Becoming a Sister Wife by SMT

Becoming a Sister Wife
Title : Becoming a Sister Wife
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 154
Publication : Published December 17, 2018

Sally is torn between two worlds. Shunned by the fundamentalist church she attends. Rebuked by her parents. Abused by her fiancé. All this for supporting her sister becoming wife number three in a plural marriage.

Having fled the cold critical world in which she was brought up she takes refuge in the warmth of her sister’s new home. Loving, warm, friendly and kind it may be but her new home is also disciplined and a wife may expect a good spanking on her bare bottom for ruffling the family waters.

Only wives? No, as Sally discovers to her cost, guests also may be spanked and soon sitting down comfortably is a problem for her. Before long Sally finds herself much in demand by the town wives who see her as a new wife for their husbands — but does she want to be married? More puzzling, does she want to be a wife in a plural marriage? Then there is the spanking: does she want or need to be spanked from time to time?

As Sally wrestles with her feelings and her conscience her old life intrudes in dangerous and dramatic ways. Can Sally resolve her problems? Can she avoid another spanking? Does she want to avoid being spanked? If she is to marry, which one of three men will it be?