Title | : | Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1302920979 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781302920975 |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 112 |
Publication | : | Published January 21, 2020 |
Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool Reviews
Deadpool: "Gorillas are nuts man. The women kidnapping, the building climbing... the faeces throwing, so much faeces throwing". One of the reasons I am putting my self through the
Absolute Carnage mini-event, is because of the Deadpool, Parker and Miles tie-in volumes. This one paid off a bit with old school scribe Frank Tieri actually cracking a few good funnies as Wade and Spider-man team up against a cacophony of Symbiotes. 6 out of 12
Also this volume collects the Ravenscroft pages from Captain Marvel (2019) #8, Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #24, Deadpool (2018) #14 and Black Cat (2019) #2. -
I went into this one thinking it might be a much needed injection of humour in the decidedly grim Absolute Carnage crossover event but it turned out to be so-so Deadpool-by-numbers that failed to raise much of a giggle and ended up feeling disjointedly tonally inappropriate.
In fact, the Captain Marvel one-shot chucked on the end of this book actually made me laugh than the three Deadpool issues put together. It actually ended up being this book’s saving grace. -
Actually a pretty solid tie-in book. Carnage sends his cronies after Deadpool because he was merged with 5 different symbiotes. There's also a story where Captain Marvel's cat, Chewie, gets Carnagized.
I just can't stand these Deadpool books anymore. I don't mind humor, but does every single, freaking, panel, need to be a joke? I rather have one out loud laugh from a well built moment than a tsunami of jokes, which seems to be the basis of all these Deadpool titles. One star extra for the art, which was really good.
With another mini-event comes a slew of tie-ins, to varying effect. First up for Absolute Carnage is Absolute Carnage Vs. Deadpool, which brings Wade to Ravencroft after an altercation with Spider-Man puts him on the road to recovery, only for Carnage to set his sights on Wade once he realises that Wade was once a host to four symbiotes at a time.
The actual Carnage Vs. Deadpool stuff isn't anything to write home about. It's fun, a little zany, and Frank Tieri manages to stop from going too overboard. But it's less interesting than the Spidey/Deadpool interactions that bookend the mini-series - if we eventually get a Spider-Man/Deadpool relaunch, I want Tieri on as writer, because he nails their relationship perfectly. The artwork does deserve mentioning though, because Marcelo Ferreira's pencils are outstanding. It's no wonder he instantly got a Marvel-exclusive contract offer after this book, because it's really great. Think Tyler Kirkham, or Gerardo Sandoval, but a little more restrained, and you've got him. Otherwise, this is fairly standard tie-in fare. Nothing essential at all, but a fun little diversion.
Also included is the Absolute Carnage: Captain Marvel one-shot. Each tie-in trade gets a different one-shot in order to flesh them out, which makes a nice change from Marvel just shoving a classic in here somewhere. This one-shot sees Carol face off against her Carnagized cat, Chewie, which is hilarious as a concept but kind of pedestrian in execution. It's not bad, writer Emily Lerner and penciller Andrea Broccardo do a decent job with the pages that they've got. Oh, and there's some stinger pages from various Marvel books collected right at the back, which I wouldn't have even bothered mentioning but one of them shows Chewie getting captured by Carnage in the first place, so you'd think Marvel might have put this before the one-shot, rather than after.
These are probably the most skippable of the Carnage tie-ins, if I had to pick. -
2.5 Stars
This was probably the most useless of the Absolute Carnage tie in series. The Deadpool story is okay, but it's silliness doesn't quite fit in with such a dark series. The Captain Marvel story was even more superfluous, although it did show that the Carnage Symbiotes are infecting animals as well as people.
Fun, but non essential. -
Of all the tie ins so far this one was the best. Dead pool always makes things better. Was it a necessity to read…..no….I’m feeling all these tie ins aren’t. But it wasn’t horrendous like the previous.
So many silly symbiotes. The spine fetish is new. Very chaotic mess.
Ok, I liked it. I may be a little bit biased because of Deadpool but still, it was fun to read, even though the humor was kinda forced at times and a but try-hard with the events in pop culture and whatnot.
But overall, a nice story with great artwork and fun moments with Spidey, Deadpool and Carnage. -
I guess you could call this the wacky sidebar stories of Absolute Carnage. Deadpool is up to his usual antics and the Captain Marvel one shot revolves around Carnage taking control of her cat. It’s pretty easy and straight forward with only a few jokes that weren’t quite doing it for me.
It's was fun. Might write a proper review later
Completamente innecesaria. Este tomo trae tres números de Deadpool que funcionan como tie ins para Absolute Carnage y un número de Ms. Marvel que también es tie in del evento.
En los tres números de deadpool lo vemos pelear contra algunos villanos carnagizados ya que quieren robarle su columna vertebral porque en un momento del pasado, Deadpool se conectó con cuatro simbiontes al mismo tiempo. Estos números son pura acción, no aportan gran cosa al evento en realidad y tiene un par de bromas divertidas.
El número de Ms. Marvel comienza de manera interesante, y luego termina peleando contra un simbionte de Carnage dentro de Chewie, su gata alienígena. Eso es todo.
Un desperdicio de páginas, y de dinero.
Si leyeron el evento de Absolute Carnage, tampoco necesitan estos tie ins en realidad. -
I wasn't expecting too much from this book as Deadpool comics are typically silly and they get even sillier when it's part of a crossover event. But they did get to contrive a reason for the symbiotes to decide to chase after him despite other high-priority targets in the area. A lot of chasing and related violence and then we have that.
This volume also includes a Captain Marvel one-shot tie-in book that was a lot lighter in tone as well and pretty much involved her trying to save her cat/flerken from symbiotic takeover. Not at all what I expected - a different take on a more introspective story effort? -
This is pretty much exactly what you'd expect: hilarious one-liners, lots of fighting and violence, AND (like all other Absolute Carnage tie-ins) Carnage coming for the Codex in Wade's spine. Deadpool actually is an incredibly valuable find, as he has bonded with 5 different symbiotes in the past. Guest-starring Spider-Man (bringing back the fun dynamic set in Spider-Man/Deadpool), this Volume was a quick read and a fun time.
Recommend... even if you aren't reading Absolute Carnage. -
Ah man, I loved DPs' clash with Cletus and this was no exception especially thanks to a friendly old neighbourhood webhead helping out.
I only wish it'd been longer.
**Edit - Special mention towards Captain Marvel for A) Looking like a woman this time B) Not acting like a homicidal maniac and C) Being written in such a way I ACTUALLY want to read more comics featuring her or at least ones written by competent writers. -
Doesn’t manage to hit the same notes from the Spiderman and Deadpool series, but it was still somewhat entertaining, despite not know anything about the Absolute Carnage event or anything really about Carnage, other than what I learned from playing the old Separation Anxiety game (and falling off many bridges while webslinging).
I came here for Deadpool and as a bonus I got Deadpool teaming up with Spider Man to fight Carnage.
Deadpool is never to be taken series and if your reading this comic its to spend time with Deadpool. That's it, nothing more and nothing less.
We need more Deadpool and Spider Man collaborations! -
The Deadpool stories were great, his interaction with Spidey is great, as always! Good art and integrates into the overall arc.
The Captain Marvel story was okay, unsure of the repercussions ti the rest if the arc.
Both were well written and drawn and a worthwhile read. -
Perfect blend of humor and horror
What I expected from this crossover...mindless violence. But Deadpool and Spidey can make this work.
It was an ok mini for the crossover, but Deadpool's place in the story felt forced (although I love me any Spidey-pool scenes).
These were bad. Captain Marvel was ok. So glad Absolute Carnage is over with.
Chuckled a couple times.
this is a high three stars- was a lot of stupid fun for what its worth
Pretty much a Deadpool book. Crazy, funny, violent. Spider-Man was the best part. Carnage's crazy was more cliché and not as entertaining as expected.