The Future of Human Nature by Jürgen Habermas

The Future of Human Nature
Title : The Future of Human Nature
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0745629873
ISBN-10 : 9780745629872
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 136
Publication : First published January 1, 2001

Title: The Future of Human Nature <>Binding: Paperback <>Author: JurgenHabermas <>Publisher: PolityPress

The Future of Human Nature Reviews

  • Phil

    The Future of Human Nature (2001) is an oddity in Habermas’ body of work. He has always defended a modest view of moral philosophy according to which it could do no moral than to articulate the procedural norms implicit in everyday moral talk. Thus, moral philosophy could say nothing regarding substantive ethical and political questions; instead, these had to be left for particular communities to determine for themselves. Hence Habermas’ dismissive attitude toward the applied ethics of his day: The philosopher qua philosopher has in his view no special insight into such questions.

    It therefore came as a bit of a surprise when, at the turn of the century, Habermas turned his attention to the bioethical issues raised by human genetic manipulation. The Future of Human Nature is the product of Habermas’ thinking about these issues and addresses what he calls “liberal eugenics.” Our ever-increasing technological sophistication is likely soon to open up the possibility of intervening into an embryo’s genome with purely ameliorative or non-therapeutic intent. Liberal eugenics is what occurs when the decision so to intervene is left to the discretion of the parents, who can request “designer babies” suited to their contingent preferences.

    What explains Habermas’ concern with liberal eugenics—and what justifies his intervention in the debate—is that it threatens the institution of morality as such. Human beings’ ability to take responsibility for their actions depends on their capacity self-critically to appropriate their past in light of their future possibilities. Habermas worries that non-therapeutic genetic manipulation might undermine this process. By intervening irreversibly into an embryo’s genome, parents become co-determinants of their child’s future. Thus, upon reaching adulthood, a child may be unable to see herself as the sole author of her actions, and so as morally autonomous.

    It is surely a sign of the shallowness of mainstream bioethical thought that it has virtually ignored Habermas’ argument. Both the opponents and the supporters of non-therapeutic genetic intervention have preferred to anchor their case in utilitarian concerns about preference-satisfaction and deontological ones about equality of opportunity. However, it seems to me that Habermas’ core insight is much more profound than either side will allow: That the unprecedented causal influence over other human beings that such intervention would permit would threaten to undermine the equality of persons that grounds morality as they understand it.

  • Ferda Nihat Koksoy


    -Kant'ın 'herkese adalet ve iyi-doğru hayat öğretisi' şeklinde tanımladığı etik, Adorno'ya göre bir tür hüzünlü bilim düzeyine düşmüştür.

    -Sekiz hücreli aşamadaki embriyonu genetik bakımdan kontrol etmek, herhangi bir hastalığa yol açıp açmayacağına bakmak artık mümkündür. Bu yönteme, özellikle genetik hastalık taşıyan annebabalarda risk önleme amacıyla başvurulmaktadır. Diğer yandan da kök hücre ve klonlama deneyleri ile organ naklinde kullanılabilecek yeni kişiye özel organ geliştirilmeye çalışılmaktadır.
    Sadece bu amaçlarla tanımlandığında, bu çalışmalar, halk tarafından ahlaken geçerli ya da hukuken kabul edilebilir olarak değerlendirilecektir.
    Fakat çalışmaların sermaye piyasasının kar güdüsü ve ulusal hükumetlerin başarı hırsıyla yürütülüyor olması, kamuoyu önünde uzun uzadıya yürütülmesi gereken açıklama ve tartışma süreçlerini ezip geçme tehdidini doğurmaktadır.

    -Bireysel özne, toplumsal ilişkiler yoluyla oluşmakta ve sağlam kabul görme ilişkilerinin oluşturduğu ağ bütünü içinde istikrar kazanabilmektedir. Anne karnındayken asla 'zaten' kişi olmayan varlık, ancak dil toplumunun kamusallığında bir birey ve akıl sahibi bir kişi haline gelmektedir.

    -Hekimlerin klinik müdahaleleri hasta ile 'işbirliğine dayalı' iken, genetik müdahale yeni bireyin işbirliği olmaksızın gerçekleştirilmekte, özne nesne haline gelmektedir. Teknik olarak yapılan, inşa etme değil, müdahale etme biçimindedir. Doğal insan 'seri sonu ürün' haline getirilmeye çalışılırken, robot-insan tasarımlarının peşinde koşulmaktadır.

    -Hiç kimse başkasına, ilkesel düzeyde tersine çevrilemez (genetik müdahaleler) bir tarzda bağımlı olmamalıdır. İleride yaşayacak olanlar, ölenlerin kulu olmamalıdır.

    Öyleyse, tür-kimliğimizin muhtemel değişiminden duyduğumuz endişenin yarattığı duygusal direnmeyi, toplumsal müzakerelerle, akılcı ahlak ve insan hakları üzerinden kurabiliriz.

  • S.

    Le temps qu'on gâche quand on ne lit pas la quatrième de couverture... (B-A, BA)

    En bref, j'avais d'autres desseins que de finir dans un débat autour de l'éthique du clonage.

    Première fois que je lis Habermas, et je me permets de le décrire comme profondément catholique.

    A part les premières pages où je me suis retrouvée avec un brin de philo jusque là abordable, mais mon idée sotte du livre dépassait de loin la déception finale.
    Je voyais l'eugénisme libéral ailleurs, en tout cas pas dans la découverte du génome.
    Partie de mon désespoir est mon désintérêt -pour le moment- face à cette polémique que nous avons débattue incessement au collège et au lycée.... Ras-le-bol!

    Je n'en ai rien à cirer !
    Pardon mon grand !

  • Mie Sørensen

    It’s quite rare to come across a philosopher that actually writes in human language and not just gibberish. Habermas is very readable.

  • Shannon White

    extended essays often offer readers the opportunity to learn the bulletted points of a given philosophy without reading several thousands of pages of literature; this book/ extended essay, though written to address the ethical issues of genetic engineering, concisely exposes the reader to the methods and the most reputed insights of the frankfurt school's most influential, living philosopher: jurgen habermas. while i tend to have more of an appreciation for existentialism and post-modernism than for rationalism and idealism, this neo-rationalist revival of marxism was strikingly compelling; a habermasian critique of society is like psychoanalysis writ large.
    for those not so afraid of long books, i recommend habermas's two-volume Theory of Communicative Action.

  • Lucas

    This was an interesting read, and Habermas' approach is very different from previous philosophical traditions I've explored. The afterword — which responded to the objections raised by, among others, Nagel and Dworkin — boiled down some of the more technical arguments into more succinct, common-place language, not so dependent on the specifics of German state law, nor the framing of embryos as human lives which cannot be disposed of.

    Habermas' primary argument is that human beings are defined by the nature of their existence as authors of their own life histories. Though parents can try to alter this history by education, training, and socialization, they can only do this as part of a communicative two-way process, which means that the child has some freedom to object to the aims of their parents, or to wholly reject them. Genetic modification is not like this, because the changes are not communicative —that is, the child cannot revise or reject the changes, because they are permanently written into their DNA. This is important because it irrevocably changes their identity formation, and threatens their claim to be equal with other citizens of liberal democratic societies.

    As I see it, the difficulty of responding to Habermas' argument is that it is so rooted in this perception of what human life is like; he makes frequent recourse to German basic law as outlining intuitions that we would all share, and it is not clear to me that we do in fact share these intuitions. If anything, these claims increased my sense that there were legitimate grounds for disagreement before he even launched the argument about the authorship of life histories. Ultimately, I was not persuaded that these arguments stand up without assuming Habermas' wider social view; and I am not certain how easy it would be to detach the arguments about life history from these views. This notwithstanding, I found this a challenging and engaging position, and one that I will likely return to consider in the future.

  • Giulia Covino

    È possibile un’eugenetica liberale? L’eugenetica è compatibile e moralmente accettabile per una società democratica?
    L'argomentazione di Habermas si incardina su tre punti principali che fanno propendere per un verdetto negativo, un riconoscimento di assoluta illegittimità per l'eugenetica migliorativa fuori da una logica terapeutica .
    Prima di tutto una modificazione del genoma umano non potrebbe ricondursi ad una configurazione di rapporti interpersonali di reciproco ed egualitario riconoscimento come richiederebbe un'effettiva tutela del principio di dignità umana. Violerebbe infatti l'indisponibilità della vita umana e l'inviolabilità della propria volontà di vita.
    In secondo luogo, assecondare le pratica eugenetica conduce ad una trasformazione dell'auto-percezione etica del genere umano e uno stravolgimento dell'idea dell'uomo, non solo biologicamente parlando, ma anche in termini di identità etica.
    Infine finisce per ricadere negativamente anche sulla sfera comunicativa del soggetto e sulla sua intersoggettività. Da un lato introduce infatti un ineliminabile profilo di diversità che può condurre ad esiti discriminatori o comunque esige un ripensamento in termini di democraticità. Dall'altro invece determina una lesione irriducibile dell'autonomia ed indipendenza costitutiva dell'identità individuale, del poter-essere-se-stessi riprendendo Kierkegaard.
    Non sono convinta completamente dell'argomentazione di Habermas nè dell'esito cui perviene, ammesso poi che la mia interpretazione sia quella corretta, datata la complessità del testo estremamente rigido ed ingessato.

  • Lavinia

    Leido a raíz de una asignatura de la universidad... su postura es interesante, pero no aporta soluciones. Aunque es de esperar, ya que ofrecer una respuesta posmetafísica a un tema de ética resulta difícil, por decirlo suavemente.

    La argumentación está bien consolidada, pero se trata de una lectura extremadamente densa. Quizá más claridad le hubiese ayudado a transmitir mejor sus ideas y a evitar que el lector constantemente interrumpiese la lectura.

    Se trata de un libro interesante pero que, según mi humilde opinión, no se puede leer sin realizar constantemente anotaciones a los lados y subrayar y releer una y otra vez (para entenderlo). Lo que resulta un inconveniente, a mi parecer.

  • Diego F. Cantero

    Voy a inaugurar una sub/subsección que se llame:

    *Libros con una dialéctica impecable, que me hacen sudar y entender una entre veinte, pero que me dejan una idea nueva rondando, y por eso son recomendables para mi Yo antes de leerlos, o incluso para ese que mientras lo lee piensa: "no estoy entendiendo un carajo".

    Este es uno de esos libros.

  • Ricardo Moreno Mauro

    Buen sayo de bioetica del embrión humanos y las biotecnologías para modificar su ADN.

  • Vletrmscx

    a bit disappointing. some
    missed opportunities

  • Yupa

    Habermas cerca di opporre delle ragioni agli interventi genetici sull'uomo (ma anche alla diagnosi preimpianto o all'uso di embrioni umani per la ricerca scientifica) senza ricorrere ad argomenti religiosi o parareligiosi.
    Impresa difficile e, per quanto mi riguarda, poco riuscita.
    Sfrondato dai paramenti concettuali un po' fumosi tipici della filosofia continentale, il succo del ragionamento di Habermas è questo: se accettiamo interventi genetici (strumentali) su individui futuri, rischiamo di non essere più in grado di "trattarci da uguali" (non strumentalmente) tra di noi.
    Peccato che l'uso strumentale dell'uomo sull'altro uomo sia andato avanti nei secoli e in forme assai poco piacevoli anche senza l'ombra oscura dell'ingegneria genetica, e anche grazie a usi molti particolari degli ideali di uguaglianza.
    Forse la "soluzione" non sta nel paventare il crollo di ideali umanistici tradizionali che nella pratica si sono mostrati (forse non a caso) più che fallibili, ma, magari, nel superare in maniera profittevole per tutti queste dicotomie uomo/animale, natura/cultura, artificiale/naturale, autonomo/eterodiretto; soprattutto quest'ultimo dicotomia.
    Perché, paradossalmente, è proprio il timore ancestrale dell'eterodirezione uno dei più potenti carburanti di ogni paternalismo, passato e presente.

    Invece di concentrarsi su una discussione di principio, forse Habermas avrebbe potuto ragionare un po' di più sulle conseguenze (queste, sì, assai problematiche) che un'ingegneria genetica (liberale o meno) porterà negli anni a venire.

  • TU103 te

    هل يعتبر الانسان إنسانا ، إذا ما تم اللعب في إعداداته الطبيعية و تم إنزال برامج غريبة في ميراثه الجيني ، ذلك الذي وجد به في طبيعته الأولى ؟
    يجادل هابرماس أن الأمر يدعو الى الحذر الشديد لأنه طريق لا عودة منه لانساننا الذي نعرفه .

  • Крум

    some new points of view comes with this book. Deserves your time for sure.

  • Ivars Neiders

    The writing is sometimes unbearable, although some observations are valuable and interesting.

  • Leonardo