Tall Tales: The Glory Years of the NBA by Terry Pluto

Tall Tales: The Glory Years of the NBA
Title : Tall Tales: The Glory Years of the NBA
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0803287666
ISBN-10 : 9780803287662
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 413
Publication : First published January 1, 1992

Using a lively oral history format, Terry Pluto provides the best look yet at the glory days of the NBA. Tall Tales is essential reading for any fan who understands that the history of the league does not begin and end with Michael Jordan.

Tall Tales: The Glory Years of the NBA Reviews

  • Dovydas Pancerovas

    Malonus, netikėtas atradimas. Labai įtraukiantis ir gyvas dokumentinis pasakojimas apie pačius pirmuosius NBA metus (ir apie krepšinio persikėlimą iš gatvių į sales). Bemaž visa istorija sukonstruota iš liudininkų citatų, todėl nepabosta.

    Rokenroliški laikai buvo. Krepšininkai po kiekvienų rungtynių išgerdavo bent po 5 alaus (Pistons garsėjo tuo, kad atnešdavo alaus ir į treniruotes), rūkydavo pusė komandos, valgydavo tik nesveiką maistą, o lygoje nebuvo nė vieno krepšininko, kuris turėtų visus dantis.

    Įdomu, kad pirmieji NBA žaidėjai, būdami visiški marozai ir buduliai, paradoksaliai tapo pionieriais modernaus požiūrio į žmogaus teises ir realiai kovojo su rasizmu Amerikoje.

  • Eric Walker

    This is exactly the type of book that I really enjoy. It's about the history of the early NBA (from it's inception until the retirement of Bill Russell in 1970) done in an oral history style. This is a companion to Pluto's Loose Balls about the history of the ABA. This book was great but the one thing that was obviously missing was Russell. I don't know why he didn't participate but it was pretty glaring, as he was one of the most important elements of this time period. Pluto had quotes from most of the other great players of that era, but missing Russell was pretty major. Despite that there ware some amazing stories in the book. It's quite the comparison to the NBA of today, although that was a but of a let down, having all the superstars of that era bad mouthing today's NBA. It is definitely different but that doesn't make it worse. It was a bit disheartening to hear them all give the old line "back in my day..." Despite these couple of knocks this was still an amazing book and I loved learning about a lot of the stars that made the early NBA great.

  • Paulo

    “Tall Tales” is a book about the NBA before 1970, an insight told by its protagonists. This means a not so common format; we read an oral -not narrative- history. Pluto begins each chapter with a short description, just an introduction, and then he mixes statements from players, coaches, referees, journalists and owners. One person one paragraph, and so we'd know the whole story.

    In my opinion the main default is that Pluto expends too much time with Chamberlain and Russell, throughout the last part of the book is exclusively about them. I'd prefer more statements about first years back in 40s and early 50s.

    Why I'd recommend it is closeness: it really seems you are talking with all those protagonists, it's like you are in a bar and they are taking all those memories, and you sharing this time with them, listening and learning.

  • Paxton Holley

    Read this back in college. Similar to Pluto's Loose Balls, it's a comprehensive history of the NBA including interiews with a bunch of the stars. Really well researched and a great read.

  • Chet Wydrzynski

    Fun book about the early NBA. Told by the guys who were there.

  • John Seals

    Sort of a sequel to “Loose Balls” this book is damn near as funny.

  • Angelo sanchez


  • Phil Overeem

    It's only the best book on the first quarter-century of the NBA. As told by the men who were there. I had already read it twice, loaned it, lost it, bought it again for a friend who has gotten hooked and wants to know the whole story, and started flipping through it again. 100 pages later, I'm gonna claim it as read for the month. A must.

  • Patrick O'Neil

    Pluto steps aside as an author in order to let the players and coaches talk about the nascent NBA in their own words. A must read for any sports fan, as it includes quotes from Auerbach, Russell, Chamberlain, Pettit, Cousy, West, Baylor, Robertson, and many other basketball luminaries.

  • Tim

    Terry Pluto's oral history of the glory days of the NBA isn't quite as much fun as his earlier ABA book, but it's still mighty entertaining.

  • Matt Comito

    I like basketball

  • Tony Romine

    An oral history of the NBA is great, but some players chose not to participate that really should have been involved. Highly recommended.