Anne Frank: The Collected Works by Anne Frank

Anne Frank: The Collected Works
Title : Anne Frank: The Collected Works
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1472964918
ISBN-10 : 9781472964915
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 733
Publication : Published June 25, 2019

The complete, authoritative edition of Anne Frank's writings, including her diary in both the 'A' and 'B' versions now in continuous form, her further writings and important contextual essays

Anne Frank: The Collected Works brings together for the first time Anne's world-famous diary, in both the version edited for publication by her father and the more revealing original, together with her letters, essays and important contextual scholarship. Supported by the Anne Frank Foundation in Basel, Switzerland, set up by Otto Frank to be the guardian of Anne's work, this is a landmark publication marking the anniversary of 90 years since Anne's birth in 1929.

Anne Frank is one of the most recognized and widely read figures of the Second World War. Thousands of people visit the Anne Frank House on the Prinsengracht in Amsterdam each year to see the annex where Anne and her family hid from the Germans before eventually being deported to Auschwitz in 1944. Only Anne's father, Otto, survived the Holocaust.

An essential book for scholars and general readers alike, The Collected Works includes Anne Frank's complete writings, together with important images and documents that tell the wider story of her life. Also included are background essays by notable historians and scholars--including "Anne Frank's Life"; "The History of the Frank Family", "the Publication History of Anne Frank's diary"--and photographs of the Franks and the other occupants of the annex.

Anne Frank: The Collected Works Reviews

  • Lisa Vegan

    5 full stars! I couldn’t recommend this book more highly although I recommend additional Anne Frank books too.

    This is a wonderful book. I just happened to see it on my library branch’s shelf. Copies are still available on the shelf and very few people on Goodreads have rated/reviewed it. That’s a shame. Readers who haven’t read the diary or who have but want to read more this is the book I’d recommend. There are other books about Anne Frank that are also worth reading but this is a good place to start.

    It is big though, and very heavy. I wasn’t willing to carry it around with me and even at home, reading as I do half lying down with books resting on my chest, it wasn’t all that comfortable. It was completely worth it to read it though. If I wasn’t having to get rid of books and could buy books I’d likely buy this one. In my opinion it is better read over time and not all at once. In order to read & reread it cover to cover I needed over a month. Luckily I was able to renew it for as long as I needed.

    Anyone planning to buy The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank for themselves or as a gift, I recommend buying, or borrowing, this complete works edition. The extras (not Anne’s writing) are also great. Essays, photos, additional information, all worthwhile.

    My mother introduced me to the diary when I was 11. At that time nobody knew it was abridged. My mother had loved it and was eager to give it to me. I wish it could have been when I was 13 or even 12. I would have appreciated it more the first time I read it. I so wish my mother could have read the definitive version of the diary and this book and so many other great books that have been published since 1965. My review of the (I think originally published) diary is here:

    I already have read/own the diary (a few versions) and the Tales from the Secret Annex book, and I think I’d seen all of the photos, and more, but I’d never read the letters, the verses in friendship books, the favourite quotes notebook, the Egypt Book, or all/most of the Background and Context essays, nor I had seen all of the contents included in the Appendix. I enjoyed looking at the family tree.

    Reading the diary, given that already know about when Anne died, the date they were arrested, the date of the last diary entry, etc. as I look at the dates of the diary entries I know what Anne didn’t know and I find that disconcerting. Thinking: In a year they’ll be arrested, in a year she’ll be dead, etc.

    I’d been planning to read just the portions I hadn’t yet read, but I ended up reading the entire book cover to cover, after first perusing many of the contents throughout the book.

    Her work in progress novel “Cady’s Life” was in its early stages, I think, but it’s remarkably good. She was only about fourteen when she was working on it. Naturally, though it is definitely fiction, as with most first novelists, it’s autobiographical.

    The book’s Contents:

    a preface by the Anne Frank Fonds, Basle

    I The Writings of Anne Frank

    the definitive edition of the Anne Frank diary

    the book Tales and Events from the Secret Annex (with its many contents listed)

    Further Wriings:


    Verses in friendship books

    The favourite quotes notebook

    The Egypt book

    II Photos and Documents

    III Background and Context

    Mirjam Pressler: Anne Frank’s Life

    Mirjam Pressler: The History of Anne Frank’s Family

    Gerhirschfeld: The Contemporary Historical Context

    Francine Prose: The Publication History of Anne Frank’s Diary

    IV Appendix

    Diary Versions A and B
    With Editorial Note, Diary Version A, Diary Version B

    Editorial Note

    Family Tree: The Franks

    Chronology Table

    Further Reading

    About the Translators

    Picture Acknowledgements

    Editorial Note

    About the Anne Frank Fonds

  • Angelique Simonsen

    Her previously unseen work is amazing! I had no idea that her published diary has been edited a lot by her father so was refreshing to read the unedited version with its teenage angst.

  • Mark Hartman

    I read The Diary Of Anne Frank first in high school and then bought myself a paperback version and read it again. I am pretty sure the copy in High School was edited because I am sure I would have remembered Anne Frank’s anatomy descriptions. This is an important book to read and should be a must read to anyone about the Holocaust. I don’t know why but I didn’t realize until reading through this copy that they didn’t stay hidden in the upper rooms. They would roam the whole building and even help out in the office during the day. At night they would sometimes go down and listen to the radio in the office. They also would forget to keep the blinds closed and it was noticed. Who betrayed them and why the bookcase wasn’t latched is still unknown. This book is very big and heavy but worth it.

  • Liberateleyendo

    Hola a todos y bienvenidos un día más a mi blog. En esta ocasión vengo a enseñaros un pedazo de libro, en realidad tenéis más fotos del libro en mi cuenta de instagram @liberateleyendo así que os animo a que me sigáis :)

    Creo que a estas alturas de la vida todos sabemos quién es Anne Frank, la niña judía que se tuvo que esconder en un desván junto con más personas para que los nazis no los encontraran, ella iba escribiendo todo lo que le pasaba en su diario, y es gracias a eso mucha información la que tenemos sobre lo que tuvieron que vivir, hasta que finalmente pasó lo que pasó.
    Este libro supuso un antes y después en mi carrera lectora, por que pase de leer a los cinco a interesarme por otros géneros que sin duda se han convertido en mis favoritos y de los que he leído grandes novelas.

    En este libro de nada menos que 900 páginas nos vamos a encontrar de absolutamente todo, desde la historia de Anne, su diario, fotos de ella, de su familia y de sus amigos, también nos encontraremos postales, poemas y también descubriremos un poco del futuro.
    Se ha convertido en una joya de mis estanterías, de los libros más preciados que tengo en mi colección y de verdad que os invito a que lo leáis y si vais a una librería no os vayáis sin echarle un ojo porque sé seguro que os va a encantar tanto como a mí.

    Y si no habéis leído El Diario de Anne Frank no os lo penséis, además ahora hay mil ediciones super chulas y súper bien de precio, yo lo tengo tan viejo que no descarto comprarme otra edición nueva.

    ¿Habéis leído el libro? Contarme vuestras opiniones

  • Kara

    The definitive collection of Anne Frank's bibliography and biography, covering not just the diary, but different editions, its publishing history, her and her family's history before and after the annex, her schoolwork, her essays, her fiction writings, photos and mementos, and just about every scrap of evidence left behind of her bright, too short life.

  • Christina

    So much more than what I first read when I was younger.

  • Paigelauren Forrester

    Beyond words. It brings a whole new concept to Anne frank a new depth to her personality.

  • Piper Winchester

    I always come back to Anne and her diary,
    I liked seeing her different writings

  • Morgan

    Found this while strolling my alma mater’s book store. One of my former professors had it for his class 🥰 decidedly academic, recommended to my history buffs.

  • Ana Afecto

    É transformador mergulhar na história da Anne e da segunda guerra.