Title | : | The Fandom Rising (The Fandom, #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1911490087 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781911490081 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 288 |
Publication | : | First published May 2, 2019 |
ויולט נכנסת מחדש אל העולם של "מחול הגרדומים", נחושה בדעתה להחזיר את אחיה הביתה.
בעקבות ויכוח שמאיים להרוס את החברּות ביניהן, אליס נשארת מאחור. אבל כשכותב פאנפיקים עצמאי מתחיל לצבור פופולריות ברשת – בזכות פרקים חדשים ואפלים בעולם שחבריה לכודים בו – אליס היא היחידה שתוכל להציל את הסיפור...
The Fandom Rising (The Fandom, #2) Reviews
(Al sana Kızıl Yükseliş🙊🙊)
İki kitabın yorumu ortaktır.)
Normalde kitaba yorum yazmayacaktım ama 2. kitap olan Darağacı Şarkısı’nı okuduktan sonra bir sinir birikmesi oldu.🙊🙊 Seriyi beraber okuduğum Şeymoş ile konuşurken karar verdik ki yorum yazmadan asla bu sinirimizi atamayacağız. (Ne çektik be Şeyma!🥺)
Kitaba, pardon yoruma girişmeden önce, bir şeyi samimiyetle çok merak ediyorum ve özellikle ilk kitabı okuyup beğenenlere sormak istiyorum; Kızıl Yükseliş’i okumadınız mı, yoksa okudunuz ama bu kitabı okurken benzerlikleri fark etmediniz mi? Çünkü denk geldiğim yorumlarda bu kitabın Kızıl Yükseliş’in hayran kurgusu?! olduğuna dair bir yoruma rastlamadım.
Distopya çok iyi yazılmadıysa okumayı çok tercih ettiğim bir tür değil aslında. Ama iyi örneklerini ağır distopya olsa da, çıtır çerez tarzında olsa da çok severek okurum. (Altın Oğul, Sabah Yıldızı ya da Parazit-Panzehir gibi.) Bugüne kadar çok fazla distopya okumadıysanız seriyi beğenme ihtimaliniz sanırım daha yüksek olabilir. (İhtimal ama söz vermiyorum.🙊) Ama benim gibi fazla distopya okumamış biri için bile distopya türü adına çok yetersizdi.
İlk kitaptaki distopik ögeler ve olaylar ağırlıklı olarak Kızıl Yükseliş’ten alınmaydı. Esinlenme vs. değil, dikkatinizi çekerim. Birebir alınma. Darağacı fikri, Rose’un asılması, isyan çıkması, kitabın içindeki kitapta erkek karakterin isminin WILLOW olması, Gem’lerin kusursuz fiziki özellikleri ve sarışın olmaları, Imp’lerin sıradan, fakir ve aç olmaları, yaşayışları, 2. kitabın orijinal isminin Fandom Rising olması gibi bir sürü örnek verebilirim buna. (Bazı örnekleri Kızıl Yükseliş okumayanlara spoiler olabilir diye yazmıyorum.) Hatta Kızıl Yükseliş’i daha çok hatırlasam daha çok da örnek çıkardı, eminim.
Bunun yanında, ben orijinallerini okuyup izlemedim ama Açlık Oyunları ve Uyumsuz gibi distopyalara da göndermeler bolca vardı. Hatta birebir karakter isimleri kullanılarak göndermeler yapılmıştı.
Yazarın amacı hayran kurgusu yazmaksa, evet hayran kurgusu yazmış ama üstüne hiçbir şey koyamamıştı. Esinlendiği ya da hayranı olduğu kitap/kitapların bazı özelliklerini alıp kendinden bir şeyler katarak yeni bir hikaye oluşturabilseydi çok güzel bir hayran kurgusu okudum derdim. Ama şu haliyle anca vasatın altında bir distopya ya da Kızıl Yükseliş’in ilk yarısının 16-17 yaş grubu için yazılmış kötü bi kopyasını okudum diyebilirim.😒😒 Kızıl Yükseliş’ten alıntı yapmadığı, kendi eklediği bölümlerin hepsi de ilk cümleden tahmin edilebilir basitlikte olaylardı. Kitabın bazı bölümlerini yazmışsınız, biri üstünden geçip düzeltme yapmış gibi bilerek okunuyordu.
Buraya kadar olan yorumu ilk kitap için yazdım. Darağacı Şarkısı yani 2. kitap, o vasat dediğim kitabı mumla arattı. İlk kitapla olayları sonlandırma, final yapma şansı varken neden 2. bir kitap yazma ihtiyacı duymuş sorusuna bulabildiğim tek cevap; PARA PARA PARA. Darağacı Şarkısı’ndaki olayların başka hiçbir anlamı yoktu bana göre. ‘Biraz daha bir şeyler yazarım, ilk kitaptaki konunun ve karakterlerin ekmeğini yerim, biraz daha sorun çıkartır, okuyucuyu şaşırtır, sonra şok edici?! bir şeyler yapar ve olayları şak diye çözerim.’ 2. kitabı çok merak ederek okudum. Daha ne kadar saçmalayacak diye merak ederek ama.🙄🙄 Tam daha fazla ne saçmalayacak derken, yeni bir olayla şaşırtmayı başardı. Olaylar bir ara Yeşilçam filmlerindeki sahnelere döndü artık.🙊🙊 Biter ayak şunu da yazayım der gibi bir sonla bitirmişti. Zaten bütün kitap gibi sonu da tahmin edilebilirdi.
Bu kadar kötü bir distopya olmasının yanında bari bir parça karakterleri sevseydim, teselli ödülüm olurdu diyordum. Ama o da mümkün olmadı. Sevdiğim tek karakter tatlı, nazik, sevgi dolu Ash ve çok az görünen Katie oldu. Aksi gibi 2. kitapta Ash, ayıp olmasın diye, ‘ilk kitapta eksik yazdığım bir sahne var, onu yazmaya bahane olur’ der gibi sadece 2-3 yerde eklenmişti.🥺 Böylece ne herhangi bir duygu besleyebildiğim Violet, ne başından beri hiçbir hareketi sempatik gelmeyen Alice, ne de diğer yan karakterler benim için bir anlam ifade etti. İçi boş, karakter derinliği olmayan, ne kızabildiğim, ne sevebildiğim, 2 ay sonra hiçbir özelliğini hatırlamayacağım karakterler oldular.
Bu bilgilerin ışığında, distopya sevenlerin kaçarak uzaklaşmasını; çok fazla distopya okumamış olanların da çerezlik niyetiyle bile yaklaşmamasını; yolda bulanların insaniyet namına en yakın kağıt geridönüşüm kutusuna atmasını tavsiye ederim. Çok daha iyi kitaplar, çok daha iyi distopyalar var. Zamanınıza ve paranıza yazık. -
¡EL LIBRO EMPEZÓ TAN BIEN! pero después fue decayendo cada vez más. No fue malo, pero todo fue muy rápido y no sé profundizó en partes que eran importantes.
Volvemos con los mismos personajes, Violet, Alice, Katie y Nate, este último todavía estando en coma. Ya pasó un año desde que las tres chicas despertaron, pero Nate no lo ha hecho y Violet va a hacer lo necesario para traer a su hermano de nuevo, incluso volver al universo del baile del ahorcado.
El libro está como dividido en los personajes, tenemos capítulos de Violet y capítulos de Alice y vamos viendo que es lo que hacen para poder ayudarse mutuamente y eso estuvo interesante porque podíamos sentir lo que ellas sentían y por qué actuaban de tal manera.
El final fue muy apresurado, completamente agridulce. Y es acá dónde tengo que dar un spoiler... (CUIDADO SI NO LEISTE EL LIBRO)
Fue sin sentido esa muerte, no tenía que pasar!!!!! Y de ahí todo fue tan apresurado y se resolvió tan rápido que siento que la autora lo único que quería era ponerle fin de una vez a todo esto.
En fin, Alice se quedó con Danny, Nate vivió y Ash, sacado del libro se va con Violet.
Horrible, Katie no tenía que morir.
En fin, pasé un buen rato leyéndolo y fue adictivo. Le daría más nota, pero no se lo merece.
Un 3.5 me parece justo... En realidad un 3 sería mejor, pero 0.5 va por las bromas de Katie que me hacían partir de la risa.
⭐⭐⭐✨ -
TAKE A BLOODY BOW, ANNA DAY. God, this book is EVERYTHING I WANTED from the sequel and so much more. It’s clever, delicious and SO MANY EMOTIONS HAVE BEEN FELT. I am a shell of a human right now.
İlk kitabı okumadan ikinci kitabı da aldığım için okuyacaktım ama sonra vazgeçtim kendime bu eziyeti yapmayayım dedim tabi sonra yine karar değiştirerek okumaya başladım.
İlk kitap kadar elimde sürünmedi çünkü aman aman bir olay örgüsü yoktu,yine bolca göndermelerle doluydu hatta yanlış hatırlamıyorsam Harry Potter'dan bir sahne bire bir alınmıştı. Seriden gram zevk almadım aksine okurken çok sinirlendim,sövdüm kesinlikle tavsiye etmem paranıza yazık olur bunun yerine daha güzel,alıntılarla dolu olmayan bir kitap alabilirsiniz. -
4.75 stars rounded up
I was lucky enough to pick up an ARC of The Fandom at YALC and loved it so much I requested to be on the blog tour - you can find my original post on my blog.
So I was very honoured to be contacted by Anna and sent a copy of the second book in the Fandom Duology for review.
Seriously if you’ve ever wished you could enter the world of books you love you will adore this series. It’s fun, romantic and full of friendship and sibling love too.
The Fandom Rising picks up around a year after the first book. Nate is still in a coma and Violet, Alice and Katie are ignoring the elephant in the room - the fact that they went into the world of The Gallows Dance. Everyone has put it down to a freak incident and the girls seem to believe they just dropped into comas too. Almost.
Violet and Alice have published a sequel called The Gallows Song, a Utopia in which Nate is alive and well. But then a fan fiction writer calling himself Fanboy starts using the power of the Fandom to make things dark and dangerous again. Nate is at risk in more than one way and it’s time to hop back and save the day.
I really liked how the female friendships are explored in terms of their complexity - conflict and jealousy as well as being there for each other. Girls aren’t just sunshine and sleepovers, or mean girls. Alice is left behind in the real world as a result and the introduction of the character Danny who helps her is welcomed because she can’t do this alone.
The characters we met in the first book are still in The Gallows Dance world and Violet might regret what they’ve written just a little. Even Utopias have conflict when new characters are introduced.
Like the first this was well paced, full of tension and an excellent mystery. Who is Fanboy and can Alice stop him? The answer may surprise you. Will everyone make it back in one piece?
With timely commentary on the nature of art and who stories belong to I loved diving back into this portal fantasy.
I marginally preferred the first book mainly because of the romance but this was a very satisfying follow up. Not going to lie I now want more and the super exciting news is that the series is in development for TV with Fox 21 Studios and the producer of the Golden Compass. My wishes are that they keep it set in the U.K. 🤞🏻and if they film the opening at LFCC this year I’ll be available to be an extra 😉 - just saying. And maybe they extend the story because there are things I need to see that are hinted at in the very end of book two. I’d be happy with extending this to a trilogy too 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻.
Thank you to Anna and Chicken House who gifted me this copy for the purposes of an honest review. -
I had a great time, as someone who has been part of fandom for most of my teen and early adult live I love the easter egg, the event and reference about specific fandom. It was also a very fun read with action and surprise.
¡Buenas! Hace unos días terminé El baile del ahorcado y su final me dejó con muchas ganas de más 😱, por lo que estaba deseando ponerme con su segunda parte. El martes acabé El baile del rebelde y lo cierto es que me ha gustado más que el primero; a diferencia del otro, la última entrega no me ha resultado predecible, no estaba del todo segura de qué iba a pasar y ha habido ocasiones en las que me ha sorprendido. Se lee muy muy rápido, engancha y cuando te quieres dar cuenta ya lo has acabado. Por eso he decidido ponerle un 3,75/5⭐
Este libro parte un año después del final de "El baile del ahorcado". Violet, Alice y Katie pudieron regresar a su mundo, pero no se acuerdan de nada. Se han tomado un año sabático para recuperarse del coma, en el cual Katie ha estado asistiendo a terapia y ahora van a empezar la universidad. Durante ese año Violet y Alice escribieron la continuación a su novela favorita (ya que su autora, Sally King, se suicidó), la llamaron "El baile del rebelde": eliminaron el ahorcamiento de los impes y los liberaron para que pudieran tener una vida feliz en la que tuviesen oportunidades y pudieran decidir. Se convirtió en un superventas y ahora, su editor, les pide que publiquen una tercera parte. Violet no sabe por qué, pero no quiere escribirlo.
Su hermano, Nate, sigue en coma desde hace un año (recordemos que murió en la dimensión de "El baile del ahorcado" y por eso no pudo volver) y tras una dura decisión, Violet decide volver para salvarlo. Cuando Alice y ella escribieron el libro crearon un personaje en honor a Nate, y después de una visita de Baba, Violet cree que su hermano está vivo en el otro mundo y puede traerlo de vuelta; pero tiene el tiempo en su contra... dispone de menos de una semana para salvarlo o lo perderá para siempre. Ella no se rendirá sin luchar, por lo que hará todo lo posible por volver a cruzar al otro lado, aunque eso equivalga volver al lugar que más teme: el baile del ahorcado.
He echado en falta más profundidad en algunos temas, me hubiese gustado que dedicaran alguna página más a la relación de Ash y Violet, ya que en el primer libro fue bastante importante. Por otro lado, antes no soportaba a Alice, pero su papel en este libro me ha encantado; me ha gustado mucho saber qué estaba pasando en cada momento en ambos mundos ya que la narración de los capítulos se alternaba entre Violet y ella. A pesar de que se pudiera esperar lo contrario, me ha mantenido más enganchada los capítulos que ocurrían en el mundo normal que al revés, son los que más me han sorprendido.
En resumen, es un libro que se lee muy rápido, que en mi opinión es mejor que el primero. No te esperes una novela distópica al nivel de LJDH, Divergente, Legend o El corredor del laberinto (aunque este último a mí no me encantó) porque no la vas a encontrar. Pero aun así es una bilogía entretenida, similar a un fanfic, con una idea que a mí nunca se me habría ocurrido.
Nota: 3,75/5⭐ -
Even though I missed out on the box with "the Fandom", the first book in this series, that was a Dystopia that I just really truly loved, was the reason I really wanted to get the Book Box Club each month. Books that seemed out of my comfort zone and then ended up being straight up my alley. I was therefore very excited to start the second book!
And the second book truly doesn't disappoint. The book starts almost a year after the previous one ended. Alice and Violet are bestseller authors now, but Violet's brother Nate is still in a coma. And then they discover that someone has started to write a third book, a book that messes everything up and mostly a book that ruins the chance for Nate to ever return back to our world. And then a race against the clock starts.
It's from start to finish a fantastic race and I love that this time we get two perspectives. Violet's, stuck in the fictive world trying to change the tide to get her brother back. And Allison's, doing whatever she can to give Violet the best chance she can get by writing her own fanfiction. The two storylines intertwine perfectly and everything that happens in one world has a direct influence on the other, something I really love.
I do have to admit that maybe there's not that much depth added to the characters. They lean heavily on the foundation built in the previous book and not that much background or extra information is added, but I personally didn't miss it that much. I had way too much adrenaline rushing through my vein to even notice.
Because this book is a rollercoaster from start to finish and even a little beyond that. And writing fanfic will never be the same again. -
This book was an enjoyable read. The anonymous text messages gave me a Pretty Little Liars vibe, which I really liked. The story itself was fast-paced, but there was still enough depth in the story. The character development was OK. of course the characters overcome their fears by going to Comic-Con again, but there wasn't as much growth as in the first installment.
Overall it was a great story and I definitely see myself rereading this duology. -
Oh my god. This book is just so freaking awesome! I liked it even better than the first book. It‘s much darker then the first one.
ho appena finito the fandom rising e penso di non aver mai pianto così tanto in vita mia (o forse si, ma al momento sto pensando a cliccare i giusti tasti con gli occhi velati).. insomma. ho perso qualcuno così come alice e violet hanno fatto, però ho anche intravisto molteplici speranze in un mondo quasi impossibile da capire. inizialmente credevo sarebbe stato un fiasco, solitamente il secondo libro è sempre così, e invece mi stavo sbagliando alla grande: è stato bello quanto il primo, se non di più. insomma, è stato fatale per il mio povero stato d'animo e il mio cuoricino si è rotto un po' per qualcosa che solo i lettori potranno capire.. ma le ultime righe.. quelle mi hanno fatta piangere come no mai. volete scoprire di che parlo? beh, leggete questo libro. è veramente worth it, dico davvero. vi entra nella pelle, passa per le vene e arriva dritto al cuore. vi entra in testa come farebbe baba, vi uccide come farebbe thorne, mi dà speranza come farebbe ash. ash, piccolo tesoro.. ho amato ancora una volta il suo personaggio ese c'è un qualche tipo di romance che deve essere conservato, beh.. questo è quello giusto. una storia che non è mai finita e che, effettivamente, è appena iniziata. penso di aver amato alice ancora di più e di aver compreso quanto sia fortunata violet ad avere due amiche come lei e katie. la mia dolce katie, la ruth di thorne.. dire che ho amato il suo personaggio è dire poco, ma se dovessi metterla in una casa di hogwarts sarebbe sicuramente un grifondoro. alcuni personaggi hanno avuto meno spazio di altri, devo ammetterlo, ma forse va bene così. e niente, mi sa che questo verrà catalogato non solo come dodicesimo libro della challenge ma anche come secondo libro più bello letto all'inizio di quest'anno <3 sono senza parole, anna day si merita un posto nel mio cuore e vorrei solo dirle grazie. grazie per tutte le emozioni che mi ha regalato (e anche grazie per avermi stabbata con una certa parte super triste, grazie mille, non dovevi-) e grazie per avermi fatta sentire ancora una volta, dopo tantissimo tempo, parte del mio vero, bellissimo, amato Fandom<3
It's been a year since Violet, Katie, Nate, and Alice landed in a coma at the Comic-Con which transported them into the world of their favorite novel The Gallows Dance. At first, it was fun, but soon they realized that if they didn't do something they would be stuck in the novel forever. Katie, Alice, and Violet managed to wake up and escape the world, but Violet's little brother Nate wasn't as lucky as he got shot in the world of The Gallows Dance so he has laid in his coma for more than a year. A year later the girls tried to forget their experience and saw it as a faded memory. Alice and Violet wrote it down and wrote a sequel using Nate of The Gallows Dance which became a big success. Now Violet's parents want to turn off Nate's life support which forces the girls to go back into the world. Alice is too late so it ends up being just Katie and Violet. Can they go back and save Nate, during this time the girls will discover that someone is writing the third book and changing the world of The Gallows Dance. In the real world, can Alice find out who is controlling the story and re-write it to save her friends? I did like the twists of the story but had hoped for a better outcome for the girls as in one way it felt like the whole going back had been a major waste of time. Overall, I did enjoy the story as it makes the reader wonder what life would be like if they ended up in their favorite story? Would you survive? Would the characters be as you imagined them? Would your fantasy match the reality? Find out in Book #2 of the Fandom series - The Fandom Rising by Anna Day.
CW: coma, death of a friend
This was a good sequel. I enjoyed entering the world of The Gallows Dance again, and I enjoyed seeing Alice grow as a person as she fought to save her friends. I really didn't like her mum though.
I was so glad that Nate woke up after being in a coma for more than a year, but I was also sad at the fact Katie died. I really enjoyed her character.
I really enjoyed this duoligy and I intend to check out more of Anna Day's books. -
Het vervolg op Fandom zet zich voort in dezelfde stijl. Violet, Katie en Alice moeten terug naar de wereld van 'de Galgendans' als ze Violet's broertje Nate willen redden. Nate ligt nog altijd in coma na de avonturen uit boek 1 en zodra hij 16 wordt zal zijn beademing worden gestopt. Onder tijdsdruk gaan de drie meiden proberen hem te redden. Op de Comic Con opent zich wederom een poort en raken Violet en Katie wederom in een coma. Maar Alice is te laat. En dan blijkt dat iemand een vervolg aan het schrijven is op hun verhaal. Een vervolg waarin Nate als de slechterik wordt neergezet en waarbij de Imps op het punt staan te worden uitgeroeid.
Volledige recensie zal verschijnen op Fantasywereld (en die is anders dan deze hier :) ). Dit hier is meer een reeks eerste gedachten van mijzelf.
En ik begin met misleidende 'Dit is Cosplay Next level!'. Net als bij boek één, nee, dat is het niet. Het heeft er nauwelijks wat mee van doen, anders dan dat ze naar de Comic Con gaan en er hier en daar een kleine verwijzing te vinden is. De hoofdmoot gaat over fans, fandoms en fanfictie. Beter was geweest als ze op de cover 'fanfictie, fandom en cosplay’ hadden gezet. Tot zover mijn pet peeve als ouderwetse doorgewinterde en verwende cosplayer en fanfictie liefhebber.
Want de strijd tussen auteurs, en in dit geval tussen een boek en een fanfic, is spannend en origineel genoeg.
Het is een moeilijke opgave om een origineel verhaal te schrijven over zoiets als fandoms en fanfictie, en de lezers daarin begaan te krijgen met karakters. In plaats van dat je kan voortbouwen op reeds bestaande elementen zoals bij fanfictie, is er een hele nieuwe wereldbouw nodig. Anna kan dat en deed dat in boek 1, en kan nu voortbouwen hierop in boek 2. Dat doet ze succesvol.
Toch start ik even met wat puntjes die wat minder positief kunnen overkomen. Naast meerdere kleine pet peeves (iemand herstelt zo niet vanuit een coma, er gaan karakters onnodig dood en waarom? Zo werkt het niet met fanfictie schrijven en uitgeven, kom op rechten, rechtszaken, creative commons etc. Zucht. Hoe zit het met het einde in hemelsnaam? Ik bedoel, er zijn lijken gevallen, hoe wordt dat niet een rechtszaak? Ik mis zoveel en er is zoveel niet accuraat dat ik er bijna van moet huilen)..... besef ik me ook goed dat dit een fantasie is en een fictie, en dat in fictie uiteraard alles mogelijk is. En voor een fictie is het verhaal gewoon goed.
En let's face it, misschien is het niet slim om met een bijna miskraam in het ziekenhuis dit boek ter afleiding op te pakken wanneer je juist niet aan je onderkant wilt denken en de eerste drie hoofdstukken voortdurend reppen over tampons, ontmaagding en menstruatie. Maar de doelgroep is daarmee wel gelijk duidelijk, jonge vrouwen en tieners. Ook wel weer te waarderen in een boek.
Anna Day blijft in dezelfde sfeer als in haar vorige verhaal, met eenzelfde tempo, leuke hedendaagse verwijzingen, moderne opmerkingen, en briljante quotes - waarvan ik af en toe vermoedde dat dit deel uit die quotes is voortgekomen en ik geef haar geen ongelijk. De lus in de wereld van de Galgendans wordt verder onderzocht en verklaard onder anderen het geheugenverlies van bijna alle karakters in het verhaal. Het is daarmee ook een lastig iets waarvan ik, als ik er kritisch naar kijk, denk dat Anna zichzelf een beetje in de vingers mee aan het snijden was. De romance tussen Violet en Ash bijvoorbeeld deed mij mijn tanden knarsen. Ik bedoel, die man heeft een partner die zij er zelf nota bene ingeschreven heeft, en ondanks dat hij Violet niet herkent ... Naja, ik geef dat niet weg, maar ik vond het te snel gaan? Niet goed onderbouwd gaan? Ik gun het de karakters wel, daar niet van, maar ik miste hier en daar toch wat diepgang. Net als de gemenerik die aan het einde erbij komt kijken. Misschien heb ik deel 1 te lang geleden gelezen, maar het deed me niet zoveel als dat het zou moeten. Waarschijnlijk omdat het hier gaat over karakters die de hoofdkarakters kennen uit een serie (De Galgendans). In elke Fanfictie zou dit een pracht onthulling zijn, maar omdat dit een origineel werk is miste ik hier en daar de onderbouwing die mij het gevoel gaf dat we op een goede manier op bepaalde punten in het verhaal aankwamen ( de romantiek tussen Ash & Violet die tot uitbarsting komt, de gemenerik). Ook vond ik sommige punten te snel en te simpel verwerkt. De dood van bepaalde karakters (ik geef niet weg wie), de manier waarop Nate gered wordt (waarom hij wel eigenlijk? ), de lijken en de bedreigingen in de echte wereld die na de goede afloop ineens van de tafel geveegd lijken te zijn? Ik zie problemen met de happy ending.
De punten hierboven irriteerde mij in zekere mate, omdat Anna Day het tempo gelijk weet te houden aan boek 1, maar eigenlijk materiaal hierin stopte voor een veel langer verhaal waardoor sommige elementen toch gehaast of te geforceerd voelden voor mij. Het is lastig een balans te vinden en ze heeft goed werk geleverd. Ik ben gewoon te verwend met fanfictie en fanverhalen die een nog iets betere balans hebben weten te vinden. Want dit boek van Anna is echt niet slecht.
Na uitbundig persoonlijke pijnpuntjes te hebben genoemd: het boek is zeker wel indrukwekkend. Anna weet de angstaanjagende apocalyptische sfeer te hercreëren met haar woorden en laat vanaf het begin zien dat ze er geen gras over heen laat groeien. De karakters zijn ouder, de grofheid en geweld neemt ietwat toe. Dit is geen loopje door het park, maar een avontuur waar doden vallen.
Ik waardeer het enorm dat het Anna Day gelukt is om een verhaal te schrijven waarin Fanfictie zo'n grote rol speelt. En dat ze dit goed weet te volbrengen zodat het pakkend is voor een groot publiek. Dus beiden delen gaan bij mij de kast in bij mijn verzameling van fanwerken (zoals ik ze noem). En ik zal ze daar met trots laten staan en tonen aan ieder die het wil zien. Hoe en waarom precies, dat komt allemaal nog wel op Fantasywereld. -
A pesar de que me gusto más el primer libro (quizá porque conocías todo por primera vez y la acción era más fluida) no me ha decepcionado y ha cumplido con mis expectativas. Me ha gustado sobretodo leer desde el punto de vista de Alice y el ver transcurrir su relación con Danny. Sin embargo, que el libro termine justo cuando Violet ve a Ash a través de la ventana debería ser delito y como no hagan un tercer libro (que lo más probable es que no) no se que voy a hacer con mi vida :)
More people need to read this book (series? duology?).
Seriously, I didn't think it would be THIS GOOD, but The Fandom/Rising are the best reads I've had this year. Quick, engaging, fantastic... Don't sleep on these, PLEASE -
Wow. This was sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat captivating. The plot really is a 10/10, I can’t fault it. Especially the end. It was extremely interesting and it always kept you on your toes, not knowing what was going to happen. If in the first book, you could guess what was going on, here you definitely could not. It was a good sequel, but honestly the characters were a tad too annoying sometimes. The plot, however, covered for that.
And I thought that killing *her* was absolutely unnecessary.
This book left many things open, but also gave us some closure on some parts.
Alice, Violet and Nate, Ash and Danny until next time. -
Het eerste deel heb ik 4 jaar geleden gelezen. Zonder recap was dit boek alsnog erg goed te lezen, de instap was erg makkelijk.
Ik heb van dit tweede deel genoten, net als dat ik van het eerste deel deed.
De schrijfstijl is vlot en makkelijk. Ik had dit boek dan ook binnen een dag uit.
Het verhaal vind ik erg leuk en goed bedacht. Ik zou ook wel het boek willen lezen waar dit boek over gaat, dat boek klinkt ook veelbelovend. -
Empecé a leer el libro con mucha ilusión de saber cómo continuaría y como se arreglaría toda la situación, pero me he encontrado con un final super predecible y acelerado. Además, las partes narradas por Alice me han resultado cargantes y en su mayoría sin sentido, infantiles. " Y como llevo ropa de Gucci y no cabe duda de que estoy exfoliada, la mujer me cree". ¿Quién no sabe que la exfoliación va de la mano con la verdad?. No le doy 1 estrella por el cariño que le he cogido a Violet.
3,5 ⭐
I loved it once again. I couldn’t put it away
J'ai adoré ce tome 2. Un young adult qui se lit très bien et vite.
Une immersion dans le roman préféré de nos héroïnes, on en rêve (presque) tous. -
Ha sido un libro increible. Te tiene enganchada desde principio a fin, mezcla muchisimas cosas pero sobre todo el amor y el drama es lo que predomina y tanto me gusta.
¡Os recomiendo estos dos libros 100%! -
Time taken to read: 2 days
Rating: 3 stars
In less than a week, .
I really enjoyed the first instalment of this series (duology?), The Fandom. I hadn’t known a lot about the series when I picked it up, but it was an interesting twist on parallel universes with likable characters that I invested in. I’ll admit however that I went into this sequel with a little trepidation, which may have impacted on some of my opinions. Whilst not all the plot points had been full resolved, I felt it reached enough of a conclusion that I was satisfied with how the first novel ended, so was uncertain how many other strands could be explored.
Curiosity got the better of me however when this arrived, which is how I ended up picking this book so quickly after it arrived, and it says something about the author’s writing that I read it so quickly (I am a slower reader). Side note, my edition of this book is only 278 pages rather than the Goodreads listing of just over 400 pages.
Unfortunately, I am somewhat undecided about my thoughts on this story, which is why I have ultimately settled for 3 stars. There are some elements that I enjoyed. The characters still endeared me to invest in their journey and root for their success, there were some quite meta moments early on about books within the book, but a number of things did happen that I was less happy about. Additionally, I am still left wondering if we did really need a sequel, even though this novel does seem to have now wrapped up the story it muddied some settled waters.
I felt the story wrong footed me early on as all the characters very early on are experiencing a level of amnesia pertaining to the previous plot, which I felt that wasn’t made clear (especially if you have read the novel’s synopsis). Meaning at the start of The Fandom Rising I was confused as some of the characters conversations and uncertainties.
I did enjoy the two perspectives of Alice and Violet in this novel, but given the shorter length of this story, I also felt the loss of the time spent in The Gallows Dance universe, which I think had been well developed in the first books. Some of the key players from the first story definitely faded into the background or became prominent briefly later in the book. Though I really enjoyed Alice’s growth and path in this book. I felt the elements pertaining to her and the characters introduced in her portions of the story were really strong. But I think that there was such a level of development in Alice’s perspective, it exposed some of the elements that felt were weaker in the concurrent story strands.
The more mature elements of this story worked for me, I felt it added an element of believability that teenagers swore actual swear words, discussed sex (in sometimes crude ways) and faced actual peril in a dangerous parallel world. Sometimes YA books can feel a little too airbrushed given the age of the lead characters, this was not the case with The Fandom Rising. There was one plot point that I will admit led to a particularly negative reaction from me – but was it really good story writing, or that some characters are not as equal. That I am just not yet clear on. Probably one that I need to re-read both books back to back one day.
This book was read for the 'Potions' prompt in the OWLs readathon 2019. -
It's been a year since Violet, Katie, Nate, and Alice landed in a coma at the Comic-Con which transported them into the world of their favorite novel The Gallows Dance. At first, it was fun, but soon they realized that if they didn't do something they would be stuck in the novel forever. Katie, Alice, and Violet managed to wake up and escape the world, but Violet's little brother Nate wasn't as lucky as he got shot in the world of The Gallows Dance so he has laid in his coma for more than a year. Although the girls tried to forget their experience and saw it more as a faded memory. Alice and Violet wrote a sequel introducing Nate to The Gallows Dance to give him a chance to survive. The sequel is a bit happier and less violent which became a big success. Now, a year later, Violet's parents want to turn off Nate's life support which forces the girls to go back into the world. During this time the girls will discover that someone is writing the third book and changing the world of The Gallows Dance. In the real world can Alice, who's been left behind, find out who is controlling the story and re-write it to save her friends?
I really did enjoy the story as it made the reader wonder what life would really be like if they ended up in their favorite story- Would you survive? Would the characters be as you imagined them? Would your fantasy match the reality?
I absolutely loved the fandom and devoured it in a day and I can honestly say the same for Fandom Rising! The characters are brilliant and endearing and you can't hep but root for them. The detail and clarity that is put into this book is spot on and I applaud Anna Day for a magnificent job well done! -
3.5 Stars
Great sequel. -
Lovely sequel that I absolutely had to finish (I think it didn't take me more than a few hours after I started reading). It was a great combination between some kind of thriller, finding out who was the "bad guy" in our world and an exciting story in the fantasy world we got to know in the first book. The stakes were incredibly high (lives were literally at stake) and the price was therefor also high, something that I "liked" too (I like that even the protagonists aren't safe from the consequences).