The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way by Julius Evola

The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way
Title : The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0892813687
ISBN-10 : 9780892813681
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 256
Publication : First published January 1, 1949

Drawing from original texts on self-mastery, Evola discusses two Hindu movements--Tantrism and Shaktism--which emphasize a path of action to gain power over energies latent within the body.

The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way Reviews

  • TR

    Evola's take on Yoga and other Hindu disciplines. Precise, clear and probably better than all other readily available books on the subject.

  • Jacob Senholt

    This one took longer to finish than some of Evola's other books. Personally I found the latter chapters on kundalini yoga and various practical instructions on pranayama more instructive and inspiring than the first longer sections on the broader philosofical and 'theological' principles behind the tantric and shaktic traditions.
    Overall a fine introduction to the topic at hand, but only as a primer. A more thorough study of the primary sources would be needed, and it is not always easy to connect Evola's many digressions on different topics to the overall picture.
    I am personally more interested in the kundalini aspects of yoga as a tool for self-empowerment and immortality, than using tantra as a transgressive antinomian path to self-realization. One also wonders to which degree Evola is talking from personal learnings and experience, and to which degree he is simply rehashing other people's teachings.
    All it all still a valid contribution to the topic, and piqued my interest for learning more.

  • IAO131

    Generally good treatment of primarily Hindu but also Buddhist tantrism. Basic information but drawn mostly from the source material of the tantras. Some interesting parallels with Western traditions are noted.

  • Eugene Pustoshkin

    Перевод, увы, с английского и местами несколько странный (например, там, где уместно было бы, возможно, говорить о powers как о «силах» — в смысле, скажем, сверхспособностей, — идёт несколько странный, хотя понятный по намерению подвести всё под единый образец-шаблон, перевод powers как «могущества» во мн. ч.), хотя и читабельный. Сама книга, посвящённая шиваитско-шактистскому и буддийскому тантризму, выходит за пределы любых переводов и несёт в себе ценное содержание. Особенно понравилось сделанное Эволой изложение содержания тибетской книги мёртвых на основе классического перевода в издании Эванса-Вентца. Ещё понравилось приложение, посвящённое шактизму и движению «Верных любви» (к этому движению, по словам автора, принадлежал Данте). Благодаря этому приложению в обновлённом свете можно увидеть идеи Вечной Женственности, которые захватили поэтов и мыслителей Серебряного века. В общем, классический, харизматичный труд по теме тантризма.

  • Allison Stieger

    Racist, misogynistic nonsense. Written by a fascist. Read only if you're a neo-nazi.

  • Radu

    Left-Hand Path yoga and Tantrism is an esoteric subject to get into and one I probably would have benefited from knowing a lot more about prior to reading this but it did prove to be insightful; the practical aspects of kundalini yoga were a lot more interesting than the philosophical and theological aspects, though it does highlight why quite a lot of degenerates and hippies have used the left-hand path traditions as a means to be transgressive rather than out of any desire for self-realisation or self-improvement.

  • Kjǫlsigʀ

    Truly excellent, even for the Baron - top shelf LHP reading.

  • Hande Allen

    Definitely not suitable for beginners. There are many terms that one cannot understand if he/she is not into two Hindu movements, Tantrism and Shaktism.

  • Ondřej

    „Stav lidskosti je jako jedincův konečný úděl nepřijatelný. Je nepřijatelné zůstat pouhým smrtelníkem.“