How to Keep Your Head on Straight in a World Gone Crazy: Developing Discernment for These Last Days by Rick Renner

How to Keep Your Head on Straight in a World Gone Crazy: Developing Discernment for These Last Days
Title : How to Keep Your Head on Straight in a World Gone Crazy: Developing Discernment for These Last Days
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 400
Publication : First published September 1, 2019

We are living in a day when countless multitudes have lost their way both morally and spiritually. Like a ship without anchor, this last day's generation is being tossed to and fro by a flood of deception and wrong influences that is tragically causing people to lose their moorings. What should we do to make sure we don't get sucked in to the chaotic swirl of moral and spiritual confusion sweeping the world today? That is the vital question prolific author and Greek scholar Rick Renner answers in this riveting and timely book.

How to Keep Your Head on Straight in a World Gone Crazy: Developing Discernment for These Last Days Reviews

  • Karen

    What I love most about Rick Renner’s teachings are that he relies on and teaches from the original Greek or Hebrew word much of the time. I find that to be significantly clarifying. This book explained what I have been seeing culturally and sensing in my spirit. Excellent book. Gave it four stars rather than five because there seemed to be a great deal of repetition and more emphasis on the problem rather than solutions/responses.

  • Linda Edmonds cerullo

    If you think that the world is in a crazy place, be assured you are not alone. Constantly wondering if I was the one who was off or the world was really just that bad anymore, I felt relief when I saw this book. Rick Renner does a great job reassuring people like me that we are not losing our minds, that the world is dancing on a precipice and if things keep going from bad to worse we are in serious danger of heading right off the cliff. Things that were wrong even just 10-15 years ago are now widely accepted and if you disagree with those who advocate for them, then you are just a bigot, discriminatory, hateful -- fill in the blank. People always choose to shout you down if you take a stand for what your faith teaches. That is bad enough, but the churches are also becoming part of the problem. Where once I was a regular attendee in my church and active, I no longer attend. Nor can I seem to find one that hasn't fallen prey to the lunacy that abounds. In an effort to be more "progressive" these churches have foolishly turned many of the faithful attendees (and givers) away with their ever increasing embrace of lifestyles and choices the Word of God calls abominations. We have not left our churches, they have left us and will no doubt answer for it one day. All churches should have a statement of faith as Rick Renner explains so well and in addition to that, make it clear what will and won't be accepted. There is entirely too much infiltration taking place. People who wish to practice lifestyles not consistent with the Holy Scriptures should either repent and live as the Bible directs or find another way to practice their "faith" (which is really no more than wanting to do whatever they want and not let anyone dare call it sinful). I'm reminded of God's command to "come out of her my people" in Revelation 18:4. It is no wonder that the Book of Revelation and the vision of St. John begins with a scolding of seven churches. Unless true Christian churches can get turned around, that precipice and that end of the cliff loom dangerously close. Time is short. The only complaint I would have about this book is that I wish he had given more examples of various denominations and just how outrageous things have become. Most people have no idea what is happening on the decision making levels of their churches. Many of these bishops, etc. have lost their collective minds. Some people will never open their eyes unless shown evidence. Even with evidence they have, as the Bible says, believed a lie. A lie that will cost them dearly in eternity.

  • Rene'e

    I don't know what to say do to my personal opinion. But hey you may truly enjoy it.

  • Denise Greene

    Great read

    Awesome walk through this book. Very enlightening. Love the story about Lot and Abraham how how we can stand in the gap.