Title | : | Japanese Literature: An Introduction for Western Readers |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0394172000 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780394172002 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 114 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1953 |
Japanese Literature: An Introduction for Western Readers Reviews
Originally used in lectures delivered at the University of Cambridge in 1952, this book by Prof. Donald Keene (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_...) has long been one of my 'must read' books on Japanese literature since I came across its title somewhere some years ago. One of the motives was that I first enjoyed reading his Modern Japanese Literature: From 1868 to Present Day (Tuttle, 1972) cheaply bought from one of the booths in our Book Fair in April 2011; the book itself looked like a deserted, oldish one due to its cover design (
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6...) [Two 1953 woodblock prints by Shiko Munakata illustrating poems by the contemporary writer Isamu Yoshii] and brownish pages from which we should open with care but its spine is all right. I have since been inspired by this good introductory anthology to Japanese literature by hunting, collecting and reading them to my heart's content after they had reached the approved category of my-cup-of-tea consideration.
To continue . . . -
As I am a Japanese, Donald Keene’s introduction of Japanese literature is informative. He has very great historical perspective about the theme. I was, first, surprised to find that the book began with Japanese ancient poetry, over one thousand years old, completely unfamiliar to most of us. I learned a lot by his well-organized, persuasive, beautifully fluent interpretation and summary about our literary history. I took several literary classes in my college days, which were given by famous Japanese professors, though, I couldn't get such a great comprehension and clearness that the book produced. In addition to the historical overlook, it gave me a global view. He meticulously identified Chinese and European and American influence to emboss intrinsic Japanese literature’s uniqueness. I got many findings. amazing.
Creo que el autor no comprende bien el realismo japonés de principios del siglo XX. Los japoneses estaban haciendo entonces lo que a los estadounidenses les tomaría otros 60 años en realizar: un realismo sobre la cotidianidad gris de la sociedad industrializada moderna y la perdida paulatina de valores, como una llama que se extingue entre los días que se suceden. Keene, recuperándose de la corriente de conciencia joyceana le sorprende que los protagonistas del realismo japonés callen y se marchiten, intentando llevar su condición vital. Es curioso, pero me parece que ahora estamos más cerca de eso que de Henry James, por ejemplo.
El libro en general es una valiosa introducción a la literatura japonesa, lleno de bellas traducciones y escrito con una excelente prosa, que hace del libro en sí mismo una pieza valiosa. Keene es un buen contador de historias y con la ayuda de muchos fragmentos de Whaley, logra que uno se haga una idea más o menos convincente de la literatura tradicional de las islas. Bastante merito para un libríto de apenas ciento y tantas páginas. -
Touches on the fascinating non-dualism of Zen Buddhism that permeates so much of life in Japan, narrowly focusing on the country’s literary contributions that span the centuries. Those further away in the remote past are more precious and unique to the authors whose names are synonymous with the poems, plays and novels they originated, yet the closer Keene gets to postwar yet still modern Japan, such nearness makes the work less distinct and harder to separate from the handful of Western examples Keene uses. Not enough space for every work of literature, yet it doesn’t strengthen his case when his preference exclude waka poems, kabuki drama or the short stories (even those bordering on pornographic) that also had tremendous impact on culture yet not suited to Keene’s tastes.
A useful book but not as good as The Pleasure of Japanese Literature. I found the section on poetry very good, the section on theatre helpful in understanding it in the context of Japanese pre-WWII novels, but the section on the post Meiji novel confusing. Keene seems to long for a more western conception of the novel while criticizing the hyper-realism and "plotlessness" of The Makioka Sisters (both I think unfair criticisms). A better investment with a stronger statement of theory is is The Pleasure of Japanese Literature, which (so far) largely skips over modern Japanese writing but provides a grounding in theory and history I am finding useful in my exploration of contemporary Japanese novels.
Uno de los libros más bonitos que he leído. Es increíble la capacidad de este hombre para entender y explicar a la literatura japonesa. Para eso, Keene simplifica el tema que va a desarrollar, busca formas de explicarlo y después describe a los escritores más sobresalientes de cada disciplina (poesía, teatro, novela).Lo interesante es la apreciación de Keene, su sensibilidad para entender la literatura japonesa y además, abarcar un tema tan vasto y explicarlo tan bien. Su sentido del humor y su intuición literaria, además de las lecturas que conocía de primera mano, lo hacen un autor muy fresco y divertido para leer. Es como estar en una clase con Indiana Jones. El libro es pequeño y se lee en dos días. Es una completa maravilla. Uno de los mejores regalos que me han hecho.
È un libro davvero datato, però è nonostante l'età scritto in modo scorrevole, e spiega nelle sue poche pagine in modo davvero centrato alcuni aspetti fondamentali della storia della letteratura Giapponese. Molto bella la parte sulla poesia a catena e quella sul teatro Nō.
While I’ve read a number of Japanese novels, I’ve had no formal education in the study of them. This was elucidating and economically written. I have no idea whether to take his recommendations on translators, but ofc the next Japanese novel I picked up was translated by Keene himself lol.
En el actual mundo de apertura global, la cultura se entremezcla y se conocen obras de maneras que resultarían imposibles en el mundo de antaño. Este libro nos retrata no el estado actual de la literatura japonesa, pero si el marco histórico y conceptual de donde emergió. Con una cantidad adecuada de ejemplos y una lectura comprensible, este libro nos posiciona para comprender las referencias e imágenes que a veces nos desconciertan en los autores del Japón.
A helpful and concise summary of the many forms that Japanese literature has taken over the past 1000 years. I found, in particular, the details of puppet theater and western theoretical influence on Japanese literature to be very interesting.
Je. Creo que cada vez me doy más cuenta de lo relevante que se ha vuelto este libro en mi incursión por las letras japonesas. =)