Seni Berbicara kepada Siapa Saja, Kapan Saja, dan di Mana Saja (ed. Revisi) by Larry King

Seni Berbicara kepada Siapa Saja, Kapan Saja, dan di Mana Saja (ed. Revisi)
Title : Seni Berbicara kepada Siapa Saja, Kapan Saja, dan di Mana Saja (ed. Revisi)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 6020628027
ISBN-10 : 9786020628028
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 283
Publication : Published March 25, 2019

best ebook, seni berbicara kepada siapa saja, kapan saja, dan di mana saja (ed. revisi) by larry king this is very good and becomes the main topic to read, the readers are very takjup and always take inspiration from the contents of the book seni berbicara kepada siapa saja, kapan saja, dan di mana saja (ed. revisi), essay by larry king. is now on our website and you can download it by register what are you waiting for? please read and make a refission for you

Seni Berbicara kepada Siapa Saja, Kapan Saja, dan di Mana Saja (ed. Revisi) Reviews

  • Jenie Afendi

    The book wrote how Larry King the author talks to people. Its just from his perspective so it didnt tell us the normal people how to talk to everyone properly. If you want to know how Larry King talks to everyone then you want this book.

    For me, its still interesting to know how Larry talks to everyone cause we can take some lessons from his. I bought this book not because i want to be a better speaker or something like that, so i didnt expect much more to this book for doing it. Ive been learned communications for 4 years and i just want to know the art of the communications because i think there are still something more to learn from it.

  • Reiza

    Well well...Larry King. Gonna confess that I didn't know about him at first so I need to googled it. Apparently he's a living legend on television show. Having interviewed lots of VIP guests in his show "Larry King live" at CNN for 25 years, this guy's career as an interviewer and talkative person must be remarkable.

    That's the first justifications on this book. The author is a professional with a career you can easily found by searching his name on Google. However, the other justifications on why you should trust this book to be your all powerful guide to speak is a little complicated.

    First, he wrote the book many times ago (1994 to be exact) so the names of the celebrities and important people he showed as examples would be almost unrecognizable for almost of us right now. To make things worse, the names were not generally known outside the US. The implication? Me as a reader had a hard time to connect to the story.

    This book still offers some gems. What to do and what not to do during the conversation. Although some of it would be really obvious, tbh. It also gives a nice encouragement to start talking to strangers.

    Will I give it a clearance? Well...if you're looking for a nice view on Larry's thought about conversation AND his background stories as a host, or if you want to be a host to a talkshow yourself, then you'll find plenty of examples here. But be careful! As the examples might be waaaaay too obsolete to be a consideration.

  • Hendy Wijaya

    Banyak tips berguna, tetapi banyak yang tidak bisa diaplikasikan.
    Mindset yang disampaikan dalam bukunya sangat inspiratif, namun beberapa teknik kurang cocok dengan kondisi sosial di Indonesia. Sehingga tidak bisa semuanya digunakan dengan maksimal.

    Banyak cerita menarik juga, namun hanya cocok apabila anda adalah seorang Larry King atau memiliki posisi dalam menegosiasi dan berbicara seperti dia.

  • Wachidatus Karinda

    Buku ini aku beli waktu awal belajar jadi MC, and it's really useful. Di dalamnya benar-benar dijelaskan dari mulai kenapa kita harus bicara, cara berbicara kepada siapa, dan tips-tips yang dibuat oleh Master Larry King. Gaya penulisan dari buku ini juga ringan dibaca. Ada banyak contoh peristiwa yang dialami oleh Larry King, yang diiringi humor juga kalimat motivasi tersirat bahwa semua orang pasti bisa menjadi a good speaker.


    "Salah satu hal yang saya pelajari adalah: tak seorang pun tak dapat diajak bicara, bila kita memiliki sikap yang tepat. Setelah membaca buku ini, Anda akan mampu mengikuti segala percakapan dengan penuh keyakinan, dan Anda akan tahu cara menyampaikan pesan dengan efektif, dalam situasi apa pun. Anda akan dapat bicara dengan lebih baik dan dapat lebih menikmatinya. Mulailah sekarang juga dan jadilah pembicara yang memesona."


  • Kaha142

    3,5. Bgus sih tips2nya, mudah diimplementasikan, gayaa bahasanya padat mudah dipahami, tp chapter2 akhir bosenin bgt...lbh byk crita soal pengalaman Larry King yg ga gitu relate sm pembaca awam kya saya

  • Zaki Only

    Buku yang sangat bermanfaat bagi Mereka yang ingin belajar seni berbicara, Larry menyampaikan metode2nya melalui pengalamannya sebagai penyiar dan pembicara televisi dan radio

  • Dini

    Dikasih sama teman SMA pas tahun 2019

  • M. Andre

    I really like how Larry King give the example of the way famous people do their communication, wether the good or bad side and after that, he always give the explanation right away

  • trimardiars

    Sangat bagus untuk memahami bagaimana berbicara dengan berbagai situasi diberbagai tempat dengan berbagai macam orang

  • Herdy Kurniawan

    nice book but indonesian version is poor.

  • Nasrul Noer Hidayat

    sangat buruk. penuh bualan dan overproud

  • Haqi Zou Fadillah

    Intinya adalah persiapan, mengenali audiens, dan berbicaralah efektif.

  • Ferdany

    4/5 Bintang

  • Bernardus

    Ada banyak hal yang diberikan di buku ini untuk bisa berbicara secara efektif dan efisien. Penjelasan di buku ini menggunakan prinsip yang ditekankan di buku ini: Keep it simple, stupid.