Ghost Hunter (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, #6) by Michelle Paver

Ghost Hunter (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, #6)
Title : Ghost Hunter (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, #6)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1842551752
ISBN-10 : 9781842551752
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 245
Publication : First published January 1, 2009
Awards : Guardian Children's Fiction Prize (2010)

Her cry rips the souls from your marrow. With her spear she snares them. She devours them. Eostra truly is an eater of souls.

Winter is coming. Souls' Night draws near. Eostra, the Eagle Owl Mage, holds the clans in the grip of terror. Torak must leave the Forest and seek her lair in the Mountain of Ghosts, while Renn faces an agonizing decision. Wolf, their faithful pack-brother, must overcome wrenching grief. And in the final battle against the forces of darkness, Torak will make the most shattering choice of all.

Ghost Hunter, the final book in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series, draws the reader for the last time into the shadowy world of the deep past and brings Torak to the end of his incredible journey.

Ghost Hunter (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, #6) Reviews

  • Michael Finocchiaro

    So sad to say goodbye to Torak, Renn and Wolf but thankful to Michelle Paver for having give us such a pleasant voyage with them through the 6 wonderful books. An absolute must read for kids between 9 and 12 years old.

  • Cheryl Landmark

    The last book in this series and I'm sad to see it end. I've thoroughly enjoyed the adventures of Torak, Wolf and Renn, flying through these books in record time because I was so reluctant to put them down until they were finished. This one probably affected me the most, actually bringing me to tears in places. I won't say where for fear of spoiling the plot. This story, and the whole series in fact, really emphasizes the incredible, indestructible power of friendship, loyalty and love. I would recommend the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness to children and adults alike. Ms. Paver has created a rich, exciting pre-historic world that is sure to appeal to readers of all ages.

  • Connor

    This is such a good ending to the series! What a roller coaster ride and then a satisfying, cathartic conclusion. I’m glad I stuck with this series all of the way through, and I’m sure I’ll be rereading it at some point in the future.

  • Dewi

    Melalui serial ini, Paver membawa kita ke 6000 tahun lalu di masa jaman batu. Kala itu dunia masih berupa satu daratan besar, manusia hidup dalam klan, membuat peralatan dari batu dan tulang serta percaya pada kekuatan dewa dan roh-roh pelindung alam. Satu diantara klan-klan itu adalah klan Serigala. Klan yang terkenal dengan kemisteriusannya namun kini telah punah. Ya...1 klan itu telah lenyap kecuali Torak dan ayahnya.

    Buku pertama (Wolf Brother) dibuka dengan pertarungan Torak dan ayahnya (Fa) melawan setan berwujud beruang. Sebelum meninggal, Fa berpesan agar Torak mencari gunung Roh Dunia (yang ada dalam legenda) untuk mengalahkan beruang setan tersebut. Dalam perjalanannya, Torak bersahabat dengan seekor serigala yang juga sebatang kara. Satu keistimewaan Torak dan Serigala adalah mereka bisa berkomunikasi dan saling mengerti perasaan satu sama lain.

    Garis takdir juga membawa Torak berkenalan dengan klan Gagak dan menjalin persahabatan dengan Fin Kedinn, kepala suku klan Gagak dan Renn, keponakan Fin Kedinn. Dari klan Gagak-lah Torak mengetahui situasi dunia saat itu setelah selama ini hidup tersembunyi bersama Fa.

    Kala itu, dunia dikuasai oleh para Pemangsa Arwah yang merupakan sekelompok dukun klan yang tergoda pada kekuasaan dan menggunakan kekuatan mereka untuk kejahatan. Beruang setan pun merupakan salah satu perbuatan mereka. Karenanya, ketika misi Torak untuk membasmi beruang telah usai, dia memulai misi lain yaitu : mencari dan memusnahkan para Pemangsa Arwah.

    Nanti, pada buku-buku berikutnya, juga akan terungkap lebih banyak tentang latar belakang Torak, Fa, Fin Kedinn, Renn, para Pemangsa Arwah juga alasan kenapa Fa menyembunyikan Torak selama 12 tahun pertama kehidupannya. Ada banyak twist dan kejutan yang diberikan Paver sepanjang serial ini. Kejutan yang tak terduga dan tak disangka(ya namanya juga kejutan sih..hehehe xp), dan membuat cerita ini makin seru dan bikin penasaran.

    Dan jangan melupakan tokoh-tokoh yang hanya muncul selintas di awal seri ini. Karena, sama seperti di Harry Potter, tokoh yang hanya muncul sekilas dan gak penting di buku pertama, ternyata jadi tokoh kunci nantinya. Membuat Anda akan penasaran untuk rerun buku pertama, demi menyegarkan ingatan akan si tokoh-yang-munculnya-sekilas itu.

    Lalu bagaimana dengan buku ke-6 sekaligus pamungkas dalam serial ini?

    Pada buku ke-6, Torak sudah berumur 18 tahun. Sudah banyak pengkhianatan dan kesedihan yang dia alami. Hubungannya dengan Renn dan Serigala pun sudah mengalami banyak pasang surut hingga menjadi seintens sekarang. Dan sudah 4 Pemangsa Arwah yang dikalahkannya. Kini Torak harus berhadapan dengan Eostra, Pemangsa Arwah yang terakhir dan terkuat.

    Serigala juga sudah dewasa dan membentuk kawanan sendiri dengan pasangannya (Bulu Gelap). Namun Eostra menghancurkan keluarga Serigala dan menculik 1 anaknya. Hal yang memaksa Torak untuk segera mencari Eostra. Renn, yang mendapat penglihatan tentang kematian Torak, memutuskan untuk menemani perjalanan Torak walau pun harus meninggalkan klan dan tugasnya sebagai calon dukun klan Gagak.

    Bagaimanakah akhir serial ini? Akankah Torak menemui ajalnya sesuai dengan ramalan Renn? Lalu Serigala, bisakah dia membangun kawanannya lagi? Dan yang terpenting, benarkah Eostra adalah Pemangsa Arwah terakhir?

    Ah tentu saja itu adalah hal yang harus Anda temukan sendiri ;D.

    Saya pertama kali membaca serial ini di tahun 2006 ketika Matahati menerbitkan buku pertamanya (Wolf's Brother) dan telah jatuh cinta sejak saat itu.

    Saya suka dengan kepiawaian Paver menciptakan setting 6000 tahun lalu yang terasa sangat realistis. Saya juga suka dengan ketilitian Paver menggambarkan detil-detil cara hidup Torak dan rekan-rekannya di masa itu. Saya juga suka pada konsistennya Paver menjaga plot cerita tetap menegangkan hingga akhir. Dia bisa menyampaikan dengan baik aura "dark" dan mistis di masa itu kepada saya yang hidup di jaman modern ini.

    Namun yang paling saya suka adalah cara Paver menceritakan kisah ini dari sudut pandang Torak, Renn dan Serigala. Terutama dari sudut pandang Serigala.

    Paver mengajak kita menyelami jalan pikiran Serigala. Dia membuat kita memahami keputusan Serigala sewaktu meninggalkan Torak untuk bergabung dengan kawanannya, juga turut bersedih ketika Serigala harus kehilangan seluruh keluarganya.

    Ah...Paver benar-benar berhasil menyampaikan perasaan Serigala kepada para pembacanya.

    Tambahan satu point plus di Ghost Hunter yang menjadikan buku ke-6 ini sebagai favorit saya, yaitu : endingnya.

    Saya suka pada cara Paver menutup serial ini. Ending yang jelas, tidak menggantung, namun masih memberi saya ruang untuk mengkhayalkan sendiri kelanjutan kisahnya. Syukurlah gak ada bab "epilog" yang biasa ada di akhir sebuah saga dan selalu saya anggap menyebalkan karena membatasi imajinasi.

    Menyangkut terjemahan; karena penasaran, saya juga membaca serial ini dalam bahasa aslinya (ps : saya selalu melakukan ini pada novel-novel terjemahan yang saya sukai).

    Dan saya berkesimpulan, Matahati really did a great job on translating this story.

    Setting yang mencekam, ketakutan dan kemarahan Torak, kecemasan Renn serta keluguan Serigala yang tergambar di bahasa aslinya, tergambar dengan baik juga di terjemahan versi Matahati.

    Saya bahkan lebih menyukai beberapa kata dalam versi terjemahan, seperti "tall tailles" (panggilan Serigala untuk Torak) yang diterjemahkan menjadi tinggi takberekor atau "Darkfur" yang diterjemahkan menjadi Bulu Gelap.

    Mengenai covernya, uhm...masih bingung nih :D. Saya sih lebih suka cover warna ungu seperti aslinya, tapi saya gak suka dengan cave painting yang ada di cover ini.

    Sedangkan untuk cover versi Matahati, saya kurang suka warna hijaunya, tapi saya suka melihat lukisan burung hantu yang tercetak besar dan tampak mengintimidasi itu. Cocok dengan image Eostra yang memang mengintimidasi sebagai dukun klan burung hantu. Seandainya saja Matahati bisa memadukan kedua versi cover ini, pasti akan lebih bagus. ( wish, Wi. Hehehe... ;p)

    Secara keseluruhan, saya memberi rating 5 bintang untuk serial Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. Kepiawaian Paver dalam merangkai plot yang rapi hingga akhir cerita jelas merupakan sebuah nilai plus.

    Lalu penggambaran setting yang detail serta pemahaman yang sangat baik tentang Serigala menunjukkan bahwa Paver melakukan riset dengan (sangat) serius untuk novelnya ini. Dan sebuah karya yang dikerjakan dengan serius, sangat layak dihargai nilai sempurna. :)

    Sudah banyak terbitan Matahati yang bagus sepanjang 2011 ini, sudah banyak pula yang saya baca. Tapi bagi saya, Ghost Hunter ini tetap yang terbaik karena telah menjawab rasa penasaran saya selama 5 tahun belakangan :D.

    also posted at :

  • Martha A.H.

    Ada rasa menyesal karena gak bisa lagi nonton Torak dkk. Nonton atau baca? Nah, saking hidupnya penggambaran karakter para pelaku serial ini, saking kaya dan rincinya deskripsi setting seluruh seri ini, saya berasa nonton film. Paver dengan lihaynya membawa bau-bauan, suara, visual, rasa, sentuhan, ah kelima indera dieksplor pokoknya. Udah gitu DETIL-nya! Gila keren abis.

    "Serigala segera membuat keputusan. Dengan pangkal paha menegang, ia pun melompat. Tapak kaki depannya terentang mengarah ke sisi lain. Menyingkirkan ekornya ke samping, dan memanfaatkan kaki belakangnya dengan sungguh-sungguh, ia pun melompat sekuat tenaga.... Serigala melayang."

    Bisa-bisanya Paver bikin deksripsi begitu hanya untuk aksi seekor serigala melompat. Sampai ke gerakan ekor! Risetnya pasti gak cuma sekadarnya.

    Yang membuat saya kagum juga adalah karena setting di serial ini beragam. Laut, pegunungan es, hutan, danau, gunung tinggi, gua-gua. Masing-masing lokasi kan karakternya beda-beda, tapi semuanya berhasil terpampang nyata. *pinjem istilah Syahrini

    Lalu kejutan-kejutannya. Waw! Memuaskan. Ternyata! Si Pejalan ituuuu... !!

    Saya bersyukur saya join Goodreads. Beberapa bulan lalu saya membaca di newsfeed seseorang bertanya ke A.S.Dewi nomor HP Pak Ahmad, lalu saya tanya siapa itu Pak Ahmad. Dari situ saya tahu Matahati sedang cuci gudang, sehingga saya memutuskan untuk borong. Bu dokter Dewi merekomendasikan beberapa judul serial, dan dia dengan keukeuh-nya mempromosikan COAD ini. Makasih utk kengototanmu, Wi! :-)

    Waktu mulai baca buku pertama, saya langsung berniat untuk membacakan kisah Torak ini untuk anak saya suatu saat nanti. Ini buku cerita anak-anak yang luar biasa. Saya berharap anak saya kelak bakal berfantasi, berlari bersama Torak, Renn, Serigala, Rip dan Rek, hutan, dangau, dll. Saya ingin anak saya belajar mencintai hutan dan alam bersama mereka. Saya ingin anak saya tumbuh dengan sifat pemberani, gigih, cerdik, setia kawan, dan penyayang, seperti karakter-karakter dalam serial ini.

    Torak, Renn, Serigala, Bulugelap, Pebble, Shadow, Click, Rip, Rek, Gagak Putih, Kelam, Fin-Kedinn, Bale... love them all.

    These books are adorable!

    ETA: Baru ngeh, kok ga banyak yg ngereview terjemahannya ya. Apa seri ini kurang populer di Indonesia?

  • Peter (on semi hiatus and trying to catch up)

    The Ghost Hunter is the final book of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness and will ultimately bring Torak's quest to an end. In this final book, Torak, Renn and Wolf meet the most powerful of the Soul Eaters - Eostra. Each will face grief, doubts, hardships and exhaustion in throwing every once of their energy and ability at this final battle. The prize is to turn their lands back from the evil abyss they all face. Will they all survive??

    The 6 book series written by Michelle Paver should be made into a television series it's so good. The setting is thrilling, being based 6 thousand years ago when the world was still heavily forested. The descriptions of the ancient forests are excellent and there's still a feeling of the Earth rebuilding after the last ice age. The stories are a great adventure of good versus evil, of supernatural and mythical backdrops, and of friendships and commitments to put your life on the line to protect those you love. It is aimed at an older child / younger adult audience so the dialogue and narrative can be taken at face value. I did enjoy sharing these stories with my children and did it very willingly.

  • Aqeel

    The last sequel to the "Chronicles Of Ancient Darkness" series, indeed one of my favorites.
    It was an outstanding journey. Starting with "Wolf Brother" to "Ghost Hunter". I'll never stop appreciating "Michelle Paver" for creating such an amazing world. It feels really bad that it ended.
    Everything was perfectly created, written, and described. You feel like you're in a different world when reading this series.
    In this book you even get more into Wolf's life full of emotional moments. I really liked wolf's point of view's vocabulary, very creative.
    Last thing I'd like to say is:
    Everything comes to an end.

  • Thomas

    I started rereading this series back in 2018 because it is one of my all time favourites. Having now finished the original 6 books, I can say that I am very happy with my experience and looking forward to reading 3 more books set in this world.

    Ghost Hunter was the final novel in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness and I thought Michelle Paver delivered an absolutely spectacular finale. I think it is one of the best in the series, outranked only by Wolf Brother, because this was the novel that introduced Torak’s world so brilliantly to begin with.

    Having defeated Thiazzi in Oathbreaker, Torak must now face the deadliest Soul Eater of them all, Eostra, the Eagle Owl Mage. Eostra holds the forest in a grip of fear with demons and the dead at her command. Torak and Wolf need every ounce of skill and luck they possess to defeat her.

    As with every book she has written in this series, Paver’s writing style is flawless when it comes to describing the nature of the ancient world. You truly feel drawn into a setting that is incredibly rich and detailed.

    I feel that Ghost Hunter was a satisfying conclusion to the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness and I am pleased to give the novel 5 stars. I would recommend the whole series to any adult or teenager that enjoys the fantasy genre. I look forward to reading more adventures in this world when I start reading Viper’s Daughter in the near future.

  • Big Pete

    The tale that began with Wolf Brother comes full circle with Ghost Hunter. I first read this book in (somewhat appropriately) the winter of 2010. It has not lost its genius since. Torak, Renn, Wolf and Fin-Kedinn have come a long way from who they once were. They are all much older, but where the younger members of the cast have matured, Fin-Kedinn is beginning to feel the bite of old age.
    Grey moths are pervading the pre-winter Forest, bringing foul dreams to the clans. Torak, though worried, can do little about this new menace. One night, as he sits alone, watching the Raven Clan as they sleep, Torak hears a voice coming from the trees, soft and pleading. He investigates, and sees the shade of his father, former Soul-Eater and the Wolf Mage; killed by a monstrous bear some months past.
    He strikes out into the wilderness, but his journey is far from uneventful. Tragedy strikes, and Wolf's family is shattered almost irreparably.
    Torak and Renn head north to the Mountain of Ghosts, where Eostra, Eagle Owl Mage and last of the Soul-Eaters sets in motion a plan that will bring the whole of the Forest and the North under her sway...
    Ghost Hunter is by turns, reserved, intense, funny, melancholic, joyous, eerie and heart-breaking. The characters (already well-rounded and interesting) grow even more, and we see a return of some old battlers I thought we'd never see again. The new character Dark is particularly of note, a sad, lost recluse who nonetheless finds a sense of kinship with Torak and Renn. We learn much more about the culture and life of the clans, and it is, as always, fascinating.

    Ghost Hunter is a triumphant return to form for Paver, and one of her best novels. You don't want the series to end, but the ending is more than satisfying. This is one of the best novels in the series, perhaps even better than the brilliant Soul Eater

  • Phoebe

    Sadly, the final volume in this truly great series. Unnatural winter and sickness, sent by Eostra, the scary Eagle Owl Mage, are killing the tribes, and Torak realizes he must venture out and fight Eostra, who seeks Torak, the last Soul Eater, to gain ultimate power. Compelling, creepy, and just plain good storytelling. Recommended for adventure fans, unique for its post-Ice Age, pre-farming time setting. Paver did meticulous research and traveled extensively to write her books.

  • Jennie Louwes

    "Ghost Hunter", the final installment of "The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness", does not disappoint! One cliffhanger after another both figuratively and literally. From the first page to the last your heart rate quickens as you rush towards the inevitable finale.

    The book opens with buds of happiness that are blossoming into full on joy; but, it doesn't last. Abruptly things change with such suddenness that it brought tears to my 11 year old boy-child's eyes. Thus begins the roller-coaster of events within the "Ghost Hunter".

    The addition of a character named "Dark" is a wonderful one. His name a brilliant oxymoron that's simple and yet of great depth; he wears his name well.

    The culmination of events is gratifying. Though it's incredibly hard to say, "goodbye" to such wonderful, literary friends. Of course, better to see those you've come to love walking hand-in-hand towards the sunset than being separated by death, no?

    The way in which things end allows you to believe in a happily ever after that's eternal. That's what story does when it doesn't culminate with "The End".

    The ending, like the beginning, is enough to spark tearfilled eyes; but, this time the tears are pure joy.

    Thank you, Michelle Paver, for sharing your life's experiences through story with us. Extraordinary moments have been a part of your life; therefore, it's the extrodinary you have managed to weave within "The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness". Thank you for sharing your cast of characters and for making the journey so real and relevant.

    It's bittersweet to now say, "adieu", thank goodness you've written other books too! May you always find there's a place for you with an eager audience waiting.

    Written with utmost sincerity,

    Jennie Louwes

  • Yvette

    I waited 12 years to finish this series and I wasn't disappointed. The writing never fails to immerse me in Torak's world from the first page. While it's somewhat obvious what the ending will be, the build-up to the confrontation with Eostra is filled with realistic struggle, much like the other books in the series.

    A funny observation after so long - the chapters are so short! But very enjoyably paced.

  • Kaira Kirkby

    loved it ! very well written

  • Evan

    Six thousand years ago in the forests of Europe where people live in clans, evil threatens the lands. The last living soul eater, Eostra, the Eagle Owl Mage sends a shadow sickness to the clans. Orphaned teenage boy, Torak, is the one to stop the last and final Soul Eater from killing all life in the forest. Torak is not alone in his journey to the Mountain of Ghosts. His companions are Wolf, a wolf who Torak can speak to using wolf talk, and Renn, a mage in training for magic from the Raven Clan. Torak possesses an ability that is very rare--he is a spirit walker which means he can move into an animal’s mind for a short period of time and control them. Torak’s journey to the Mountain of Ghosts causes him to see his father as a ghost being summoned along with the dead Soul Eaters by Eostra. See what happens when Torak sees his father again. This will be Torak’s final battle against evil and will he survive?

    This is the final book in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. This book ties up the series with a “5 star” ending to Torak’s journey. I liked that throughout Ghost Hunter, the author, Michelle Paver, really keeps your attention with lots of action. She switches characters and you read what is going on in Wolf's mind or Renn's mind. If you are eager to learn about the shocking decision that Torak makes then this is the right book for you!

  • Lala

    "Wolf longed to be with them - but they were Not-Breath. He didn't understand how this could be. Darkfur and the cubs were…not. Wolf shut his eyes. He wanted to be not too."

    I am so sad this series has ended, but a what a wonderful ending Paver gives us. This was an awesome series…I would and will read this again without question. It's a magical, mysterious and exciting world Paver has created and the adventures and characters are lush and colourful and awe inspiring. I truly enjoyed these books…this last instalment was nothing short of excellent!! Thanks to my friend Matic for the gift of these books as I would never have read these were it not for him <3

    I will miss Torak, Renn and Wolf so very much…but they will never be far from my thoughts ~ for A.

    "If he doesn't want to live, she said in a low voice, then no spells, or prayers, or offerings can make him."

    "But my pack-brother reminded me of something. That a wolf cannot be of two packs. Fin-Kedinn nodded thoughtfully. You know, when you were small, and your father sought out the ancient one at the clan meet by the Sea, he said to her, Although my son isn't Wolf Clan, I think he is truly wolf. I finally understand what he meant."

  • Emilia Karlsson

    Vålnadernas Berg är sjätte delen i serien Vargbröder.
    Ännu en fantastiskt bra uppföljare i denna underbara serie! Handlingen är oerhört spännande men samtidigt också mysig. Vi får återse många gamla karaktärer och träffa nya som får stor betydelse för berättelsen.

    Jag älskar och kan inte få nog av all natur i dessa böcker. Jag är fortfarande lika fascinerad och intresserad av hur de levde för 6000 år sedan. Det är intressant att läsa om hur karaktärerna bygger skydd, tillverkar saker, jagar och lagar mat. Men jag skulle inte påstå att de olika maträtter de äter är något jag skulle vilja testa. Fy så mycket konstigt dom blandar och äter. Det är simpelt och så annorlunda de livet vi lever idag.
    Jag gillar också att det faller naturligt för klanerna att ha sådan respekt till natur och djur. De strävar för att inte skada något och de hedrar allt omkring sig.

    Även denna boken i serien är en sann bladvändare, när man väl börjat läsa är det väldigt svårt att sluta. Det blev ett fint avslut på detta kapitlet i Toraks liv, men nya äventyr väntar i de kommande böckerna som jag ser fram emot att läsa.

  • Kat


    Audiobook narrated by Ian McKellen

    The end of the original Chronicles of Ancient Darkness and it was good of a little underwhelming.

    The Good:
    - A satisfying resolution to the overarching storyline.
    - The ambience is done really well and the book has a lots of suspense and tension.
    - There were some twists that I really hadn't expected (or remembered) and thoroughly enjoyed.

    What could have been better?
    - The ending was nice, in that everything worked out in a reasonably predictable way. Possibly the new books address this but the ending felt super neat with all the ends tied up in a bow.

    I've really enjoyed revisiting this series and am going to try out the new books very soon.

  • Therese

    This book was I think my favorite of this series, which I read straight through. It is a series that I will re-read, maybe more than twice, and was very popular with the readers in the school library. Wolf sees protecting Torack as what he is for, and you can feel that is a life truth that Paver has articulated, that dogs and wolves have that kind of selfless loyalty to protect their pack, that is what they are here to do.

  • Aurora Dimitre

    |3.5 Stars|

    Ladies and gentlemen, I am finally done with the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. This is a series I started as a child, read books one and two and maybe three, started reading
    Stephen King and thus abandoned everything in the children's library except for
    Erin Hunter. A few years ago, I bought the entire series off of BookOutlet and man, I am finally done.

    Let's get this straight--I loved the first two books. I loved them as a kid, and I did really enjoy them as an adult. But man, as this series went on, it dragged . Books four and five nearly killed me. It's not like, Lorien Legacies bad, but man, I was done with this series. And now I'm actually done with this series, so let's talk about some stuff I liked about it:
    I'm a sucker for randomly inserted characters with zero social skills who end up fixing all the major problems. I know how he ended the book is a little bit of a cop-out, but do I care? No.

    Renn and Torak
    Seriously dude, been waiting since book one.

    Being Done
    There's always some sort of awesome quality that the last book in a series has, whether it's good or not. And this wasn't bad. And it definitely had that quality of the Last Book, where everything is heightened and you know it has to be finished up now and that was cool.

    So that's that. I'm done. I'm done. And Michelle Paver, not being Satan incarnate, is not writing a sequel series so I don't have to read any more.

  • Cassandra L. Manna

    Nonstop action from page one, this book was a great way to conclude the series. The mystery and the journey complete, everyone finding their place in the Forest, the new Forest discovered, everything wrapped up in a bow.

    If I had read this series when it was originally released, I would’ve been sad for it to end but satisfied with how it ended. But...

    Luckily for me and other readers, after a decade away, Ms. Paver couldn’t resist returning to the ancient Forest and we have three new books in the series to look forward to - one of which has already been released! Torak, Renn, and Wolf’s stories continue...!

    Rate Procedure:

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - I loved the book so much I would reread it again and would recommend to a friend.
    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Thoroughly enjoyed the book, could not put it down, would recommend to a friend, but do not need to read again.
    ⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Probably a good book that I enjoyed but there was something about it I did not love (e.g. The writing style, the POV, etc.). I would only recommend to a friend if it was their "type" of book.
    ⭐️⭐️ - A book I have below average feelings for and it would not come with a recommendation from me but I would mention it in conversation if related to the book topic at issue.
    ⭐️ - I finished the book but I hated every second of it.

  • CharlotteThe1337

    I loved this book so much! It's one of the best in the entire series. In it, all of the best characters were revisited- except Bale, but that was gone over in the last book. Even Torak's beloved Fa showed up, if only briefly.
    I wish the series hadn't ended.
    Back to the book- I couldn't believe the ending, it was a little too much to take in all at once. In hindsight, however, it's a good ending that encompasses all the possibilities, and sets all rumours to rest.
    Even the wolf pack got a happy ending- Shadow was the only cub-kit lost. I was so happy when the point of view switched to Pebble, and happier still when Renn found Darkfur.
    Okay, I could go on and on about this book, but I'll stop here and just hope that I can get a copy to keep- mine was borrowed from a library.

  • Kasia (kasikowykurz)

    3.75 ⭐

    Chciałam napisać, że jest to naprawdę spoko zakończenie, ale wiem, że są jeszcze trzy tomy. Mimo to fajnie zakańcza wątek Pożeracza Dusz. Podoba mi się, jak wszystkie wątki, które nas tu prowadziły w końcu się łączą i następuje wielkie bum. Tylko... mam wrażenie, że jest to takie pospieszone... Samo starcie z Pożeraczem dzieje się dopiero bliżej końca i jakoś tak szybko minęło. Nie wiem, może się czepiam, może już szukam dziury w całym, bo sam tom bardzo mi się podobał. Ostatnie strony dają taką furtkę na następne przygody i w sumie jestem ciekawa, co tam jeszcze autorka wymyśli!

  • Insomniayla

    Tan interesante como los otros, pero esta vez, con un toque de nostalgia y de pena por tener que decirles adiós a los personajes. Continúan los momentos de tensión, de emoción y de miedo por los protagonistas, además de las caras de sorpresa. Buen final para la saga.
    Recomendado para los amantes de la fantasía histórica juvenil, y/o para los apasionados de la prehistoria, como yo.

  • Rachel

    The final book of the amazing Chronicles of ancient darkness. A breath-taking series.

  • Maria Spalding

    This whole series was surprisingly good. Loved all of the books!

  • Dyslexic Bookmonster

    When I read this story for the first time all those years ago, I did not specifically know (or rather understood) why I was bothered by the way the story was spun. For a long time, I thought I felt this way because the story was ending, a story which I would have liked to never end.
    Now I believe that I know better, I understand what bothered me back then and what still bothered me now that I was rereading the book.
    In my opinion, all characters, except for Torak, were neglected in their 'development' (for lack of a better word). Not in the usual way, for most (but not all!) the characters were given a cause for their deeds and all the new characters had a background story to fall back on. No, with 'lacking in development' I meant that the characters felt too... well prepared? Lacking in emotional depth? Though I have to admit, Wolf had a rough period during the story. Yet, still, I felt like emotions were missing thorough the book. And especially Eostra had to take the burn for it. She was the epitome of evil, which is not a bad thing on itself, but in this case, she was so... boring.
    Perhaps the story went too fast; if only it had been given more pages to give depth to the crucial events in the book. Instead, Torak, Wolf and Ren were thrown from one chaos into another.

    So why am I still giving it four stars? Because... Well... You see... I am guilty of being biased. This series showed me when I was still a mini-me that reading could be fun. And for that, I will always be thankful.

  • Alyssa

    "The entire series is 5 stars. A little bit like the last book of Harry Potter at the very end" said Tyler, my 8 year-old son.

    Update 3/28/13:
    Wow and wow. I loved this book! I tore through it not being able to handle the anticipation of how this journey ended. At the beginning, there are some of those things that do get repetitive - c'mom Torak, would you stop going off by yourself!! It is getting to be like a bad horror movie! Oddly, I felt like the horror element in this book wasn't as great as the others, but that could also be that we knew the evil so well at this point that it is not as much of a shock to encounter it.

    But Michelle Paver throws in some great twists with the plot that I really appreciated. I don't want to give away any spoilers, so I will simply say that her choices allowed the last part of this journey to be as epic as it should be. And I loved how she handled the ending - I didn't think of it ending the way it did, but it makes perfectly wonderful sense. The possibility was foreshadowed and I hadn't picked up on it.

    This was also my favorite series. I give props to Ms. Paver for creating a vivid natural world and offering a look at each of the clans and their rituals in great detail.

  • Mrs Mallott

    Wow. I literally read this book in one day. I couldn't put it down because the story is so gripping but at the same time I didn't want the story to end as this is the last book in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series and for me that was really sad - some parts of this story genuinely made me tear up especially because over the course of the series you really get to know and care about the characters involved. It doesn't often happen, but when I'd finished the book I really did not know what I would read next that would hold the same amount of sway over my attention and emotions! The last time this happened was with the Harry Potter stories. Michelle Paver is a brilliant writer and story teller for children and adults in equal measure by far matching and surpassing authors such as JK Rowling - It's good to know there's life after Harry Potter for young readers out there and I now know I can confidently recommend Michelle Paver to any student who comes up to me in the library asking for suggestions of the epic variety.

  • Sheila

    How I would have loved to have had these books read to me when I was a child, or to follow the 6 books of the series through on my own with as much excitement as I saw in youngsters waiting for the next Harry Potter to come out. Ok SPOILER .......there is a Hollywood ending but it is what you want, Paver tells an exceedingly good tale, and I can only reiterate what I said on others McKellan's reading is just brilliant. It is a standard tale of good v evil but I loved her characters, I loved the mythology of the clans she has invented - the Raven clan, the Seal clan, the Wolf clan the Red Deer clan and others each with their own clan creature, herbology, traditions and spiritualism. The books deserve some serious cgi film making techniques a la Peter Jackson. If you are in the mood for a jolly good storyline, I can't recommend them highly enough.