Title | : | Voodoo Priest (Blaire Thorne #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | ebook |
Number of Pages | : | 273 |
Publication | : | Published November 29, 2019 |
All evidence points to local voodoo practitioner Ross McNielty, a man with plenty of secrets to hide. But when the police are unable to confirm their suspicions, Ulysses Assassins are called in to confirm what they cannot.
Blaire Thorne, still recovering from the amnesia caused by a vicious were-animal attack that left her for dead, and her colleague, Ralph, are tasked with bringing McNielty to justice. But along with her developing relationship with were-leopard Sebastian and her discovering yet more of the truth about who she is, Blaire finds herself once more in the middle of a nightmare.
A nightmare that could change everything …
Voodoo Priest (Blaire Thorne #2) Reviews
Werelions, weretigers, and werebears, oh my!
^^^ And the award for “Cheesiest Review Opening” goes to...
Hey, I couldn’t resist.
Okay, so straight up: there’s a whole lot of plot to unpack. But, really... not a whole lot of room? A LOT of things happened, but on iBooks the story is less than 200 pages with the default font setting. Less than 200 pages for... well, a murder mystery, a whole pack of were-animals, an amnesiac main character, and a romance with a slight (but not unbearable) love triangle.
So, as if you couldn’t tell by the summary and my Obviously Very Genius review opening, were-animals make up a LOT of this story. I think everyone is familiar with the classic werewolf, but this author takes things even a step further and has werewolves, but ALSO creatures such as wereleopards, werelions, and werebears. I am still lowkey disappointed there was no majestic weregiraffe. Or perhaps a werepenguin.
(See? The intro is very appropriate)
I think the variety of were-animals was super cool, but I also feel like there was little to no backstory regarding any of them. Now, as I say that, KEEP IN MIND that I have only read (and am currently reviewing) book TWO in the series. I have not read book one, which I hope includes more backstory. I think the author is writing this series with the mindset of, “the reader can start with any book in the series.”
To which I say... well, yes and no.
It’s true that the mystery reads independently from the series, as I’m assuming any other mysteries in this series do. You do not need to read book #1 to appreciate the voodoo priest mystery or character themselves. However, like I said above, I do think there’s a lot of missing backstory that we, as readers, could really benefit from by reading book #1 first. If you want to know more about Blaire herself, her backstory, her amnesia, or any of the werecharacters, I am assuming book #1 would be the best place to start. In that case, I would not start with book #2 like I did.
But you do not, I feel the need to say, need to read book #1 to appreciate the romance between Sebastian and Blaire.
Now... there are some things that I think could be fleshened out some in this book, but I think the SebastianxBlaire relationship is pretty solid overall. I won’t lie: it feels a little Fanfiction-y at times. There’s a part early on where (spoiler alert) Sebastian takes Blaire to a concert and they, of course, got to meet and befriend the band backstage. It would be especially Fanfiction-y if Blaire had ditched Sebastian for one of the band members, a là 2012 One Direction Fanfiction on Wattpad (I’d pick Niall), but, thankfully, that didn’t happen. (And I just totally exposed my 14 year old self to a whole bunch of review readers... OOPS).
...Moving on. 👀
Okay, so as for the mystery itself, it was... all right. I liked the dark elements and by FAR my favorite part was the plot twist (about the chained up victim) at the end, but overall I think it could have been... somewhat better. The mystery had really weird chunks where it seemed to be not very detailed to parts where it seemed to be, uh... TOO detailed (*cough* certainsexualbodypartsinjars). Like, by far that is the most vivid image I have in my head after reading this story... which, sometimes, CAN be a good thing, but in this case it just made me feel a little sick to my stomach.
Speaking of sexy body bits, though, there are a couple graphic sexual scenes in this. I’d say they’re kind of borderline the limits that I can handle, so just a heads up on that. None of them are too long, thankfully — although that could be the result of the entire work, just, having a lot going on and not enough pages.
Overall, I’ve read better, but there were certainly some parts of this that I did like. I do think I could have appreciated it more if it were fleshened out (no pun intended) a bit more in some plot points, but some readers might appreciate the shorter length. As a whole, I’d say if you like mysteries and/or supernatural creatures (especially were-animals), it couldn’t hurt to check this book — or the rest of the books in this series — out! -
Serious Crush
She did it--AGAIN! This is the second book I've read by this author and I could not put it down. The characters are so engaging and the story is over the top. I even skipped lunch--I was so immersed in her story. I can't wait to read her next story. I have a serious crush on Blaire Thorne. -
I received a free review copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
This is a really all written book. I thoroughly enjoyed the mystery and the twist at the end. Some advisories: the violence of the crimes is very high. There are some very gruesome descriptions. Also more sexually explicit scenes. The character development is wonderful. I like where the relationships in this series seem to be heading. Well done! -
She can heal
Still not sure how I feel about this.Mel told her that the brothers have not had sex since they met her but that's not true she walked in on Leon having sex and it's only seb who is not drinking from women or he was not.not sure now. -
Purch Amz May 18, 2021
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