Title | : | Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Comic #25 Buffy Seasons 5 6) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1569719055 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781569719053 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 80 |
Publication | : | First published May 28, 2003 |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Comic #25 Buffy Seasons 5 6) Reviews
I recently reread this graphic novel which I had since 2008 and forgot about.
Having reread it I noticed things which before I have not. Such as on the first page, in the picnic scene the bottle is labeled as 'premium tap water!! The patterns are amazing and the rosy sunset/sunrise scene are very well drawn. The script is funny, it will make you snicker at times and both the first and the second stories have a message to pass- one of being careful on the consequences of your actions and the second on deforestation and to some extend also the consequences. The plots are brief but detailed. Characterization is spot on.
The only thing I wished, is that they would have seen the rooms in that house of the second story- however, somethings are meant to stay unopened.
All in all, I highly recommend this graphic novel! -
Well, it's about Willow and Tara, it's got strong female characters, a lesbian relationship, ecology, paganism, magic, it's beautifully drawn and coloured and it has a compelling plot, funny and poignant. What more could a Joss Whedon fan want? And the amazing details like the label on the "Premium Tap Water" bottle, describing how someone had the brilliant idea to get rich by bottling water that belongs to everyone in the first place, are just the kind of thing to set this book apart. Amber, thank you for this. You may not be Stan Lee yet but you did very well. And thank you to my local library for stocking this!
i love these gay witches
sapphic witches let's gooo
Guys this exists! There’s a comic book collection about Willow and Tara, best fictional couple ever. They’re from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Watching them helped me discover my own sexuality. I was thrilled to learn that there are more stories about them. These comics were absolutely adorable. “Wannablessedbe” was about Willow and Tara’s very short time in the college witch group where they met. Another witch tries to butt in on them and ends up summoning a deadly goddess.
What I loved about this one was the trust Willow and Tara had in each other. There’s one part where Willow sees Tara holding hands with the other girl, but when Tara explains that she was pulling away Willow believes her immediately. I love this because I hate suspected cheating drama in stories. There were lots of cute moments in this one.
This was written by Amber Benson, who is the actress who plays Tara, so the characters act just like they act on the show. I never knew she was a writer, but her stories were very good.
“Wilderness” was the one I enjoyed the least, but I still really liked it. Willow and Tara take Dawn on a road trip and encounter angry forest spirits. The comics medium allows the story to have supernatural creatures that the show’s budget couldn’t handle, so that’s nice. This one was more action heavy, which is fine but I prefer the character-driven moments.
“Demonology Menagerie” was only two pages long and was silly and cute. Willow accidentally summons a video game demon and they have to fight it. The art style is way simpler but it fit the story and it made me smile. The resolution is hilarious.
Overall I love this and would recommend it for anyone who has seen Buffy; otherwise it would be confusing. I’m so glad I got a few more stories about Willow and Tara! -
Two different tales (actually 3):
The first had our two lovely witches battling the Morrigan, who was accidentally summoned by a young witch-wannabee.
The second story sees them having a roadtrip with Dawn in the back seat. When they venture into some woodlands in search of the green altar (or something or other), they encounter sprites and the king of the forest, dedicated to destroy all humans who in their turn are destroying the forest.
The last two page story was just silly.
I really enjoyed this volume and it was a nice trip down memory lane since Buffy hasn't been on our screens since 2003... -
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow and Tara is a graphic novel written by Amber Benson (Tara) based on the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer created by Joss Whedon.
I own all seven seasons of Buffy, and I have watched all seven seasons, like, a thousand times. This graphic novel caught my eye, not only because it was about our beloved Willow and Tara, but because it was written by Amber Benson, Tara herself. Willow and Tara, I believe, are one of the best couples in all of Buffy. They are forever. -
Ok, so I admit it. I own this book and it's actually quite good. I only wish I had bought more of the Buffy graphic novels before they got so pricey. I guess I'll be hunting for more in used bookstores.
Amber Benson proves herself quite the artist and going along with the tactful subtlety of the season four and five Willow/Tara relationship (in which it is set) or perhaps for Dawn's sake) is a nice touch--a little heavy handed with the enviromentalism--but i suppose that's the point.
I give WannaBlessedBe 3 stars, I felt that parts of it were out of character/awkward. But I give Wilderness 5 stars. Loved it. And I'm glad Dawn was in it, too. I loved her interactions with Willow and Tara in the show.
My two favorite lesbians!