had already beaten the game itself. I think this is actually the best way to engage this book, because it gives you a really great overview of everything that's going on at a much slower pace in a sort of magazine article format. If wanted a bit more depth into the world of Cyberpunk 2077 this is a truly great book for achieving that goal... but if you want an even deeper dive into this universe, read on.

    For some people this is obvious news, for others it is not, but the Cyberpunk game system is not very new. This is based on a role playing game launched all the way back in the late 1980's,
    Cyberpunk: The Roleplaying Game of the Dark Future (1st edition) and created by the incredible
    Mike Pondsmith. To see his work get to the eventual scale of a Cyberpunk 2077 release must have been amazing for him, to see his creation of Night City really come to life in this game.

    The original setting is very clearly influenced by things like
    William Gibson novels and
    Philip K. Dick novels, especially for the novel
    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? which served as inspiration for the incredible movie Blade Runner. The authors behind the Cyberpunk setting are not shy about these influences and state that they were directly influenced by these ideas. The neural implants in the game are clearly directly inspired from things like Johnny Neumonic by William Gibson, found in
    Burning Chrome. The game setting is very ambitious, as you can probably gather, in that it tries to blend a lot of the literature together into one really fascinating world of the near future gone awry.

    The design of the setting is largely a result of the time in which it was created. If you wonder why Japan is showing up as such a massive force to be reckoned with in this near future, well in the 80's Japan was creating and manufacturing a lot of stuff at the time. There was a massive influx of Japanese electronics and new companies were being created all the time, my father even worked for one of them for quite a few years, but that company is no longer around. So creators like Gibson and others, when it came to imagining a future, they really imagined Japan really controlling a lot of the overall world's market share for research and manufacturing. This was well before China really ended up stepping in. Naturally, Japan is still involved in lots of cutting edge research, but they aren't the manufacturing power house they were in the 80's. The late 80's was also a time when the Cold War was still happening, remember the Berlin Wall hadn't fallen yet. So, I find a lot of the literature and Cyberpunk dark future types of settings are heavily inspired by the notions of societal collapse surrounding things like the Cold War. At that time the Cold War had been going on for so long that it probably seemed like an endless affair by the time these authors put pen to paper. You can find wild post apocalyptic sci-fi going back decades with things like
    Level 7, which probably inspired things like
    Hugh Howey to write the Silo series kicking off with
    Wool. I hope I'm setting the stage pretty well for the general idea behind the setting and some of it's building influences over the years. And probably, most important of all to make a proper Cyberpunk universe complete... the rise of computing technology. Computers had existed for quite a while by the late 80's, but they were getting ever more powerful and more personal computers started to exist, which gave rise to the Hacker and this concept of hacking the systems gave rise to movies like... well... Hackers! (Albeit that came out well after Cyberpunk.) A good book that covered the history of these early days and is easy to read is
    Masters of Deception: The Gang That Ruled Cyberspace.

    The Cyberpunk RPG game seems to do something similar to another game created in the 80's called
    Battletech: A Game of Armored Combat 2nd Edition, in the sense that they seem to advance their game in a very similar way. In the BattleTech universe, what they did as a designer was instead of creating new rules sets and tweaks every few years such as what D&D was doing at the time, BattleTech would advance the in world time line of the game. Cyberpunk does something similar, with the first edition of the game being set around 2013. I'm not sure how much this first edition took off as I was pretty young and never heard of it at the time, but it seems, historically speaking, their big claim to fame was the 2nd edition with
    Cyberpunk 2020: The Roleplaying Game of the Dark Future. The 2020 edition of the game really fleshed out the universe quite remarkably and you'll see the names of some familiar characters referenced in these old game books. A number of game books can still be purchased direct from the publisher R. Talsorian Games and if you want to delve even deeper into this world, I highly recommend you do so! The 2020 setting is the sub-story from the video game of Johnny Silverhand and his fight with Arasaka. I really liked the way they incorporated that history into the video game so that anyone new to the setting could get that history, such as myself who was a bit late to the Cyberpunk party despite consuming quite a few of the settings influences since I was a kid. After 2020 the third edition was released as
    Cyberpunk v3.0 and this is now out of print. Even the publisher has not reprinted it and it's probably quite hard to find at this point. It seems this edition was not as popular, though it had it's fans, but it sounds like it sort of faded away since it's release in 2005.

    Now we get to the modern era, the real 2020! Cyberpunk is going through a re-launch process. It's sort of launching two time lines at once, which did not work out so well for BattleTech when they tried to do this under the management of WizKids games, and I can only hope Cyberpunk is more successful. Based on what they've produced, I think it is going much better. First Cyberpunk launches the 4th edition of their RPG with an introductory box set
    Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit and full rules book
    Cyberpunk RED. According to what I've read, this skips over anything that happened in V3.0 and tweaks anything they wanted to keep a bit. This "Red" time line involves things like the 4th corporate war, and by 2077 there are still after effects of this! Cyberpunk Red takes place around the 2040's and while it has its own events going on, they've designed the new game in such a way that you could really play in the 2077 setting as a tabletop adventure because the time lines are close enough in setup. The video game on the other hand is set in the future of 2077 and I do wonder if there are plans to expand beyond Cyberpunk Red and create RPG books built around the 2077 setting? We haven't really seen anything like that yet, however this book The World of Cyberpunk 2077 could really be used to design quite the campaign setting with your own players if you are armed with the new 4th edition rule book.

    And therein is what makes this book really special. Not only does this book serve as a deeper insight into the world, setting, and general history of this long running game, it can even serve to help someone create a really cool adventure! While, I think this book was initially designed to "get people into the setting," I think it can also be used as a bit of flavor for people already playing adventures on the tabletop! In that respect I found this book really enjoyable.

    It's an expensive book, but it is kind of worth it because it is printed as a large format art book. It has a lot of pictures from within the game and also a lot of concept art that parts of the game are based on. There's actually quite a bit to take in and the write-ups are really well done. They did what William Gibson usually does in his novels where he writes as if you already live in the setting and then slowly introduce you to what's going on as your journey through each chapter and write-up. I loved this format as I had fond memories of this being a pretty standard tactic for novels of this style.

    In the end, I thought this was a well done book, part of me wishes it had a section where it addressed how far back the Cyberpunk series goes, since that's something the 4th edition rule book does cover, but if you don't know the tabletop RPG and this book doesn't mention it, new players might think this is just a video game. That's really the only thing somewhat missing from this book, because otherwise I thought it was a great read and I think it's an even better read if you read it after playing the game. I know that's backwards from the intent, but I got way more out of this after having played the game first.

  • Dorin Lazăr

    This is such an amazing insight into the world of Cyberpunk 2077 - reading it after playing the games three or four times already I realize that there's a lot of context that this book contains. It's a plain-old infodump, with wonderful artwork accompanying it - but it makes sense, the way it's presented. It's infodump, but it's not boring - I especially appreciated the visit of each neighborhood, where the journalist is interacting with the world of CP77 the way a player would if they would try, in game, the same thing.

    I also like the suggestion that CP77 is some sort of post-cyberpunk movement - the final interview with Rogue really puts things into perspective, and gives more weight to both the cyberpunk notion and movement in itself.

    I wonder how this book hits as a first-contact with the world of CP77. For me, after playing a few times the game, it's still a fresh source of information, and really makes me want to press Play on the game once more. I guess that's what this book is about.

  • Frédéric

    A good- if very classic- RPG style depiction of the Cyberpunk 2077 universe. Very nice for the amateurs of the genre.
    Illustrations are not as outstanding as they could have been, though.

  • Carrie (The Butterfly Reader)

    Enjoyed this book a lot! It's just bittersweet because of the game.

  • C.T. Phipps

    THE WORLD OF CYBERPUNK 2077 is basically an RPG supplement without the RPG stats. Which fits given the origins of Cyberpunk 2077 in the Cyberpunk 2020 game. This is a delightfully detailed world that has a lengthy history, description of the various factions, and the geo-political situation of the world that is largely only hinted in the game proper. For example, Militech was nationalized after the events of the Fourth Corporate War and used to help rebuild the United States of America but has since undermined control of the restored government to take it over from the inside.

    The art is spectacular in this book with a lot of images that help bring to world the satirical and hilarious world of Night City. Indeed, I'd say the book does a better job of realizing the setting than the proper game itself. I feel like if you're a fan of Cyberpunk 2077 or plan to run Cyberpunk RED then this is definitely a book to pick up. If you aren't fascinated by the deep lore and mythology of either then this book is probably not for you. There's no story or plot but just description of how the setting works as well as it's history.

    I personally recommend it over the hit and miss Cyberpunk 2077 comics.

  • Jirka Navrátil

    Příjemné doplnění světa CP2077

  • Ihor Kolesnyk

    Гарне доповнення текстом та ілюстраціями до світу гри. Звісно, чекаю більше на книги у цьому всесвіті, бо тоді можна передбачити певне відродження кіберпанку у літературі.

  • Online Eccentric Librarian

    More reviews at the Online Eccentric Librarian

    More reviews (and no fluff) on the blog

    The World of Cyberpunk 2077 is an interesting mixture of an art book, primer for the game, and background information package. While reading it I felt a bit like reading the original rulebook for the roleplaying game that is the inspiration for the computer game. At other times, I was reminded of the type of content you might get with a Collectors Edition of the game as a bonus.

    First, the good parts. The layout is excellent and there is a (admittedly thin) story that carries through the book which makes reading through it feel less of a textbook. The art is great though it is completely composed of concept work for the game. If you were hoping to get glimpses into the visuals of the game, it's not here. In fact, there is nothing here to tell you that this is a computer game - everything is presented from the POV of a resident of the fictional universe.

    The book is laid out in roughly four main sections: History, Technology, Night City itself and the people of Night City. Of these, I enjoyed the history section the most, though it is perhaps a bit too detailed and wordy for anyone except the most ardent fans. The technology part is mostly a list of cybergear and weapons - interesting as a reference but not really something I wanted to read through. The section on Night City itself is fascinating but a bit much to read through. The people section describes the world the best but there are no real surprises if you've ever read a cyberpunk book or watched a related movie.

    The 'vibe' of the book is very nice. It has a strong 80's decadence through and through and if you're old enough (like me) can be an interesting flashback into teenage years. In particular, I love the various ads thrown everywhere for fictional products and services - those give more of an idea of the world of Cyberpunk 2077 than the text itself. In places it does feel like they've stayed too true to the source material - how the future was seen in the 80's is quite different than what we see it today. There are some places that could have used an update to avoid feeling dated while still staying true to the original vision.

    While reading through it now, some time before the launch of the game, I got a weird feeling of studying for an exam on the subject. I found myself memorizing some locations and making mental notes of individuals that were name dropped in some sections with the anticipation that it will help me once I start playing the game. At this point I also realized that I'd probably be happier reading this (again) once I actually have the game as a lot of the information given here will be much easier to absorb once they are in their proper context.

    Overall, this is a great book if you are a super fan of the original game (or the game company). It's also a great reference book to use as cool background information once playing the game itself.

  • Graham G

    It's pretty good! It's a combination of travel guide, classic video game magazine, and history textbook. CDPR are the kings of good flavor text and that's basically the book.

    As dumb as this sound I wish it had less to do with the game, the alternative history section could've been twice as long and I wouldn't have gotten bored, and really this book could use that extra detail. Still it's good for what it is, and has me looking forward to 2077.

  • Alan Tsuei

    崩壞過程:起源自大企業間的商戰 ,一次又一次的商戰與爭奪資源物資而導致原本脆弱的環境更加惡劣,滿天的沙塵暴、下不停的酸雨、大片森林的喪失與沙漠化的國土是上世紀末的常態、而中東地區的核戰爭也使該地成為重輻射的廢土,這讓石油危機再起,美國政府試圖干預即將一洩千里的股市,干預失敗的結果反而讓世界一片恐慌,大企業們趁機買空賣空,使之成為災難後的最大獲益者,聯邦旗下的四大情報機構於是聯手廢除民主機制,最後舊美國已死,新美國成立,許多州政府逕自獨立,大量失去工作甚至失去國家的人成群結隊在北美荒漠中遊移,試圖尋找新生活與第二次機會,這就是現今的遊民團體 - Nomads。
    影戰後續:這場影戰持續自2024到2035的十多年間,亞洲與歐洲的國家已開始著手恢復全球經濟,但美洲則不然,南美仍在一團混亂,北美的影戰甚至讓不夜城的市中心受到微型核攻擊(2023),新美國總統Elizabeth Kress宣布戒嚴,軍事化的管理反而加速推動了軍火公司的生意,Militech在取得聯邦政府的支持下趁機把日商Arasaka給驅逐出境,在荒地遊移的Nomads因對荒野熟悉與基���武裝下,使得他們成為北美新絲路的商隊,幫助殘破分離的國家保有一線生機,而政府也因為想把北加州再度統合到聯邦內而決定放棄幫助失血過多的不夜城,但不夜城的堅韌卻讓自己孕育出了獨有的網路系統與全新的生存法則。
    統一戰爭:新當選的美國總統Rosalind Myers於2069開始推動一統美國的計劃,此舉馬上遭到多數自由州反對,不過聯邦在Militech的火力支援下,開始對科羅拉多、新墨西哥、內華達、亞利桑納、北加州、蒙大拿、懷俄明這些自由州發動進攻,而艾達荷、華盛頓與俄勒岡三州則選擇與聯邦達成妥協以保持中立,自由州雖有Arasaka的軍火與顧問在後方支持,但仍在聯邦的猛攻下處於劣勢,不夜城以南的南加州支持聯邦,而以北的北加州則是自由州的一員,如此尷尬的地位在市議員Lucius Rhyne出面對Arasaka請求支援下,不夜城總算鬆了一口氣,而不夜城的站隊也讓聯邦與自由州實力達成平衡而簽署了和平協議,雙方決定停火並恢復到戰前局勢。
    今日困境:第四次商戰與統一戰爭的停火雖然讓北美不再受到戰火的侵襲,不過全球暖化卻更為加劇 ,加勒比海各國飽受颶風的影響,海地已正式滅國、馬爾地夫也早已沉入印度洋中、荷蘭失去了1/3的國土、北加州與不夜城的海岸線也不斷內移,土壤的喪失使得植被大量消亡,淡水的供給也屢創新低,這段悲慘的歷史、惡化的環境與機械義肢的改裝帶給人們的就是對未來更為絕望與更多的暴力傾向,直接導致了犯罪率的居高不下,今日的不夜城雖然表面生機勃勃,但絕非過去那種充滿希望與令人嚮住的大都會了。

    軍火商Weapon:由於改造已是常態,加上強化改裝有傷人的疑慮,所以“預防性自衛”就成為攜帶與擁有武器的最好藉口,人手一槍是再稀鬆平常不過的了,除了一些政府單位或大型企業有較為強制的禁攜武器規範,其它地方可說是毫無限制。高階武器製造商由日本的Arasaka與Tsunami為主,近年來中國的Kang-Tao在日商的技術合作下異軍突起,旗下的智慧型武器成為行業中的翹楚;中階武器商則競爭激烈,美國的Militech是其中的領頭羊,另一家Midnight則是專注在重型武器,尤其是專門為機械改造人所設計的重型暴力品(俗稱“Borg”),其外老牌武器商Malorian雖然在研發上有些力不從心,但其優異的品質仍然得到許多老粉的愛戴,俄國的Techtronica除了在尖端科技有一席之地之外,更開始拓展機器人的市場,如果你對高科技感冒的話,Constitutional仍然在傳統散彈槍與機關槍上有不錯的口碑;低端武器市場主打的就是耐用與便宜,Nokota是此階最大的廠商,另外印商Darra Polytechnic也推出了不少造型至上的低階武器,來自塞爾維亞的Rostovic推出許多通用、便宜、易擴充的武器,當然,你也可以下載Budget Arms的3D列印設計稿,自行打造2020年代的傳統武器。
    交通工具:交通工具不只是各類車輛,還包括船隻、飛機與無人機等,不夜城裡龍蛇雜處,當然各式各樣的交通工具無所不在,但是在城外的荒漠區裡,車輛就是最主要的工具了,對Nomads來說,車輛不只是移動通勤,更是“自由”兩字最好的定義。80年代起人們開始發現石油的儲量日益減少,因此找尋替代能源已是刻不容緩的任務了,90年代初期,人類發明了一種化學混合物 - CH00H2,這種產自麥類的酒精燃料除了污染少外,劇毒是其最大的副作用,第四次商戰期間,大量的麥田遭到破壞,所以產生了另一種形式的能源危機,這個能源危機開啟了電動車的發展,現下電動車已是歐洲交通工具的主流,不過美國仍然堅持往酒精能源這條路上邁進。
    各大廠牌:經濟型的以印商Mahir Motors與日商Makigai為主,經濟型就是以大量生產壓低價格為主,當然在品質與效能上不能太過期待;中級車款以美商Thorton與中商Archer為主,這兩者競爭下讓中級車款更為堅固與耐用,這也得到身在荒野的Nomads所喜愛,另外一家專門生產中級跑車的是日商Mitzutani,而美商則以Villefort與Chevillon為主,前者主攻手頭較為闊綽的市民與低階企業官員的市場,後者則主攻警察部門與各類保全公司的領域,至於本地的跑車商是以Quadra為主,它所生產的Quadra Turbo-R可說是家喻戶曉的型號;高階豪華型則是以歐洲廠商為主,西班牙的Herrera與英商Rayfield是轎跑系列的龍頭;機車有日商的Yaiba與美商的Brennan,是經費有限卻又追求速度的人所最理想的選擇;軍用車輛當然是以Arasaka與Militech為主,坦克、裝甲車、卡車等不一而足,Nomads為了要在荒漠中生存,也擁有不少非武裝化的軍用車輛;至於飛行器具則是以Zetatech佔有主導地位。

    不夜城於1994年發跡,為一名企業大亨Richard Night所創立,他想要在美國西岸建立一個完美城市,於是買下了在南北加州交界處的Morrow Bay,並把這裡當成是完美城市的基礎,將其命名為Coronado city(皇冠城),不幸的是Night於四年後遇刺身亡,群龍無首之下黑道趁機介入這項計劃,讓完美城變為犯罪者的天堂,可笑的是,黑道仍然以Night為名,將城市改名為Night City,黑道接手後這裡每下愈況,於是大企業看準商機,許多黑道大老一夕之間全被暗殺,於是企業重組市議會,大舉清理市區,這個短暫的發展止於第四次商戰,但就算如微型核攻擊也擊不垮這座新世紀的城市,之後幾十年的復甦,讓這個越戰越勇的城市有了截然不同的面貌,就算Night復生,也很難想像能是今天的成果吧…
    Watson區:Watson由四個小區塊組成(工業區NID、中國城LittleChina、歌舞妓町Kabuki與Arasaka濱海區),Watson是一個小型的不夜城,商業區、碼頭、工業區與各樣的住宅區應有盡有,在30-60年代的重整期中,許多日商在此投資,於是工商業的發展蓬勃可觀,不過在統一戰爭後,Arasaka重返北美,這裡就成為了他們的灘頭堡,為了讓自己在北美重新站穩腳步,一步步的擊倒眾多礙眼對手成了重中之重的任務,所以各大工廠紛紛關門大吉,失業的人們遊蕩街頭讓這裡地價不斷下探,不夜城的其它各區也把Watson當作傳染病毒,封鎖了前往該區的橋樑與通道,也許眼不見為淨對市政府來說是最好的處理方式吧;中國城本來是市中心區的衛星區域,2040後許多華人移民至此,讓這裡充滿了異國情調,不同的文字、方言、商店、娛樂場所是隨處可見,這裡的人口密度極高,卻沒有任何一個幫派控制此處,最常看見的是Tyger Claws,他們擅長的武士刀與太刀刀法不是你會想親身嘗試的;歌舞妓町本來充斥著日商醫療企業,但在Arasaka的影響下,這裡同樣衰退不堪,中國城所容納不下的人口不停向這裡遷移,使得這裡成為擁擠髒亂的市場與黑市的聚集區,這區雖有Tyger Claws與Maelstrom在此活動,但實際上是由Mox所管理,她們的大本營是這區最有名的BD酒吧與妓院 - Lizzie's Bar;NID也就是位於北部的工業區,在Arasaka的打擊下,這裡成為了半荒廢的區域,雖然還是有少數的工廠營運著,但絕大多數都處於閒置狀態,而這些空置的廠房正好成為追求極致機械改裝的Maelstrom幫的聚集地;濱海區現在是Arasaka的大本營,他們把��裡當成自己登陸的據點,每個月都有數以百計的貨櫃船往來太平洋兩側,他們為了安全而在本區周圍建築了高牆,儼然把這裡當成是自己的小王國,保全系統極為嚴密,想要隨便穿越簡直是天方夜譚。
    Westbrook區:Westbrook由三個小區塊組成(NorthOak、CharterHill、Japantown)與Watson相鄰的就是不夜城裡最好的區塊,其間的North Oak豪宅林立、Charter Hill是新開發的住商混合區,許多新興企業與中階主管在此安身立命、Japantown則擔負起這裡的娛樂的功能,每年吸引無數的遊客至此流連,2023年的微型核攻擊除了造成市中心區的毀壞,更影響了Westbrook,這裡的樓房被衝擊波摧毀,遍地充斥著難民的帳棚與臨時住所,但在重整期時,這裡的恢復有目共睹,成為今天最有前景的區塊。Japantown顧名思義為日裔所居住的地區,這裡有許多吸引遊客的商場、餐廳、賭場、神社與酒吧,到了夜晚時分,Japantown會以另一番風貌呈現,許多瘋狂的娛樂場所可以提供給你意想不到的娛樂,不過請記得這裡也是Tyger Claws的地盤,瘋狂可以,但瘋狂過頭可就要小心項上人頭了;CharterHill是新興的商業區,除了高樓林立外,更是雅痞的天堂,白天在商場上爭的你死我活,下班後就到Japantown去放縱快樂一番,這種生活架構了此區獨有的風格;NorthOak是不夜城裡最高檔的住宅區,嚴密的保全系統讓外人不得其門而入,就算駕駛飛行器經過,都要小心別誤闖保安公司所設定的航空識別區。
    City Center區:這裡被分為CorpoPlaza與Downtown兩個小區塊,站在CorppoPlaza中心環顧四周,你再也找不到一絲絲50年前那場核引爆的痕跡,市中心充滿著高聳入雲的摩天大樓,傲人的商業實力標示著這座城市依然是北美大陸上最明亮的一顆鑽石。CorpoPlaza現在是許多企業的總部所在,尤其是Arasaka與Militech這兩家當年摧毀此區的公司,除了滿街的車流外,空中更有許多飛行器呼嘯而過,因為許多重要人士在此活動,所以每一街口都可看到警察巡邏,進入此區任何建築都要通過重重的盤查,來自街頭的你還是別自討沒趣吧;Downtown也是重要的商業區,這區沒有CorpoPlaza的肅殺之氣,多元的商業活動使這裡更有��富的層次感,比起遊客充斥的Japantown,這裡的消費可要更上不只一個檔次,正因為這裡的多元化,所以當你看到各幫各派在此活動時,下巴可千萬別掉下來才是。
    Hyewood區:這裡由三個小區塊組成(Wellsprings、TheGlen、VistaDelRey),這區完全呈現出過渡主義,北方與City Center交界處是一派正常氣象,但越往東南就越有郊區的感受,到了東南邊界時,貧民區可能是更好的形容詞了,這區主要是不夜城的住宅區,這裡的住宅區比上不足比下有餘,而人口主要是拉丁裔為主。Wellsprings是這區裡最上相的一塊,住宅大樓相對新穎,環境也相對安全,是大多數一般老百姓的首選,這裡常有Valentino幫的成員出現,不過整體來說,仍然是很安全的生活區域;TheGlen是所謂的行政區,新建的市政府就樹立在此,不過可笑的是,與市政廳相隔不遠處就是Valentino幫與6th st幫的地盤��這很好的說明了市政府的效率與能力;VistaDelRey是這裡最破舊的區塊,能離開的居民早就打包閃人了,留下的就是空盪的街頭與滿街的塗鴉,雖然你在這裡看不到子彈橫飛,但仍可說是危機四伏。
    Santo Domingo區:此區由Arroyo與Rancho Coronado所組成,這是不夜城的老區,充滿著重工業廠房與巨型倉庫。Arroyo是一個不斷在建設的地區,核能電廠、自動化工廠、垃圾集散場都可以在這裡找到,正因為此處有不少重工業,所以企業的保全依然到位,也許是針對誤闖者,但更多的是針對此處6th st幫的騷擾;Rancho Coronado是一個為了在Arroyo工作的員工而建立的社區,大企業吹噓這裡的自己自足的是未來都會的標準,但事實上比宣傳的破舊不少,不過仍然是一個能養家活口的地方,學校、消費、醫療等生活機能一樣不缺。
    Pacifica區:此處由CoastView與WestWindEstate所組成,是一個新區,地產商看到60年代經濟蓬勃發展的商機,於是在不夜城的南方建立了一個新規劃區,企圖將此地發展成一個旅遊景點,建商利用海地的移民與Nomads的廉價勞工來興建此地,統一戰爭時南加州與北加州的軍事衝突讓此地一夕之間變成廢墟,所有的投資客紛紛撤資跳船,使得這裡走上萬劫不復的道路,Voodoo Boys幫趁機佔據此地,加上原來走投無路的海地移民,讓這裡成為西印度群島移民的新棲地。戰後許多企業要求重啟Pacifica計劃,但警察部門的強制驅離導致了以Voodoo Boys為主所發動的暴亂,警察被迫離開,市議會決定以斷水斷電來面對這群不速之客,可是警力的撤離與政府的放牛吃草導致幫派在這裡火力全開,肆無忌憚的搶奪地盤,一個新規劃區產生了,只不過是個無法無天的規劃區…

    有錢有勢:大企業是這個階層中的佼佼者,跨國企業的力量與金錢不是任何政府所能比擬的,他們可隨意影響政策、法令、社會規範,基本上你在企業外就表示你不再屬於社會體制內的一員,也許你可以掙點小錢,但這種人與貧窮只隔了一條細細的紅線,一旦有任何意外,你就永遠陷在經濟泥淖裡了,但就算你是企業體制內的一份子,也要有隨時捲舖蓋走路的打算,忠誠、效率、人脈都是大企業用人的標準,企業裡的最底層絕沒有外界想像中的那般美好,這裡充滿著聰明、無情、拚命的年輕人,他們一天工作16小時,把亢奮藥當三餐吃、而回家後則要用安眠藥才能入眠,他們多半有個不錯的小公寓,表現的好話公司會優先配車,但這些都是與健康相爭而來的,而且除了工作壓力外,同儕間的爾虞我詐更是無所不在,這個世界裡什麼學歷、努力、經驗全派不上用場,真正的拚搏角力全是檯面下的,沒有心狠手辣是無法在這裡出人頭地,你要想盡辦法利用政界、警界甚至幫派的力量幫你除掉對手,無所不用其極才能讓你進入中階的管理層,那裡的報酬更為優渥,但代價也大,大多數的中階管理者都難以長久存活,不論是克服不了龐大的壓力,或是早早就被更強的對手給鬥掉,當你爬到最頂層後,那裡才有真正起司蛋糕,不過這些位子早就被家族、血緣給霸佔控制,只有極少數的人才能憑真本事坐進董事會的小圈圈裡,在這個階層裡你所朝思暮想的就是怎麼透過各種手段整挎對手,也就是其它的跨國企業。日商 - Arasaka(金融、工業、軍火)、Kendachi(冷兵器)、Kiroshi(光學、義肢)、美商 - Militech(軍火、軍用車輛、僱傭兵)、Night Corp(建築、能源、環境生態)、Trauma Team(醫療)、Zetatech(晶片、軟體、航空科技)中商 - Kang-Tao(軍火)另一種有錢有勢的就是政客與明星,現今的政客早已是政商不分家了,兩者私下勾結早就不是新聞,現今已說不清到底是企業在經營國家,還是政客已是企業的一分子��至於明星絕對是另一種型態的工具,真正在後面操控的是媒體產業,在點擊率與收視率至上的競爭中,這些明星像是流星一樣,閃亮卻不長久,一旦失去光芒,就會被打回原形下放街頭。


    Voodoo Boys:位於Pacifica的一群電腦駭客,他們大量吸收來自海地的移民,因為他們特殊的電腦技能,讓他們成為各方僱用的幫手。
    6th street:位於Santo Domingo的一群幫派,他們以愛國者的形象出現,在這個亂世裡以自己力量代替公權力,但這個理想現已成為自私自利的保護色,他們的成員多是軍警退役者,他們以收保護費來提供一定程度的社區安全,另外的收入主要是走私槍枝與偷竊車輛,同時也與市外的Nomads有所聯系。
    The Mox:以歌舞妓町的Lizzie's Bar為據點,是一群社會邊緣人為了自保而組成的幫派,最早是為了對抗Tyger Claws而成立的,她們的組成多為娼妓、變性人與各式各樣的無政府主義者。
    Tyger Claws:結合了三合會與日本黑道的亞洲幫會,他們在Watson與Westbrook有不少黃賭毒的營業場所,這為他們賺得不少金錢,加上與Arasaka的關係,讓他們成為不夜城成員數一數二多的幫派。
    Nomads:他們與幫派不同,他們是上個世紀全球暖化下的產物,大量人口因環境變遷而失去工作與家園,使得他們不得不過著流浪遷徒的生活,他們成群結隊的在美洲大陸上遊走,尋找工作與機會,久而久之成為一股力量,不過他們卻異常團結與合作,加上他們大多時間都在流浪中渡過,學習的時間其實比在城市裡的人們來的更多,知識在艱苦的環境中是至關重要的,因此他們學習的動機比其它人來的更強。他們現今分為七個集團,在不夜城周圍主要可看見其中兩個,一個是Aldecaldos,為Juan Aldecaldo於2000年初所創,是最早的Nomads,他們以農場工作、走私、運輸為生;另一個是Wraiths,他們是無法無天的代名詞,主要是成群結隊的出沒在不夜城的四周,以打劫落單的旅客與村莊為生,甚至對其他的Nomads下手也毫不手軟;另一股力量是被Nomads放逐的群體 - Raffen Shiv,他們大多以小團體出沒,是公路常見的劫匪,沒有Wraiths那般危險,但也不能對其掉以輕心。


  • Breaking_Bad

    Książka dla fanów gry, ewentualnie dla zainteresowanych cyberpunkiem jako nurtem fantastyki. Nie jest to poradnik przedstawiający jakiekolwiek elementy fabuły, czy mechaniki gry. Jest tu natomiast wiele informacji, które mogą pomóc zwiększyć immersję gracza.
    Dostajemy zarys historii Night City oraz szerzej Stanów Zjednoczonych, z ich upadkiem, wojnami korporacyjnymi oraz ich odrodzenia w nowej formie. Mamy przedstawiony przekrój społeczeństwa i problemy z którymi borykają się mieszkańcy. Do największych należy ogromna przestępczość. Night City jest opanowane przez gangi i dostajemy całkiem obszerną ich charakterystykę. Dowiadujemy się też kim są i skąd się wzięli Nomadzi. Oczywiście nie brakuje informacji o korporacjach z Arasaką i Militechem na czele, które współrządzą miastem.
    Jest tu też sporo, choć raczej ogólnych informacji o takich profesjach jak netrunner i ripperdoc, o tym czym są cyberwszczepy, co to jest braindance i jakie są jego popularne odmiany. Scharakteryzowane są typy broni i pojazdy oraz ich producenci.
    Wiele informacji zawartych w książce można zdobyć podążając za fabułą gry i eksplorując Night City na własną rękę. Jednak tutaj dostajemy to w formie pewnego kompendium.
    Integralna część książki to fotografie lub grafiki ze świata gry. Wśród nich można rozpoznać niektóre postacie występujące w grze, a książkę zamyka nawet wywiad z jedną z bohaterek.

  • Teijo Aflecht

    I was pleased with the coffee table style heftiness of The World of Cyberpunk 2077. The overall quality felt quite high, although I would have liked some more original art or at least more that had not already featured in trailers and other material.

    The writing is good overall. Presenting the book as a Night City magazine works quite well. Some chapters feel like they're better read in parts, such as the one on different neighborhoods. So initially I just skipped those and am going back to them after having finished. 80 % of the book I just read in 2 days. It's not the 1984 of cyberpunk in terms of prose, but I honestly don't see how someone would expect that.

    I have quite little background knowledge of the world of Cyberpunk 2020/2077, so this book gave a nice peek at the history and got me pretty hyped for the release of the game.

  • Tyler

    This is a great introduction into the world of Cyberpunk 2077, so an apt title!

    4 stars for what I expected from what it is. This is not the same as grading a novel. You get bits of knowledge about various things throughout the city. It is presented as in character articles and interviews.

    The only downside? While there is a clear narrative start to the book from The Night City Inquirer, there is no conclusive part. The book just ends after an interview. Disappointing, but a small nitpick.

    The art is very fun as well. I wouldn’t quite put much of it at a complete awesome level, but it is quality.

    You can find a lot of this information for free, but I enjoyed the read with the whole package of narrative, art, and information together. Plus, supporting some of the product by purchasing this is nice.

    I will disclose I bought the deluxe edition at 50% sale price on a deal. Even if I had bought it at full retail, maybe I would have been disappointed at the value for that money, but at $50 it was worthwhile.

  • Zachary

    I never played Cyberpunk 2077 and at this point I probably never will.

    However, I am a sucker for good worldbuilding and cool sci-fi art, and this book delivered reasonably well on both fronts.

    It's a shame such a considerable effort was placed into worldbuilding for a game that ended up being so spectacularly unsuccessful.

    A couple of nitpicks: the slang term "corpo" is pretty cringey, and I doubt anyone would ever name a place "Corpo Plaza," also, the interview and discussion of the term "cyberpunk" at the end felt forced and pretty lame.

  • Juan Jesús

    Puro lore 2077

  • Kosta Voukelatos

    Very enjoyable read with great artwork.

  • Igo Lubczański

    Bardzo fajna pozycja dla osób, które przeszły już grę i szukają dodatkowych informacji o świecie. Pięknie zebrana książka z concept-artami.

  • Peio

    Un poco como el videojuego. Es atrayente, pero se siente vacío. Interesante para conocer el lore del juego y poquísimo mas.

  • Mario Kajic

    Nice illustrations, cool stories, interesting world building.
    Outstanding combination when reading along Cyberpunk 2077 OST.
    If only the game was half as good..

  • Igor Veloso

    The World of Cyberpunk is an introductory piece to Cyberpunk 2077 that reads like a travel magazine with a special edition about Night City. Provides context to the state of the world but apparently not as much as other works like the original Cyberpunk role playing game. On certain topics you’ll end up much more informed watching the Gamespot video series about the world of cyberpunk than this very book.

    The meat of it is in the descriptions of the gangs, factions and class stratification but even in some of those the company decided to play a bit safe, maybe to avoid any more controversies before release but also to not give too much away. I’m betting the game itself will have a Codex of sorts with all the things we didn’t get to know about here, like how the Eurodollar currency came to be used in the Americas and apparently the world, other conflicts and personalities backstories.

    This is made for the fans of Cyberpunk and those who pre-ordered the game and collectors, so if you’re not into the genre nor the game, you won’t find much of interest here. It’s made to be immersive. The writing passes as gonzo journalism with notes from its Editor and articles from different points of view. The images used are a bit meta. Some fit perfectly well the locations and people reported, others are clearly game screenshots and art-work from the main character or others he/she comes close to, which breaks the immersion a little. One page you’re seeing a good “photo” of the City, the other you’re seeing a trailer character the journalist clearly couldn’t have met. Maybe it’s an excuse for developers to show some art and screens but ends up just filling space. Other times you’re left wondering if it’s really mystery they’re trying to convey, or simply don’t have anything drawn for that topic or don’t feel like sharing. Either way, most of the art you probably already saw on the web or was shared by the developers themselves as “goodies” for download.

    I enjoyed it but I completely expected much more. If anything, the book is Cyberpunk: lots of style, no matter the amount of substance. It has some substance but not what I was hoping. Sometimes you’re promised essays, but you get about two paragraphs of superficial descriptions. The best parts for me were the gangs, social classes and Nomads. As someone who loves Cyberpunk’s Corporation life style, clothes and hardware, I wanted a lot more about it. Hell, I was even wishing to find some fashion ideas and how it came to be, but alas, nothing of the sort. In the end I ended up more curious about the Nomads than anyone else, and learned more about the insides of Gangs and Nomads than the Corps. Corps being secretive and always involved in war I guess it’s fair, but still, I always get the impression Nomads are the particular selling point when looking at the overall marketing. Or at least, the street level culture. Might be my bias working here.

    Ultimately this is an introduction and shouldn't expect nothing deep. If you want information and really dig into the world of cyberpunk, just buy the original work and watch some video essays. The book is beautiful and stylish, clearly for collectors, so keep all that in mind before buying. Is it worth the 20 or 30 bucks? Debatable. Looks damn good though.

  • Nikolis Asimakis

    This is a book that sets the world of the upcoming videogame "Cyberpunk 2077". Under the guise of a series of articles for the Night City Inquirer, the goal of the book is to present Night City, the technology that guides the era along with major players and organisations. This comes through interviews with known NPCs of the game, alongside with multiple visual material like in-game screenshots, unique art pieces etc.

    A person who's delved more in the world building by reading the old pnp RPG, Cyberpunk 2020 or the newly released Cyberpunk Red will definitely wonder whether this book is worth checking out. I'll be honest. It is and it isn't. While it provides the reader with good information about the changes between Cyberpunk Red (set in 2045) and Cyberpunk 2077 (set in 2077, duh!) and with visual material that can easily be implemented in any Cyberpunk Red campaign (those in-world ads available in the book are too yummy not to be used), it hasn't nearly the depth or the scope that Cyberpunk Red's Core Rules book has. Expected, since the scope was to just present what factions and situations one might find in the videogame, but underwhelming in comparison nonetheless.

    All in all, a definitely interesting read while we are experiencing the latest (and hopefully last) delay of Cyberpunk 2077 and I'll definitely use material and info gained from this book in my current 2050-based Cyberpunk Red campaign. But for a casual reader? Might not be worth buying.


  • alexander shay

    I haven't played the game yet so I was a little worried there might be some spoilers in here (as there have been a couple small ones in Marvel and other artbooks) but there isn't really anything plot related in this book. The setup was really interesting, created as a book that exists within the CP2077 universe rather than as a showcase of the art and process like most artbooks are. An "editor" of a newspaper guides you as the reader through several topics, like the neighborhoods in the city, the different gangs, weapons available, and of course the current setup of government vs corporations. There's even ads throughout the book to make it feel like a more authentic newspaper style (and hint at the power of "corpos").

    This would really count as a 3.5 for me, but I rated it up because of the setup. Because this isn't the type of artbook that shows sketches and prototypes and such, I was a little surprised at the roughness of some of the art included, especially in comparison to the very finished looking ads and logos and such. I personally would have liked a little more about the world itself as well; it felt like a lot of the book focused on gangs and crime. But, once I play the game I'll probably understand it better. No doubt gangs and crime play a central role in said game after all, and I'm sure you learn more about Night City as you go. This is more of a prep/pre-play overview than anything.

  • Emir Kaymakoglu

    The book's editorial design which serves as an example of an independent newspaper/magazine in Night City is very good. It gives an idea about the lore of the unreleased, long anticipated video game Cyberpunk 2077.

  • Liz (Quirky Cat)

    The World of Cyberpunk 2077 is the perfect companion novel for those that are seriously enjoying the video game. Or for those that simply enjoyed all of the visual decisions that went into the making of it.

    This is a novel that explores the lore of Cyberpunk 2077. Everything from the major points down to the minutia, including the artwork itself. Picture a stereotypical flier you might find about any city out there. Now picture it with a lot more color, and you’ve got a solid idea of what is in store for you.

    Don’t worry – there is a story to follow along with all of the information you could hope to get about Night City. One more reason to check it out, I suppose.

    Read more over at Word of the Nerd

  • Danielle M Kelley

    A great look into the upcoming game

    If you plan on spending hours upon hours of your life playing CDPR’s upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 then I recommend giving this a read. For one, the collection of artwork in this is amazing. Two, it will set you up with some knowledge of who you’ll be running into and the types of places you’ll be heading. And third, this is actually a really enjoyable read.
    The book is set up as if you’re reading various magazine articles on different topics; and in so doing, keeps you engaged and interested. Once I was done reading I was already thinking of which Corps I might want to work with, which gangs I might aid, and what brand or style of weapons I plan to use.
    This game is going to be insane!