Season of the Witch (The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, #1) by Sarah Rees Brennan

Season of the Witch (The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, #1)
Title : Season of the Witch (The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, #1)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 133832604X
ISBN-10 : 9781338326048
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 288
Publication : First published July 4, 2019

It's the summer before her sixteenth birthday, and Sabrina Spellman knows her world is about to change. She's always studied magic and spells with her aunts, Hilda and Zelda. But she's also lived a normal mortal life -- attending Baxter High, hanging out with her friends Susie and Roz, and going to the movies with her boyfriend, Harvey Kinkle.

Now time is running out on her every day, normal world, and leaving behind Roz and Susie and Harvey is a lot harder than she thought it would be. Especially because Sabrina isn't sure how Harvey feels about her. Her cousin Ambrose suggests performing a spell to discover Harvey's true feelings. But when a mysterious wood spirit interferes, the spell backfires... in a big way.

Sabrina has always been attracted to the power of being a witch. But now she can't help wondering if that power is leading her down the wrong path. Will she choose to forsake the path of light and follow the path of night?

Our exclusive prequel novel will reveal a side of Sabrina not seen on the new NETFLIX show. What choice will Sabrina make... and will it be the right one?

Season of the Witch (The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, #1) Reviews

  • Pie

    i would read sarah rees brennan's grocery list

  • Amanda

    The POV chapter from Harvey's brother, Tommy, DID ME IN. I was not expecting that. 💜

  • Ben Howard

    me when i heard they were making a prequel book to caos:

  • Sophie (BlameChocolate) *on hiatus*

    Season of The Witch by Sarah Rees Brennan

    Read the full review and more at
    Blame Chocolate

    đŸ§č A big thank you to Scholastic for the review copy. This has not influenced my opinion in any way. đŸ§č

    I laughed hard, got a bit teary-eyed, aaaawww’ed a lot, and wanted to rewatch The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina by the time I was done. This is a TV tie-in done amazingly well and I’m so glad I got to read it ❀

    I went in with super high expectations, craving for something to bring me back all that spooky cosiness Sabrina made me experience last year, and I was not disappointed – in fact, I was very much surprised!

    Season of the Witch is an absolute must for fans of the show, as well as newcomers who don’t need to know anything about it to enjoy this prequel. Go, go, go!

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  • Sarah

    But I would say that, wouldn't I. ;)

  • Coos Burton

    Precuela de la serie de Netflix "El mundo oculto de Sabrina". Ideal para leerla antes de ver la serie, o para agregar mĂĄs informaciĂłn a lo que ya sabemos de la serie. La historia es bastante simple, pero lo importante es la profundidad que se le da a los personajes secundarios que quizĂĄ estĂĄn un poco opacados en la serie. Me gustĂł mucho la prosa, encantadora e hipnĂłtica.

    Adjunto mi videoreseña:

  • ˗ˏˋ janet ˊˎ˗

    I decided to pick this up because I missed watching my favorite witch & co. It definitely didn’t disappoint and I’m glad for that. The book proved a quick short read and was a good read. Most of the book is written in first person but it does have alternating third person chapters focused on different characters and their thoughts. I really liked that because we know first hand how Sabrina feels as well as what the other characters think and feel too.

    None of the characters felt ‘out of character’ and it did take the opportunity to give extra depth to the characters in their alternating third person chapter. Also I really enjoyed the snippets with Nick in here too! Definitely recommend this book to any fans of the new series.

  • Claude's Bookzone

    2.5 Stars

    Well I haven't seen the series but other reviews seem to suggest that if you like the Netflix series you will enjoy this book too.

    I didn't really know what to expect going in as I remember Sabrina as a light hearted comedy TV series from the 90s. This was certainly a lot darker than that, however, if we strip it back to the barest plot then we have a teen witch who casts a spell to get a guy to like her, and another spell to make herself great. So whilst there are some creepy moments and I enjoyed the characters there wasn't anything to make it stand out more than any of the other paranormal high school witch YA novels. Just okay for me.

  • Yvonne Olson

    If you're a fan of the television show, you'll enjoy this immensely. Sarah Rees Brennan managed to write a book that had the same eerie and beautiful setting of the show.

    This book is a prequel to the show, leading up to Sabrina's dark baptism. There is character growth and some backstory you don't get from the television show that makes the characters even more well-rounded. The relationships between Sabrina and her family are highlighted more, and her relationship with Harvey goes on a bit of a rollercoaster.

    Definitely pick this up if you like Sabrina! I'm so glad I did.

  • Kerri

    I was hoping this would be good, and thankfully it was! Taking place before the first season of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, this novel charts earlier days of Harvey and Sabrina's relationship, fleshes out the character of Harvey's brother, Tommy, even more and has Sabrina wrestling with whether or not she even wants to be a witch. She thinks her family is so complicated because they are witches. She also struggles with her families disdain for mortals - she herself is half-mortal, so do they view her as a lesser being as well?

    This captured the feel of the show really well. Tommy's sections felt particularly touching - anyone who has seen the show will probably appreciate them.
    You could certainly read this without having seen the show, but many things will feel more poignant if you are familiar with the characters already-- the insights into Prudence or Nick would work better if you know how things play out.

  • ☠Kayla☠

    This book is a good little prequel to the Netflix show. To anyone who wants to read this book I strongly advise you to watch the show first because it makes this book easier to understand. I loved it though but then again I love the series. Very good read.

  • ☌ rachel ☌ (artistically reading)

    I received a copy of this book from Scholastic in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

    You can see this review and many others on my

    I really enjoyed this prequel novel to Netflix's show "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina", and I think it's perfect for anyone who really likes the show. Personally, I really liked the show, so I think that somewhat goes into my enjoyment of this book. It's a very cute and fun YA/Middle Grade story about a girl who is half-witch and half-mortal. This book is told in a pretty interesting format, where it alternates from Sabrina's perspective to one where we see some of the side characters perspectives. I absolutely loved to see all the family/friend dynamics, especially Tommy and Harvey, as we didn't see much of their dynamic in the show. I will say my one issue with this book was that I felt that the plot was very slow, and that's not one of my favorite things. But, overall I enjoyed the book, and it added quite a lot to the characters. I will definitely be picking up the sequel when it comes out. I highly recommend!

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  • Eri

    I would literally read anything sarah rees brennan writes

  • Ivonne

    3,5-4 Sterne!

    Nachdem ich die dritte Staffel von Chilling Adventures of Sabrina beendet hatte, brauchte ich Nachschub, um meine Sucht zu stillen. GlĂŒcklicherweise stand das Buch Hexenzeit von Sarah Rees Brennan bereits in meinem Regal und wartete nur darauf, endlich gelesen zu werden. Ich muss gestehen, dass meine Erwartungen sehr gering waren. Ich liebe die Serie und ich gebe zu, dass sie einen wahnsinnig großen Suchtfaktor hat, dies aber nicht unbedingt wegen der Charaktere, sondern hauptsĂ€chlich aufgrund der dĂŒsteren AtmosphĂ€re, des Plots und vor allen Dingen auch aufgrund der Aufmachung. Ich habe eine SchwĂ€che fĂŒr Hexen, hatte ich schon immer und als ehemaliger eingefleischter Sabrina – total verhext Fan, war fĂŒr mich klar, dass ich mich auch der dĂŒsteren Neuauflage widmen musste. Hierzu gehört natĂŒrlich nicht nur die Serie, sondern auch das Buch.

    Zwar wird das Buch als „Vorgeschichte“ zur Netflix Serie beworben, allerdings ist die Geschichte des Buches inhaltlich zeitlich nicht unbedingt weit entfernt von dem Beginn der Serie angesiedelt, schĂ€tzungsweise so 2-3 Monate frĂŒher, was ich – um ehrlich zu sein – als ein wenig schade empfunden habe, bin ich einfach von einer komplett anderen Ausgangssituation ausgegangen.

    Gleich zu Anfang lernen wir Sabrina kennen, die kurz vor ihrem 16. Geburtstag steht, der Tag, an dem sie sich dem Teufel verschreiben muss, um vollends in die Welt der Hexen aufgenommen zu werden. Doch immer mehr Zweifel machen sich in ihrem Inneren breit, insbesondere wenn sie an ihre sterblichen besten Freunde und natĂŒrlich an Harvey, ihre große Liebe, denkt. Weder möchte sie ihre Freunde, noch Harvey verlieren. Doch nicht nur diese Gedanken quĂ€len die junge Hexe, sondern zweifelt sie von Tag zu Tag ein bisschen mehr an Harveys Liebe zu ihr, was sie kurzerhand dazu veranlasst, einen Liebeszauber anzuwenden, der ihre ganze Welt aus dem Gleichgewicht bringt. Plötzlich sieht nicht nur sie sich, sondern auch ihre Freunde, immensen Gefahren ausgesetzt.

    Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass nicht viel Zeit zwischen dieser Vorgeschichte und dem Beginn der Serie liegt, gibt es in Bezug auf die Charaktere keine Überraschungen oder Neuigkeiten, zumindest nicht fĂŒr eben jene, die die Serie bereits kennen/lieben, was einer der GrĂŒnde ist, weshalb ich mir gewĂŒnscht hĂ€tte, dass die Autorin die Vorgeschichte doch ein StĂŒck weiter zurĂŒck in der Vergangenheit angesetzt hĂ€tte. NatĂŒrlich handelt es sich so oder so um eine Vorgeschichte, doch machen zwei bis drei Monate meiner Meinung nach kaum einen Unterschied, insbesondere eben, was auch die Charakterentwicklung angeht. Hier bleibt dann einfach nicht sonderlich viel Spielraum, wenn man an das anknĂŒpfen muss, was in der Serie bereits geschehen ist.

    GrĂ¶ĂŸtenteils wird die Geschichte aus der Sicht von Sabrina erzĂ€hlt. Doch bereits ein Blick auf den Buchschnitt lĂ€sst erahnen, dass da noch mehr zwischen den Seiten steckt. Immer wieder entdeckt man schwarze Seiten, mal mehr, mal weniger davon. Auf diesen schwarzen Seiten werden Teile der Geschichte aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven erzĂ€hlt; Gedanken und Geheimnisse werden gelĂŒftet, z. B. aus der Sicht von Roz, von Harvey oder aber auch aus der Sicht von Ms Wardwell. Diese Teile der Geschichte haben mir am besten gefallen, nicht nur hatte die ErzĂ€hlweise noch etwas viel mehr dĂŒsteres, auch mochte ich die Art des ErzĂ€hlens, die die Autorin hier gewĂ€hlt hat. Man hatte wirklich das GefĂŒhl, als wĂŒrde man heimlich durch ein SchlĂŒsselloch spĂ€hen oder durch Magie heimlich in die Gedanken all dieser Menschen und Wesen eindringen. FĂŒr mich waren diese schwarzen Seiten definitiv das Highlight des gesamten Buches und ich freute mich jedes Mal darauf, ein „normales“ Kapitel beendet zu haben, da ich dann ganz genau wusste, dass ich jetzt mit dem wirklich dĂŒsteren Teil der Geschichte belohnt werden wĂŒrde. Es war wie ein Blick hinter die Kulissen und das mochte ich. Sehr.

    Die Handlung an sich mochte ich, fand es nur etwas schade, dass es nicht „mehr“ war, als es denn letztendlich ist. Ich hĂ€tte mir ein wenig mehr Hintergrundwissen gewĂŒnscht, vielleicht ein paar mehr Einblicke in die Vergangenheit von Sabrina und eben in ihre Zeit vor der Serie. NatĂŒrlich spielt das Ganze vor der Serie aber – wie oben bereits erwĂ€hnt – hĂ€tte ich es einfach viel cooler gefunden, wenn es zwischen Buch und Serie ein wenig mehr zeitlichen Abstand gegeben hĂ€tte.

    Allerdings tut dies der Geschichte und vor allen Dingen dem Spannungsbogen keinen Abbruch. Ich habe das Buch, ebenso wie die Serie, regelrecht inhaliert und konnte es einfach nicht aus der Hand legen. Wenn ich es dann doch mal zur Seite gelegt hatte, konnte ich die ganze Zeit an nichts anderes denken, was letztendlich dazu fĂŒhrte, dass ich dann doch wieder nach dem Buch gegriffen und darin weitergelesen habe.

    Sabrina ist fĂŒr mich irgendwie ein kleines PhĂ€nomen, denn obwohl ich die Charaktere gar nicht mal so interessant finde, sie sogar mehr als nervig, als als angenehm empfinde, kann ich einfach nicht genug davon bekommen.


    Ich will nicht sagen, dass es ein Muss ist fĂŒr alle eingefleischten Sabrina Fans, aber dennoch eine netto Addition, um die Wartezeit auf die nĂ€chste Staffel ein wenig zu ĂŒberbrĂŒcken. Das Buch ist literarisch gesehen sicherlich kein Meisterwerk, dennoch konnte es mich von Anfang bis Ende fesseln. Ich denke es ist einfach diese dĂŒstere AtmosphĂ€re, die mich so reizt; all dieses ÜbernatĂŒrliche, wovon ich einfach nicht die Finger lassen kann. Ich konnte das Buch einfach nicht mehr aus der Hand legen. Mich hat die Geschichte, auch wenn es kaum neue Überraschungen, Informationen oder Wendungen gab, wahnsinnig begeistert und unterhalten. Eine Leseempfehlung bekommt das Buch so oder so von mir. Jetzt ist es an euch herauszufinden, ob das Buch etwas fĂŒr euch wĂ€re oder eben nicht.

  • Mari Johnston

    This review and many others can also be found at
    Musings of a (Book) Girl.


    That one word pretty much sums up how I feel about Sarah Rees Brennan’s prequel to the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Netflix series. Book adaptations of movies and shows are always a risky thing to do. Season of the Witch isn’t the worst I’ve read, but it certainly wasn’t the best.

    Everything about this story was very flat. You are definitely able to read it without having first seen the Netflix Original show. There were no inside details that somebody would have a hard time figuring out or understanding if they were to read the book first. If the book had been my introduction to these characters and story, though, I don’t think I would have explored the series more.

    As an extension to the show, the reader is able to get to know the characters a bit more. In between each of Sabrina’s chapters is a chapter from different character’s POV. While some of them seemed like pure filler, there were a few that were interesting. I really loved getting to know Harvey’s brother, Tommy, and he definitely broke my heart.

    These extra character chapters were printed on black paper with white text and I had a really hard time reading them. I wish they had been formatted the same as the rest of the book and there was a different way to set them apart. As a concept, it’s a really neat idea, but it didn’t work well in the end.

    I was incredibly disappointed that Sabrina’s friends, Roz and Susie, were not in the book very much. They’re such a special and vital part of the series and their presence was definitely missed. The few times we did see these two, they felt very hollow and not how they should be.

    The creepiness and darkness that was so well done in the show were also nonexistent in this novelization. I think a big part of that was due to the lack of a real plot. There wasn’t a very consistent storyline happening and things moved way too slowly.

    I am glad that I read Season of the Witch. It was a quick book to get through and I loved seeing some of the events that led up to the first season of the show. Something I really enjoyed was getting more insight on Sabrina and Ambrose’s relationship which I don’t feel Netflix explored enough.

    There is a second book, Daughter of Chaos, set to come out in December. I’ll probably end up giving it a shot because I really can never get enough of my beloved Sabrina. Fingers crossed some of these issues will be fixed in it.

    A finished copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

  • Stephanie ((Strazzybooks))

    “‘To be a witch is to kiss the moon.’”

    This was a quick read to add to my Sabrina book collection. It goes along with the darker nature of the comic books and Netflix series, but the book was different enough from the series to still be interesting. The writing was good with creepy details, and I loved Harvey’s brother Tommy. This is definitely the first in a series and is a set up book to show Sabrina struggling with dark and light. It takes place before she begins attending the Academy. I definitely still prefers my 90s/00s Sabrina, but this was good.

  • Jessica

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    The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Series:

    Season of the Witch
    : ★★★★★
    Daughter of Chaos: TBD
    Path of Night: TBD

    Review was originally posted
    here at Booked J. As always, a copy of this book was provided by the publisher or author in exchange for participating in the blog tour/my honest review. This does not effect my opinion in any way.

    "Power shouldn't only be in the hands of those with cold, fickle hearts. If I wanted better magic, I had to make magic for myself."

    We all know I am obsessed with Archie Comics and its many series both on page and on screen. I've made it a pattern to recap Chilling Adventures of Sabrina as it is airing and, of course, I reviewed the comics years ago. I'm a lifelong Sabrina Spellman fan, to be perfectly honest with you. So, it should come as no shock to you that I am completely in love with this book. We're talking, I've reached CAN I GIVE THIS BOOK MORE THAN FIVE STARS? levels of excitement and joy.

    That being said, Season of the Witch is so good. Sarah Rees Brennan was the best choice to write up this prequel because she actually understands these characters and their voices. You can easily see the story play out in your mind. While some prequels and novelizations to television series can feel, at times, unnecessary, Season of the Witch is essential. If you've watched the Netflix series and found yourself mentally trying to fill in the gaps, the before, the characteristics that we've yet to understand, this book will answer many questions for you.

    (It also sets a clear path to where the series may go in the future, RE: Mrs. Wardwell now that Madam Satan has resurrected her and seemingly left Greendale, Father Blackwood, Nick Scratch, etc.)

    Season of the Witch is a highly character driven read with that bleak sense of dark comedy and horror you've come to love in the show. Rees Brennan breaths life into the characters we've grown to know and love and fleshes them out further. If you've ever felt like there was a bit of blank space in these characters development, this book fills it in for you. Season of the Witch utilizes its multiple POV in a way that is engrossing and fully understood--we walk away from the novel with a sense of having more knowledge about them than ever.

    I thought the spookiness was at a minimum but it still creates a nice balance and ties back into the weeks leading up to the pilot episode. It's impossible to put down and just plain fun. I loved seeing the distinct voices (Sabrina, Ambrose, Harvey, Tommy, Hilda, Zelda, Nick, Prudence, etc) and the varied dynamics (Sabrina/Ambrose and Harvey/Tommy have so many good moments in Season of the Witch and it made me appreciate their bonds even more) from the series.

    What I loved most about Season of the Witch was how everything tied together by the end. There was so much that happened in such a modest novel and it all played into the bigger picture beautifully. There were even a few moments that reminded me of the sitcom (re: a spell gone array) and that made me smile in pure nostalgia.

    Other things to look forward to: an interaction between two characters that is soon forgotten, Tommy Kinkle character development that makes you appreciate him more/mourn his death from the first season, flashbacks to Sabrina's childhood from the POV of other Spellman family members, Zelda Spellman's narration (!!!!) and so much more.

    While the show thrives in its creepy setting and tones of pure empowerment, and destiny, Season of the Witch takes these traits and emphasizes the importance of the familial bonds in the series, as well as the many types of complexities in the human (ahem, or witch) mind.

    Overall, I think that Season of the Witch is one of those rare prequels that just works with what we've already known is canon. In short, it is brilliant and thrilling and definitely a great read for fans of the show. If you love the quick wit, creepy atmosphere and tone of the television series you're going to love Season of the Witch with every bit of your heart.

  • FranTargaryen

    En El camino de la bruja nos vamos a encontrar una precuela de la famosa adaptaciĂłn que Netflix ha hecho de Sabrina, serie que a mi me encanta. AsĂ­, este libro nos va a contar los momentos previos al primer capĂ­tulo, el cĂłmo Sabrina lleva el tomar la decisiĂłn de su Bautismo Oscuro.

    Volvemos a Greendale, esta vez desde el punto de vista de Sabrina, y viviremos una nueva aventura ligada a un pozo de los deseos que se esconde en este pueblo mĂĄgico. AdemĂĄs, Sabrina y su primo van a lanzar un hechizo sobre Harvey ya que nuestra bruja estĂĄ teniendo dudas sobre si realmente le quiere o no puesto que lo estĂĄ viendo bastante disperso.

    Lo bueno del libro es que mantiene la tonalidad oscura de la serie, y al final tiene la misma estructura que los capĂ­tulos de la misma. ÂżLo mejor? Conocer los pensamientos de Sabrina. Acostumbrado a ver la serie, haberme adentrado en su cabeza me ha ayudado a saber quĂ© es lo que ella piensa, el cĂłmo ve su peculiar familia y cĂłmo actĂșa en consecuencia de vivir entre dos mundos.

    Hay algo que me ha gustado muchĂ­simo y es los entre-capĂ­tulos que tiene, o como yo los llamo, que nos van a contar cosas de otros personajes del libro. AsĂ­, vamos a conocer quĂ© es lo que hace Nick —no os quiero contar mucho mĂĄs de esto—, o cĂłmo vive Roz con su padre, el reverendo. Esto enriquece el mundo ya existente y nos ayuda a conocer bastante mejor, algo que a mĂ­ siempre me gusta cuando una serie me tiene tan enamorado.

    AdemĂĄs, tambiĂ©n aparecen personajes de la serie ya conocidos: Roz, Susie, Harvey, las Hermanas Extrañas y Nick
 Esta Ășltima apariciĂłn me hizo especial ilusiĂłn ya que es un personaje que me gusta mucho en la serie, y aunque no he podido leer desde su punto de vista ni profundizar mucho en Ă©l, ver sus intenciones en este libro ha sido genial y un claro punto a favor.

    La Ășnica queja que puedo tener frente al libro es su longitud: es corto y se puede leer prĂĄcticamente en una tarde domingo. Al final, va a lo que va y nos da una precuela que tiene dos cosas: si no has visto la serie y las brujas te llaman la atenciĂłn, te animarĂĄ a verla porque es un buen punto de partida; en cambio, si la serie te gusta muchĂ­simo, este libro es necesario ya que amplĂ­a aĂșn mĂĄs el mundo de Sabrina.

    En conclusiĂłn, El camino de la bruja funciona como precuela de la gran serie de Netflix, teniendo como punto fuerte poder conocer los pensamientos de Sabrina de primera mano. Es un libro que cualquier fan de la serie disfrutarĂĄ; y si no la has visto, es un gran trampolĂ­n para hacerlo.

  • Sara L.

    Ok, so my expectations for this were too high.

    I loved The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina show. VERY much. In fact, it's one of my favorite show right now. Sure, it can be cheesy and sometimes resemble Riverdale a little too much. But the heart wants what it wants right?

    Even with the current rating, I loved this prequel beyond doubt. I loved how perfectly Sarah captured the world and Sabrina's role in it. I loved how effortlessly she captures everyone else's emotions and feeling. I loved the undoubtedly calm fixture the prequel had with not only Sabrina's pos dark baptism but also everyone else's feelings toward that.

    I think this was a brilliant adaptation, but it had its flaws. I loved the Sabrina in this book. But it doesn't resemble the Sabrina from CAOS that much. The Sabrina from CAOS was badass and totally unapologetic. She was brave beyond words and trusted the people around her. This Sabrina wasn't that at all. I think the author also could of done a better job capturing Ambros's side of the story. It truly feels like he doesn't even love Sabrina. He shows no emotions in this book whilst in CAOS he's the best cousin anyone could want. Now, maybe CAOS just doesn't show his side of the story that much or this story saw a completely different Ambros.

    But other than that, I thought this was a marvelous story.

  • Leah

    The characters here matched the show perfectly, and for that, I applaud Sarah Rees Brennan. I imagine that was incredibly hard to do. I particularly loved the other characters chapters. They were the highlight of this book for me, and I think that's just because we see so much of Sabrina in the TV show. It was great to see outside of her story. I loved the formatting of this book, but the black pages (with white letters) had my eyes straining a bit.

    This did take me a bit to get into, and I think it's because I didn't love the plot here. Other than that though, I'm interested to see what the next book brings.

  • Brina

    Ich bin ein großer Fan der Netflix-Erfolgsserie "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" und habe mich dementsprechend gefreut, als ich erfahren habe, dass Sarah Reed Brennan gleich mehrere BĂ€nde ĂŒber Sabrina Spellman und ihre Familie und Freunde veröffentlichen wird. Den Anfang macht dabei "Hexenzeit", was gleichzeitig die offizielle Vorgeschichte zur Serie ist.

    In "Hexenzeit" geht es um den Sommer vor Sabrinas sechzehnten Geburtstag, was eine wichtige Zeit fĂŒr den Teenager ist, da sie mit sechzehn offiziell in die Hexenwelt und einen Zirkel eingefĂŒhrt wird und sich somit eigentlich von ihrem normalsterblichen Leben verabschieden muss. FĂŒr Sabrina, die halb Mensch, halb Hexe ist, ist dies keine einfache Zeit, da sie gerne weiterhin in beiden Welten leben möchte. Gleichzeitig muss sie sich aber auch mit den normalen Problemen eines Teenagers herumschlagen, denn Sabrina möchte sich unbedingt sicher sein, dass ihr Schwarm Harvey sie auch wirklich liebt, sodass sie sogar gemeinsam mit ihrem Cousin Ambrose einen Zauber ausspricht, was nicht nur sie, sondern auch andere in Gefahr bringt.

    Besonders gelungen ist hierbei, dass Sarah Reed Brennan die oftmals doch sehr blumige Sprache aus "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" ĂŒbernommen hat. Dies ist zwar reine Geschmackssache und ist mir auch teilweise in der Serie zu viel ("Tantchen", "Cousinchen", etc.), allerdings passt es hier gut hinein und ich bin froh, dass die Autorin ihren Schreibstil dementsprechend angepasst hat, um Sabrina, Ambrose, Harvey und Co. authentisch darzustellen. Die Geschichte wird gleichzeitig sehr lebhaft und detailverliebt erzĂ€hlt und auch die Figuren lernt man gut kennen, sodass auch Leser, die die Serie noch nicht kennen, hier ein gutes Bild von allem erhalten.

    Somit ist "Hexenzeit" insgesamt eine spannende und unterhaltsame Vorgeschichte zur Netflix-Serie, die nicht nur AuszĂŒge aus der Hexenwelt prĂ€sentiert, sondern auch Sabrinas Alltag und Sorgen in der Menschenwelt erzĂ€hlt. Ich kann das Buch somit nur empfehlen.

  • Therese

    i've never seen a single episode of sabrina, but if sarah rees brennan is writing it then i'm reading it and that's that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Macarena Yannelli

    Una lectura divertida que llena un poco mĂĄs la vida familiar de Sabrina previo a los hechos de la serie. Para quienes aman la serie este libro estĂĄ muy bueno.

  • Jackie

    Disappointed it couldn’t hold me at all. I’ve tried numerous times to get into this novel but I think it’s time to give up

  • Nat in Books

    ⭐ Hola a todas en este maravilloso dĂ­a que resulta ser igual que todos los anteriores 😂 ÂżQuĂ© tal llevĂĄis la cuarentena? A mi me estĂĄ cundiendo muchĂ­simo para leer asĂ­ que por ese lado no me quejo. Y por eso os traigo la reseña de este libro que leĂ­ ayer, que es una precuela de la serie 'The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina', que personalmente me gusta mucho.

    📚 En esta precuela, Sabrina tiene dos problemas. Por una parte, se siente insegura respecto al amor de los demás por ella, así que junto a Ambrose realiza un hechizo para que Harvey se vuelva loco por ella. Por otra parte, se topa con un espíritu en un pozo de los deseos.

    đŸ–‹ïž El lenguaje que utiliza la autora es muy sencillito, asĂ­ como el estilo narrativo. Hay dos tipos de letra en el libro: uno para narrar la historia principal y otro para hablar sobre los personajes que aparecen. TambiĂ©n creo importante mencionar que la traducciĂłn al español es la misma tanto para España como para AmĂ©rica, por lo que a veces te encuentras expresiones que no terminan de encajar muy bien.

    đŸ–Œïž Creo que estĂĄ bien ambientado, en lĂ­neas generales, pero hay ciertos aspectos que no me han convencido en absoluto.

    😞 Lo puntĂșo con 2⭐, siendo generosa, por varios motivos. No he logrado reconocer en ningĂșn momento a los personajes que ya conocĂ­amos de la serie, creo que la autora no ha sabido plasmarlo. AdemĂĄs, la historia podrĂ­a ser un capĂ­tulo 0 de la serie, pues sucede todo muy rĂĄpido y sin mucho sentido como para haberlo convertido en un libro. SĂ­ me ha gustado saber mĂĄs sobre Tommy, el hermano de Harvey, del que no nos dan demasiados detalles en la serie. En conclusiĂłn, no recomiendo la compra de este libro.

  • Rachel

    I actually bought this book because it was pretty cheap on Amazon and I had been watching the TV series. Considering how the show doesn't have the best writing in the world I had no expectations. I guess that's why this book has been a delightful surprise to me. All the things I missed in the show, I found them here. I loved how we get to see more of Ambrose and his relationship with Sabrina. Also Zelda or Prudence's more vulnerable side. All in all, this was a good reading.

  • Rike

    „Chilling Adventures of Sabrina – Hexenzeit“ ist die Vorgeschichte zur Netflix Serie und wurde von der irischen Fantasy-Autorin Sarah Rees Brennan verfasst, die fĂŒr ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Cassandra Clare bekannt ist.

    Das Buch spielt im Sommer vor ihrem 16. Geburtstag, an dem Sabrinas satanische Taufe stattfindet und ihre Ausbildung an der Akademie der dunklen KĂŒnste beginnen soll. Sabrina macht sich große Sorgen darum, dass sie ihre sterblichen besten Freunde Roz und Susie, sowie ihren Freund Harvey dadurch verlieren wird und zweifelt zudem an Harveys Treue zu ihr, weshalb sie sich von ihrem Cousin Ambrose zu einem Liebeszauber ĂŒberreden lĂ€sst...

    Das Cover des Buches passt gut zur Aufmachung der Serie und zeigt eine Zeichnung von Sabrina vor einem roten Hintergrund, was mir sehr gut gefallen hat. Das Innere des Buches besteht abwechselnd aus hellen und dunklen Seiten, was eine interessante Idee ist. Die weißen Kapitel erzĂ€hlen Sabrinas Geschichte aus der Ich-Perspektive, wĂ€hrend die dunklen Kapitel in Er-/Sie- Perspektive geschrieben sind und die Handlung durch Einsichten in das Leben von Sabrinas Freunden und Bekannten ergĂ€nzen. Dieser plötzliche Perspektivenwechsel hat mich leider beim Lesen stark gestört, da hĂ€tte ich mir definitiv eine einheitliche Wahl der Perspektive gewĂŒnscht. Bei der AtmosphĂ€re des Buches hĂ€tte ich mir etwas mehr DĂŒsternis gewĂŒnscht, denn wĂ€hrend die Serie sehr dunkel gestaltet ist, wirkt das Buch zum Teil deutlich heiterer.

    Ansonsten ist der Schreibstil sehr einfach und das Buch lĂ€sst sich sehr flĂŒssig lesen. Es gab viele humorvolle Stellen, die mich zum Lachen gebracht haben und ich habe das Buch in kĂŒrzester Zeit verschlungen.

    Wenn man die Serie bereits vorher geguckt hat, bietet das Buch eine nette ErgĂ€nzung mit vielen Einblicken in die Charaktere, jedoch hĂ€tte ich mir noch mehr HintergrĂŒnde gewĂŒnscht, die nicht bereits aus der Serie bekannt sind. Insbesondere ĂŒber Sabrina gibt es wenig neue Informationen, dafĂŒr haben mir aber die Einblicke in Tommys und Ambroses Leben um einiges besser gefallen.

    Das Buch eignet sich aber definitiv auch fĂŒr Leser, die die Serie noch nicht gesehen haben, da es einen guten Einstieg in die einzelnen Charaktere bietet und den Leser schnell in die Welt von Sabrina einfĂŒhrt. Auch die Beschreibung der Figuren passt perfekt zu den Charakteren der Serie und selbst Leser, die die Serie nicht kennen, können sich dadurch ein grobes Bild der Charaktere machen.

    Von mir gibt es eine klare Leseempfehlung fĂŒr alle Fans der Serie und die, die es noch werden wollen. Das Buch ist toll aufgemacht und erlaubt nochmal einige Einblicke in die Gedanken der Nebencharaktere. Da mich die hĂ€ufigen Perspektivenwechsel gestört haben und ich mir mehr neue Informationen ĂŒber Sabrina gewĂŒnscht hĂ€tte gebe ich dem Buch 4 Sterne.

  • Sayuri

    "Hemos sido el bosque prodigioso; hemos sido los ĂĄrboles que se han vuelto plateados bajo miles de lunas; hemos sido el susurro que atravesaba las hojas muertas. Hemos sido los ĂĄrboles de los que colgaron a las brujas. Los ĂĄrboles en los que colgaron dan testimonio, y la tierra que bebiĂł la sangre de las brujas podrĂ­a cobrar vida. HabĂ­a noches en las que el bosque daba testimonio del amor, y noches en las que daba testimonio de la muerte".

    Debo confesar que este libro me ha sorprendido muy gratamente. Esperaba que fuera como cualquier libro comercial inspirado en una serie famosa, pero terminó siendo uno bien escrito y bastante interesante. Lo disfruté un montón.

    Me gustó sobre todo el enfoque protagónico que toman los otros personajes en la historia, mås allå de Sabrina. Puesto que varios capítulos estån narrados desde sus respectivos puntos de vista, profundizando mås en sus reflexiones y vidas. En lo personal, disfruté muchísimo las partes de Prudence, Ambrose y Tommy (exacto, el hermano de Harvey que casi ni aparece en la serie).

    Se trata entonces de una historia fresca y entretenida, que se que los fanĂĄticos de la serie (y de cĂłmic original) van a apreciar.

    La Ășnica observaciĂłn que podrĂ­a hacerle es acerca del tema de la traducciĂłn. Los hechizos de las brujas deberĂ­an rimar, o al menos asĂ­ son en la serie. Lo lĂłgico serĂ­a que tambiĂ©n rimaran en español. No es tarea fĂĄcil, pero se puede hacer. Otro detalle esta relacionado a las "Hermanas Extrañas", que de una pĂĄgina a la otra, sin ninguna razĂłn, empiezan a ser las "Hermanas FatĂ­dicas", para luego volver a ser "Hermanas extrañas". No sĂ© si sea un detalle de la traducciĂłn o de la versiĂłn original, pero me resultĂł un poco molesto.

    Y por Ășltimo, considero importante resaltar que no recomendarĂ­a leer este libro antes de haber visto la segunda temporada de la serie, debido a que hay varios spoilers al final.

  • Britt

    This was a quick, cute, fun read! It definitely didn’t effect the plot of the Netflix series (the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), but was a really nice prelude into the story and gave great backstory on so many of the characters. I liked how much more we got to see of the relationship between Sabrina and Ambrose. He’s one of my favorites. And the point of view from Tommy was bittersweet and beautiful. Interested to read the rest of the books and see how they tie in!

  • Gabriela Pop

    I think the book(s) may add a lot more to my enjoyment of the TV show, so I'd highly recommend them to everyone who wanted just a tad more from the story and didn't quite feel like Netflix delivered. The writing style and choices offer for both a fun, whimsical storyline to follow as well as really in-depth heartfelt character moments. If I were to be completely honest with both you and myself, I'd have to admit that it was the character moments and the peeks into their inner lives that set the book apart for me and pushed it just that bit further to make it near and dear to my heart. I think Sarah Rees Brennan takes a lot of elements, both in terms of narrative and characters, that were merely teased in the show and breathes the necessary life into them in order to flash everything out properly. I don't know if I'd necessarily recommend this to people who haven't seen the show yet as they may miss some of the connections and whatnot, but I do believe that this is a fab story regardless. Also, would highly recommend the audiobook! Cannot wait to see what Sarah does with the other books in the series and I am, dare I say, possibly more excited for them than I am for the TV show.