Novae #6 ~ Blood and Gold by Kaiju

Novae #6 ~ Blood and Gold
Title : Novae #6 ~ Blood and Gold
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : ebook
Number of Pages : 28

amazing book, novae #6 ~ blood and gold by kaiju this is very good and becomes the main topic to read, the readers are very takjup and always take inspiration from the contents of the book novae #6 ~ blood and gold, essay by kaiju. is now on our website and you can download it by register what are you waiting for? please read and make a refission for you

Novae #6 ~ Blood and Gold Reviews

  • Drusilla

    Geez I love these drawings. Raziol and Sulvain are such wonderful characters.
    I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open this week, I hope I can read another real book, if not I'll have to settle for some artwork like this.

  • Denitsa


  • B. Jean

    The plot thickens. Well done as all the others.

  • Angelina

    Rating: 4/5

    I think this is the shortest so far? But I really enjoyed it! It's delving into more mystery/fantasy and it's got me intrigued!

  • Florencia

    Why can't i give this series more stars? I love it so much T__T

  • Elaine Ker

    Best chapter so far ! And isn't it quite sad that the characters are so much better when they're not together ? I usually like romance but here I just don't know them enough... but now that they are not together constantly, we actually get to know them and it's so interesting ! Both of them have their challenges, and I enjoy discovering about them a lot.

  • TimeFliesAway

    It sure is getting exciting! A murder mystery~
    I really loved the parts in the world between life & death. I don't know what exactly I love about it, but no matter what universe or author, these sceneries always amaze me the most. And the art is so gorgeous!!

    Also, after episode 6 and the end of season/volume 1, there was a Q&A on Webtoon, saying that Sulvain has his own sign language. I really hope we get to see this soon!!

  • Martu (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

    Con este capítulo termina la primer temporada de Novae.
    Me encantó y ya quiero seguir leyéndolo! Los dibujos son preciosos y la historia se va desarrollando de a poco.

  • Iria

    hello? yes, i'd like to order some answers, please.

  • aspeccharactersoftheday


  • Xim

    Necesito respuestas 😵

  • graffitithesky


  • Alex Palzkill

    I feel like I’m cheating a bit with my reading goal cuz these are so short and digestible but a book is a book 🤷‍♀️