Title | : | The Spankings of Miss Alderton, the Nanny (The Spankings of ...) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 231 |
Publication | : | Published August 15, 2018 |
The men of Hackett’s Town are caring, chivalrous, and spankers. The women are happy, protected, and accepting of the fact that they will be spanked when one of the men deems it necessary. They do not enjoy having to go over a knee with their skirts lifted and their panties lowered to have their bare bottoms spanked until they find it difficult to sit down. But then spankings would do no good if they were not unpleasant for the recipient. Women brought up in Hackett’s Town usually accept this tradeoff, they dislike being spanked but they accept that the spankings truly are for their own good and that they are better persons for having their behavior corrected. For newcomers, acceptance is not so easy. Having come from a world where even the spanking of children is a dying practice, they are shocked to learn that they will be subject to old fashioned discipline as earned. The pain of a spanking and the embarrassment of being taken over a knee are formidable barriers to their adjustment to a new life in Hackett’s Town, but some have no viable choice. For Miss Alderton, hiding from gangsters who want her dead, preferably after being tortured, there is no choice but to remain in Hackett’s Town. Her position as nanny to a loveable three-year-old makes her subject to discipline from the little girl’s loving but strict father. Having not read her contract before signing it, she is shocked when David Carpenter orders her to bare her bottom and lie over his knees. Objections are met with reference to the unread contract. She unwilling complies and is subjected to the first spanking of her life. She does not enjoy it nor does she accept it. But gradually she admits to herself that she is never spanked without good cause. It takes much longer before she accepts the Hackett’s Town belief that the spankings serve a good purpose. Her acceptance is helped along by her growing infatuation with David, an infatuation which is reciprocated and grows into love.