Quando um filho se desencaminha by Robert L. Millet

Quando um filho se desencaminha
Title : Quando um filho se desencaminha
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1629730629
ISBN-10 : 9781629730622
Language : Portuguese
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 84
Publication : First published January 1, 1996

Há esperança para os filhos que rejeitam o evangelho de Jesus Cristo e intencionalmente dão as costas para os ensinamentos dos pais, enveredando por caminhos proibidos? Há algo que possa aliviar a dor causada por tal comportamento?

Neste reconfortante livro, Robert L. Millet explica com clareza como o amor de Cristo e o poder do novo e eterno convênio possibilitarão a redenção final dos que se desencaminharem. Citando os ensinamentos dos profetas modernos e ­utilizando-­se fartamente das escrituras, o autor conclui: “Há forças do Bem em ação que transcendem nossa capacidade de percepção e entendimento”.

O irmão Millet oferece aos pais angustiados motivos para deixar de lado o sentimento de culpa que costuma acompanhar a perda de um filho para o mundo. ­Dirige-­se principalmente aos pais que crêem ter falhado após ­empenharem-­se sinceramente para conduzir os filhos nos caminhos da retidão: “As ovelhas de Seu rebanho podem ficar perdidas por algum tempo, mas caso tenhamos esperança, oremos e confiemos nas promessas das profecias, o Mediador do convênio realizará grandes milagres”.

Este livro eloqüente e otimista ajudará a alentar o coração despedaçado dos que choram a perda de filhos rebeldes. De forma realista, trará espe­rança e consolo às pessoas que sabem o quanto dói ver um filho se desencaminhar.

Quando um filho se desencaminha Reviews

  • Jennifer

    I listened to this audiobook the past two days and found such comfort and hope. I've had two of my children turn from their beliefs in both our faith and the religion in which we raised them, and from God and Jesus. I already have had a firm belief in agency, but my heart has agonized over their choices and subsequent choices. I have hurt for future pain they will have, the lack of certain blessings they would have had, the support they would have had, and more. This has weighed heavily on me, in spite of quotes and articles I have read which have given me some hope. After listening to this book, I felt lifted and supported as a parent. I know that God's love for them is more than my own, and I trust that He will be merciful and kind to them. Through this author's perspective, I have felt lifted.

  • Barbara

    This is one of the most beautiful treatises on the love, mercy, and long-suffering of God, the power of covenants, and the promises of an infinitely merciful and loving Father. It's one I will have to review again and again because of the pure and simple doctrine it teaches. it offers hope and comfort to all people, not just those who worry for their wayward children.

  • Shauna

    How could this book not have 5 stars? For anyone with a child who has wandered, this book offers hope! Life wasn't so distressing after I read this book! I'd recommend this to ANYONE with a wandering child!!!!

  • Colette

    Fantastic, plan to reference

    I love the take-home strategy offered, perspective. I can pray for perspective, allow myself to be grounded in covenant-keeping which brings peace, and find greater capacity to love.

  • Wyndee

    This book has driven me to want more compassion towards others. And to choose a higher perspective, realizing that all is not lost.

  • Melanie

    Love this book! Gave me great perspective.

  • Natalie

    It was a good book but not what I was expecting.

  • Jennifer Hughes

    I'm in the minority here, but this book didn't resonate with me as much as I'd hoped. There's not a lot of text; it's more of a booklet that's been made "book-length" with a big font and LOTS of white space. I think I would have enjoyed this more (and maybe come in with tempered expectations) if it were a long-form magazine essay.

    The author shares some good scriptures and quotes, but I feel that a much better (and thorough) treatment is the truly inspiring and comforting
    Rescuing Wayward Children.

  • Cindy

    Read chapter five, that's the main focus. Good... But could tell it was written awhile ago.

  • Greg

    No parent is immune from the potential for a "wandering child," one who departs from the training, support, and hopes of the parents. When that departure occurs, I have seen parents devasted nearly to prostration by their fears for their offspring. Where there is fear for their eternal salvation, the fears are incrementally stronger. Under such circumstances, the hope that is offered by a clear understanding of the gospel can be a tremendous source of strength to the individual parents, the marital relationship, and the child-parent relationship. Millet's book, When A Child Wanders contains just such understanding in a readily accessible volume. It helped me tremendously, and others who have read it on my recommendation have also expressed their profound appreciation for the doctrinal perspetives Millett explains so well. Highly recommended.


    A rather intense read for parents or anyone concerned about the spiritual welfare of someone close to them. It's a small quick read, but feels deeply personal and encouraging. Written from the LDS perspective, there is help and words of encouragement for everyone who might be struggling with a wayward loved one.

  • Amie

    I read this book while prayerfully searching for answers to help my Mom while her and my Dad were going through some struggles with my younger brother. It brought a lot of comfort to me and helped me to be able to comfort her as well. This book helped me through a tough time and the things I learned from this book continue to help me today.

  • Wendi

    From page 148
    The family is the most important unit in time and in eternity. No work, no service, no outside agency or interests can supersede the family in eternal significance. Even though the challenges of this life -- including the demands for acclaim, prestige, acquisition of this world's goods -- may pull tenaciously and constantly at us, some things simply matter more than others.

  • Suzan

    An excellent and comforting book for parents with children who have strayed, but also for any parent who would like to do whatever they can to prevent that from happening.
    I liked his thoughts that we need to be more sensitive and compassionate to those who have "wandering" children, even if we are lucky enough not to be in that situation.

  • Pam

    Comforting. This book helps us remember we aren't the only ones experiencing this challenge in life and the Lord is there for us, no matter how difficult it seems. I highly recommend this book for anyone who has a loved one who has let go for a while, also for church leaders, it really helps us all be more accepting, tolerant and loving.

  • Suzette Kunz

    This book focused a lot on the covenants we make in the temple and how powerful that sealing power is. He had some interesting ideas about the spirit of Elijah in relation to our wandering children. He talked about perspective and how it can help us keep hope when things seem to be going bad. Some good insights.

  • Dana

    For those of us who feel stress and anquish over our childrens choices - and that would probably be all of us, this book's for you. It helped me put things into perspective, and feel some peace and comfort.

  • Sandrine

    What a comforting book for one that struggles with loved ones that have strayed... It is balm to the soul. It renews a desire to keep on hoping, keep on praying and keep on enduring for those we love.

  • Annette

    This book is filled with lots of encouraging quotes from apostles and prophets. He really stresses the importance of keeping your temple covenants and the promises associated with those. It is quite short but still worth the read.

  • Erica

    A friend recommended this to me.

  • Linda

    Given to me by a dear friend, it was uplifting, inspiring and hopeful

  • Lori

    A great book that gives a very eternal perspective to the way we can deal with the heart ache and pain of a very real world.

  • Tina

    A great book for parents living through the teenage years with their kids.

  • Rhonda

    This is a book that offers comfort and direction for any parent experiencing the heartbreak and challenges of a child's choices.