Title | : | Demigods Academy: Year Three (Demigods Academy #3) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 194 |
Publication | : | Published December 26, 2019 |
The ancient Titans are unleashed, causing epic disasters all around the world. It’s time for the Gods’ Army to show what they’ve been trained for in the academy.
It’s time for Melany to pick sides.
A war is around the corner. And she is the only one who can stop it.
But how can she choose between Light and Shadow?
Demigods Academy: Year Three (Demigods Academy #3) Reviews
I really liked the first book. The second one was a little off. This one frustrated me, to the point that I was tempted not to finish it. Thank goodness it was short. Let’s start with what I did like: the final battle. It was fast paced and engaging, even though there were things that moved too quickly (as in poorly thought out), and didn’t really make sense. And that’s it.
I’m super annoyed that Melany gets it on with Hades, and then a few chapters later with Lucian. THEN, not even twenty four hours later she’s banging Hades again! Now, if this were a case where both of the guys were in on it and chill with it, that would annoy me less (still obnoxious and unrealistic, but I’ll let it go), but that is obviously not the case. Lucien is afraid to bring it up, and Hades is passive aggressive about it. It’s terrible, and really made me dislike Melany.
And the end was... lame. We have this battle, and then suddenly it’s a couple months later and everything that has happened with her is basically brushed under the rug. It felt like the authors didn’t really have a plan beyond that battle, so they just kinda left it, figuring their audience would be ok with it. ((Sure, yeah, I’ll just fill all that in on my own, because there definitely isn’t an even MORE interesting story to be told there.))
I’ve finished the series, I can move on with my life now. No, I’m not recommending this series to anyone BECAUSE of this last book. There is no point. I’m not usually this scathing in my reviews, but this one really irritated me. -
Dropped it mid-way.
From the first two books of the series, it was clear that this was going to be like a reverse-harem-type situation but I expected a bit more of romance or rationale to the actions of the leads.
Melany started off as a strong bold girl but in this book she is reduced to a bed-hopping indecisive brash and stupid person.
She provokes without reason and the speed at which she sleeps with Lucian after sleeping with Hades - if a male lead had done it, a lot more people would be crying misogynism and 'using women' etc.
But what really turned me off was the boring usual spinoff about how Mel is the special cookie - the one who would save the world.
I want to read at least one YA fantasy where there is no world-saving expected out of a single person.
The cliches, the bed-hoppings, the lack lustre romance and finally the stupid reactions of Mel ruined the last book of this trilogy. -
I received a free audiobook from the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Year Three of Demigod Academy finally unveils the true evil of the Academy. No god/goddess has been telling the truth this whole time and now it's time for Melany and her friends to defend the innocents once and for all.
What an ending. Every minute of this was intense. The relationship between Melany, Hades and Lucian was quite strangled. I was never sure what this was going to become. Also I am hardcore on Lucian's team unless he and Hades are open to a poly relationship and that did not seem the case. I'm really glad there's another book because I want to know what is going happen next.
Melany also gets to patch up some of the friendships she strained in the previous book. I was really glad when she and Jasmine patched things up. All the slut shaming against Melany was very aggravating. These students are basically demigods, but you don't see them yelling slut or whore at their godly parents, do you? I also wish there had been some more clarity between Persephone and Melany. There's some kind of relation between them and I want to know more. -
I had high hopes with the first book in this series, lost a little of it by the second book, and for me book three crashed and burned. Potential relationships were not dealt with or done away with in an abrupt manner. The heroine, Mel, was turned into a walking Greek tragedy.
The ending was anticlimactic. Blink and it was over. It was so rushed.
Bad guys dealt with, unnecessary elimination of good ones, and The End. -
Man, I loved the first book, but in the end the series was a disappointment.
Hades and her save Lucian. Right afterwards she has sex with Hades. Then later she has sex with Lucian, just to turn around and have sex with Hades the same day. I dont read reverse harem, which is why I read this. I want an epic love story, or at least a sweet romance. Not bed hopping, loving two guys at once, one we barely know anything about and has said right to her face they don't have a relationship. If this was a guy I would be screaming and not finishing up the book, but I was interested in the battle, and who she would up with.
She gets poisoned, dies, and meets Persephone, who is the daughter of Demeter, and Mels bloodline. She is told she is the key, she sees her parents, they were killed. We find out that the academy was started long long ago by a Titan and a human for knowledge. But Zeus stopped being worshiped and the gods were losing power. So he overthrew the titans and took control of the school. Zeus and his crew want to release the Titans and force them to destroy the human world, so that fear and hope brings more people to worship them. In the end Mel has her friends give them their element powers. Hades takes a blow from zeus to save her, dies, and she kills Zeus. Revana died the one time she made the right choice to not follow Aphrodite.The last chapter is in Lucians pov 2 months later. The friends don't have their powers, and don't have high hopes of them returning. The titan comes back to run the school. Aphrodite and Ares are banished to Tartarus and Lucian is now head of training. Poor Gina lost an arm. Mel isn't the same, and she is talking to Hades, but no one can see him. Then it just ends. It was pretty disappointing that this was the end. The first book was so amazing, so this is a let down. Its like having the best salad ever, a meh overcooked steak, and then finishing dinner with rancid pudding. I still hope that more in this world could be explored in a future book, then maybe we could get closure. -
Yea, I can spot those "why choose" vibes from a mile away. I am just going to say that I like it when the author puts in the blurb that their books have either "why choose" or RH aspects. I have no problem with either of these aspects and read a ton of both. The problem lies when I don't know how to feel because it wasn't identified as an option ahead of time. So is it really "why choose?" or, is our FMC a cheating McCheaterson and should I be mad about it? Are the guys mad about it? They both have aggressive vibes toward each other, but at the same time its like noone wants to talk about it. How come noone is having some adult conversations here!?? ....and this is why I like a little clarification to start. This last book definitely took a turn into NA with some graphic scenes.. not like OTT or anything but definitely not YA.
Melany and her friends are really in the thick of it now as all kinds of stuff hit the fan here in book three. Season one has concluded, the bad guys are brought out and exposed and dealt with... and yet... it seems like there is even more going on. Season 2 starts next year at the Academy and Hades is acting shady (pun intended.) Not sure what else we are going to face, and I'm not all too happy with where we have left off, with like no closure here. I'll probably check the next season out to see where its headed, but I'm a little disappointed at the end of season 1 here. I mean I should be feeling all the "feels".. but I'm just a little lost here. We will see. -
This has been an amazing series! I love all the characters. I have loved every intense word. One of my top 5 favorite fantasy series!
I dont know why i struggled on reading this. I loved the first two but this is too rushed and I can’t keep up.
There is no way that book ended the way it did. I'll be quite annoyed if Hades is really gone. -
Best by far
These are sneaky good! I didn't expect to like them so well but they are amazing! I can't wait to read Season 2! -
So many unanswered questions
I'm disappointed in this book. I Loved book 1, Liked book 2, and now book 3 for me is Meh. There were just too many unanswered questions. At first, I didn't realize that this was the last book in the series, so the unanswered questions were ok as I assumed they would be answered in the next book, but nope.....this one is the last of the series, so all of those questions are just still all up in the air. Also it ends so anticlimatically. After such care is taken to describe Melany's training, the final battle just ended so abruptly. It felt as if the authors got sick of this series and wanted it to just be over. Therefore, for me, the book is 2 & 1/2 stars instead of a 3 or a 4. -
Demigods Academy: Year Three is the third book in Elisa S. Amore and Kiera Legend’s Demigods series. In this book, the truth comes fully to light as to what is going on at the Academy and the battle that has been waged in the shadows comes to the forefront and a head.
When I first started reading Demigods Academy I was hooked. I loved the variety of the characters and how the authors gave us some of the mythical characters that are usually declared evil and gave them a new twist from the norm. This book continues in that vein which I like and approve of. The authors continue to develop Melany’s relationship with Hades and Lucian. Melany is changing, but she’s not the only one. There is something strange going on with her friends. But war is coming, and there are some truths that Melany needs to learn before it’s too late. The storyline overall is well written and engaging and kept me page-turning to learn what was going to happen next. There is a nice element of mystery woven into this story during certain scenes to help push the story along a little faster in some places.
This book has its good aspects and then it has it’s negative ones as well. For me – the negatives are Melany’s attitude and behavior…especially towards Hades. She flip flops between being a love-sick teenager – wanting his attention, wanting him, and trying to make him jealous or wanting him to be jealous of Lucian, and a petulant child when she doesn’t get her way when it comes to him or the other gods. I like sassy characters, but Melany really pushed the envelope at times to the point of where she was endangering her life because she wanted to mouth off. There were moments of where I understood to an extent, but others I just felt that she wanted to act like a brat and behave like she’s entitled to make demands.
Another issue I had with the storyline itself is the build-up to the “epic battle.” The build-up was there, but when the actual moment came…it fell flat like a deflated balloon. I was expecting at least a couple of chapters dedicated to an epic fight, a major battle scene… and I didn’t get it. I felt disappointed that there wasn’t more to it. I honestly hate to say it, but it felt like the authors lost steam when they hit this point in the storyline because this is what everything has been leading to…and it for me, doesn’t measure up to the build. There are also a couple of scenes/situations with certain characters that I felt were glossed over. Instead of us getting to the root of what was going on we get “we’re okay now, it’s all good.” I kinda felt robbed. LOL!
All in all, I am rating this book 4 out of 5 stars. The storyline overall is good, but it has it’s pitfalls that, for me, were a bit hard to ignore. My expectations were built up and then were made to fall flat on its face. The other books were thrilling and gripping, and which causes this book to feel like it was phoned in towards the end. If you enjoyed the first two books in this series, then I encourage you to read this book, but I suggest you go in with moderate expectations this time around. Regardless, I look forward to reading more from these two authors in the future. -
Melany faces her thoughest challenge yet
I listened to the audiobook so a few words on the audiobook:
When you see Vanessa Moyen or Stephen Dexter’s names as narrators, you just know you can relax while listening to a perfectly narrated story. For anyone new to audiobooks, these guys have always given me a wonderful time and I listened to both at least 10 times, not all of them together but they are both quality givers!
As for the story, after the devastating end of book 2 Melany sees her whole world crumbling down. Luckily there is still a chance but it will take even more than one god can do to do what is necessary. But don’t let that stop Melany.
Melany sure seems more at place in this book than the previous book. She even starts to like certain aspects of her life at Hades’ House more and more. I just love every time Cerberus is mentioned! He is such a good boy! Well, to Melany that is, after she gained his trust he even seems to prefer her over Hades lol. Well, any good dog would love more attention and playtime I bet and apparently that includes 3 headed dogs from the Underground.
But of course, this book is about Demigods Academy, not just about Cerberus and how cute he can be.
And as far as life in the academy goes, that is finding out who is behind unleashing the beasts, wrecking the world, not of their own accord but controlled by a (magical) golden rope. When Hades and Melany witness another manipulated creature with a golden rope, they come to the rescue and after freeing the creature of it’s golden rope, severing the control the god has over it, they try to learn whatever they can about who is controlling them. Hades forbids Melany to say something to anyone else for now though. Being a god amongst all the other gods, all those time they had to perfect all there lying, manipulating and deflecting blame, he knows how all those scheming best be handled. But Melany is young and angry so that is a big ask of her. I can only imagine how frustrating that must be.
Time will tell how that will go!
On a celebration for the heroes of Demigod Academy that saved the day at the end of book 2 things become dire and shifts the plainfield a bit. After that, Melany and her friends need to figure out what Melany overheard and whether it is something important or not. So they investigate and other things are revealed and of course another showdown takes place but this one will take everything Melany and her friends have in them and even more.
This book is a rollercoaster of a ride, I enjoyed it very much. Melany was a bit hot-headed at a few times but not always, just when the frustration got way to high and in all honesty that is just natural for her age, it’s not that she keeps doing the same faults over and over as some stories MC’s seem to do. In this series, or other series where it’s mortals vs. immortals, it is only natural because let’s face it, who, with the expanse of a motal lifetime (not that she’s experienced a lot of those with her age but still), which mortal can compete with the cunningness of the gods who’ve had eons to practice and perfect their skills?
After the end of this book though, I can’t wait to see what book 4 will bring because the end of book 3 went fast! And so much has changed. Well done Elise and Kiera! Now on to book 4! -
Interesting concept. Amazing worldbuilding. It has so many potential. Gods vs. Gods. Titans not exactly as evil as we know them. It's just that... *sighs* This is the end of season 1, but so many unanswered questions. If they had been training warriors for so long where are they? How could gods die when they have been round for so long yet they can be killed just like that? I get it that Mel is in a prophecy but why? No information as such on her mum and dad nor Persephone.
Speaking of prophecy... Mel just takes it as fact and never tries to verify or find out more. Or to verify who killed her parents. Persephone has a prophecy about her? When? Where? How did her parents know? Do all gods have prophecies? How did the other gods find out?
In the end her friends push their power into her and lose it forever, while she walks around all glowy because all the power swirling inside her. They never discuss her attempting to return it or her thoughts on it or it's effect on her. The end goes from her absorbing power to killing Zeus to Lucian's POV and you never see things from her point again. He thinks she's broken, he mentions pancakes and they go off to eat in the cafeteria. But he thinks she's become something more than a demigod. Again - not explained.
I feel like Melany is a Mary Sue character. The authors made her TOO powerful. Out of 12 trials, she passed all.
Book 1 started out really great. I was totally hooked and excited. Unfortunately, the quality of the story went downhill.
Even so... I may read the next one when I feel like it. I have a thing about finishing a series that I seriously needed to get over. Half of me is curious what would happen in the next installments. The book has a potential to be great but for now, it would pass as a draft rather than a finished manuscript because there are lots of things the authors need to work on. -
War is coming. Melany knows this. She has heard Ares and Aphrodite making plans. She knows they have already released Titans. But Zeus won't listen. Either he doesn't believe her ot he's on their side. Still, Melany won't just stand by and do nothing. She's not powerless. She's not alone. Her friends may not trust her completely but she still has Lucien and she still has Hades. When she takes an unexpected trip to Elysium, she gets information that could change everything.
What an interesting conclusion to this series. I will admit there were many twists and turns I never saw coming. Hades and Lucien, the reasons behind the war, the outcome; just to name a few. I really wasn't sure how the authors would get themselves out of the triangle they had written themselves into and while it wasn't 100% satisfying, it was better than I had expected. It was nicely written from beginning to end with no plot holes or unfinished story although if you are expecting an epic god battle, you won't get it. That was fine with me although it seemed a strange choice since everything built up to the final confrontation. The guys were my favorite part of this story. I loved Hades and Lucien, the Dark and Light. Melany remained a little too bratty and unnecessarily confrontational. Her approach to the gods should have ended her before she ever had a chance to stand against them. Subtlety was not an asset she possessed. Finally, I have to give special recognition to the residents of Hades Hall; Charon, Cerberus, and the Furies. Uncle Skeletor, a three-headed slobbering puppy, and three violent hags. Never would I have thought that these characters would become some of my favorites but they definitely were. The power of imaginative writing! -
Politics of the gods and a love triangle.
I still can't believe it's possible for one person to love 2 people at the same time. Let alone for the guys not to care enough to try to kill each other, walk away or force her to choose. Apparently in this book all of that is possible. I'm still a skeptic. Maybe it's because I have only been married once. Let's see there is a lot revealed in this book. And through Persephone of all people. Melaney gets to meet her parents briefly. However, they give her clues to look into to find out what is really going on at the school. Melaney gets busy with her two suitors. She goes on a date with Hades. It is so sweet I almost got a cavity. Unfortunately the ending was ruined by a Titan. Yep, someone is letting them out of Tartarus and you guessed it controlling them. However, not everything is as it seems. You see the cadets have been lied to. The school was never meant to train them for war. And it was created by someone else not Zeus. To find out what the real history is Melaney, Gina & Lucian have to search the library of knowledge. Aphrodite & Ares move their timeline up for war and unleash these Titans on, of course Melaney's home town. The gods choose sides and after a bit of fighting there is a break before the next big threat so Melaney is able to appeal to the other cadets. They at least get to choose for themselves once they have all the facts. Even some gods didn't know everything the god who started the war had done. -
This book was better than the second one I thought. it was the first book that actually have a solid plot that was outside of the academy. There was very little to none training in this book which was good i thought. The training in the previous two books were getting redunent and getting repetivie. One thing that i did not like were the sex scenes in this book. The main character is just turning into a slut. Like there was a good 15 to 20% of this book dedicated to melany's sex life which could have been used to other uses. Also I did not quite like the ending. Yes there should have been a battle but for Zeus and hades to "die" then does not seem well done to me. I do not think they are dead of course. It would have been a lot better for the gods to leave for a book or two to regain strength and then to be a bigger better battle where gods die. the ending just felt rushed. I like like zeus's intentions in the reasonings to release the titans. I felt geniune to me. This book did end on a note where one could put down the series at a good stopping point and now knowing that I am debating put down the series. It is good, decent but I am just not sure it is my jive you know. there are better books out there that i want to focus my time on so I have to think about if I want to continue this series. However to note if this book left on a big cliffhang then I would be reading the next book. Good book just some minor issues I had with it.
2.5 stars
Welcome to year 3 and still no birthday to melany? I have no idea how much time has passed since they all began the trials but no way it has been 3 years.
“While Melany is torn between Lucian and Hades, a new enemy will put everyone in danger”
Nope.. just nope. She isn’t torn she is a free spirit who have sex with both of them without telling the other.
And the new enemy part.. I mean come on, it’s not new it’s the same one as before.
What I like in this book:
-the training
-fast pace short book
-she kept her friends
What I don’t like in this book:
-she has really bad mood swings, she gets mad about nothing. We hear that is understandable but we never really get to hear the why. And it seems that after maybe 60% of the book her weird bad temper stops.
-the ending. The fight is over pretty fast. And the author killed 2 people who in my opinion should not have died.
-didn’t really understand what happened to the bad guy. It’s like here is a big bear hug with lots of powers…poof no more bad guy?
-Hadad as a love interest. His old she is like 18. It just feel creepy to me.
Something I thought about: if she is a descendant of Persephone, and had a direct line to Hadad, does that mean that she slept with her somehow grandfather?! -
Honestly I really really loved the first book. That fitted into the type of plot, power, friendship and romance that I long for. Second book was a bit disappointing but I still had a hope that what Mel had with Hades was just attaraction but it turned out that wasn't the case.
Third book wasn't satisfying at all. I still don't understand what was special about Melany that she was the only one who can save the world? Usually such things are blood related but that's not the case here. I don't find it special. Other than this, Mel is screwing up with both Hades and Lucian and is *just screwing up*!! I found it frustrating, very frustrating. Romance that ignites spark within the readers was missing. The final battle was rushed as well. I don't think this was the first time that the Gods ever fought amongst themselves. They possessed great power and would've surely fought many battles over millenniums. They were immortals. A mortal just appeared and killed the god of the gods. A bit unrealistic right? This book made me hate Mel. I felt that she was just playing with Lucian. Seems like the freaking love triangle isn't over either. I think it'd affect the story of upcoming books as well. Moreover behind the scenes were also missing.
Rating: 1.5/5 -
Wow, this book definitely makes a splash..as in your tears into the puddle you’ve already cried…Lots of moment with each man ;) so neither ship was neglected in the writing of this novel. A lot of loose ends and question were tied up by the end of this, but I was still left with a few especially about her parents. A lot of twist and turns with some reveals the reader would’ve never expected as everything comes to head in at last. Some of the plot development felt like it came out of nowhere and developed quickly once introduced to the story. I would’ve liked to see more hints of what was coming perhaps in the second book, but it was well delivered even if it was a little quick. The ending left some mystery to the story and as well as leaving a door open for a potential continuation of the world.
I received a free copy of this book via the author’s ARC team and am voluntarily leaving a review. -
I received a free audio copy for review all opinions are my own.
I have been keeping up with Melany since the beginning. Her adventure has been fun and exciting. This doesn't disappoint as teh true secrets of teh gods come to life.
I loved that Melany was bold even when afraid. Some people have criticized her for having sex with multiple people in this book, but I thought it was time women are able to enjoy sex with whomever they want. This doesn't leave into some weird triangle because Melaney doesn't stop her quest against teh gods even while she puts her romantic adn sexual emotions together.
As usual Melany's voice actor is perfect and i enjoy her character. I still don't like Lucian's actor (he would have fit better as one of teh gods) and his overly obsessive need to save Melaney as opposed to assisting her on her journey.
Overall, I Enjoyed teh Deigods Academy very much. -
Wow the way this ended wasn't a surprise, but the battle was insane. I knew Ares and Aphrodite were in on it, but Zeus wasn't a surprise since it always seems he's hungry for power in every book. I'm not sure I like the storyline of Hades sleeping with Melany. I'm not sure it was necessary, but I do like their camaraderie. I'm heart broken at some of the deaths. Revanna especially. She changed in an instant and choose melany and her death was so hard on Melany. I think that's why it made it so hard. I also like the twist that the Titans weren't actually bad and Prometheus took back as headmaster to the school. It's sad that Lucien, Georgina, and Ren losing their powers, but it's good that they don't resent melany. She fought so hard. I want to know if she'll talk to her parents again and if Persephone will come back to Hades.
I enjoyed book 1 and 2 very much but I was having a strong feeling that I may have missed or misread the synopsis that this is a RH series...(not a fan of RH theme)
It all began from the moment when Hades took Melany as his student and moved to his hall onwards, I started to see the change in her, especially her feelings towards Hades and Lucian at the same time. A strong RH vibes resonated and in book 3's development nailed it. I really enjoyed and liked the plot in this book but not much for Melany, and poor Lucian...I thought she could do better than this.
Despite that, still deserves 3.5 stars for the great plot and how the story developed till the end.
Let's hope no more of RH theme in book 4 when Melany decides who she wants to be. -
I struggled with the story.
I was so frustrated with the main female character, Mel. I loved her and connected with her character in the very first book but man...it’s like her character suddenly changed and it became a love triangle. Gah, I love Lucian and felt like he truly deserved better. The battle at the end was great!! The build up to it and the conclusion, letting the reader know where most of the characters are at and their headspace. The narrators truly did a fabulous job. It’s one of the reasons as to why I continued listening to the book. I would recommend this book if you enjoy demigods, greek mythology, and academy books. I would say that this is a upper YA book so for older teens. I received a free copy of this title in exchange for my unbiased review. -
I'm just going to get straight to the point: The writing is truly awful and the characters aren't much better. They all act as though they are 13/14 year olds coming into puberty and yet they are all 18?? One thing that really irked me in this book was this line "It made me giggle. I never giggle". WHAT?! The amount of times the author wrote "giggle" in the first 2 books is ridiculous. Not only that, the amount of similes in the series is almost mind-numbing. In on paragraph the author will say "like a" 5 times! You're probably wondering why I am already 3 books deep in this series and honestly, I am too. The writing is awful but the story is slightly interesting. They are quick reads and something to read in between my heavier stuff.