Title | : | Lila: A Delicious Secret Love: College-girl Lila's fat belly leads to big secrets. Can it lead to big love? |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 161 |
Publication | : | Published September 17, 2018 |
Think “Gossip Girl” with a gainer twist. Lila's 18, a freshman in college, and learning that life tastes much better away from her wealthy Upper East Side parents. On a trip home to New York City for fall break, she catches the eye of a super-rich, famous, older man who falls head-over-heels for Lila's ballooning belly and curvy physique. The only problem? He shares a last name with Lila's very best friend. As Lila's belly grows, so do her feelings for this man and their challenges in trying to keep the affair their private, delicious secret. This erotic weight gain romance follows Lila as she falls hard for her new lover, and for her new, fatter, more worldly self.
Lila: A Delicious Secret Love: College-girl Lila's fat belly leads to big secrets. Can it lead to big love? Reviews
18 year old falls for friend’s feeder dad.