Robin Hood: The Legacy of a Folk Hero by Robert White

Robin Hood: The Legacy of a Folk Hero
Title : Robin Hood: The Legacy of a Folk Hero
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 144
Publication : Published March 15, 2019

If you thought you knew about Robin Hood… then think again!

Written by Robert White, chairman of the World Wide Robin Hood Society.

Many tales have been told about Robin Hood. The traditional stories of good versus evil and his quest to regain his rightful inheritance are universally appealing. The legend has intrigued generation after generation and everyone has their own personal vision of Robin Hood - a swashbuckling hero; a romantic outlaw; a bandit thief; a fighter of injustice or a benevolent champion of the people. Numerous books have been written by historians trying to untangle the myth, establish his actual existence and speculate on just who he might have actually been. Consequently, the subject of the globally renowned hero of English folklore has become extensively complex but the observations included in this publication should provide a brief overview of some of the key facts, issues and perceptions surrounding Robin Hood.

Robin Hood: The Legacy of a Folk Hero gives a fascinating insight into the numerous aspects of one of the world’s most enduring and iconic legends. Robert White discusses interesting facts and titbits surrounding the outlaw, and then reflects on how the Sherwood Forest hero has become a global phenomenon who, over 800 years, evolved into 'the people’s champion'. Embark on an journey from the legend’s mythical roots to how, across the ages, the tales of Robin and his merry men has developed in many diverse ways that still impact us to this day.

Whatever your opinions and beliefs, this title will reveal just why Robin Hood has become so much more than simply a mythical outlaw of English folklore.

Robin Hood: The Legacy of a Folk Hero Reviews

  • Blair Hodgkinson

    As Mr. White mentions, he has worked in marketing, and a considerable portion of the book is spent on examining not only how Robin Hood has become a brand in popular consciousness, but how best Nottingham (as a place closely associated with that brand) should market that brand to its best advantage. As such, this book has an interesting angle that separates it from much Robin Hood non-fiction.

    Having said that, the book's title is not misleading. I have read a great deal about Robin Hood but learned about subjects as diverse as Robin Hood's legacy in pop music and in panto theatre, among other things.

    If I have a complaint, it is that the book shows its author's frequently-expressed bias for a Nottingham origin for the story of Robin Hood even while he several times takes pains to point out that no one actually can prove that Robin Hood actually did exist much less when and where. The Yorkshireman looking for a discussion about the very real possibility that Robin likewise came from Yorkshire will not find that here.

    A small point of concern is punctuation. One more read-through by a copy editor would have corrected some inappropriate commas, apostrophes and question marks.

  • K.S. Thompson

    From Robin Hood flour to "Rocket Robin Hood". Looney Toons and Disney to "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves" and the BBC Series, "Robin Hood". I have been surrounded by this legend my entire life. I have even tinkered with the idea of doing a retelling of my own, from the perspective of one of his Merry Men who captured my attention years ago. It's so ingrained in our society that we don't seem to realize how prevalent it is. I certainly didn't, until I read this book and was reminded that Robin Hood is everywhere.

    One of the most astonishing facts that is brought to light is the failure of Nottingham to capitalize on the infamy of this legend. It would be an immensely popular tourist destination and seems like a no-brainer but for some reason seems to stall out at every turn. The book also outlines the tremendous success Romania has experienced once they decided to embrace the public's interest in Dracula. It's a booming industry that shows no sign of slowing down. Nottingham could very easily experience the same, if they simply had the right people in place, and that makes me sad. It's a wonderful story that everyone seems to relate to and wants to connect with.

  • Richard Denham

    This was a fun and informative read about Robin Hood and how he, his merry men and his legend still impacts us in this day and age - and in some very surprising ways! Recommended.

  • Dean Jones

    Very interesting read

    Sometimes all you need is a little bit of English folklore and this serves it up in buckets about that ever so often told story of Robin Hood.

    Enjoyed the factual and not so factual elements of the Robin Hood story. All in all, this was an interesting and well structured book.