Title | : | He Comes Next: The Thinking Womans Guide to Pleasuring a Man |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0060784563 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780060784560 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 240 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2006 |
In the smash hit She Comes First, Ian Kerner singlehandedly waged battle against male sexual "ill-cliteracy," and women everywhere benefited from his "viva la vulva" philosophy of female pleasure. Now, in Passionista, it's time to learn all about what turns men onand makes them stay on. In this point-by-point, "blow-by-blow" guide, Kerner makes giving as much fun as receiving as he covers every angle of male sexuality, unlocks the secrets of satisfaction, and offers knowledgeable answers to the questions every woman wonders about. His advice is the closest you'll ever come to waking up in a guy's skin and knowing what truly makes him sexually tick.
Written in the same witty, insightful, and utterly readable voice that has made She Comes First and Be Honest so popular, Passionista is the empowered woman's guide to enjoying sex to the fullest
He Comes Next: The Thinking Womans Guide to Pleasuring a Man Reviews
Fun read from time to time, you may find some science based explanations here and there, plenty of personal experiences of Ian's patients, and a conclusion based on Charlie's explanations! Charlie the George clooney looking guy who is a salesman and most men envy his sex life is gonna spank our doc (Ian) in the last chapter reminding him a lesson of life based on Einstein's blunder! That is indeed frustrating!
از کتاب ایراد گرفتم ولی ناراحتم که چرا کتابی انقدر داغون هم به ترجمه فارسی یا به قلم یک متخصص در این حوزه تو ایران نداریم. مسائلی اینقدر مهم چرا باید براساس تجربه کردن حل و فصل بشن؟ ماها دکتر و مهندس و متخصص های خوبی تو زمینه های مختلف هستیم و در مورد هر موضوعی هزارتا مرجع و مقاله از تو آستینمون درمیاریم ولی به سکس که میرسه همه از دم اطلاعاتمون در حد تجربیاتمونه و نسبت به علم بدبین میشیم و کسی که بخواد تو این مورد دنبال توصیه های علمی باشه از نظرمون آدم فانتزی و سوسولیه. نمیدونم چی بگم فقط امیدوارم که روزی برسه جای چرندیاتی که تو مدرسه تو حلقمون میکنن، چندتا کتاب آموزشی خنثی ای که مبناش فقط علم باشه برای تدریس الزامی کنن -
Yes, I actually read the whole book and added it to my GR shelf for the whole world to see. Shy? Nopes! This is way 'tamer' than the erotica we read every day ;)
[image error] -
Masz mój miecz!
Można bez końca rozprawiać się nad kobiecymi orgazmami, poradnikami dla mniej lub bardziej nieudacznych mężczyzn, którym te poradniki mają dać niemal boską moc ujarzmiania kobiecej seksualności. Miliony ksiąg i poradników, zarówno technicznych jak i tych pełnych psychologicznego podejścia do tematu. A co z męską seksualnością? Co z męską drogą do rozkoszy i orgazmu? Co z radością z seksu jaką może odczuwać mężczyzna? Czy wystarczy nas, mężczyzn jak najszybciej i jak najprościej doprowadzić do końca używając (wydawać by się mogło) najbardziej oczywistej drogi? Czy mężczyzna jest aż tak prosty „w obsłudze” jak to się powszechnie przyjęło uważać ?
Odpowiedzi nie są wcale tak oczywiste. Na wyżej postawione i wiele innych pytań w swojej książce „Jego orgazm później” odpowiada Ian Kerner (doradca seksualny i psychoterapeuta). O czym jest ta książka? Na pewno nie jest to zwykły poradnik seksualnej obsługi mężczyzny jakich wiele na rynku. Ian Kerner nie skupia się na tym, jak dobrze zrobić facetowi, ale jak dobrze zrobić aby to robienie dobrze było dobre (a nawet super) dla Was obojga. Pisze też o tym, że facetom też się czasem nie chce i też czasem dzień w pracy może wpłynąć na... ochotę. O tym, że Viagra postawi ale nie rozpali, a męczenie faceta jak nie jest nakręcony nic nie da. Przecież nie o mechaniczne kotłowanie tutaj chodzi, a o prawdziwa satysfakcję i radość z seksu jaką możecie zapewnić swojemu mężczyźnie i jaką można przeżyć razem.
Książka pomimo swoich „już kilku lat” od pierwszego wydania jest niezwykle dobrym kompendium wiedzy o seksualności w relacji. Trochę inny wydźwięk niż wydana wcześniej przez tego samego autora „Jej orgazm najpierw” kładzie większy nacisk na psychologię relacji niż same techniki. Mówi też o tym czym jest pożądanie drugiej konkretnej osoby i jak bardzo różni się od pożądania zaspokojenia po prostu.
Redakcyjnie bardzo dobrze, podział na wstęp zawierający informacje przede wszystkim po co, dla kogo i dlaczego jest ta książka. Z manierą dobrego nauczyciela Kerner tłumaczy czemu warto się przyjrzeć. Dalej mamy dwie części dzielone na poszczególne rozdziały „Ciało mężczyzny” oraz „Techniki”. Całkiem zdatnie to sklejone, ale przy „technikach” czułem lekki niedosyt, można było ten temat bardziej rozbujać.
Ciekawa książeczka, choć nie była dla mnie aż tak zabawna jak część dla mężczyzn (cóż, ta jest przeznaczona dla kobiet, nie jestem więc adresatem docelowym) również okraszona jest dużą dawką dobrego humoru Autora. Rewolucji do waszych łóżek nie wniesie, ale poczytać można, a nuż się coś ciekawego dowiecie 😊 Moim zdaniem kilka pomysłów Autor miał całkiem niegłupich i nawet się z nimi zgadzam.
29.06.2020 r. -
I got this book to better understand the opposite sex and educate myself on all things penis related. LOL This book fit the bill. I learned a lot about what makes my partner tick both physically and emotionally that I did not know, as well as was reassured that what I did know was accurate. It opened up a dialog between my partner and I as well by creating an empathetic understanding in me for what he, as a male, goes thru on a daily basis, not just sexually. This book is mostly NOT about sex but about the mind and intimacy and I loved that. I would highly recommend this book to any woman in a heterosexual relationship regardless of your sexual orientation (I am bisexual myself but just ended up falling in love with a man). I also think there are things that a gay male couple could learn about each other by reading this book, although I will warn you that it is very heterocentric in its writing and examples. That actually would be my only complaint about the book. It is easy to understand but not dumb downed. It is amusing and touching and honest.
To co prawda nie była książka dla mnie, ale z tym większą ciekawością ją przeczytałem.
A potencjalnym czytelniczkom, chciałem tylko powiedzieć, że tak - większość obserwacji, refleksji i uwag (nie tylko o charakterze technicznym) opisanych w tej książce - to prawda ;-) -
Really good book...probably not what you think. If you have low self esteem this book is good for making you feel sexy! I suggest it to all women, as well as suggest "She Comes First" to all men!
Wonderful read and many good hands-on lessons, if you can keep up. Ian does a good job in giving detail suggestions on how to use your hands, body, and mind while creating a connection with your lover. According to Ian these techniques will help you to gain more confidence in the bed and become more assertive in giving your lover pleasure. Many ah times I was aroused just taking my time savoring on each lesson. It will take a few times to read it and let it soak in to really grasp each technique, but it's worth it.
I loved how simple the overall suggestion/guide was to attaining a healthy relationship(s) with your lover(s). Sometimes it's the simple things that we (as women) overlook about ourselves that attract our men to us. We should really take the advice to keep it simple, enjoy, and appreciate our unique and individual beauty of Women. -
*A great big O*
I'd give this book a big O for outstanding. This book goes beyond just serving as a how-to on having great sex, but first and foremost provides a how-to on having a great relationship. (And, believe it or not, the two really are connected.) Continually entertaining, informative, and insightful from cover to cover, this book will likely suck (ok, puns are hard to avoid in writing this review) you in from the start and keep your attention throughout. As the author conveys throughout the book, the secret to having an exciting relationship in the bedroom is to first have an exciting one outside of it -
This book's precursor "She Comes First" felt more informative and the techniques detailed there are almost more useful in pleasuring a man than the ones here.
Only about 1/6 of this book was actually focused on physical technique (which is fine since the author repeated almost too many times that men have emotional needs too) and that portion seemed rushed.
Overall, an interesting look at male arousal, but if you're expecting the playfulness and confidence of She Comes First, this isn't it. -
Holy lame. This book is only going to interest ladies if their sex life is the least imaginative thing ever, if their guys have no idea what they are doing and also probably have no emotional connection to themselves at all, and if one or both parties have serious hangups about even just vanilla sex. I read it in one sitting, and the only thing I could think the entire time was, "Well, yes, OBVIOUSLY." No dice, man.
A psychological and physiological guide to men's sexuality and a great reminder of where your husband is coming from (pun intended.)
For my friends who see I read this book, keep your judgements to yourself! This actually had an awesome philosophy of sex that is greatly lacking in the church. There were bits here and there I'm not sure I would endorse, but overall, I would suggest women and men alike read this book because it might just surprise you how much we're built for monogamy and how important it is to understand these more private parts of ourselves (pun intended). I didn't read all of his other book, 'She Comes First', but it what I did read was also really good.
I seriously asked myself whether I should include that book to my Goodreads list because "oh no, what will the world think". How about the following: Ah, a woman that is confident, aware of her sexuality, and disrupting the cultural prejudice that discourses of gender and sexuality are taboo.
To the book itself: It's not at all what I expected it to be. It's not a guide but more an eye-opener that changed my view on sex and pleasure overall. I fully recommend it! :D -
It is a great book! The author gives a lot of info on how to please a man.
Girls, if you think you know how to please your man - think again!
I'm not gonna say much, just read the book and you'll see why I call it my bedroom bible :P -
Eh, was OK. Not really well written, IMHO, but I suppose there were a couple relevant points.
Would be way better to have an open conversation with one's male partner rather than waste time on the generalizations in this book. -
I really like reading a book written by a man with a femenist point of view.
found this while shelving, but i may have to go to another branch to check it out. i have to work with these people, after all.
I recommend this book to all women. It is clever and it explains a lot of the psychology behind sex and men. Plus it is a fun read.
Overall the book was interesting, but nothing really new was uncovered. I think this would be a great book for young inexperienced ladies!
Great, factual, pro-feminist and pro-monogamist info.
Recommended by a friend. Interesting, but not revolutionary.
This book is spicy with a heart🥺💖🥵😭 it’s nice to get an intellectual say so in the topic including very detailed maps. I enjoyed getting educated immensely.
So this one was also informative. I like how Part 1 is more theoretical and gives the reader something like a crash course on male anatomy and psychology while Part II is about HOW to go about acheiveing a desired result. One can always skip straight to Part II but I think it's best to read it in order. I did read She Comes First in order and I learned quite a lot about my own body that I didn't know before. Very Informative, educational books that you can go back to again and again while trying to master certain techniques or just to refresh your memory on psychological aspects of both sexes.
Leaned more about myself than I thought I would. It is a great social look at men and women, and the author point you to a number of other books I want to look at. I will let you know. I think this one should be on the list of books for all to take in a class in college, like the "Human Ape" it explains a great deal. Now Ron and I are reading the first book, "she comes first" Will let you all know on this one, as it is referred to a great deal in this book and I am now interested in self discovery, what makes me tick so to speak, the author got me interested.
Veeerry interesting. I might have gotten more out of this book if I had a partner who came a little bit closer to fitting the profile of 'sexually dominant and somewhat distant, uncreative in the sack' heterosexual male. But I still enjoyed it and would recommend it to others. Only the last 1/5 or so of the book is about what you might refer to as 'techniques.' The previous sections - covering topics from foreskin ("the best sex toy money can't buy") to pheromones - are far more interesting.
I started reading this book in the high hopes that it would inlighten me. Well it didn't. It was like reading a psych text book for a college class. I got 60% through it and became so bored reading it that I put it on my book shelf 7 months ago and it's been gathering dust ever since. Who knows, maybe one day I'll open it up again and finish it. I did pay for the damn thing, I need to at least get my moneys worth out of it.
I love Ian Kerner. He has a wonderful way of making sex more fun and meaningful without imposing silly rules and unnecessary pressure to perform.
However, I found the book a bit hard to finish even though I was so enthusiastic about this at the beginning.
The book became a bit too technical in the latter chapters.
Still, I enjoyed reading the book. It's very informative and entertaining. I will definitely keep this book around to read and reread again.