Title | : | Love And Silence |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 158 |
Publication | : | First published January 31, 2019 |
Harrison is a beloved musician, known for his heart-wrenching lyrics and his beautiful voice. But when tragedy strikes on stage, the doctors say he may never speak again. Left with little else, he finds comfort in the eyes of one of his nurses.
Luke has never known a song, having been born deaf . He struggles against the institution to prove himself as a grad student working toward his registered nursing certification. He’s seen the man in the hospital bed before, plastered around his sister’s room. Still, he’s no different than any other patient until Luke realizes he’s holding his breath every time their hands touch.
Follow their journey as they discover that speaking through the heart is louder than any words can be. Love and Silence is a gay standalone romance novel, intended for adults only.
Love And Silence Reviews
i read this book as part of an arc program. This is the story of Harrison and Luke. Harrison was the lead singer of a famous group and during the final show of their tour in their hometown, he was injured when a beam fell on him. Harrison was lucky to be alive, only when he woke up in the hospital, he couldn't talk. Harrison learned his larynx was damaged and it was unlikely he would ever talk again. Luke was a nursing student who was waiting to receive his final marks to finish his degree and become a RN. Luke was also deaf and used sign language. Luke was mentored by a surgeon, who happened to be Harrison's doctor. While Luke was caring for Harrison, Luke developed feelings for him and wanted to protect him and care for him. Harrison noticed Luke was always trying to care for him and looking after him. Harrison wrote a note to Luke and they developed a friendship where Luke was there to listen to Harrison and make him feel better. Soon they both realized their attraction to one another and Harrison told Luke he wanted to be with him. Luke knew he could be in trouble if he crossed the line with Harrison, but he couldn't resist. Soon they were texting one another and Luke was spending more time with Harrison. Their relationship was growing, but with the threat of Luke being fired if they were caught, Luke was wondering if it was worth it. Harrison developed real feelings for Luke and wanted to rush things and Luke worried Harrison was moving too fast and only wanted him because he was his nurse and was caring for him. They had fights about how Harrison was rushing things and how he treated Luke and thought it was no bug deal if Luke was fired. Luke needed to be able to support himself and he didn't want to have Harrison treat him like a kept man. I really liked this book. I think Harrison went through a life changing event and had a lot of emotions to deal with. Harrison also came out during his hospital stay and had to deal with that. Luke liked Harrison, but he wanted to be respected also. Luke had a lot to overcome in his life and wanted to be able to stand on his own. Good one.
I really, really enjoyed this book.
It's a beautiful story about finding love when you least expect it and working hard to make it work. It's also a story about making mistakes and owning up for them. It's a story about two guys who never stops fighting. Even if they do it in completely different ways.
Funny, serious, sexy and romantic. It's all you can ask from a romance and I would dare to say that it's the best book Peter Styles has ever written. I would have wanted it a tiny bit longer to get a little more information from the MC's to make it a five star read bit it's darn close. -
Luke, a deaf graduating nurse, meets Harrison, a vocally injured singer, and throws out his professionalism by having an affair with him. Harrison is closeted and decides to come out. Their story shows that love can help one overcome the most career ending happenings and piece together two lost people. Understanding is key in this relationship and listening the main attraction. -
4.25 stars
I had a good time with this book. Here were the highlights:
1) Really interesting premise. I enjoyed watching one character who was already used to living with a disability paired with another character who was just coming to terms with his own.
2) Loved the writing style. Styles is fun to read. "I fell apart like a garden shed in a tornado."
3) Absolutely fell in love with Luke. So compassionate, so strong. And after a tough life of overcoming obstacles, he's battered and bruised but not broken. I loved watching him navigate the joy and angst that his relationship with Harrison brought.
4) Really nice steam level. The sex is hot, but in a way that really supports the emotional development of the characters. It focuses on what the characters feel in the moment, rather than what body part is going where.
5) One of the side characters, Dr. Ren, is low-key hilarious. (And also, like, correct. There would have been way less angst if folks would have just listened to him. But then we wouldn't have a book, would we?)
So, a sweet, funny, steamy story with relatable characters, told in a really fun voice. This is my first time reading a Peter Styles novel, but I'll definitely be back. -
Meh... ennesimo libro che dalle premesse prometteva scintille e che dopo la lettura si è rivelato il solito libretto romance leggibile e scorrrevole ma che lascia poco o niente al lettore. Lo avevo iniziato perché affascinata dal tema trattato. Ho un debole per i protagonisti affetti da disabilità perché se ben caratterizzati possono creare una storia forte, ricca di significativo, di messaggi positivi e anche di... vita vera, mostrando la difficoltà di convincere con una disabilità in un mondo complesso come il nostro. Inutile quindi dire che scoprendo che questo libro aveva a che fare non con uno ma con ben 2 MC affetti da disabilità sono andata in brodo di giuggiole. L'idea di un MC sordo e di uno diventato muto era troppo ghiotta per lasciarmi scappare questa lettura e ora... sono triste perché nulla è andato come mi sarei aspettata a partire dai protagonisti. Luke è un infermiere sordo, un ragazzo dolce e gentile, Harrison è una super star, un cantante che dopo un incidente perde l'uso della voce. Due personaggi complessi e che in un modo o nell'altro potevano completarsi a vicenda. Era affascinante l'idea di avvicinare un cantante con un ragazzo nato sordo e quindi che non aveva mai avuto modo di conoscere la sua musica e ascoltarla, un cantante che di colpo si ritrova senza la possibilità di cantare, di fare quello che lo contraddistingue e che lo rende speciale. Una vicenda che avrebbe potuto portare momenti forti di dolore, rabbia, paura e invece... nulla. Luke nonostante sia sordo non ci viene mai mostrato come persona in difficoltà, si sente a disagio? Ok ci sta, è stato adottato da una famiglia adorabile? Perfetto ma... non ci viene mai mostrato il difficile ruolo di una persona disabile in un ospedale né i problemi di intolleranza nei suoi confronti, tutti lo amano ed accettano e Harrison? Lui dovrebbe essere distrutto dal dolore, la musica è la sua vita, la voce è la sua vita e strumento con cui si mantiene e si guadagna la pagnotta ogni giorno, i suoi fan amano la SUA VOCE dovrebbe dare di matto, impazzire, odiare tutto il mondo per aver perso una parte della sua anima e invece... si prende una sbandata per il primo dolcetto che passa, l'infermiere sexy e tenero che lo tratta bene e a cui dichiara in tempo zero il suo amore e Luke? Si comporta come un ragazzino prima accettando la corte, poi rompendo perché non si conoscono abbastanza, poi tirando in ballo la professionalità, poi sbavando ecc I due mc non hanno problemi neppure a comunicare o farsi capire quindi...tutto si riduce a una love story classica e noiosa. Un vero e proprio insta-love condito con un po' di disabilità neppure approfondita, la disabilità come semplice elemento per rendere il libro gustoso e acquistabile perché diverso dal solito. E per non farci mancare nulla via di finti drammi da film su Canale 5 con i due che litigano, si mollano, ma si amano, ma si confessano, ma tornano insieme e vissero felici e contenti per sempre. Sapevo che visto il numero di pagine non mi potevo certo aspettare la divina commedia ma QUALCOSA... quello si...non troviamo neppure un piccolo, misero accenno ad un tentativo di denunciare comportamenti intolleranti verso la disabilità visto che i mc vengono accettati e amati da tutti, non si parla della difficoltà di riprendere in mano la propria vita dopo aver perso la propria voce/mezzo di sostentamento, non si parla dell'ipocrisia dell'ambiente musicale che ti caccia a calci in faccia per non essere più adatto a ricoprire un ruolo, non si parla di coming out, non si parla di... niente! Ci sono solo due amanti e...stop. L'innamoramento poi è penoso, Luke sbava fin da subito sul bel cantante e lui...dichiara amore come se fosse la cosa più normale del mondo, dopo neanche due settimane di conoscenza. Non ho sentito l'amore e la complicità tra i due e nonostante non mi siano dispiaciuti come personaggi e mi siano piaciute alcune parti più dolci soprattutto all'inizio (come quando Harrison impara a dire grazie con la lingua dei segni ad esempio per poter ringraziare l'infermiere correttamente) e la storia sia stata anche scorrevole e abbastanza piacevole da leggere...non mi è rimasto nulla! Domani probabilmente la dimenticherò e dimenticherò pure il nome dei protagonisti (Harrison per tutto il tempo l'ho chiamato Hamilton!) ed è un vero peccato perché ci troviamo di fronte la millesima storia non sviluppata e con il potenziale a mille. Sinceramente? Sconsigliata! Leggetela solo se non vi dispiace un romance dolcetto e con qualche momento erotico qua e là ma non aspettatevi miracoli, non aspettatevi che la disabilità dei protagonisti sia importante per la storia.
Meh... ennesimo libro che dalle premesse prometteva scintille e che dopo la lettura si è rivelato il solito libretto romance leggibile e scorrrevole ma che lascia poco o niente al lettore. Lo avevo iniziato perché affascinata dal tema trattato. Ho un debole per i protagonisti affetti da disabilità perché se ben caratterizzati possono creare una storia forte, ricca di significativo, di messaggi positivi e anche di... vita vera, mostrando la difficoltà di convincere con una disabilità in un mondo complesso come il nostro. Inutile quindi dire che scoprendo che questo libro aveva a che fare non con uno ma con ben 2 MC affetti da disabilità sono andata in brodo di giuggiole. L'idea di un MC sordo e di uno diventato muto era troppo ghiotta per lasciarmi scappare questa lettura e ora... sono triste perché nulla è andato come mi sarei aspettata a partire dai protagonisti. Luke è un infermiere sordo, un ragazzo dolce e gentile, Harrison è una super star, un cantante che dopo un incidente perde l'uso della voce. Due personaggi complessi e che in un modo o nell'altro potevano completarsi a vicenda. Era affascinante l'idea di avvicinare un cantante con un ragazzo nato sordo e quindi che non aveva mai avuto modo di conoscere la sua musica e ascoltarla, un cantante che di colpo si ritrova senza la possibilità di cantare, di fare quello che lo contraddistingue e che lo rende speciale. Una vicenda che avrebbe potuto portare momenti forti di dolore, rabbia, paura e invece... nulla. Luke nonostante sia sordo non ci viene mai mostrato come persona in difficoltà, si sente a disagio? Ok ci sta, è stato adottato da una famiglia adorabile? Perfetto ma... non ci viene mai mostrato il difficile ruolo di una persona disabile in un ospedale né i problemi di intolleranza nei suoi confronti, tutti lo amano ed accettano e Harrison? Lui dovrebbe essere distrutto dal dolore, la musica è la sua vita, la voce è la sua vita e strumento con cui si mantiene e si guadagna la pagnotta ogni giorno, i suoi fan amano la SUA VOCE dovrebbe dare di matto, impazzire, odiare tutto il mondo per aver perso una parte della sua anima e invece... si prende una sbandata per il primo dolcetto che passa, l'infermiere sexy e tenero che lo tratta bene e a cui dichiara in tempo zero il suo amore e Luke? Si comporta come un ragazzino prima accettando la corte, poi rompendo perché non si conoscono abbastanza, poi tirando in ballo la professionalità, poi sbavando ecc I due mc non hanno problemi neppure a comunicare o farsi capire quindi...tutto si riduce a una love story classica e noiosa. Un vero e proprio insta-love condito con un po' di disabilità neppure approfondita, la disabilità come semplice elemento per rendere il libro gustoso e acquistabile perché diverso dal solito. E per non farci mancare nulla via di finti drammi da film su Canale 5 con i due che litigano, si mollano, ma si amano, ma si confessano, ma tornano insieme e vissero felici e contenti per sempre. Sapevo che visto il numero di pagine non mi potevo certo aspettare la divina commedia ma QUALCOSA... quello si...non troviamo neppure un piccolo, misero accenno ad un tentativo di denunciare comportamenti intolleranti verso la disabilità visto che i mc vengono accettati e amati da tutti, non si parla della difficoltà di riprendere in mano la propria vita dopo aver perso la propria voce/mezzo di sostentamento, non si parla dell'ipocrisia dell'ambiente musicale che ti caccia a calci in faccia per non essere più adatto a ricoprire un ruolo, non si parla di coming out, non si parla di... niente! Ci sono solo due amanti e...stop. L'innamoramento poi è penoso, Luke sbava fin da subito sul bel cantante e lui...dichiara amore come se fosse la cosa più normale del mondo, dopo neanche due settimane di conoscenza. Non ho sentito l'amore e la complicità tra i due e nonostante non mi siano dispiaciuti come personaggi e mi siano piaciute alcune parti più dolci soprattutto all'inizio (come quando Harrison impara a dire grazie con la lingua dei segni ad esempio per poter ringraziare l'infermiere correttamente) e la storia sia stata anche scorrevole e abbastanza piacevole da leggere...non mi è rimasto nulla! Domani probabilmente la dimenticherò e dimenticherò pure il nome dei protagonisti (Harrison per tutto il tempo l'ho chiamato Hamilton!) ed è un vero peccato perché ci troviamo di fronte la millesima storia non sviluppata e con il potenziale a mille. Sinceramente? Sconsigliata! Leggetela solo se non vi dispiace un romance dolcetto e con qualche momento erotico qua e là ma non aspettatevi miracoli, non aspettatevi che la disabilità dei protagonisti sia importante per la storia.
‘It was hard for me not to bond with my patients.’
Peter Styles writes love stories, romances that involve men, and his manner in bringing these stories to life is very polished. He knows how to grab our attention with a fine opening – Harrison – ‘Until everything came crashing down, it had been a perfect night. We were finishing up the last gig of a long tour, twenty six-cities in thirty-two days. For the first time in over a month, I was planning on sleeping in my own bed….From twenty-some feet above me, a silent explosion of light burst from a Fresnel as a metal beam form the rigging shuddered and lurched forward, colliding into another lighting instrument, then tumbling down toward the stage. Having fallen loose and bounced into more secure structures, it descended with a lazy spin, just enough spin on it that – that it hit me. Luke – ‘I know you’re excited to go home,’ I signed, my fingers flashing, ‘but you should get some sleep. It’s very late.’ ‘I’m not tired.’ ‘You will be tomorrow, unless you get some sleep.’ I grinned, cocking an eyebrow. ‘After a week stuck in here, do you want to be cranky on your first day back home? Your parents will end you back.’
Peter has once again created a fine pair – one deaf and must sign, the other a famous but injured musician, and where he takes this romance is not only a fine erotic novel but also an homage to understand the challenges of being deaf, unable to hear the music of the spheres - ‘Harrison is a beloved musician, known for his heart-wrenching lyrics and his beautiful voice. But when tragedy strikes on stage, the doctors say he may never speak again. Left with little else, he finds comfort in the eyes of one of his nurses. Luke has never known a song, having been born deaf. He struggles against the institution to prove himself as a grad student working toward his registered nursing certification. He’s seen the man in the hospital bed before, plastered around his sister’s room. Still, he’s no different than any other patient until Luke realizes he’s holding his breath every time their hands touch.’
Open the book and enjoy a well-written, tender, sensitive erotic novel with a lot of twists that keep the tension rising. A fine evening’s read. -
I guess I have to say that I didn't like this book as much as the others that this author has written. Harrison is a singer and has a trauma that makes it impossible to even talk, much less sing. Luke takes care of him as a nurse and the two click. Luke is deaf a unable to contain himself he has sexual relationships with Harrison while he is still a patient at the hospital. Luke has a doctor who he works closely with who catches him with Harrison and he is reported. Having been a nurse for forty years, I can honestly say that I can't see how a deaf nurse would work out in a patient care area. A nurse has to be able to hear what is going on all around them in regards to their patient, but as well as others and the staff working around them. When a patient or family is in pain or a crisis the frustration level is out of site, much less if they have to write down everything that is wrong with them...I'm just saying. The next thing I found hard to believe is that a person has worked so hard to get where they have gotten to and they put themselves in jeopardy by having sex with a patient. I would think that someone with Luke's drive and integrity would have more restraint. So saying, the story was interesting if hard for me to swallow. I am sure others have and will enjoy this book. I voluntarily read and reviewed this ARC book.
To my ratings (thanks to amazon I had to change it again and 'upgrade' it a little bit.):
5* - very very good and rare (it would be a Blow-
Away-book like 'Liberty' from Seth King,
'Save the at he kids' series from EM Leya or
'Jesse's Smile' from Angelique Jurd), it's like
an A+
4* - very good and will be often reread and is a
WOW-book with interesting plot and surprises
(like most of Andrew Grey books) it's like an A
3,5* - a really good book, which will be reread a few
times a year (most romances where you can
enjoy for relaxing and during waiting times in
hospitals). I can recommend them definitively!
It's like an B+
3* - it could be more then a one-time-reader,
maybe 2-3 times a year. It’s like a B
2* - it was ok to read, but it's more a one-time-
reader (i wouldn't recommend it heartily, but
it was ok). It's like a C-, D
1* - sorry, but that isn't really a book for me (too
many mistakes, not nice plot, illogical, so an
absolut NO-GO). It's like failure in the whole
line, dismissed, repeat the class -
♡☆(¸.•♥´4 stars for keeping me entertained
Did I like this story? No. I absolutely ADORED it! I like the fact the author played these two characters off of each other. The now vocally challenged singer, whose career ended so tragically and the deaf nurse, who offered support and could understand his plight. What I wanted was more drama. Harrison really took his fate well, with barely a blink of an eye. Had it been me, I would have been in a state, throwing temper tantrums left right and center. I wished more realism had been interjected. As a nurse, this is important to me, and psychological help should have been offered. In the end though, the reader got to understand both men and their struggles to HEA.
What I do want is a sequel. Ren has a story worth to read and Hitoshi was an interesting character, even if he spent too little time on screen. -
"I tried to kiss him wo he'd know he was safe,that I would take care of him.I tried to kiss him like we were standing under the stars on an autumn night".
I really enjoyed this one! Luke was a nurse and loved his job very much but didn't feel like he connected with people well because of his hearing loss. He then meets a patient named Harrison who is a famous song writer and singer who gets really bad news that just may end his career.Harrison finds himself connecting with luke right away. After going through a bad accident and feeling like everything was falling apart, luke comes into harrisons life with that irrisitable smile and comforting presence. This was a really fun and steamy read. I loved seeing the relationship build between both characters. I finished this book in lne sitting!
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. -
Overcoming physical and emotional obstacles.
Both MC s have burdens to bear: one since birth and one from a freak accident. Luke Uanglin is an LPN striving to become an RN who is full of compassion for those in his care. Though he is deaf he feels for his patients. His feelings come into full bloom when pop singer and songwriter Harrison Paine enters Luke's ward after losing his voice while performing before a live audience cause by faulty equipment. These 2 connect to find solace in each other's arms. My one reason for only 4 stars is because of Dr. Micah Ren's character portrayal. I wish more of his background had been written; especially the history of his missing limb and how he came to know ASL. -
I absolutely loved this book. Why do I love it, I don't quite know. All I know is that these two characters touched my heart for a monumental amount of reasons. But most of all because they both have the biggest, kindest of hearts ever.
Luke and Harrison definitely have quite the journey to get to know each other, but one thing is seen right off the bat their connection.
This is an amazing book that keeps you reading right to the last word. It is an absolute must have book, so grab it asap. You won't regret it.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. -
This is such a wonderful story about Harrison and Luke. Harrison is a singer songwriter and he’s on his way to the top when a bad accident happens and he ends up in hospital without a voice. Luke is a nurse in the hospital where Harrison has been taken, Luke reaches out to Harrison and no words are necessary between these two. As Harrison has lost his voice Luke is deaf and there’s an immediate attraction, but can one stupid mistake by these two ruin Luke’s career as a nurse?. This is a fantastic story by Peter Styles I love his m/m stories they can be heartbreaking, heart wrenching, feel good stories and I highly recommend this book it’s definitely well worth the read.
Love And Silence by Peter Styles is about the beautiful journey of two men finding love no matter what barriers may kay in their way.
Harrison is a musician who faces an unknown future when an accident threatens to take away his voice forever. Luke is a nurse who is drawn to him,... and who was born deaf. They learn to love each other even with bumps in the road and misunderstanding. I felt drawn in by these two men and the story that unfolded captured my attention and heart.
I received an advanced reader's copy of the book and I am voluntarily leaving my honest review and recommendation. -
I have read most of Peter Styles’ books and this is not one of his best. The idea of a deaf nurse hooking up with a mute former rock star had a great potential, but the story just didn’t turn out as good as I had hoped. Harrison got over the loss of his voice and thus of his singing career way too easily for my likings (and for how you would expect from a singer who apparently was pretty successful and still very young). Furthermore I found it pretty strange that his parents never came to visit him and then in general he was almost always alone facing his recovery. Luke was a better described character and I felt more connected to him. As a general comment, the entire story seems to have been written in a haste forgetting about the background building. -
*spoilers* I realy like this story, it was sweet and sad, heartbreaking at times. Luke is deaf and work as a nurse when he meet Harrison. Harrison had an accident when singing on stage. The accident left Harrison mute. Luke and Harrison start to have feeling for each other and gets romanticly involved. They get cought, there is some fighting and Luke looses his job. The have some stuff to work out before their HEA.
This is the first book that I've read by this author. It is wellwritten fastpaced and has a great storyline and wonderful characters. It is filled with emotions.
I loved the bond between Luke and Harrison and would love to read more about them.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.