Title | : | Napoleon Hills Golden Rules |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0470411562 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780470411568 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 224 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2008 |
Napoleon Hills Golden Rules Reviews
الترجمة جيدة، والكتاب سهل وبسيط. عبارة عن مقالات مختارة من الرائع نابوليون هيل. مفيد بشكل عام وليس بشكل خاص. يختصر عليك اشياء كثيرة وكتب كثيرة، لكنه بشكل عام. انصح الجميع به.
كتاب عظيم بسيط سلسل، رائع. في ملخص ومجموعة مقالات العظيم نابوليون هيل. هو ثمرة تقريباً ٢٠ عاماً او اكثر.
هذا كتاب حقيقي يوضع تحت الوسادة وفي الجيب وعلى مقربة من المرء
ليرجع إليه كل حين ليذكر نفسه.. -
This is a classic, old style writing. I am not a big fan of this particular book, but it's a good starting point.
4/5 -
Feels quite outdated, a lot of it is based on gut feelings and using the "Power of your mind" to steer things into the direction you want to. I believe in willpower and everything, but a lot of these sentiments in this book border on unproven theories.
Despite all of that, the book was enjoyable to listen to, mostly because it had some fun anecdotal stories. Best to be taken with a truckload of grains of salt, however. -
ليس من الصدفة أن الطلاب الذين يرتادون أفضل المدارس يميلون إلى أن يصبحوا علماء وسياسيين وأطباء ناجحين. فللبيئة المحيطة أثر كبير في تكوين شخصية الفرد ومهاراته وطريقة تفكيره كذلك.
سواء كنت تدرك ذلك أم لا، فأنت دائمًا ما تتأثر ببيئتك ومحيطك، نظرًا لأن ما تتعرض له بشكل يومي يؤثر على أفكارك، وأفكارك تلعب بالتالي دورًا كبيرًا في تحديد ما يحدث في حياتك. لذلك يجب عليك أن تختار بعناية البيئة المناسبة التي ستساعدك على تحقيق الأهداف التي حددتها لنفسك. إذا كنت تأمل في أن تكون مديراً تنفيذياً لشركة كبرى، فمن المنطقي أن تعيش بالقرب من رجال أعمال ناجحين، أو على الأقل تقضي وقتًا في الأماكن التي يرتادونها ويتواصلون فيها. أفضل بيئة يمكن أن تكون فيها هي تلك التي يحيط بها أشخاص يشاركونك أهدافك في الحياة الاجتماعية أو الحياة الوظيفية، وتجنب التواجد حول الأشخاص ذوي الأفكار السلبية أو الانهزامية.
عندما تحدد ما تريد تحقيقه، قم بتصوير كل التفاصيل حول شكل البيئة الداعمة لذلك. وبمجرد وضع تلك الصورة في اعتبارك، اخرج للعالم وأبدأ في البحث عنها.
الفكرة: لكي تحقق أهدافك في الحياة، املأ بيئتك المحيطة بمؤثرات إيجابية و أشخاص إيجابيين، وابتعد عن كل ما هو سلبي.
التالي ملخص لهذا الكتاب في قناة خير جليس:
https://youtu.be/_X576vdWAsM -
تفاجأت حين عرفت أن هذا الكتاب كتب بين 1919 و1923..
فالمفاهيم التي يتكلم عنها معظم رواد التنمية الذاتية في العالم باللغتين هي مستوحاة من كتب نابليون هيل..
كتابته سلسة وقصصه الشخصية وللأشخاص حوله تساهم في توضيح المفاهيم بطريقة بسيطة متواضعة..
تشعر كأن الكاتب يتحدث لك في إحدى استراحات القهوة التي لا تطول أكثر من ربع ساعة..
الكتاب المعاصرون أفضل من ناحية تنظيم الأفكار ولكنه ممتع للقراءة والتطبيق.. -
Not as good as the Think and Grow Rich. But it's a nice book divided in a few good chapters.
What I really like about this one is the focus on your environment and how it affects you, and the importance of dressing well (it's more important than you think) -
"What is left for any living organism, who receives neither nourishment nor attention, is to die ...therefore any negative tendency which populates the mind, can be suppressed by starving it to death - that is by neglecting it"
Super powerful said :) -
Me parece que Napoleon Hill es el gran escritor de autoayuda. Todo lo demás parece derivarse de los trabajos de este autor, cualquier libro moderno parece regurjitar los conceptos que en los 20's exponía Hill. Previamente había leído su libro más famoso
Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century, en alguna de tantas ediciones. Al igual que aquel, los principios expuestos son atemporáneos, pero si valdría la pena que algún editor se tomara la molestia en actualizarlos al s. XXI, porque algunos ejemplos son increiblemente aburridos por la "simpleza" de los problemas que trata y cómo los trata.
En este libro se habla mucho del poder de la auto sugestión y cómo antes de obtener algo, hay que imaginarnos obteniéndolo ¿La ley de la atracción, y mamarrachadas similares, pero sin lo estotérico?
Dentro de estos capítulos Hill menciona que hacía ejercicios donde "sentaba a su mesa" a personajes famosos e imaginaba las pláticas que se darían. Para esto me pregunto ¿y realmente imaginaba a esas personas, o imaginaba al estereotipo asociado a esas personas? Por ejemplo, si hoy en día imaginásemos una comida con Steve Jobs, quizás imaginaríamos una comida con el estereotipo del tipo creador, inventivo, gran líder, obsesivo con los detalles y demás, cuando el verdadero Jobs, de acuerdo a sus biógrafos sería un tanto diferente. Entonces, esas cenas de Hill donde se imaginaba a Franklin o a Lincoln, ¿no serían más bien un vehículo del que se sirve para tratar con gente que representa un estereotipo positivo?
Como sea, creo que lo que me quedo como aprendizaje, es que es necesario leer muchísimas más biografías para poder utilizar esta técnica que me pareció de hecho bastante interesante. -
Napoleon Hill's Golden Rules: The Lost Writings Book Review by Vanga Srikanth
Book Description
Napoleon Hill′s Golden Rules: The Lost Writings consists of a series of magazine articles Napoleon Hill wrote between 1919 and1923 for Success Magazine, of which he eventually become an editor. Hill′s obsession with achieving material success had led him from poverty stricken Appalachian Mountains with the desire to study successful people. These articles focus on Hill′s philosophy of success, drawing on the thoughts and experience of a multitude of rags–to–riches tycoons, showing readers how these successful people achieved such status. Many of his writings such as the chapter on Law of Attraction, written in the March 1919 issue, have recently basis of several bestselling books. Readers will discover principles that will assure their success if studied and put into action. Chapters include: Lesson #1: Your Social and Physical Heredity––Hills Golden Rule (May 1920) Lesson #2: Auto Suggestion––Napoleon Hill′s Magazine (July 1921) Lesson #3: Suggestion (Applied Salesmanship)––Napoleon Hill′s Magazine (August 1921) Lesson #4: The Law of Retaliation––Hill′s Golden Rule (March 1919) Lesson #5: The Power of Your Mind (Little Odd Visits with Your Editor)––Hill′s Golden Rule (October 1919) Lesson #6: How to Build Self–Confidence––Napoleon Hill′s Magazine (June 1921) Lesson #7: Environment and Habit––Hill′s Golden Rule (April 1919) Lesson #8: How to Remember––Hill′s Golden Rule (May–June 1919) Lesson #9: How Marc Antony Used Suggestion in Winning the Roman Mob––Hill′s Golden Rule (July 1919) Lesson #10: Persuasion vs. Force––Hill′s Golden Rule (September 1919) Lesson #11: The Law of Compensation––Napoleon Hill′s Magazine (April 1921) Lesson #12: The Golden Rule as a Pass Key to All Achievement––Napoleon Hill′s Magazine (June 1921)
From the Back Cover
An amazing collection of long–lost articles from the king of personal success Napoleon Hill has been inspiring people to achieve their personal best for more than seventy years. He was the first and most famous motivational author of all time, and in fact, today′s most successful self–help authors owe a lot to Hill′s farsighted wisdom, including some of their very best ideas. Now, Napoleon Hill′s Golden Rules presents the articles Hill wrote between 1919 and 1923, which started it all. Never before collected in book form, these articles feature big nuggets of golden wisdom that are as applicable today as they were nearly a century ago. Based on interviews with famous rags–to–riches tycoons like Carnegie, Ford, and Edison, they reveal proven, effective paths to success that truly work for the average person—yesterday, today, and tomorrow. These entertaining, lively articles are packed with plenty of inspiration and motivation and offer timeless insight on topics like the power of suggestion, building self–confidence, using persuasion versus force, and the law of attraction. If these ideas sound familiar, they are. Modern motivational writers have been tweaking and repackaging Hill′s ideas for decades, but the original source remains the best. Read Napoleon Hill′s Golden Rules and change your life.
About the Author
Napoleon Hill (1883–1970) was a highly respected, influential, and bestselling author of the first modern motivational and personal success books. His most famous book, Think and Grow Rich! , has sold more than 60 million copies worldwide, is the all–time bestseller in the genre, and continues to change thousands of lives each year. For more information, please visit
Book Review by Vanga Srikanth
Before Napoleon Hill became a massively successful author, he wrote articles for a magazine called Success Magazine. The nucleus of those articles is what this book is made of with each chapter coming from a different article. It is a book that everyone should read once in their life.
There are twelve chapters in the book and the first chapter is only four pages long, but it is packed with information which should be read more than once. Hill says we all consist of and develop "sense impressions" from the same things; teachings we received at home, Sunday school or Church (which can be substituted for whatever religious background we have), public or private schools, and daily newspapers or magazines.
The impressions we have is what make up our conscious and sub-conscious minds and in order for us to be successful, we need to fine- tune them.
He emphasizes two things in later chapters; suggestion, which is how we influence the minds of others, and auto-suggestion, which is how we tap into the powers of our own mind. Hill believes the latter of the two is more important as we need to create in our minds the plan for achieving what we want.
He says the person who has a sound plan and has the self-confidence to make it work is undefeatable. Confidence must be created in the mind before that mind is "neutralized." What Hill means is that our minds can lose focus and it must be in a certain state where it will only accept the things which will help a person achieve his or her goals.
In the 4th chapter, Hill says there is an "unknown phenomena" that helps us when we pray. He emphasizes that it has "no connection whatsoever" with organized religion. He doesn't clarify whether he means any person who believes in a higher power can pray or anyone, including Atheists, can make a prayer. This is something that is interesting since those who do not believe in God can obviously pray, but to who they pray is something of a mystery.
Later on, Hill talks about how we must turn the thing which we are trying to overcome or master into a habit. He says we must stick to doing whatever it is we aspire to do until it becomes 2nd nature. He says we should have the "tenacity of a bull-dog" and not let anything deter us from getting the thing we want.
Towards the end, Mr. Hill talks about the power of persuasion and says that a teacher who can stimulate minds and make students reach for higher then their averages "will confer a blessing on the human race second to none in the history of the world." This stresses the important role that educators play. It is crucial that future generations are allowed to reach for greatness and become successful by developing their highest level of concentration.
He ends the book by summarizing the Golden Rule Philosophy and tells us not to worry about the injustices in the world and people who do not apply the Golden Rule. "You can change the attitude of others towards you by first changing your attitude towards others." Your job is to master yourself and believe that you can be successful by being a force of attraction and then others will follow your lead.
Vanga Srikanth
For more book reviews visit my website
http://vangasrikanth.blogspot.in/ -
Napoleon Hill makes it clear: Your thoughts are the basis for your success and failure. Your thoughts are the predecessors of your actions and your actions will determine what yo will become. A great read for the ones that like Henry Ford's famous quote: "Either you think you can or you think you can't, you are right." Even if written almost 100 years ago, it is great book teaching 12 important and revealing still valid lessons in the 21st century:
1: Your Social and Physical Heredity: Hills Golden Rule (May 1920)
2: Auto Suggestion: Napoleon Hill's Magazine (July 1921)
3: Suggestion (Applied Salesmanship): Napoleon Hill's Magazine (August 1921)
4: The Law of Retaliation: Hill's Golden Rule (March 1919)
5: The Power of Your Mind (Little Odd Visits with Your Editor): Hill's Golden Rule (October 1919)
6: How to Build Self-Confidence: Napoleon Hill's Magazine (June 1921)
7: Environment and Habit: Hill's Golden Rule (April 1919)
8: How to Remember: Hill's Golden Rule (May-June 1919)
9: How Marc Antony Used Suggestion in Winning the Roman Mob: Hill's Golden Rule (July 1919)
10: Persuasion vs. Force: Hill's Golden Rule (September 1919)
11: The Law of Compensation: Napoleon Hill's Magazine (April 1921)
12: The Golden Rule as a Pass Key to All Achievement: Napoleon Hill's Magazine (June 1921)
Note: I listened to the summary of this book on Blinkist.com -
We create our lives through our thoughts, and this can lead to transformative success.
(Imaginary Board of Idols) He found that by using autosuggestion to focus on inspiring thoughts, you can transform your life and find success.
Listed all the positive remarks of the opposing side made and agreed that they made good points. Then you can move them over.
The author knew a manager who never criticized his workers. Instead, he would walk through the offices and compliment each worker, one at a time, for their great work. While doing so, he would always make the subtle suggestion that they could do even better if they tried.
The manager knew that criticizing him for the dip in efficiency would only demoralize the employee. So he put his hand on the employee’s shoulder and told him that he was impressed at how the pace of his work had improved and that it was setting an excellent example for the other employees. Remarkably, by the end of that very same day, the employee’s efficiency rose by 25 percent.
If you want your more successful colleagues to recommend you to one of their business partners, the first thing you can do is make a point of speaking highly of that colleague to some of your contacts. -
O carte usoara, dar motivationala.
Cu totii am auzit de Napoleon Hill, autor care prin scrierile lui i-a indemnat in permanenta pe oameni sa devina cat mai buni cu putinta. El este primul si cel mai faimos autor de carti motivationale.
Volumul de fata a fost redactat intre 1919 si 1923 si a marcat inceputul carierei sale de autor motivational.
Mai jos va voi lasa doua citate care mi-au placut:
"Un gand este ca o samanta sadita in pamant, in sensul ca acesta creste, se inmulteste si aduce roade potrivit naturii sale; prin urmare, nu este recomandat sa nutrim ganduri distructive. Asemenea inclinatii trebuie stavilite cat mai repede prin actiune concreta."
"Exista o singura cale adevarata de a-l pedepsi pe cel care ti-a gresit, si anume, sa-i raspunzi la rau cu bine. Timpul pe care-l petreci hranindu-ti sentimentul de ura nu este doar irosit, ci ajunge chiar sa suprime singurele simtaminte demne de om si-ti anihileaza spiritul constructiv. Gandurile dictate de ura nu-i fac rau decat persoanei care le nutreste -
▪︎ القلق المزمن أخطر على المعدة من الكحوليات .
أفكار الإنسان القلق تفسد ولا تصلح ، إنها تتدافع ويزاحم إحداها الأخرى دونما نظام أو ترتيب .
- الإنسان القلق أما هو إنسان غير سوي ، أو تعوزه الثقة بالله ويحاول إثبات ذلك بالقلق .
▪︎ ما هو الخوف ؟ فقط ( أشعر بالخوف ) : يجب أن تواجه إيقاع الحياة
- المستقبل يبدأ من الغد وليس اليوم ، ولكنك تصنع مستقبلك من اليوم .
إن أردت الشعور بالمرض - وأردت سلب الحيوية من جسمك وتدميره - فما عليك إلا أن تخاف وتقلق ! إنها طريقة أكيدة لخلق مستقبل تعيس . افهم هذا جيداً
▪︎ الكراهية شيئ بغيض ، مخز ، غير متحضر ، كريه المذاق . المرأة سيئة السمعة تعتبر ملكة بجوار المرأة الحاقدة .
▪︎▪︎ ينبغي أن تنظر إلى عقلك وكأنه شيئ عزيز . إذا دنسته بدنس الغيرة ، ستكون قبيحاً ، وغير سوي عقلياً ، وعضواً غير مرغوب به في المجتمع .
تلك الأربع ( القلق ، الخوف ، الكراهية ، والغيرة ) هي مهلكات الصحة الجيدة .
- يجب أن يكون جسمك وعقلك سليمين حتى تتمتع بصحة جيدة - فالأفكار السليمة تقود إلى الصحة والثروة والسعادة ، والأفكار السيئة تقود إلى المرض والفقر والجحيم .
☆ انظر في المرآة ، وابتسم إلى نفسك -
Nothing new here. In fact, most of the notes can be found in Napoleon Hill's other books or other self development books.
Napoleon Hill is a powerful writer and he always seems to be able to emphasize his points really well.
additional notes:
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gain att, let them talk, arouse their int, desi, trump card
This is the content page.
Lesson #1: Your Social and Physical Heredity 1
Lesson #2: Auto-Suggestion 7
Lesson #3: Suggestion 27
Lesson #4: The Law of Retaliation 51
Lesson #5: The Power of Your Mind 69
Lesson #6: How to Build Self-Confidence 81
Lesson #7: Environment and Habit 95
Lesson #8: How to Remember 121
Lesson #9: How Mark Antony Used Suggestion in
Winning the Roman Mob 147
Lesson #10: Persuasion versus Force 161
Lesson #11: The Law of Compensation 187
Lesson #12: The Golden Rule as a Passkey to
All Achievement 199 -
O carte un pic greuță, cu un limbaj câteodată alambicat care te obligă in anumite momente sa citești câte o pagină de câteva ori pentru a înțelege cu adevărat sensul acesteia.
Totuși, ideile principale din aceasta carte sunt general valabile și azi, sunt bine individualizate și reliefează cum atingerea unui prag optim de dezvoltare și fericire depinde doar de noi înșine.
Nu in ultimul rând, autorul este un adevărat vizionar. Printre exemple regăsim cum acesta anticipează locul și rolul prezent al electricității într-o perioadă în care nici măcar principiile de bază ale acesteia nu erau pe deplin înțelese sau cum prevede o societate in care rasa sau religia nu mai sunt definitorii pentru relațiile interumane. -
Can't get enough of Napoleon Hill, the way he writes and explained the Golden Rules he creates a whole new world in your head.
My top Golden Rule is the AUTO-SUGGESTION. super important to talk to yourself moving forward in the most positive manner possible. The conscious and subconscious mind should be managed by ourselves 24/7.
Quotation from the book.
The presence of any thought or idea in ones conscious mind (and probably the same is true of thoughts and ideas in the subconscious division of the mind) tends to produce an "associated felling" and to urge one to appropriate bodily activity in transforming the thought so held into physical reality. -
Quyển sách khá hay nói về những nguyên tắc vàng có thể áp dụng để thành công trong cuộc sống, ấn tượng nhất với mình là chương tự ám thị và xây dựng lòng tự tin. Đây là hai vấn đề cốt lõi mà tác giả nhắc hầu như xuyên suốt quyển sách. Do vậy mình cần phải đọc lại nghiền ngẫm và áp dụng theo mới có thể thực hiện được. Cảm ơn tác giả.
Lots of life lesson inside the book, it give you a deep understanding on relationship, habits and fundamental tips on being successful. The law of retaliation that is quite famous on the movie and drama is discussed here. fun read and appeal to general readers.
Your thoughts are the basis for your success and failures. What you think you become. We've heard a lot of these thoughts time and time again but the structure of this book proved beneficial for heightened comprehension.
Napoleon hill's books are amazing, you will never feel bored or lost, and certainly you won't have the same way of thinking after finishing the book, this one GOLDEN RULES is more practicly than theoricly designed, ✋🏻
Dated but aged like fine wine.
What my 👂 heard below 👇
Urge me on to greater effort
Most of us are boys grown tall
Never rest with a mere halfway understanding of things
Those words sink deep
No need to feel chesty about it -
Edifying collection of articles which explain the philosophical underpinnings of Hill's masterworks, Law of Success and Think and Grow Rich.
Positive thinking can affect real life. Dress for success.