Title | : | Whispers of the Dead (David Hunter, #3) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0593055276 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780593055274 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 319 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2010 |
In America to escape the violence that nearly killed him, forensics expert David Hunter needs to know whether he is still up to the job of confronting death in all its strange and terrible forms.
Then a body is found in a remote cabin out in the woods. And then another...
Pushed deep into the heart of a terrifying manhunt, Hunter begins to wonder if they're on the trail of a maniac who simply cannot be stopped.
Shocking, cunning and heart-stoppingly exciting, here is the new crime thriller from a No. 1 intentional bestselling storyteller.
(back cover)
Whispers of the Dead (David Hunter, #3) Reviews
Es ist der dritte Band der Reihe um den forensischen Anthropologen David Hunter, und auch dieser Band hat mich überzeugen können. Das ganze Thema Forensik finde ich an sich schon hochinteressant und spannend, und auch der eigentliche Thriller hat mich packen können. Die Zurschaustellung der Leichen, die falschen Spuren und die Suche nach dem Täter - sehr spannend und gruselig!
Ich freue mich auf den nächsten Band, den ich schon bald lesen werde! -
4,5 Sterne
Der dritte Band rund um David Hunter hat mir bisher am besten gefallen! Abgesehen davon, dass mir das Ende wieder etwas zu "typisch amerikanisch drüber" war, habe ich an diesem Thriller absolut nichts auszusetzen. Auch wenn mich der Anfang nach dem Cliffhanger im Vorband etwas irritiert hat fand ich den Einstieg hier doch sehr gelungen. Wir haben diesmal einen krassen Ortswechsel in der Geschichte: wir befinden uns diesmal in den USA, u.a. auf einer sog. "Body-Farm". Fand ich sehr krass, aber auch echt spannend und interessant. Musste das dann direkt erstmal googeln, da ich von diesem Konzept vorher noch nie gehört hatte. Und ja: es gibt wirklich diese "Body-Farms" in den USA, mega krass.
Abgesehen davon waren mir die Charaktere hier direkt sehr vertraut und sympathisch. Allen voran natürlich David Hunter!
Neben Setting und Charakteren fand ich auch den Fall sehr spannend, vor allem gegen Ende konnte ich das Buch wirklich nicht mehr aus der Hand legen und so soll es ja schließlich sein bei einem guten Thriller, oder nicht? :)
Freue mich auf jeden Fall auf weitere Fälle, die David Hunter bearbeitet! -
I think this is my favorite book of the series so far!
The writing style was amazing and easy to read as always. The characters were realistic and well developed. The storyline was fantastic and exciting, without being too over the top.
Something I love in every book I read by this author, is how well researched everything seems. I once again felt like I've learnt tons of new stuff.
Overall, a very entertaining, interesting and suspenseful reading experience. -
A forensic puzzle turns into a disturbing, terrifying, and deadly game!
As we crept past, waved on by a stone-faced police officer, I saw onlookers crowding a bridge that spanned the highway, leaning on the railing to gawk at the entertainment below. Then it was behind us, and the traffic resumed its usual flow as though nothing had happened.
Tom seemed more his old self on the drive back from the cemetery. There was a sparkle in his eyes that I knew meant he was intrigued by this latest twist. First fingerprints from a murder scene that belonged to a dead man; now the wrong body had been found in his grave. A puzzle like that was milk and honey to him.
He couldn't have known that this was going to become a deadly game where anyone could be the next victim.....
Whispers of the Dead by
Simon Beckett is the third book in the David Hunter series and is as riveting as the first two! There is an enormous amount of emotion surrounding the characters that is precisely entangled within the storyline, creating a unique and masterful psychological crime thriller. If you enjoy forensic science like I do, this is a series not to be missed.
It opens with a homicide that produces several puzzling pieces of forensic evidence that leads the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and forensic anthropologists, Tom and David, on a horrific and terrifying game of cat and mouse. There's a sense of impending danger and horror around every corner that makes the story thrilling, shocking, and difficult to put down. I don't think it will be long before I read book number four,
The Calling of the Grave. With a name like that, how can I resist?! -
Simon Beckett's
Dr. David Hunter series is one of my favourites, and
Whispers of the Dead was another quality instalment.
After the traumatic events at the conclusion of
Written in Bone, Dr. Hunter has temporarily left England, to carry out research at the
University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility in Knoxville, TN, colloquially known as "The Body Farm", whose director is his good friend and mentor, Tom Liebermann. It's not long before the research is interrupted by the discovery of a decomposing body in a forest cabin not far from Knoxville. Hunter assists the aging Dr. Liebermann with the investigation of the crime scene, but as he's a foreign national, only under the sufference of the local medical examiner and TBI Agent-in-Charge.
I found the change in setting from the usual British Isles locations fascinating, not so much the Body Farm itself, which makes only a cameo appearance, but the lush and mysterious forest-covered foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains in eastern Tennessee.
As always, the central character Dr. David Hunter is sympathetically portrayed as an intuitive specialist in his field, who has suffered more than his share of personal trauma, both connected to and unrelated to his career as a forensic anthropologist. I also appreciated other finely-tuned characterisations in
Whispers of the Dead of characters inspiring affection, such as Tom Liedermann and his wife Mary, and those who do anything but.
Whispers of the Dead is perhaps more confronting from a content perspective than other novels in the series - prospective readers should know that there are an awful lot of decomposing human remains in this book, with quite vivid descriptions of both appearance and associated smells. It's entirely necessary to the plot, but won't be for the squeamish.
In conclusion, this was a gripping and fast read. Highly recommended for Dr. Hunter afficionados like myself, and those new to the series (although I would suggest reading in series order). -
Dieser Teil hat mir bis jetzt am besten gefallen. Das Setting war einfach super und vor allem die Kapitel, die aus der Perspektive des Mörders geschrieben waren, haben mir besonders gut gefallen. Dass ich David Hunter liebe, muss ich nicht nochmal sagen, oder? 😍😩🙏🏽
David Hunter colabora en la investigacion de un caso en Tenesse, dónde ha ido a hacer un curso en la Granja de cuerpos, que estudia la descomposición de los cadáveres en condiciones reales.
Como en el resto de la serie, nos encontramos una buena trama, narrada con muy buen ritmo, en la que cualquiera puede ser el culpable. -
Bu daha iyiydi ama bunda da katil olabilecek iki kişi vardı zannımca. Hatta dikkatli düşününce bire de düşüyor ama ters köşe aşkına olmayacak olandan şüphelendim tabi. Yine de fena değildi, başlarda kurguya tam adapte olamadım ama iyi bağlandı.
Whispers of the Dead is the third book in the David Hunter series and gives us a bit more background and history to Dr David Hunter as he returns to the Body Farm in Tennessee where he’d trained early on in his career. The Body Farm actually exists. I’d heard of it previously when Stephen Fry had visited there in one of his programmes. The author, Simon Beckett, has also been there. It’s what gave him the idea for the series.
This story is pretty gruesome and I was quite glad that smell-o-vision hasn’t made its way to books, the description alone was enough to make me feel slightly queasy! This book isn’t for anyone with a weak stomach as you can almost imagine being there as you read on.
I’d worked out… no, guessed… who the murderer was early on, but I couldn’t be sure (I could find no particular reason as to why I’d guessed at that person, but I think I was going for one of the most unsuspecting people). Then I was pretty sure that it wasn’t who I thought it was… but then I know how Simon Beckett is. Just when you think something is all wrapped up he throws in a curve ball and everything changes.
As with all crime thrillers, there’s the expected (and the unexpected) twists and turns. One particular twist made me audibly gasp in shock. Simon Beckett really is that good.
This book truly is gripping. Take a look at the back cover of my copy and you’ll see the crease marks from where I’ve been gripping it tightly while reading it! I read most of the book in a day. Every time I thought I’d put it down at the end of a chapter, I fell the need to read on, to find out what happens.
Whispers of the Dead is another great addition to the David Hunter series. If you’ve read and enjoyed the first two books, then you’ll definitely enjoy this one. If you haven’t read any of them then why not?! I have read the books in order (which I think is the best way), but I do think each book would also work as standalone novel. However, Simon Beckett’s David Hunter series really is a top notch crime and forensic thriller, and I’d highly recommend not just this book but the whole series! -
War für mich nicht ganz so stark wie die Vorgänger, weswegen ich auch ziemlich lang dafür gebraucht habe.
Rating: 3.5 stars
This is the third in the David Hunter series, and for me, it's the weakest of the three. That's not to say it's a bad book or that I didn't enjoy it; it isn't and I did!
It was as gory, gruesome and morbidly fascinating as I expected it to be, but I felt it was missing the shocking intensity of the first two books. I guessed the killer early on, which although wasn't confirmed until the reveal, took some of the suspense out of it; I remember actually gasping at the reveals in the previous books. I also didn't find the setting and atmosphere as creepily chilling as before.
That said, although I was a little disappointed by this story in comparison to
The Chemistry of Death and
Written in Bone, it was still good and I look forward to
The Calling of the Grave -
Telkens verrassend. Altijd goed doordacht. Het einde getuigt van een sterk staaltje ‘op het verkeerde been zetten’. Je denkt dat je er bent en een moordzaak hebt afgerond en op het meest onverwachte moment is er opnieuw actie, spanning en opnieuw klopt de hartslag wat sneller.
https://elinevandm.wordpress.com/2019... -
Patiko labiau nei antroji, bet ne daugiau nei pirmoji. Čia buvo pataisyta viskas, kas man neįtiko antroje dalyje – skubėjimo mažiau, nusikaltėlis kietas ir tampantis už nosies visus (įskaitant ir mane, valio!), nėra meilės linijos, kuri visada užknisa ir tik atima laiką iš autoriaus, kuomet būtų galima kalbėti apie kur kas įdomesnius dalykus. Ypač patiko fonas, kuriame šį kartą veikia Hanteris – Lavonų ūkis yra tokia kieta tema, kad net keista, jog ji nebuvo išplėtota dar labiau ir tapo, deja, tik fonu. Visgi, visko čia buvo tinkamai priprieskoniuota – ir įtampos, ir šlykštenybių, ir emocijų – o gi tikrai visai nereikia meilės linijos, kad meilė būtų – meilė draugui, meilė mentoriui. Ji mane palietė ir įtikino. Įtikino ir žudikas, nors mano skoniui kai kurie jo unikalumo aspektai buvo truputį per daug kartų pakartoti – na, užteko pirmų dešimties kartų. Patiko Hanteriui duotas PTSD ir šiaip policininkų darbo įtikinamumas – jie žmogiški, jie paklūsta taisyklėms ir jie pagalvoja apie finansinius aspektus, o ne daro beleką, belekaip, vedami ego, kaip kad dažnai detektyvuose nutinka.
Labiausiai, deja, kliuvo vertimas. Ne blogas, tiesiog nelabai šiuolaikiškas. Labai netinka baisiausias bylas sprendžiantiems detektyvams visokie „po perkūnais“, „RUPŪS MILTAI“ ir panašūs. O kai pagrindinis veikėjas belekokiam strese, pasakojantis pirmuoju asmeniu BARAKATINUOJA, mano artimiausieji iš viso galvoja, kad šitą žodį pati išsigalvojau ir iš jų tyčiojuosi, klausdama ką tai reiškia. Žodžiu, tiesiog netinkamas vertėjas šitai knygai, o perleidimą reikėjo skaityti 2022-ųjų žmogaus akimis. Apart to – tikrai kokybiškas detektyvas, vis primenantis, kodėl Beckettu patikėjau ir kodėl tai yra viena iš tų dviejų detektyvinių serijų, prie kurių sugrįžtu. Ir man jis patinka net labiau nei Ahnhemas. Labai tikiuosi, kad sulauksim visos Hanterio serijos. -
Whispers of the Dead (David Hunter, #3) by Simon Beckett.
This is the 3rd in this fantastic series and my 3rd as well as my favorite. This is author is new on the scene and one to look out for. He is going places.
The story takes place in Tennessee and mentions the body farm in the first chapter. I have all 17 in the Jefferson Bass series on the body farm and highly recommend that series.
Dr. Hunter is visiting his mentor and is shortly brought into an investigation of a body found under strange circumstances that cannot be explained.
This book just kept on getting better and better with each chapter until the last third of the book where I couldn't stop reading. The character of Dr. David Hunter is one to follow as he tells the story as it's happening. The ending will blow your hat off.
Easily 5 stars. -
Wieder spannend bis zur letzten Seite mit vielen überraschenden Wendungen. Ich mag ja David Hunter total und hier ist er auf einer Body-Farm, deshalb sind die Darstellungen dieses Mal besonders brutal und detailliert und sehr bildlich.
Aber entweder Beckett oder der Übersetzer haben dieses Mal geschwächelt. Der Schreibstil hat nämlich etwas nachgelassen. Trotzdem liest es sich leicht und schnell und ich freue mich auf den nächsten Band. -
I'm kinda disappointed that I guessed who the murderer is. Maybe it means I am getting smarter, or Simon is getting lazier. Anyways, I feel like listening to thriller and crime novels instead of reading them really adds to my overal experience. It makes it just way more fun for me.
David's life lies in pieces. After being stapped by a crazy woman back when he was in London, taking some time off at the Body Farm and slowly reconnecting to his job and what it brings still makes him contemplate his past a lot. It remains a question whether he will return back to his old life or not.
What is happening? Somewhere in Tennessee, in a remote cabin in the mountains, a body is found. a very interestingly decomposed body. The dead man does not remain the single one of his murdereres victims. One after another turns up and it becomes clear that this specific lunatic definitely knows his way with anything that involves dead bodies and Forensics.
And soon, the hunt gets personal. The question is - will David survive it this time?
Well, guess you gotta see for yourself. -
Hat mich leider nicht gepackt. Schade.
Beckett turns the tables on what his fans are used to reading, moving his band of ever-new characters from the rural spots within the United Kingdom to Tennessee, more specifically the Body Farm in and around Knoxville. This move, genius in my mind, is poignant, as it is the place where Beckett, a reporter by profession, learned about forensic anthropology and can be said to have helped push along his idea for this series and its main character. Moving things to the US does little to change the fast-paced nature of the book or its characters. While some say the WOW factor was less present, I still found it enjoyable as the reader was given brief portions of the story from the killer's perspective, without revealing who that might be. Filled with much more forensics and medical/anthropological jargon, Beckett amazes the reader and really leaves them on the edge of their seat. Thrilling until the end with its own WOW factor, the third instalment will only annoy those who are too boxed in to enjoy variety.
I will admit, I was drawn to Beckett's work when he was called "the UK's Jefferson Bass", an extraordinary author in his own right. This book is not only set precisely where Bass writes his own books (Bass being the former head and creator of U Tennessee's Body Farm), but reflects some of the people/characters used in Bass books (though names are different). I was drawn in and could not put the book down. There were times I wondered if I was reading a Bass novel. I think this branch off to Tennessee was a great experiment for Beckett, though I would hope we do not see the forensic anthropologist flying all over the world. Doubtful, I am sure. While I cannot wait to see what awaits in the fourth novel, I am sure that anyone wanting a little thrill in their reading, and who does not mind a little gore, ought to invest in Beckett, and then branch off into the Bass series and see what I mean.
Kudos, Mr. Beckett. While not your BEST in the series, surely one that keeps pace with the other two. -
I am a huge fan of mysteries/thrillers & always on the lookout for a good new series. With
Whispers of the Dead I just found one. I haven't read Beckett's other two books (
Written in Bone &
The Chemistry of Death), but I checked to make sure my public library had copies of both so I can go grab 'em the next time I'm there (they do).
I liked the main character, forensic anthropologist David Hunter, & all the rest of the characters, too. Beckett's writing is clear & clean & his plotting is excellent.
Plenty of forensic details, plenty of suspense, plenty of bodies. Great atmosphere & an interesting villain in a story with a number of unusual & cool twists made this a great read. Highly recommended. -
Wau! Tokio gero detektyvo jau seniai nebuvau skaičiusi! Įsitraukiau nuo pirmųjų puslapių ir tiesiog suryjau. Parašytas įtaigiai, jokie neatitikimai nebandė akių, viskas atrodė taip įtikinama, kad momentais net kūnas pagaugais nueidavo. Šioj knygoj netrūko ir kraupesnių vietų, bet niekad nebandžiau slėpti, kad mane jos veža. Labai patiko personažai, vienus mylėjau, kitų iš karto pradėjau neapkęsti. Taip pat patiko vis įterpti žudiko laiškai, kurie padėjo geriau jį suprasti. Jau dabar gaila, kad liko tik viena serijos knyga, nesinori taip greitai išsiskirti su naujuoju draugu.
Of all the David Hunter books that’s one of my fav when it comes to backgrounds like the body farm. Idk why I didn’t read this earlier. I lost my look on it, well sometimes books just find your way to you. Anyways I enjoyed it till like 50 % of the book because then I knew who it was and that’s usually not always correct. Didn’t have it with the other Hunter books 📚. It’s a 3.5 for me and if you did start this series it’s a must read anyway.
9/15 | 3.5
It's a pretty good crime novel, but I don't like the fact that the murderer is regularly an allegedly friend or colleague. It's a pattern that get's boring because it's very predictable. Furthermore I wish David Hunter or one (or more!) of his colleagues were not personally involved and in mortal danger while investigating a crime. -
Nachdem mich "Die Chemie des Todes" (Rezension) und "Kalte Asche" (Rezension) bereits in Atem gehalten haben musste ich mir nun, kurz nachdem ich erst "Kalte Asche" beendet hatte, auch den dritten Teil der David Hunter Reihe zu Gemüte führen. Wenn man erst einmal mit Simon Beckett angefangen hat, ist es einem beinahe unmöglich aufzuhören und nach dem Ende in "Kalte Asche" gab es überhaupt nichts zu überlegen. Ich musste wissen, wie es weiter geht.
Wer die Bücher von Simon Beckett kennt, weiß, wie es darin von Statten geht. Die Tatsache, dass Simon Beckett so viel über diese Branche, die forensische Anthropologie weiß, beeindruckt mich jedes Mal aufs Neue. Klar, als Autor muss man sich informieren, Recherchen anstellen, wenn man ein solches Buch schreiben möchte, doch Simon Beckett scheint all das so leicht von der Hand zu gehen das man glaubt, er wäre selbst in diesem Business tätig.
Ich liebe einfach dieses Gefühl, selbst mitten in der Ermittlung zu stecken; ebenfalls ein Teil davon zu sein. Simon Beckett beschreibt die verschiedenen Situationen mit solch großer Sorgfalt wie ich es bisher noch bei keinem anderen Thriller gesehen habe. Alles wirkt wie mitten aus dem Leben herausgerissen; aus dem Leben eines Forensikers - als wären dies alles reale Fälle gewesen, die irgendwann einmal irgendwo auf der Welt geschehen sind. Auch wenn die Geschichten von Simon Beckett meist auf eine angenehme Art und Weise recht verrückt und abgedreht sind. Die Story ist eine regelrechte Achterbahnfahrt. Es tauchen so viele Wendungen auf, dass man gar nicht mehr weiß, ob man gerade nach rechts, nach links, gerade aus oder durch eine Looping gerauscht ist. Simon Beckett schafft es einfach, jedes mal wieder aufs Neue einen solch spannungsgeladenen Roman zu schreiben, dass man das Buch einfach nicht mehr aus der Hand legen kann.
Was ich ebenfalls so sehr an seinen Romanen liebe ist, dass seine Charaktere bis aufs kleinste Detail durchdacht sind. Es sind echte Menschen, die man während des Lesens begleitet und nicht bloß irgendwelche Buchcharaktere, die man nach ein paar Wochen schon wieder vergessen hat oder deren Namen man nach ein paar Tagen schon nicht mehr kennt. David Hunter hat sich so sehr in mein Gedächtnis eingebrannt, dass ich seine Fälle und Geschichten wohl nie vergessen werde. Allerdings muss ich auch sagen, dass der dritte Teil der schwächste Teil bisher war. Nicht, dass mich das Buch nicht gefesselt hat, ganz im Gegenteil, nur im Vergleich zu den Teilen zuvor, hat mich dieses nicht ganz so extrem beeindruckt. Hin und wieder gab es ein paar langatmige Stellen, ein paar Schwachstellen - außerdem mochte ich den David am Anfang des Buches nicht so sehr, wie der alte, normale David Hunter. Dieses ständige Rumgejammere hat mich nach kurzer Zeit schon ein wenig genervt, auch wenn es natürlich verständlich ist, dass ihn ein solches Ereignis erst einmal aus der Bahn wirft.
Die Spannung war wieder zum Greifen nahe. Gänsehautfeeling kam nicht zu kurz und die ein oder andere Situation hat mich wirklich geschockt und regelrecht aus den Socken gehauen. Außerdem beeindruckt mich der Schreibstil von Simon Beckett immer wieder aufs Neue. So frisch, so professionell, so spannungsgeladen - und so humorvoll. Ich könnte tagelang seine Bücher lesen.
Ein gelungener Thriller - so wie es von Simon Beckett nur zu erwarten ist. Leichenblässe ist ein absolutes Must Have für jeden Thriller/Krimi-Fan. Freunde von spannungsgeladenen Romanen kommen hier auf jeden Fall auf ihre Kosten - und wer Rätselraten mag ist hier ebenfalls gut aufgehoben. Simon Beckett vereint in seinen Roman einfach alles das, was man braucht um einen absoluten Bestseller zu schaffen. Mich hatte Simon Beckett bereits nach seinem ersten Roman in der Hand - und jetzt bin ich ihm und seinem Talent gar vollkommen verfallen! Wer sich seine Bücher nicht kauft, ist selbst Schuld. -
A lot like the previous two, but this one takes place on a bigger island - well, not exactly an island, per se, but if things keep on the way they're going, the US may become a political island.
Lots of killing in this one, as expected from the first two. The killer seemed like he was so far ahead of his pursuers that it hard to imagine they'd ever catch him. But with a bit of luck, and David Hunter's analytical mind, they finally catch up with him, but there are a few surprises even at that late stage of the game, as you might expect if you've read the first two.
The series seems to concentrate as much on the people as the crimes. Makes it a little slower than some people like, but I enjoy it. But now I need a break from this series. Too many people dying. -
Kitabı okurken çok şaşırmadım ama okuması zevkliydi ve son sayfaları özellikle güzeldi. Kitabı beğendim ve seriye devam etmek istiyorum, şimdilik benim seride en sevdiğim kitap Kemiklerin Şifresi oldu. Polisiye seven biriyseniz mutlaka bu seriye göz atın derim.
Ayrıntılı yorum;
http://yorumatolyesi.blogspot.com/201... -
Für mich ein solider spannender Thriller - mein Favorit bleibt aber weiterhin der ersten Teil der David Hunter Reihe.
Im 3. Teil bekommen wir es mit einem ziemlich trickreichen Mörder zu tun.
Es dauert eine ganze Weile, bis das zusammen gewürfelte Team auf die Spur des Täters kommt.
Wie immer gefallen mir die Wissenshappen aus den Obduktionen und die daraus gezogenen Schlüsse des Anthropologen mit am besten.
Auch in diesem Teil haben wir es wieder mit Verwirrungen und einem vermeintlich offensichtlichen Täter zu tun, der im ersten Augenblick perfekt ins Bild passen würde.
Ich muss sagen, diese Variante hätte mir besser gefallen als die tatsächliche Auflösung mit dem Motiv das Täters, aber das ist Geschmackssache.
Leichenblässe hat mich auf jeden Fall sehr gut unterhalten - ich bin gespannt, wie es weitergeht. -
Dit boek was qua sfeer en opbouw zo verschillend van de eerdere 2 delen, dat ik het bijna heb weggelegd. Het was iets over de helft dat het zodanig spannend werd, dat ik toch het einde wilde weten. En wat een einde, het leek zo sterk de ene kant op te gaan om dan plots volledig om te keren. De romance die zo overduidelijk leek te gaan ontwikkelen bleef dan weer achterwege.
Dus verrassingen genoeg in dit boek. -
Dla mnie póki co najlepszy tom z serii! Dużo czasu zajęło, zanim się polubiliśmy ze stylem autora i z samym doktorkiem - choć wciąż nie jest to moja ulubiona postać. Jestem ciekawa, co przyniosą kolejne tomy!
Ką Beckett moka, tą moka - kalti super gerus detektyvus! Į rankas pakliuvus jau ketvirtai šio autoriaus knygai, žinojau, ko laukti, tai įtraukianti istorija, patrauklus, įžvalgus, bet labai žmogiškas pagrindinis detektyvas, daug paslapčių, netikėtų ir nenuspėtų vingių ir susidomėjimas nuo pradžios iki pabaigos. Be išimčių, ši, trečioji serijos dalis, papuola į šiuos išsikeltus autoriui lūkesčius ir man labai, labai patiko!
Man, skaitančiai tikrai nemažai tokio žanro knygų, vienas iš svarbiausių aspektų, lemiančių mano simpatijas knygai yra jos nuspėjamumas. Jei bus gana lengva nuspėti, kas laukia, tai kiek numuša įdomumą skaityti, nes kaip bebūtų, trilerius/detektyvus imu dažniau kai norisi bent kažkiek pasukti galvą ir paspėlioti kas už visko slepiasi. Beckett man dėl to ir patinka, nes nepavyksta visada nuspėti, ką autorius paruošęs tokiau! O taip pat ir tai, kad autorius daug dėmesio skiria psichologijai ir jos nagrinėjimui. Kodėl, kas ir kaip.
Šioje dalyka sužavėjo ir autoriaus sukurta aplinka - lavonų ūkis. Jei neklystu, viena iš serijų seriale "Kaulai" buvo su tokiu ūkiu, ir man ji taaaaip patiko! Labai įdomus reikalas atrodo stebėti kaip skirtingos sąlygos veikia palaikų irimą, viską dokumentuoti ir plėsti žinias. Jei dar dvejojat dėl Beckett, tai siūlau nieko nelaukti! Autorius puikiai pataiko į detektyvų mylėtojų širdis (tarp jų ir mano) ir su kiekviena knyga verčia prisižadėti sau skaityti jį toliau. Jei ieškote detektyvų, kurie nėra paremti vien tik žiaurumais, bet ir labai įdomia istorija - čiupkit! -
Another in the series featuring former UK-based, GP-turned-forensic specialist, Dr. David Hunter. In this one David’s over here, in the good old USA (or ‘over there,’ for foreign readers), doing some brush-up forensic work with an old mentor, and former professor at the Tennessee Body Farm, or Forensic Anthropology Facility at the University of Tennessee. David’s coming off a serious accident back home in the UK…
But as it turns out, his friend (and mentor) pulls him into a case in which victims, of all ages and sexes, are being found in strange, and increasingly gory, situations and locations. The evidence in each seems to contradict itself – a man who obviously bled out in a remote cabin, but the blood all around him isn’t his. In a related case, a body removed from a cemetery for closer forensic inspection, turns out NOT to be who the man who was supposedly buried. This goes on for quite a while and I kept wondering just HOW is Mr. Beckett going to explain all this?
The book is also a grim and gory read in places; the descriptions almost made me chuck the book – and entire series – and say forgetaboutthis. But the writing is good; the characters are great, so I read on. Glad I did. With David at first on the sidelines – he’s only a visiting specialist – and then gradually getting drawn in, the tension ramps up, with scenes a’plentiful of the dead: on the body farm in varying stages of decomposition; in a remote cabin, grave or other creepy place; on a slab being autopsied or re-autopsied. The dead are, simply said, just about everywhere.
There’s also enough detail to make things shockingly – or rather mundanely – real. Which I like. Tell me what David had for lunch, okay; tell me how David reacts on seeing the next victim, okay again. This is one of the books where the main character seems so down to Earth and real, you can imagine him being your next-door neighbor, just with a kind of unusual job. You borrow his lawnmower; he uses your hedge clippers. You tell him about your day at the office; he mentions how his went down at the mortuary. :D
I will continue with this remarkable series.