Title | : | Harry Potter: Film Vault: Volume 1: Forest, Lake, and Sky Creatures |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1683837460 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781683837466 |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 64 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2019 |
From centaurs to merpeople and horn-tailed dragons, magical creatures and terrifying beasts are key characters in the Harry Potter films. Harry Potter: Film Vault: Volume 1: Forest, Lake, and Sky Creatures features illustrations and behind-the-scenes photography that give fans an in-depth look at the development and creation of the magnificent creatures seen throughout the movies.
The Film Vault compiles the filmmaking secrets and visionary artistry behind the Harry Potter films into a series of twelve deluxe collectible volumes. Intricately designed and packed with gorgeous concept art and unit photography from the Warner Bros. archive, each volume in the series gives fans striking insights about bringing the Wizarding World to the big screen.
Included in each book is a collectible art print, making this series a must-have for all Harry Potter fans and collectors everywhere.
Harry Potter: Film Vault: Volume 1: Forest, Lake, and Sky Creatures Reviews
Some nice photographs, although you do get the feeling much of the ground has been covered elsewhere already in the multitude of books about the Harry Potter film series. Only 64 pages, but with very nice detailed artwork and behind-the-scenes photos, and about the thickness of one of those autumn-release children's Annuals. The content is definitely of a more enthusiast level rather than aimed at younger children though, so don't be confused by that format. The 'free art print' is OK, but only 10" x 8". If you have all the other books already it might be worth physically looking at this before committing to buying the series.
Schöne Bilder und Illustrationen - hätte mir mehr Inhalt gewünscht 😥
Ein gut illustriertes Buch mit spannenden Hintergrundwissen über die verschiedenen Tierwesen aus der Zaubererwelt. Allerdings hätte ich mir noch mehr Inhalt und eventuell etwas weniger Bilder gewünscht.
Para los amantes de Harry Potter, tanto de los libros como de las películas, especialmente de estas últimas, van a poder disfrutar de todos los archivos de las películas. Una fantástica colección de libros que nos ofrece una visión de lo que hay detrás de las cámaras, el cómo se hizo. En este primer tomo nos van a hablar de las criaturas que habitan el Bosque Prohibido, el lago y los cielos.
Tenemos tres capítulos: bosques, lago y cielos, donde encontraremos todas las criaturas que aparecen en las películas de Harry Potter en estos espacios. Cada capítulo comienza con una breve explicación del escenario: qué hay, para qué sirve, dónde está y sus habitantes. Además, con cada criatura se nos narra de dónde salen, algunas cosas sobre la mitología, el proceso creativo en las películas y cómo llegaron al modelo final empleado. Por ejemplo, tardaron en crear a los centauros ocho meses y un equipo de más de 40 personas o las diferencias que hay entre las sirenas de Harry Potter y las de la mitología, estas primeras más relacionadas con el esturión.
Cada criatura se cierra con una ficha con los datos básicos: primera aparición en las películas, otras apariciones posteriores, la localización, notas de diseño y descripción en los libros. A lo largo del libro también hay una selección de algunas conversaciones de los personajes en las películas relacionadas con esas criaturas en cuestión.
Además de estas descripciones, tendremos los comentarios de los artistas que hicieron posible la creación de las criaturas en las películas y los supervisores de efectos especiales, entre otros. Esto nos ayuda a saber cómo se llegaron a hacer las geniales películas de nuestro mago favorito que tanta masa ha movido en todo el mundo. La edición, espectacular por otra parte, viene acompañada por una gran cantidad de ilustraciones, diseños conceptuales, desarrollos visuales, bocetos, estudios,..., todo a color y de la mejor calidad posible. Por último, cada uno de los 12 volúmenes que compondrán la colección viene acompañado por una lámina exclusiva.
En conclusión, un libro imprescindible para todos los fans de Harry Potter. Un tomo de lujo que nos cuenta todo lo que hubo detrás de las cámaras de las películas a través de temas (cada tomo trata sobre un tema diferente). Tendremos fotografías de muy buena calidad sobre dibujos, bocetos, el montaje de los escenarios, etc., así como conoceremos los secretos de las creaciones de las criaturas y los primeros intentos. ¡Una preciosidad y súper detallado!
Más en mi blog La Gran Biblioteca de David:
https://lagranbibliotecadedavid.blogs... -
Part of me wishes they would stop with all the additional books to make extra money but yet I keep buying them! This was fairly interesting explaining how they settled on the designs for the creatures.
This is absolutely amazing! I've always wanted to learn more about how the creatures and specific areas of the wizarding world were created.
This is book 1 of 12 from the Harry Potter Film Vault. Each volume tackles a different area of the Harry Potter films and how they were created. Also, with each volume, there is an art print tied to that volume.
Volume 1 is Forest, Lake and Sky Creatures. In this volume we learn about the creatures of the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake, Hippogriffs and Thestrals, and of course Dragons.
Since there are 12 volumes in this set, I will be reading one volume a month. I can't wait to see all the different pieces of the films I love so much and the books that I reread every year. Now, where to hang all these art prints when I'm done 🤔🤔🤔 -
J'adore et très bien illustré comme toujours :)
Read- September 2019
Мисля, че всички осъзнаваме, че това дава началото на една поредица книги, които отбелязвам просто, защото искам да изпълня Goodreads предизвикателството си за годината…
За да ви докажа, че я прочетох ще ви споделя няколко факти, които ми се сториха интересни:
- екипът дизайнери и художници и всички останали, които са се занимавали с изграждането на визиите за фантастичните животни са създали кентаврите с по-скоро човешки към животински характеристики отколкото обратното. Какво имам предвид? Нали знаете, как обикновено кентаврите са показани като човек с конски крака? Е, този екип е решил да направи обратното - кон с човешки торс, който се слива с конската част на тялото и реално няма човешка кожа - всичко е козина; главата на кентавъра е направена по-издължена, очите му са по-раздалечени, а ушите му са по-тесни и поставени по-високо на главата, отколкото биха били при човек;
-макетите на кентаврите и хипогрифите са направени по специална технология, чрез която всеки косъм се слепва индивидуално посредством електричен ток (как точно работи това не ме питайте, но ви уверявам, че е факт!);
-същото важи и за водните същества в тази вселена - селките са изградени, за да приличат повече на риби, отколкото на хора, с по-плавна граница между човешкото и животинското;
- за един от драконите в четвъртата книга, “Хари Потър и Огненият бокал”, Унгарският дракон, е направен макет, представящ истинските размери на създанието - 40 фута на дължина, което се равнява на 12 метра, бил е висок над 2 метра и е имал размах на крилете - над 21 метра!
Книгата ми се стори много интересна, няма какво да се лъжем. Определено бях позабравила някои от съществата и в момента сериозно обмислям да препрочета книгите, нооо може би януари месец чак. -
I originally bought several volumes of Harry Potter Film Vault for my grandchildren, for airplane entertainment on the flight to Universal 4 months ago. We had read all the Harry Potter books together, and watched all the Harry Potter movies together prior to our trip.
Now that the COVID-19 pandemic has bound us to our homes, and reading material is getting scarce in the house, I decided to settle down with the books myself.
I am particularly interested in the art of film and theater, as one of my sons is a scenic designer. I loved the artistic renderings of the creatures, especially as they changed over the course of their design, or in some cases, over the course of the evolution of the series of films, covering a 10-year production span. It was interesting that the visionary approach was to consider both the physical appearance as well as the personality of the creature-characters. -
Some books I read just because they're fun and entertaining. This is the first of 12 volumes, exploring the artwork and design elements of the Harry Potter film series. I love reading how the artists and graphic designers decided how the creatures, places and other elements would look on film. Each volume comes with an exclusive art print, suitable for framing. They're fairly short books, but they are filled with concept art and images not seen anywhere else.
Surprisingly short at just 70 pages (PDF version). I kinda feel like the descriptions of behind the scenes stuff could've gone deeper than they did. The concept art is pretty good. It's comparable to stuff you'd find in modern D&D manuals, and I guess I unfairly compare it against the amazing art from Jim Kay's illustrated editions of the novels. There's also photography pertaining to the creatures that are talked about.
Siento que habiendo tantas cosas dentro de la saga de Harry Potter, iniciar con el bosque prohibido, el lago y animales del cielo fue una mala elección. Dentro de sus páginas vemos cómo hicieron los artistas para crear las diferentes criaturas y cómo fueron utilizando la tecnología para irlas mejorando conforme avanzaban las películas, pero siento que este volumen me dejó poco satisfecho.
Una cosa extra es que cada volumen viene con una impresión de arte digital y son bastante bonitas. -
Really enjoyed reading this first film vault book, I loved the art/pictured/ design of this book so much!
It was also really interesting to read, just some small minor things I found unfortunate is that it were mainly pictures but it's all good cause there are 11 more books in this series, so I will probably give a better review after I've read them al. But so far really enjoyable to read :) -
This is a pretty full-color book about (many of) the creatures of the Harry Potter films. The section on dragons is particularly well done. I shaved off two stars because it's very brief. There could been a lot more meat on these bones.
Still, recommended for fans of the Wizarding World. -
Dieses Buch kann man wirklich zügig lesen. Es beinhaltet Informationen aus den Büchern und Filmen zu einigen magischen Wesen. Außerdem gibt es viele Illustrationen und auch Hintergrundinformationen. Für Fans der Zauberwelt empfehlenswert, aber kein Muss.
1 Stern Abzug, da es mit 64 Seiten recht überschaubar ist und der Preis dafür relativ hoch ausfällt. -
It’s amazing how much detail was put into the planning and execution for even the shortest cameo of a creature in the films. Some creatures ended up being a combination of a myriad of ideas from different people, which meant there were probably hundreds of initial design ideas to sort through.
De belles illustrations et de détails sur les tournages. Une belle collection
I mean, what could I say? I have a weird obsession with Harry Potter and I'm so glad I bought these books cuz now I get a little bit more inside of how the Harry Potter films are made.
Très instructif
This volume is about Forest, Sky & Lake Dwelling Creatures, To be honest this was my least favourite of them but I still liked it.
Always fine to revisit the Harry Potter world in books, always surprised that i can constantly learn more about this universe Even though ive been deeply invested in it for the last 15 years