Silver Fox (A Bridge to Abingdon, #4) by Tatum West

Silver Fox (A Bridge to Abingdon, #4)
Title : Silver Fox (A Bridge to Abingdon, #4)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 302
Publication : First published March 29, 2019

I left for Cali the night of my graduation with nothing but a pink boa, a pair of strappy gold heels, and my silver eyeshadow from Sally Beauty Supply. I sang for pennies on Hollywood Boulevard in my broke and desperate days. Now at twenty-six, I’ve got more Grammys than Madonna and a growing empire.

Fame was everything I expected and nothing that I ever wanted. At the end of the day I’m on my own, with an overbearing manager and security team as my only friends. I made this life, and now I live in it alone.

When a stalker starts following me, and the paparazzi ambush me outside of a nightclub, I’m at my breaking point. That’s when Fox Lee appears—out of nowhere—tall and gorgeous with salt-and-pepper hair and a wicked smile that shakes me to my core.

He takes my hand and sweeps me away from the flashing lights and screaming fans. He even keeps me safe when the stalker shows up at my house the next day.
I’d wrap myself up in Fox Lee and never come up for air.

But he doesn’t want me. He just wants to be my lawyer.


Nikki Rippon is the most fascinating man I’ve met in years, and I count Robert De Niro as a close friend. I’d like to save Nikki—and savor his cherry pink lips. But I need to keep things cool and professional, even if he’s the smartest, funniest, and sexiest man in my contacts list. He’s at least a decade too young for me, and he needs legal representation against the hellions taking advantage of him—not a boyfriend.

When he invites me up to his place, I almost cave. Every minute I spend with him, I fall deeper and deeper. He can make a Lakers jersey look like couture or rock a Prada polo with Jimmy Choo heels. He’s infinitely loyal, utterly hilarious, and more talented than any other musician who’s walked through my doors.

Ever since my parents kicked me out at seventeen for being a little too queer, I haven't let anyone in. I don’t do relationships, especially not with glam pop stars with a closet full of Gucci. But Nikki’s wearing me down, bit by bit. He’s staying at my place, taking us on dates I never expected. And we even manage to escape to my beach home on the East Coast without a single fan noticing—almost.

Just when things seem perfect, the ghosts of Nikki’s past start to close in on us, threatening the life we’re creating together. It turns out that when you’re spending your nights with the world’s biggest pop star, people can get a little ...jealous.

I’d convinced myself Nikki needed a knight in shining armor. But when I find myself trapped in the trunk of a moving car, my hands tied and my mouth gagged, it all becomes crystal clear: Nikki is the savior I always needed. And the only man I’ve ever loved.

Silver Fox is the fourth book in the Bridge to Abingdon series. Each book focuses on one amazing couple, and each can be read as a total standalone. Fox and Nikki have more steam than any other couple in the series! There’s also a bodyguard bestie, a closet full of Prada, and an unforgettable night under the stars. Add a swirl of mystery, a secret boat trip down the coast, and a twist you won’t see coming… and you’ve got Silver Fox. Nikki Rippon and Fox Lee are the soul of Abingdon, and they start off the story of Abingdon with a BANG.

Silver Fox (A Bridge to Abingdon, #4) Reviews

  • Tony

    This book was okay, it was good learning what Niki was up to while in LA and how he and fox met but it didn’t feel like ie was a part of the story that had progress with the first 3 books. It literally took to the last minute to realise it was prequel to the first book. It was still a solid 3.5* read

  • Ronie Reads

    4th book's have an interesting direction. This one was like, "oh yeah I forgot to mention this in between book 2 and 3"

    The decision for this was a gamble. That payed off. Well done!

  • Cristina Marian

    English review below

    2 jóindulatú csillag
    Hűű. Úgy került elém ez a könyv, hogy keresgéltem valami jó kis románcokat a könyvtári olvasmányaim mellé, s láttam, hogy ennek tök jók az értékelései. Minden szép és jó volt addig, amíg el nem olvastam egy negatív véleményt a könyvről. Kíváncsi voltam, ha tényleg igazakat írt az adott értékelő, így kiadtam azt a majdnem 5 dollárt a könyvért az Amazonon. Megbántam.
    Annyi, de annyi logikai baki és következetlenség volt ebben a könyben, hogy nem bírtam számolni. A történet 1999-ben kezdődik, amikor az egyik főszereplő - Nikki - éppen akkor végzi a középsulit. Olyan 17-18 éves körüli lehet, ha jól számolom. A következő fejezet 6 évvel később folytatódik ugyanezzel a karakterrel, ami azt jelenti, hogy 2005-ben vagyunk. Az ezt követő fejezetben már egy másik főszereplő - Fox - kerül elénk, s az ő szála még két évvel később fűződik a történethez, ami azt jelenti, hogy 2007-ben vagyunk jelenleg. Ez mind szép és jó, a karakterek tök cukik (főleg Nikki), a történet érdekes, még a fülszöveg is elnyeri annak az érdeklődését, aki szereti az ilyen sztorikat.
    Igen ám, de itt jönnek képbe azok a dolgok, amik cseppet sem stimmelnek. Például Michael Jackson és Prince halálának említése (előző 2009-ben, utóbbi 2016-ban halt meg - a történet még mindig 2007-nél tart). Vagy az, hogy Nikki a könyv végén említette, hogy a szülei házában lévő szobáját Justin Bieberes poszterek díszítik, amiket ő nem látott, amióta ő elhagyta szülővárosát kb. 8 évvel ezelőtt, mármint 1999-ben. Justin Bieber ekkor nagyjából 5 éves lehetett. Folyamatosan a húsvéti ünnepekről beszélnek, mivel Nikki és Fox akkor szeretnék meglátogatni Nikki szüleit Abingdonban, de előtte Nikki le kell forgasson valami SZILVESZTERI műsort. Március-április környékén. Értitek. Meg szóba jönnek az okostelefonok, a Facebook, hashtagek, Netflix és Amazon Prime Video. Értem én, hogy ezek már akkor léteztek, mert emlékszem, hogy a nagyon gazdag ismerőseimnek volt Iphone-juk, mert 3 évvel később hozzám is eljutott a Facebook, hashtagekre viszont nem emlékszem. Arra meg pláne nem, hogy az ismerőseim az akkori Iphonejukkal bármilyen különlegesebb weboldalra fel tudtak volna lépni, Facebookra meg pláne nem. 1.000.000 like-olóval rendelkező Facebook oldalt megint nehezen tudok elképzelni 2007-ben, de erről nem tudnék pontos adatot mondani, hogy akkoriban az ilyesmi hogy állt, úgyhogy ez lehet, hogy már csak kekeckedés részemről. A social media kifejezést se hiszem, hogy ilyen könnyedén használták akkoriban, mint ebben a könyvben, de ki tudja? Az Amazon Prime Videonak viszont utánanéztem, és tény, hogy akkor már volt, csak nem ezzel a névvel. A Netflix is létezett már, de tudomásom szerint pl. a Queer Eye 2018-ban kezdődött, a történetben pedig Nikki nagyon örült, hogy kapott egy szerepet egy, a Queer Eyehoz hasonló sorozatban (a sztori még mindig 2007-nél tart). A sztori 7 évvel később zárul azzal, ahogy az első könyv kezdődik (ha jól értettem, ez a negyedik könyv tulajdonképpen a sorozat felvezetője), ami azt jelenti, hogy 2014-ben kezdődik a sorozat. Tekintettel arra, hogy az első rész 2018 novemberében jelent meg, inkább nem akarom megkockáztatni az agysejtjeim halálát azzal, hogy a többi könyvben is keresem a bakikat. Értem én, hogy fikció, de hát basszus... Már csak az Instagram és a Snapchat említése hiányzott volna.
    Kár, mert a történet nekem tetszett volna. Nikki nagyon cuki srác, oda és vissza voltam érte. A sztori is kellőképpen fenntartotta a figyelmem, s ezekért adok 2 csillagot a könyvnek. Az író helyett viszont én szégyelném magam, hogy ilyen minimálisan nézett utána a dolgoknak, mielőtt kiadta a könyvet, és haragszok a szerkesztőire, hogy így hagyták, és haragszok a sok értékelőre, akik felmagasztalták a könyvet anélkül, hogy mondanának egy rossz szót is a sok logikátlanságra (látom, sok a recenziós példánnyal rendelkező értékelő). S tulajdonképpen nem lett volna semmi baj, ha az írónő kihagyta volna a sok elemet, amik inkább a napjainkhoz fűződnek, mint a '00-s évekhez, vagy ha nem bonyolódik bele abba, hogy olyan messzire megy vissza a múltba a sorozat felvezetésével.
    Na. Így jártam.

    2 very generous stars
    Wow. I came across this book by looking for some good romances to read along with my library readings, and I saw that it had some great reviews. Everything was nice and good until I read a negative opinion of the book. I wondered if the reviewer really wrote the truth, so I spent that nearly $ 5 on the book on Amazon. I regret it.
    There were so so many logical mistakes and inconsistencies in this book that I couldn't even count them. The story begins in 1999, when one of the protagonists, Nikki, is finishing high school. He should be around 17-18 years old. The next chapter continues 6 years later with the same character, which means we are in 2005. In the following chapter, another protagonist, Fox, is brought on the scene, and his story line added to the story two years later, which means we are now in 2007. Everything is still nice and good, the characters are very sweet (especially Nikki), the story is interesting, and even the blurb catches the interest of anyone who loves stories like this one.
    Yeah, but here are some things that just don't add up. For example, the mention of the deaths of Michael Jackson and Prince (the former died in 2009, the latter in 2016 - the story is still set in 2007). Or the fact that Nikki mentioned at the end of the book that his room in his parents houseis decorated with posters with Justin Bieberes poster even though he claims he hadn't been in this room since he left his hometown 8 years ago, in 1999. Justin Bieber was about 5 years old at the time. They talk about Easter all the time, because Nikki and Fox would like to visit Nikki's parents in Abingdon for that holidaz, but before that, Nikki has to do some NEW YEAR'S EVE show. In March/April. You get it. Smartphones, Facebook, hashtags, Netflix and Amazon Prime Video are also mentioned in the book. I know that these already existed by then because I remember my very rich acquaintances had an Iphone around then, and 3 years later I registered Facebook, but I don't remember hashtags. Not to mention that my friends could go to any special website with their Iphone at that time, especially not Facebook. I have a hard time imagining a Facebook page with 1,000,000 likes in 2007, but I can't tell you exactly what that was like at the time, so this might just be another blow from me. I don't think the term social media was used as easily at that time as it was this book, but who knows? But I checked Amazon Prime Video, and existed already, but not with that name. Netflix also existed, but as far as I know Queer Eye, for example, started in 2018, and in the story, Nikki was delighted to have a role in a series similar to Queer Eye (we are still in 2007 in the book). The story ends 7 years later with the start of the first book (if I understand correctly, Silver Fox is fourth book of the series, and acts as its prologue), which means the series begins in 2014. Given that the first episode was released in November 2018, I don't want to risk my brain cell's death by looking for the mistakes in the other books too. I know that this is a work of fiction, but still... I was surprised to see that Instagram and Snapchat were not mentioned.
    It's a shame, because I liked the story. Nikki is a very cute guy, I liked him very much. The story kept my attention well enough, and for that I give the book 2 stars. But if I was the writer, I would be ashamed of the lack of research made before publishing the book, and I am angry with its editors for leaving it like this, and angry at the many reviewers who praised the book without saying a bad word to its logical mistakes (I see a lot of reviewers had ARC-s). In fact, there wouldn't be a problem, if the writer would have omitted many of the elements that are more relevant to the present days than to the '00s, or if she didn't get involved in going so far into the past with the series.
    Well, there's that.

  • Melissa

    5-3-19: I know nothing about this author or book but it's FREE and has high ratings. :)

  • Samantha Marie

    I was on the hunt for something a little different; I wanted to read an amazing story about a silver fox. When I read the blurb for Silver Fox I was instantly hooked. This would be my first read of Tatum West's books.

    The story sucked me right from the beginning. There is something supremely enchanting about Nikki. I loved that Ms. West gave him two very supportive parents. I love that he was androgynous; he reminded of a friend from college.

    The story is compelling and beautiful but riddled with timeline and continuity errors. The timeline is all over the place. The book begins in 1999, fast forwards 8 years to 2007. By the end of the book we should be in 2008.

    The book references both Michael Jackson and Prince's deaths... Michael Jackson died in 2009, Prince in 2016...

    Later Nikki references Justin Bieber being on his walls... which would be impossible as Justin was only 5 when Nikki graduated high school...

    These are just the blatant mistakes that anyone can Google, nevermind other continuity errors I found while reading. I could list them all but they would be fruitless and a waste of my time.

    It was almost like this book was written by two or more different writers or dare I say the author didn't have respect for the intelligence of her readers.

    I loved the story but I am highly disappointed with this book. In an age where Google, editors and proofreaders are at the ready to assist, these types of errors should not be occuring. And what really grinds my gears.... it appears that many of these errors were found in the advanced copies - reviewer notes that the errors were to be fixed but were not!

    Clearly this author has a very loyal fan base, as witnessed by the many 5 and 4 Star reviews but as a reader I cannot and will not give a book a rating it does not deserve. Nikki and Fox deserve 5 stars. The backbone of the story deserves 5 stars... this author deserves two stars for releasing this book before it was polished and ready.

  • Jenn (not Lily)

    Goodness, I'm glad to be finished with this series. The premise is excellent, the town itself seems like a nice place, and the characters all have good potential...but the freaking editing made me want to scream in each book several times! I know it's bad when I have to take a break between books with works by other authors, even while I feel self-pressured to go back to a series that meets multiple GR challenges. By the time I got to the end of this one, the spelling/punctuation/grammar errors weren't even phasing me, as I was editing-in-head while reading. No, the thing that bothered me was the lack of attention to details that were easily fact-checked. I found myself using my phone to check dates on when L.A. notables had been nominated for awards and how many years off the author was by then. The "death of Prince" nearly sent me over the edge -- 2007 vs. 2016 is more than just a few years slippage. Series finished, my kindle survived without being thrown across the room, and I am done with the author. Rant complete!

  • Tessi4M

    Probably my favorite in the series. Fox is awesome, of course, but Nikki? Nikki steals the show. He is sweet, kind, and always unapologetically himself. And he should not be underestimated – the claws definitely come out if needed.

    What I liked less was the sloppy editing. I can deal with a few typos, but a character suddenly having a different last name and dead people awaiting trial from a jail cell? Not so much.

  • Coco.V

    🎁 FREE on Amazon today (5/5/2019)! 🎁

  • Bonnie

    Out of order

    This would make more sense as the first book in the series. It reads faster than the books that came before.

  • Chloe Weir

    This was one of the better books in the series. I liked both characters.

    But it was VERY annoying to be constantly pulled out of the story by poor editing.

    The author made the bad choice of putting a date on Nikki's graduation. He graduated in 1999. He would be been 18 or so. In the story, he's 26. This story could not be set later than 2007 or thereabouts.

    there were many jarring inconsistencies.

    Phones: the iPhone was released IN 2007. Very few people had smart phones, which are referenced frequently throughout the book. The majority of people in the mid 2000s had flip phones. Also, cameras were usually awful in camera phones.
    Airbnb: founded 2008
    YouTube: founded 2005, so his fans would not have been following him for very long, and not as long as implied. Barely anyone used YouTube in 2007.
    Justin Bieber: released his first EP in 2009. Not early enough for Nikki to have posters of him in 2007.
    Bradley Cooper: didn't become a household name until The Hangover in 2009. A client of Fox's for several years? Unlikely.
    Facebook: there were 30mil users of Facebook in 2007. That means 3 percent of FBs entire username was following an openly queer artist. In 2007. Yeah, okay.

    The worst part is, this could all have been avoided by just...not mentioning a year.

    I know this whole series is a fictional utopia where people are fine with gay people in Rural Virginia but author also references actual real people, leading us to believe this is all supposed to be existing in our current timeline/reality. Pick one!!!

    What's even more infuriating is the author acknowledged this in the first book. There was deeply entrenched homophobia in Gils book. But gil fixed it, clearly! Everyone went to jail, tra la la, no more hate! Yeah sure.

    This author really missed an opportunity to write a 00s period piece. Instead it was the blandest it could possibly be, with vague references to Nikki's gender identity that aren't really followed up on other than in his fashion, where he consistently chooses very traditionally masculine clothes, despite saying he doesn't. Wearing pink does not a GNC person make. Lazy writing.

    Did not like the voice acting. Tor Thom was a poor choice for Nikki, I feel. Alexander Cendese, while better on the whole, wouldn't have been a better fit, I don't think.

    also continued the annoying tendency to get the characters engaged for no reason after knowing each other for like 3 months. not every book needs to end in a wedding. it's tiresome.

  • Wax

    I actually did like this story about a lawyer and singer who realize that they want more than a business relationship. There were a lot of twists and turns but it was an easy read.

  • Kelly (Maybedog)

    Silver Fox was enjoyable and carried me along smoothly. There was enough danger to keep the narrative interesting and enough bad guys doing bad things to keep me focused on what was happening.

    It was cool that this wasn’t your usual security guard falls in love with protectee. This time it’s the lawyer. But other than his job, it doesn’t feel that different. I do like the lengths Fox went to to make sure there was never a question of conflict of interest although I would argue that since it was still his own firm, not a lot of bias was absolved.

    The huge age gap is hard for me. The guys are at different points in their lives or at least they should be. What do a 26-year-old and 46-year-old have in common really? It seemed like it was just sex and too much of it. But they were good together. I did my best to suspend disbelief. It helped that they were both versatile.

    I like how not all the good guys are likable. I like that Nikki’s parents are beyond amazing unlike usual in M/M romance books.

    I hated the ending. It was so dumb.

  • Katherine

    By many accounts a good book

    This was by all means a well written book and a good story, but simply not my cup of tea. The story was very slow paced at the beginning and again dragged at the end, with some pick up in the middle that simply didn't round it all off. While the slow parts were essential to build a complete story they also caused an overall diminishing of interest for me.

    Nikki went to LA to become a superstar and he succeeded. Now the life is starting to loose its sheen but he can't see a way out. Nikki seemed very superficial at first. Though everyone talked about how he was 'the real deal' and such an amazing star, he was so focused on looks and fashion. He couldn't even stand to dress down further than Ralph Lauren, which just felt snobbish. As the story goes on it shows behind this, to the things that have made Nikki feel self conscious of his amazing image as well as the fact that he enjoys fashion but doesn't force it on others. It still felt a bit much though which made him an unenjoyable character at times.

    Fox is a celebrity lawyer who has enjoyed his life and his money behind the scenes. He stumbles across Nikki at a party and is attracted but thinks he has no shot so goes with work instead. I found it hard to really embrace how fast Fox is into Nikki. He is willing to jump into a relationship with both feet despite many reservations about it which didn't entirely ring true.

    Their relationship goes through many trials, from age to social media to threats. It was at times a bit much but they worked hard for the relationship and where it lead was well deserved. This book also insists to be a part of a series but easy to read alone, and yet leads into the next book which is a but irksome. Simply not my cup of tea.

  • Wide Eyes, Big Ears!

    The always flamboyant Nikki Rippon has escaped quiet Abingdon to try and make it big as a pop star in LA. While he succeeds beyond his wildest dreams, he’s a lonely and unhappy fish out of water in the LA celeb scene, isolated and controlled by a crooked manager and his thugs who act as Nikki’s security detail. It’s out of the frying pan and into the fire one night when Nikki evades his security, only to be swamped by rabid paparazzi and a few crazed fans. Things take a turn for the better when Nikki (24 yo) is rescued from the melee by Fox Lee (40+ yo), an experienced LA lawyer who specialises in managing celebrities and the two fall for each other.

    Having read Prince Harry’s Spare and other celeb autobiographies, this age-gap / celeb romance really rang true - LA is full of people trying to extract what they can out of vulnerable or naive celebs. There are plenty of gripping scenes and a genuinely sweet romance at the centre of it all. This had a fair bit of angst but not in the relationship between Nikki and his silver Fox, which was rock-solidly based on mutual trust. There’s a somewhat predictable stalker plot thrown in but I didn’t guess the twist, which I appreciated. Once again, I liked Alexander Cendese (as Fox), but I don’t think Tor Thom was the appropriate narrator for Nikki’s young, extra character. I think it would have worked better the other way around (the whole series is currently free on the Audible Plus catalogue).

  • Catlou

    If you’ve been wondering about Nikki and Fox’s story, wonder no more – this is it! I fell in love with the Bridge to Abingdon series from the very first book and enjoyed meeting Nikki and Fox along the way, but always wondered how these two fit together. Well, this is how they began and getting to really know them has been a rare treat, indeed.

    Nikki and Fox have to fight (both literally and figuratively) to be together and it’s quite an emotional journey. Fox sees Nikki for who he really is beyond his glam diva persona, and he’s willing to take extraordinary measures to prove that Nikki can always trust him. And Nikki recognizes in Fox that he’s not only someone who can rescue him, but the one person (besides his parents) who will always have his back.

    This is a tale full of drama involving unscrupulous business dealings, rabid paparazzi, stalking threats and kidnapping. It’s also an amazing love story filled with steamy passion and the promises that come from an everlasting love. You will be hooked from the very beginning until it reels you in at the end, and I loved how the end tied back to the very first book. If asked to choose I would have a difficult time selecting which of the series is my favorite, but I believe I will make it this one!

  • thebloggerandthegeek

    I loved Nikki and Fox since they are first introduced in book one. I was so excited to see there was a book about them!

    I love Nikki - he was so real and so true to himself. He wasn't ashamed of who he truly is and had a great support system: his family.

    I know I was born different. I know my father – like all fathers – probably hoped to have a son to play catch with or watch football games. I was never that son, and I never could be. Instead, my dad sat on the couch with me while I watched “My So Called Life.” He bought me my first Tori Amos CD, and he got me the boombox that had the recorder so I could make custom mix tapes for my best friends, Gil and Zane. He watched Edward Scissorhands with me time and time again, and he never once flinched when I kept talking about Johnny Depp’s hair and his amazing black leather. And my dad sat with me while I cried and cried after my very first broken heart. All he said was, “What’s his name? Do you need me to call his parents? Or would you like Mom to?” I never had to come out to my parents—they already knew, and it simply didn’t matter. They saw me, and with them, I was always safe.

    I love Nikki's parents; both his mother and father were always there for him from the very beginning. They supported his dreams of becoming famous, they never said anything about him being different and even as a grown-up, Nikki relied on them with his eyes closed.

    Fox was also amazing - his background is terribly sad, his parents never supported him as a gay man and they died without accepting him. But Fox kept on moving forward becoming a lawyer and as a firm partner. He worked hard and smart.

    His relationship with Nikki is lovely. I liked how he saved Nikki and was always there for him. There are some scenes in the middle of the book I didn't care for but, their relationship was strong especially as Fox helped Nikki realize some personal things about himself and how to grow and become stronger.

    I loved them moving away from busy LA, to go back to the town where Nikki grew up and where his parents lived. And knowing their story from the other books - I loved what they had done in their town.

  • Jackie D

    Nikki and Fox's emotional journey revolves around their acceptance of the drastic change needed in their lives path and the people that affect them negatively in it, gaining self-assuredness, learning to trust, plenty of toe-curling heat , a heart squeezing love blooming,with some dark, suspenseful foul play thrown in- making Nikki's story well worth the wait!

    I have been curious about Nikki's story while reading the past books in the Bridge To Abingdon Series - he has always stuck out as one of my favorite characters.

    Such a great storyline! Loved the descriptive details, bits of roughness and light all woven together perfectly bringing this incredible cast of past and present characters full circle into what my opinion is the best book out of the series! A swoony, heart of hearts read that projects family, love, trust, and everything in between!
    I look forward to seeing what Tatum West has up her sleeve for us next!

  • Joyffree


    This was a new series for me and I am in 💘 love
    Obviously, I feel the need to go back to the beginning of the series, though this was easy to read as a standalone.

    Nikki is an absolute delight
    Loving - Sweet - Charismatic - and his flair for the creative is borderline genius - One of those characters you can't help but love.
    Then we have Fox when his character is first introduced he comes across as no-nonsense and pretty straight to the point personality. As the storyline developed I got the sense he was just tired of the antics and underneath was a very caring and sensual man.

    Nikki finds his world in complete upheaval. Someone is stalking him and it's not just an overly aggressive fan. His "friends" don't feel so friendly anymore.
    When a night out becomes too much he suddenly finds himself in need of rescue - as it turns out Fox happened to be handy 😎

    The story flows smoothly and was easy to follow. Lots of emotional turmoil, some suspense, and a bit of angst all brought together with quite a few smiles and lots of feels.

  • Aethena Drake

    I enjoyed this story. I am skeptical of the law enforcement representation, but I will try to suspend disbelief for the sake of the romance, and Nikki. I really liked Nikki's character. I had a bit of trouble believing that he was a famous popstar who cleaned up his security guards messes. Nikki was sweet, but I just don't think he would do his own house cleaning. I couldn't quite get past that.

    The narration was okay, but I am starting to suspect that this author's writing style makes it challenging for narrators to have a smooth performance. I like both Tor Thom and Alexander Cendese as narrators, but I didn't find their voices to be complementary for this book.

    I will keep going with the series because I do think Tatum West has some interesting stories to tell, and I appreciate the social commentary

  • Tianna McPherson (Anna Lee)

    I've read every book in this series and this was the one I was absolutely waiting for. I wanted to know how Nikki and Fox got together and what changed so much to make them fight for what they have. Their story is so remarkable and loving that it had me crying in some spots. They literally had to fight to stay together. Nikki is this wonderful person who was always misjudged by when this older gentleman comes a in throws him for a loop it beautiful to watch. Fox is the lawyer in his 40's who instantly fall hard and fast but what makes us love him I'd the fact that he doesn't care about fame, fortune and any of that. He wants to have a family. This book is so worth the read. I give it 5 stars. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book as an Advanced Reader's Copy.

  • Ellen

    I totally read the series out of order and read this one first. It worked out well because there's a little bit of the other MCs mentioned in this book, but I think that Nikki and Fox are actually the first couple to get together so this was actually a good book to start with.

    I liked the pairing of colorful, flamboyant Nikky being with the uber professional, more mature (age-wise) Fox. Even though it was a little cliche with the older/bigger/more alpha male taking care of the more twinkish younger man, it was nice that Fox was versatile (hubba hubba) and knew when he needed to be taken care of.

    This is a fun, low angst and entertaining read, and I'll definitely be reading the rest in the series.

  • Sandra

    Silver Fox is the story of Fox and Nikki starting when they met at a club in LA where Fox saved him. While Nikki is a famous popstar, Fox is a lawyer who helps him getting rid of his current security crew and manager who steals from him and finds him new security detail as well as getting his finances checked. When Nikki is in danger and Fox comes to check on him they figure out their attractions for one another... just read for yourself. Oh and even with having read all books of this series, I'm at a loss at the cryptic ending. Nursing brain 😉

    I received an advanced copy of this ebook in exchange for my honest review.

  • J

    This is the second Abingdon book I've read and I feel a pattern developing. A good story that just lacked depth and emotion. I liked reading it but I wanted to know so much more about each of the MC's, a young rock star and an older celebrity attorney that falls almost immediately for his new young client. Embezzlement, mob connections, murderous stalkers, paparazzi on jet skis. You name it this book had it but, just like the other one I read, it just skimmed the surface and didn't get into the deep emotional details behind all the action. Good story but just needed more grit (like I stated in my other review).

  • Ilse Marijke

    I started reading my first Tatum West series in the middle, at book #3, then I went to this one, #4. And the more I got into the series, the more I continued reading without writing a review, because I was so into it! I really enjoyed the audiobooks, with the themes Tatum West chose , knowing there’s a HEA. That is what romance is all about. And don’t forget the funny. ms West’s characters have a good sense of humour and proclaim the funniest things! I really enjoyed the series, I have a favorite in it, that I’ll reveal when I review that book. And Tantor Audio does a banging job! Those voices bring the characters to life something fierce. Thank you Ms West! ❤️

  • Kathryn

    Silver Fox by Tatum West is the fourth book in the Bridge to Abingdon series and tells the tale of young and brilliant pop star Nikki and the older and sexy Fox. The story is sweet, fun and sexy with a dash of suspense and danger. I absolutely love Fox and Nikki together and needed to see thier Happily Ever After. The supporting cast of characters offered great entertainment and made the story even more enjoyable. Loved every word!

    I received an advanced reader's copy of the book and I am voluntarily leaving my honest review and recommendation.