Love Yourself Like Jesus Loves You: Radically and With All Your Heart (Discovering God's Love Book 1) by David Lee Martin

Love Yourself Like Jesus Loves You: Radically and With All Your Heart (Discovering God's Love Book 1)
Title : Love Yourself Like Jesus Loves You: Radically and With All Your Heart (Discovering God's Love Book 1)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 70
Publication : Published August 26, 2018

When we begin to grasp just how profoundly and passionately Jesus loves us, and the character and quality of that love, it has a revolutionary effect on our lives. The transformative power of Jesus’ love for you is radically multiplied when you add one more ingredient. Your agreement! What does God have to say about you finally loving yourself and recognizing just what an awesome and lovable person you really are? That is the question this little book asks, and passionately answers directly from the Scriptures!Love is the very heartbeat of our Father. It permeates every word He has ever spoken and every deed He has ever done. You are unique. You are one-of-a-kind. You are a child of God!You are the beloved. Is it not time to BE LOVED ?

Love Yourself Like Jesus Loves You: Radically and With All Your Heart (Discovering God's Love Book 1) Reviews

  • Robin Morgan

    Far too often when we look at love of one’s self, we see what amounts to be a flaw in someone’s personality, a flaw which is regarded by many as being a vanity or selfishness, arrogance, egotism, etc. Yet, at the same time there’s a certain consciousness of one’s own mental health which encourages self-love.

    And when we look at biblical scripture, we come to the realization of self-love as being a good thing especially when we consider:

    MARK 12:30-31 [ESV - English Standard Version]
    And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

    For if you can’t even love yourself, there’s no way you can actually show any kind of love to anyone else. And this is what the author of this book, David Lee Martin, is attempting to communicate to his readers in this quick read of a book [but read it slowly], is the myriads of ways the Lord himself, and through His Bible and scriptures wants and has to say about us loving the remarkable and affectionate individuals we truly are inside.

    For wanting to transform his readers from being possibly naïve about the entire concept of what self-love is all about to accepting it with their hearts and souls as the Good Book is telling them to do, I’m delighted to give Mr. Martin the 5 STARS he’s getting from this reviewer of Christian books.

  • Marsha M Smith

    He loves me

    This book isn't just a beginning for me, it's on the path of truly understanding God's love. It helps to renew faith and Love in and for God.