Title | : | Downburst (Rachel Hatch #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 311 |
Publication | : | First published March 17, 2020 |
She could cut and run, but her actions have put a family in danger. And Hatch is the only one willing to protect them. Hatch gets more than she bargained for when she realizes danger comes from all sides. Her cunning and skills can save her and the family.
If she doesn't run out of time first.
Downburst (Rachel Hatch #2) Reviews
Downburst, number 2 in the Rachel Hatch Series from L T Ryan.
An address scribbled on a piece of paper leads Rachel Hatch to New Mexico. It's the only lead she has in the two-decade old mystery shrouding her father's death. It should be a simple in-and-out investigation, but her plans change when she finds herself in the cross hairs of a local gang.
She could cut and run, but her actions have put a family in danger. And Hatch is the only one willing to protect them. Hatch gets more than she bargained for when she realises danger comes from all sides. Her cunning and skills can save her and the family.
If she doesn't run out of time first.
Exposing corruption at the highest levels of local government while ending the stranglehold on a small town by a local biker gang is Hatch's ultimate goal while trying to find answers to her father's death and the scribbled note.
I really felt the atmosphere, the ghost town, the desert, the secrets, the good people, the nasty villains, bikers.
Rachel Hatch is a great character , tough in some ways but not invisible, sometimes too soft for her own good.
Well paced, good action, gripping and tense. Rachel Hatch must learn one thing (authors) never leave someone behind alive, they come back !!
Four stars. Just ordered number three in the series... -
The Impressive Rachel Hatch Continues Her Search For Info About Her Dad, Tackling Several Dangerous Situations...
Rachel Hatch is an amazing woman, one who can stop you with her hands or any weapon, then reach out to a scared, mixed up teen with an offer of help...She has traveled to New Mexico following an address found as she tries to unfold the mystery of her Dad's death. But when she happens upon a group beating a young man badly she does what her heart tells her, and quickly rains blows upon the feisty young men, stopping the beating and protecting the victim.
But the young man she fought for is Not happy, and Rachel un-knowingly puts herself and a loving family in harm's way, by an enemy that travels swiftly with inflicting harm for revenge on their minds... With no one in town, even the police, interested in dealing with the threat, Rachel finds herself alone, determined to protect those she put in danger. And she does it Her way, taking no prisoners and always on the attack first!
I really enjoy this character, a woman who thinks for herself and has all the tools needed to do as she believes is Right! She makes enemies with so many but is trying to do the right thing for the 'little' guys, who find they have no say against their enemies.
A fast-paced, thrilling adventure, with scenes that have you in New Mexico alongside Rachel, looking for anyone who knew her father, and finding kindness in some spots, then complete savagery in others...
I highly recommend this series to all who enjoy a story that you are pulled immediately in to, with a strong-willed person who fights for right anywhere she goes! The authors have done an amazing job bringing us books you can not put down!!! -
Hmm. After feeling like I had possibly found a new series to lose myself in, I can say I was very wrong! I have the same complaints I had with the first book: toooo much detail about guns. And FAR too much detail about every single move Hatch makes when she is fighting someone. This series is far too unrealistic for me.
I read a review that said: "I made it to the end, believing very little of this Hatch character’s abilities only to find out she’s more powerful than a locomotive, faster than a speeding bullet, and able to leap tall buildings at a single bound. I doubt that I will be alongside as she searches for a priest somewhere in Africa." Amen, Tom Dinen!!😂 -
3-3.5 ☆
Where I have initially given this 3.5 ☆ I am really torn so I am between 3-3.5.
I really like Rachel Hatch as a character and a lead in a series. Hatch is kickarse although she went off half cocked on this one. Hatch has honour and a knightress in shining armour complex. You can't right all the wrongs in the world. The road to hell is truly paved with good intentions.
The reason why Hatch went down to New Mexico was only tied up at the end of the book. To find out more about her father's death.
There is a lot of show and not enough tell IMO. This has turned into a maybe series to continue.
It's me and not the book. -
Strong Woman, Tough Choices, Lots of Action!
Wow! Rachel Hatch is back with a vengeance and stirring up trouble in her search for her father's killer. Great action thriller that continues this suspenseful action-packed saga.
This book has a different tone than Book 1, yet not disappointing at all. I was riveted in my reading on every page trying to figure out how everything would finish up in the end. Yikes!!
I had a love-hate relationship with this installment, though. Although I greatly enjoyed the storyline and plot, I saw a different side to Hatch's character that revealed a more emotionally unstable side that clouded her previous "uncanny" ability to see problems and plan solutions before taking actions. Perhaps this more impulsive Hatch was a manifestation of prior battlefield traumas, but it gave me ulcers trying to understand her motives both conscious and unconscious. Hold on!!!
The fast story narration and realistic dialogue brought me into the middle of the action, yet with only enough details to bring the storyline to life. It was a fast and exciting read, although at times approaching the fantastic. The characters were believable and essential to the plotline, while adding enough backstory to create interest and suspicion in this small town desert setting.
I appreciated the satisfying last several chapters, which also set the stage for Book 3. I look forward to the next installment, the first few chapters of which are included in the Kindle edition. (I never preread future book series installments because I want to take in the whole story at once.) My only disappointment was that no Audible narration was available when I read the book, something I hope the author and publisher resolve before the next installment.
Finally, I'm not sure how I feel about collaborative authors with a book series because of what I see as character discontinuity, but that's my pet peeve and I still enjoyed the book. -
Hatch arrived, conquered and is given a clue to her father's mysterious death.
Hatch is relentlessly searching for answers to her father's death and a twenty plus year old envelope with a return address is all she has to explore. The local motorcycle gang doesn't approve of a gutsy outsider nosing around asking questions so a vicious and deadly confrontation is set in motion. Needless to say the score is Hatch 10 and gang members zip. Yes, it's a cliffhanger with Hatch headed to an address out of the country to hopefully find some closure. Great read. -
Fast paced!
Rachel puts her own safety on the line as she gets side tracked while looking for answers to her father's death. Ready for the next in the series! -
I felt this book was a little far-fetched at the end and not quite as good as the first book. However entertaining.
Absolutely terrifc
A good one
I would say that I have never met a female with all her skill and capabilities, then also not sure have anyone else either. However a interesting story. -
Just as good as the first and keeps you wanting more. Reading the series for free in Kindle and can't wait to read the next.
Hatch is a downburst
Hatch certainly makes life interesting wherever she goes. But she is one smooth character. I cannot wait for her next adventure.