Title | : | His Sub (The Doms Submission #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 163 |
Publication | : | First published July 6, 2019 |
When he sees something he likes, or more accurately, something his d**k likes, he gets it.
His women are hot, successful and experienced in BDSM.
Until, he meets Maggie.
She’s not at all his usual type. She’s round, lush and a hot-mess of a woman.
It’s obvious she doesn’t belong at La Petite Mort Club and he can’t help following her. She needs someone to look out for her. She’s a little rabbit in a club full of predators.
When she gets herself into a situation, he has no choice but to rescue her.
When he realizes that she’s a natural submissive and innocent of the kinkier side of sex, he’ll stop at nothing to have. He can’t wait to show her how good it’ll feel when she surrenders to his desires.
Maggie had no idea that the club she was going to was a “sex” club.
She tries not to look, but there are people doing it everywhere. She is not getting turned on by it. Not at all. Really, she isn’t.
All she has to do, is find her friend and get out of there.
Of course, that’s easier said than done. Not only has she bumped into just about every person in the club, but one of the men—a very handsome and extremely rude stranger—not only follows her, but suggests that they “do it” in the hallway. As if she’d ever do something like that. She’s a recently divorced, mother of three, not some wild, young woman.
She tells him, in no uncertain terms, what she thinks of his suggestion but then, she finds herself in a dangerous situation.
Will the rude stranger save her, or will he turn out to be even more dangerous than the others?
His Sub (The Doms Submission #1) Reviews
I don’t know if there’s been a half assed suggestion of a “dom” I’ve hated as much as Terry. Thinks his penis is the fucking Mother Teresa of dicks.
What a rotten, tone deaf, smug, fuck muffin centipede of a character. -
🎁 FREE on Amazon today (7/10/2019)! 🎁
Holy smokes this book is DELICIOUS!!! Maggie and Terry are insanely hot together. Their chemistry is obvious from the start and I found myself yelling at Maggie to "go for it!!" all throughout the story. Maggie's concerns about her body is so easily identifiable as a woman, and as a mother, and makes her character extremely realistic and likeable. As I was following along with her and her interactions with Terry, I was willing her to take the leap and trust him.
Terry is a great example of what a Dominant should be like in how he treats a submissive. He listens, is clear with his intentions, and communicates. Yes, he is extremely sexy in his physical descriptions but it's these other characteristics that make me wish it was me who was being tied up and taken as he so pleases. YUM!!
There is nothing vulgar or crude in this story. Yes, the sexuality and language is quite blunt at times but every word of it suits the storyline and the characters. I read this so fast that I need to go back and read it again. And again...but I am already on to the next book!
I highly recommend this book and, most likely, the series as a whole. I guarantee you will be squirming in your seat!! -
I really enjoyed this one. At first I thought Terry was an asshole and then I thought to myself that Maggie didn’t tell him anything, she didn’t communicate but it also stung when He eloped after discovering she has kids.
Then I totally loved him and how he was treating Maggie. It was so mature.
But one rhetorical question been nagging me where do they find these gorgeous caring amazing no-psychological-complexes complexes-free men? -
Consent issues, partial book. Due to it being a partial book, it was uneven. I wasn’t expecting it to end when it did and be filled with promo for other books for 15%.
Abusive, not Alpha,
One more time for the people in back:
Abusive is not the same as Alpha or Dom.
The book opens with a "little rabbit" divorced, shy woman in a sex club for the first time. A suave, distinguished member talks about how precious consent is, then kisses her against her permission.
She runs to a room of hard play, where a group of men valiantly offer to gang rape her. She's saved by... Well, you know. Who then soothes her by forcing her into his lap.
I DNF'ed shortly after that, immediately following this discussion between two wanna-be Doms:
“Sorry. I didn’t think you’d be making a move.”
“Oh? Why?” She wasn’t exactly his type but he’d made it clear that he was interested in her.
“She’d almost been raped.”
“Oh. Yeah. That.” He took a sip of his drink.
“You know what they say. When you fall off a bike, it’s best to get right back on.”
The writing style is decent, but the subject matter is too rapey, not erotic. -
Short - even for a short story...
A captivating read from beginning to end! An exciting storyline that leaves you breathless wanting more! Sexy steam filled chemistry! Emotionally heartfelt, enjoyable and fun! One heck of a twisted, intense rollercoaster ride! An amazing must read!
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. -
I read this as part as
this firsts anthology....
and I definitely won't be reading more.
I can't even tell you the number of times I wanted to quit this book. But it wasn't that long and I was hoping that there would be something to redeem it. But no. I absolutely hated Terry. He was such an asshole and every single thing he did just made me madder and madder. Don't get me wrong. I love me a strong, dominate male. But this? This was a control freak who had an obsession to possess another because they kept fleeing from him. He forcefully tries to insert himself into the life of someone he just met and doesn't give a single damn about what she wants or what her life is like. He literally claims her as his and then proceeds to try and take over her life. And he hasn't even known her a day!! And the fact that it's okay for him to tell Maggie NO, but she can't him? Oh that got to me.
As for Maggie, I want to give her more credit than I do. But I can't. She is a divorced mom of three barely managing to make ends meet (which by the way, we're shown just how rich and well off the ex-husband is, so my question is, why the fuck isn't she getting child support!?) and who is trying her hardest to do her best for her kids. Which is why I want to give her credit. But after she is tricked into going to a sex club it's like she is constantly losing her brain. First, while at the club she is running around opening every single door looking for her friend. Who does that!? At a sex club! And then after Terry saves her, every time she's around him she doesn't think. Now, I'm not saying that she doesn't deserve to have some fun. And I'm not saying that she doesn't try to push him away and prioritize her kids. But all he has to do is touch her and she's putty in his hands, and everything else just disappears. This annoyed the crap out of me because he's a complete stranger who has already tried to boss her around numerous times and refused to listen to her.
Like I said, these two meet at a BDSM club when Maggie was tricked by her [apparently not real] friend. Maggie is completely out of her depth and comfort zone. Opening closed doors, she finds herself in real trouble until Terry comes along and saves her. Maggie is not at all his usual type, but this "little rabbit" has caught his attention. More accurately, his dick's...which is what he follows apparently. Obviously Maggie is attracted to this hot guy that saved her, but she knows that she has absolutely no time for him. Too bad that any time she is near him she looses her goddamn mind and does everything he commands her to. At least until something snaps her out of it. Maggie's life is a mess. She works as a hostess at Outback which can't pay that much, her vehicle dies on her, and she's losing her house. But Terry doesn't know any of this because all he can think about is having sex with her whenever he wants. To hell with what's going on in her life. Until her life slaps him in the face and he runs as fast as he can. Now, you would think that that action right there would show Maggie what kind of guy he is. But it gets worse. When her truck dies he goes and tells the shop to go ahead and scrap it without even talking to her. And that's a huge 'fuck no' to me. But Maggie? She was mad for a few minutes but then asshole Terry shows up and literally sweeps her off her feet to take her to his house to have sex and she happily goes. I can't even. -
There wasn't anything about this one I didn't love (except wishing it was MUCH longer).
This is a new author for me & I am able to truly say I found her writing to be excellent. The characters are fully fleshed out through their POVs, their observations, their dialogue, their actions & interactions. The writing was substantive, there is something to 'grab' onto as a reader but never padded IMO. The reader gets a good feeling for surroundings, sites, physical details without being subjected to a fashion or architectural digest magazine.
The reader initially gets a 'quick' surface snapshot of Terry (H) & Maggie (h) as Maggie stumbles through La Petit Morte Club in desperate search of her friend. But in addition to finding shocking & eye opening (to her) erotic encounters, she is 'found' by Terry, a high ranking Dom & member of the Club.
And Terry is quietly surprised at how instantly he is physically attracted to the lush full figured klutzy beauty who is 180 degrees from the slender composed CEO's & models he's always 'played' with before.
But as Terry follows Maggie through the Club the reader becomes slowly immersed in these two: Terry is uber confident, loves the hunt, tall & muscled while Maggie is ruffled, a 'hot mess', obviously ill at ease in the environment & a 'little rabbit' among hyenas, although Terry himself is a wolf. He locks in on his 'little rabbit', confident in an easy conquest of her, yet things don't pan out as he expects & that deepens his lust & need to obtain her.
Another thing I loved: Maggie is in her mid-30's, is divorced & a mother but has managed to maintain her innocence & naivety of a world far, far different than the one she's experienced to date. And Terry, in his mid-40's & divorced, is laser focused on acquiring & teaching her, of 'messing' her up, of bringing her into this brave new world as his submissive.
All Terry can think of is Maggie's soft succulent curves, her lush mouth watering skin, of losing himself in her body. And Terry offers Maggie respite, even if only temporarily from her responsibilities. To have time to be, & for, only herself with him.
All Maggie can think of is her responsibilities, that Terry is too attractive, too successful, too overwhelming to be with. And yet, his offer is beyond tempting for a woman who's thought only of others & her responsibilities. And to have time to be. & for, only herself with him is enticing . . . .
There is a delicious pursuit & ramping up of heat as Terry continues his quest to convince his delightful 'little rabbit' to join him in mutually delicious carnal activities, to be his sub, to let him be her Dom. To allow him to guide Maggie to explore the type of pleasure he knows they will both enjoy.
The writing pulled me into the plot & the characters, the erotic scenes were sizzling & Terry's pursuit of Maggie was intense, focused, hot & made me bite my lip several times. And Maggie, although unsure, nervous, frazzled by responsibilities, was strong willed but also a woman impacted by an ex who belittled her looks & so Terry's lust-fueled interest in her intrigued & tempted her.
I sooo wanted Maggie & Terry to be together, for both to be the salve the other needed & wanted.
This is an excellent, very well written, sizzling but heartwarming story of 2 people trying to find a way to be together. I loved it & cannot wait for the next part of their journey!!
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. -
This is the first part of a three part series. After reading this story, I am really looking forward to the rest!
I enjoyed reading this story because it does tell both points of views, includes some characters from other stories by Ellis O. Day, and helps a woman start to see her value from someone other than her douche ex-husband. I was cheering when he was able to do anything that would make her feel better about herself and when she wouldn't let him get his way easily.
Terry is rich, been around the Dom block and is easily bored. During the Valentines Day celebration, he sees an innocent woman walking around and was curious about her. He talks to her a bit, but she isn't interested in what he wants, but when he tries to warn her about where she is going, she won't listen. He ends up saving her from a gang rape. He takes her to a safe place, reports what happened and found out that she was a guest and was trying to find her friend. It ended up being a bad prank by her ex-sister-in-law who was banned from the club. Terry keeps trying to get to know her, but his little rabbit keeps running.
Maggie hasn't been with a man since her divorce, and really for quite some time before that. Her ex has moved on and is married. Maggie works two jobs to try to support her three kids and herself. She is driving a POS that is held together with rust and keeps getting fixed at a place that charges her and doesn't even do a decent job. She knows that she is chunky, she hasn't lost the baby weight since her last baby two years ago. Her husband really did a job on her self-image so she usually runs from any male attention. When her ex-sister-in-law/friend invited her to a Valentine Party, she was all for it. The first adult thing she has done for herself in years. When she gets to the party, she finds out it is a sex club and is trying to find her friend to get out of there, but she only gets into more trouble. When she realizes that it was a mean prank on her, that she could have really gotten in big trouble, it hurts because she thought she was still her friend. When this great looking guy starts talking to her, she gets flustered and dashes off. When he saves her, she gets even more flustered but now she feels she owes him. She sends a container of cookies to him, at the club of course. He keeps trying to get with her and help her, but she doesn't want to accept charity and she doesn't have time between her jobs and kids to have a relationship and she was never a one-night-stand type of girl.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. -
Loved Maggie & Terry's story. This was an intriguing book I couldn't put down. Good characters. And a new author for me. I'm glad I read her book & can't wait to read book 2. I'm voluntarily leaving an honest review for a free copy of the book via booksprout.
DNF. The Dom spouted how important consent is but kissed her...without consent.
Continued to (aggressively) pursue her after she repeatedly said no, that she couldn’t, she didn’t have time.
After she was nearly raped, he forced her to sit in his lap...rrrgh! -
The book looks promising.
This was worse than terrible. 160 pages of a creepy
Man begging a woman to have sex and her saying NO. This was not sexy -
Maggie was reluctant to go out on the town so soon after signing her divorce papers. It had been over a decade to go clubbing & try to meet a man. But she was going with her best friend & Maggie was glad she wasn't loosing her best friend just because her brother divorced her. However, Maggie is suppose to meet her BFF & at a club. Unfortunately, Maggie doesn't know where she is going? Where is her friend? She could be in danger, She couldn't have know about this club? It's a sex club & Maggie is as square as it gets. She’s a recently divorced, mother of three, not some wild, young woman. Her friend would never put her in harm?
Terry accidently gets bumps by the gorgeous Maggie. He defiantly wants to bang her body. tries to put his charms on her & realizes that she is not keen to his advances. Let alone this type of lifestyle. She wants to leave.
While she is running off to find her friend, Terry is attempting to stop her from going into one of the private rooms. Maggie will not leave without getting her friend. She runs into a sticky situation when entering the wrong room. Should Terry help her or let her fend for herself?
Since she was so rude to him. Terry might want to be a dom, but he doesn't believing in abusive fantasies', especially when the woman doesn't want it. It’s obvious she doesn’t belong at La Petite Mort Club and he can’t help to follow her. As Terry says, she is a little rabbit in a club full of predators. The gentleman that Terry is will rescue her from being attacked by non member predator's.
Fortunately, for Maggie, Terry comes in the perfect time to save her from being attached. Once he gets her out of their & put her in a room to recover. Is when he informs her that he knows that her friend know of this place. She set her up. Maggie now knows that she has lost her friend & her ex sister in law.
Maggie is not Terry's type of woman. She is a lush hot-mess of a woman.
Not the typical hot, successful & experienced woman to play in BDSM games.
But Maggie surprises Terry with her natural submissive and innocent of the kinkier side of sex. Now he’ll do everything he can to have her, to make her feel good to surrenders to his desires.
I enjoyed the banter between the two characters. How Terry gets her to indulge in sexual desires. But I also enjoy it's not abusive behavior. Let's not forget Terry might have the control in the bed room. But lets not forget Maggie, has the control of his heart. She has him right where she wants him. Can Maggie have love, & desires to keep this sexual god.
Read the series to find out -
Score: 6.5/10
Reread: no
Continue series: maybe
Usually, for me a score of 6 means bad, but even though I enjoyed this book I just had too many issues for a 4-star rating.
Maggie is a newly divorced single mom with 3 kids. Through a bad joke from her ex-sister-in-law, she ends up in a sex club where Terry gets his sight on her. Terry keeps trying to get the small beauty to submit to him. Maggie keeps trying to push him away and focus on her motherly duties while lusting after him.
Terry is a very determined male. He is very confident in his qualities and loves the hunt. He surprises himself when he is attracted to Maggie since she is not his usual type. But he is relentless in his pursuit for her. While I could almost understand his reaction to the existence of Maggie's kids, I still found it very offputting. What amazed me, even more, was that it is mentioned that he has kids of his own, so his reaction got even weirder.
Maggie is in deep financial trouble. She is trying to raise her 3 kids while juggling a job that barely pays the bills. Her ex-husband seems to have moved on, with a new "perfect" wife and perfect weekends for the kids. While her reticence towards jumping into Terry's bed is understandable, her refusal to share the fact that she has kids in a more civilized and less "Surprise!" way was even less understandable than Terry's reaction.
I've been meaning to pick up a book from La Petit Mort Club for a while now and even though I was expecting more from this book, I would still continue reading this series or maybe another story affiliated with the club. -
Terry is rich, attractive and a Dom - normally he sleeps with women who are hot, successful and into the BDSM lifestyle. Maggie is round, lush and a mess - completely innocent of anything that is not boring vanilla sex as she is a recently divorced, mother of three, not some wild, young woman.. They meet when she finds herself in La Petite Mort Club and Terry saves her from a bad situation in the club. It also becomes clear to Terry that she is a natural submissive and he decides to stop at nothing until he gets her. Will the rude stranger save her, or will he turn out to be even more dangerous than the others?
I liked that it started from a bad situation but started to turn into something good (even if it was from something which could be interpreted as Terry's selfishness). Maggie was determined to protect herself and her children even though she also appeared to be a bit of a wet weekend as it seemed obvious that her ex-husband had walked over her. I hope that Terry can take care of her, her family, and do something to make her life better going forward. Contains BDSM life scenes and mature content. This is just the start and so I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next. -
I grab this one for free from the author´s newsletter, I know that the start of Le Petit Mort Club is the Six Nights of Sin series (in my TBR list), but there was something about the blurb that got my attention....and boy i was not expecting this.
This book is so captivating, you see Maggie´s struggle with wanting to take care of herself after a failed marriage and Terry (a complete Dom) wanting to care of her in any way...the emotions from Maggie were so raw that they moved me to tears, and Terry was such an a*hole but you got to also see his POV. So you understand that too.
I was not expecting this book to leave with this type of cliffhanger so i just had to grab the box set instead (it´s cheaper than to buy the 2 other books separately) and had to know what happened with Maggie & Terry. -
I haven’t read dom/sub book in awhile and saw this for for on Eden Books. This is a new-to-me author.
This is book one, so before you get your panties in a bunch, there’s a cliffhanger and book 2 is already out.
I enjoyed but some things such a phrases seemed a bit repetitive. How Maggie ended up in a sex club in the first place and what would have happened to her had Terry showed, well let’s say it would be all kinds of messed up.
Terry is so intrigued and turned on by the curvy Maggie and wants her as a sub but poor Maggie, she just is so innocent like or rather a newbie when it comes to all things BDSM. And then there’s a little issue with her past.
Overall, I would definitely will read book 2 because I am invested and really want to know if Maggie’s character growth into this new lifestyle will flourish. -
Good things come to those who wait...
Maggie was a terrified rabbit,Terry I knew as soon as I saw her. But she was no push-over. Maggie was a divorcee , a mother of three. Invited to La Petite Mort the club for kinks,a sex club. But Maggie didn't realise it was. Lost and worried looking for her friend,her ex sister in law. Who she was meant to meet there. She bumped into Terry a rich divorce lawyer,a member of the club. He was looking for a new sub. A CEO tall thin ,wanting to relinquish the control that they constantly have to command. He was very surprised when his little head decided that this small flustered strong willed woman was going to be the one he wanted.
I was amused at how Terry wanted Maggie but when he found out she was a mum how he was running out the door. Both of them want each other it's delightful to read. The beckoning of one another then the no no this is a bad idea. At no point did I get frustrated at how they were never getting it on. In fact the ending was the only time I cried out . Loved the book. Loved the characters. Great play scenes 🌡 -
When Maggie's friend invites her to go out to a club, she never expected it to a BDSM club. Now all she wants to do is find said friend and leave. She is a recently divorced mother of 3! When Terry, a tall, gorgeous man keeps coming up to her wanting to play, Maggie runs scared. Unfortunately she run into an even bigger problem. Luckily, Terry comes to Maggie's rescue. Terry can tell that Maggie is a natural submissive and after some discussions, get her to agree to being with him. In the end, Maggie never realized how freeing that could be and ends up very happy.
This was a very steamy, quick read about Maggie who never realized how fun a certain lifestyle could be until she finally submits to Terry. -
I honestly didn't expect to enjoy this one as much as I did after trying duds. Maggie is not your typical submissive in these types of books. The Dom Terry is a wealthy divorce lawyer with the hots for the curvy shy Maggie. Maggie has three secrets she is hiding from Terry and currently down on her luck in a big way. She is raw and acts similar to how I feel many women might if approached by a random guy wanted to hook up. Finally a woman that doesn't instantly throw herself into the man's lap.
M-"I'm not the kind of woman who has one-night stands."
T-"Good because one night with you won't be enough."
T-"Get in the car or I'm going to put you on the hood and fuck you."
T-"Saturday then, but no later." He pulled her against him, engulfing her in his warmth. "I can't wait too long to have you."
Her car is a piece of junk, that she recently had taken to the shop to have "fixed." Terry- They should've put it out of its misery."
She smelled like a dessert he was dying to eat. -
Decent enough book, but it felt lacking in the BDSM department. I wouldn't bill this as such a book because, honestly, it didn't fit the bill. However, I was intrigued by the characters and wanted more of their story. The chemistry was there even if it was tampered by repeated 'poor me' actions from the heroine. I get poor self-esteem and being crushed by a former partner in a divorce, but there's more to her than just that. I would have liked to have seen more depth and growth with the characters. Alas, that would have to wait for subsequent books.
Eh it was okay
The beginning of a book. Needed an editor cause if the page count is why it was cut off then it needs a good hack job. The cookies did nothing. I'm over the virgin/rake trope at least do an interesting take on it. The sex was more DBD, daddy big d, than anything spectacular as far as kink is concerned. When you have to rely on physical endowment rather than technique you failed. Hell, a good Dom can make you come harder than you ever had in your life and not penetration you at all. Kink is about the mind not the act of sex. -
This book caught me off guard in the best of ways. I expected the basic dominant and submissive relationship. I wasn't expecting Maggie to be so innocent into the way of life that Terry thrives on. I didn't enjoy the fact Terry disliked the fact she had children. But I was also grateful that other than influencing how Maggie acts they weren't a large part of this book. That's just something I wouldn't enjoy seeing mixed into a book that's about sex and all the different ways doms are with submissive.
Part 1. Brilliant but read them all. Steamy sex and a will they/won't they theme. Terry follows his head in business, never follows his heart because that got broken and so follows another part of his anatomy for relationships; when he meets Maggie it is that part of him that is drawn to her, but she has responsibilities and while she is very attracted to Terry, she doesn't want to be a one-night stand.