If God Is For Us: The Everlasting Truth of Our Great Salvation by Trillia J. Newbell

If God Is For Us: The Everlasting Truth of Our Great Salvation
Title : If God Is For Us: The Everlasting Truth of Our Great Salvation
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0802417132
ISBN-10 : 9780802417138
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 160
Publication : First published January 1, 2019

What would change if you really understood all that God has done and is doing for you?

Sure we know in our head that God is for us, that there’s great hope in his relationship with us and salvation for us, but sometimes these truths can be hard to believe in the midst of exhaustion, busyness, and a world of spiritual and physical opposition. If God Is For Us is a devotional Bible Study on Romans 8 designed to cement in your soul the great truths of our salvation and an understanding for how the Holy Spirit guides our new life in the Spirit, all found in this beloved chapter of Scripture.

Why just the one chapter? The simple answer: there’s so much there! It’s no wonder that so many Christians list Romans among their favorite books of the Bible and Romans 8 as their favorite in the book. Romans is packed with profound truth after profound truth which are then followed up with life-changing promise after life-changing promise. In this 6-week study, Trillia Newbell will walk you through Romans 8 and help you cement deep inside yourself the scandalous truths of our great salvation, our inheritance, the assurance of our faith, and ultimately the love of our good Father.

Each week will include:

5 daily readings out of Romans
A devotional for each daily reading
Questions for reflection and study
If you’ve experienced the comfort of Romans 8 before, but want to plant it more deeply in your person this is the Bible Study for you. And it’s great for individual or group settings.

If you’re ready to live a life that shouts: “God is for me, who can be against me,” let’s get started today. 

If God Is For Us: The Everlasting Truth of Our Great Salvation Reviews

  • Andrea

    I've enjoyed this study of Romans chapter 8, even if I worked through it a bit unconventionally.

    It's designed to be covered in 6 weeks with introduction to each week that is longer than the daily studies (five days per week).

    A couple things I didn't love:

    The length of the entries varied widely. I didn't like that you didn't really know how long it would take to get through each day (or the weekly introduction). Some of the days had questions that would take you out of the study (into commentaries or other study aids) and some of them had extra questions. For something that is designed to be part of your daily routine, I didn't really like not knowing if that day was going to be long or short, require extra materials or be self-contained.

    My other criticism is sort of related to the idea of needing extra materials. There were some questions that I felt bordered too closely on individual interpretation. Questions like, "What do you think Paul meant by writing..." or "Why do you think he wrote this instead of that?" or "What is the significance of this word/phrase" (I'm paraphrasing from memory) made me uncomfortable. It's very possible that the author intended for the reader to go consult a study Bible or commentary in these cases, but I would be concerned that readers would just consider the question on their own and write down what they think/feel. I definitely felt unqualified and at a loss to answer some of the questions intelligently and biblically and I could see some of those discussions veering into dangerous territory whether this is studied individually or as a group. The text is not open to individual interpretations. It has an intended meaning. I didn't always think it was clear that the author wanted the reader to find the meaning, not just a meaning. Out of all the questions, I would say I only ran into a handful that made me uncomfortable, but they definitely stood out to me.

    That being said, I actually did like the depth and variety of the questions. If it leads students to further study then I think they are very effective. The questions are a mix of helping to draw out the truth of the text and helping to apply it to our lives. I definitely could go back and do this study again, taking more time to really study the text (not just get through the questions which I admit I ended up doing more than I should have). This is a great guide to the text and it brought up a lot of things that I hadn't considered in that way before. I like that the author has you consult the whole Bible in some questions to see where else certain truths are taught. I also like that the author often brings the reader back to the character of God and the facets of the Gospel.

    Some other things I liked:

    Visually the book is pretty without being girly (though it's definitely geared toward women). I like the way it is designed. There was enough space to answer the questions and make notes (even if you were doing some more in-depth study along the way).

    I also liked the author's writing style for the most part. It's easy to read and the examples from her life are relatable. I would read more from this author.

    She gives some resources in the back for more in depth study, encourages consulting other resources and starts our by giving some good study practices.

    She has you start out by reading the whole book of Romans (as a suggestion) and then the first week of the study is going through the first seven chapters so you're not just jumping into chapter 8 with no context. The remaining five weeks study just chapter 8 at a much slower pace.

    I like that it can be used individually or as a group. I would enjoy going through this study with other women.

    She ends the book with an encouragement to be intentional about sharing this truth with unbelievers. I really liked this. She writes, "All too often, it seems, we will do Bible studies and learn about good things and even have our herts and lives transformed, but we never get around to taking this good news to the world." So true. She gives some helpful tips for how to go about creating opportunities to share God's truth with unbelievers and really emphasizes our need to not hoard this good news.

    Overall, there's a lot that I really liked about this study. What a remarkable chapter of scripture Romans 8 is! It was already one of my favorites, and this study has enhanced it even more. The unpredictability of the lengths of the entries and my reservations about some of the questions are really my only caveats to recommending this book, but I think it would be a helpful aid and an encouragement to anyone who wants to learn more about this chapter and, more importantly, about who we are in Christ.

  • Jeanie

    There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1.

    We come to Romans 8 knowing there's a battle going on inside us. Like Paul, we have that ragged old sin clinging onto us to the point that we often do wrong even when we want to do right Romans 7:21-24. With Paul, we plead in utter frustration, Who will deliver me from this body of death? And wonderfully, we have the answer: Jesus Christ our Lord!

    Romans is a pivotal book of the bible. It has the struggles along with the answers. Newbell has given bible students a resource to go thru the book of Romans with a group or has a individual study. A study that will take commitment to be in the word and to think carefully of the questions that she has laid out before you. The questions are not meant to stump you or discourage you but the opposite, it is meant for you to become hungrier for the word of God that you may discover its truth for yourself. The truth to discover is not so much how to live, that is a byproduct of bible study but to know the God of the universe to worship him and to follow him.

    You will need your bible, a notebook and a desire for the word. Newbell teaches without fluff but with clarity. She makes moments of her own life teachable that will encourage belief and faith. Highly recommend.

    A Special thank you to Moody Publishers and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

  • Mandy J. Hoffman

    This Bible study/book is fabulous!
    Trillia Newbell did a wonderful job of providing a resource for women that dives deep into Gods Word, yet is doable for even the busiest of schedules. While this is a fantastic book to use as a group study, I personally am very impressed with how easy it is to use as an individual! Too many studies are designed in a way that only makes them truly enjoyable when done in a group setting. This study provides a rich study for any woman who can’t meet with a group. Romans 8 is my favorite passage and I loved how this 6-week study unpacked so much of its beautiful treasures! “If God Is For Us” is a perfect match for the new believer and the older Christian alike.

  • Kristina Wilson

    This is a solid Bible study and good introduction to Romans 8. While it does go deeper than many other Bible studies of this type would, this chapter of Romans is so rich that it could be delved into even more with other resources.

    I appreciated the opening week covered Romans 1-7 to set the stage and context for the focus of the study. I also appreciated all of the citations used by the author. The sections on Romans 8 have overarching expository questions for the week, with more personal reflection questions in each daily portion. I much preferred the expository questions. I also loved the addition of the word study section, but found parts of that to be redundant.

    Format: Book, owned physical
    Rating: 4 stars
    Book 45 of 2024

  • Jennie

    The last couple of years I have become more discerning of Bible studies, so I haven’t bought any in a while. Instead, I read through the Bible on my own, either by book of the Bible or a topic in the Bible, using Jen Wilken’s method. I also meet with a small group and we are either doing a Bible study or a book study. So when Trillia Newbell put out a Bible study on Romans 8 ~ If God Is For Us – The Everlasting Truth Of Our Great Salvation, it piqued my interest as she seems solid in her theology. Well, I am excited to share she is and so is this study of hers!! A lot of studies on the market today, focus more on self, than the Bible. This focuses on God and His Word, and that is what a good Bible study should do! I have also gained some new insights doing this study, now I am not all the way through yet, as it takes about 6 weeks, but I have skimmed ahead and am excited to see what else I will learn. Trillia does an excellent job providing tips and information to help you study the Bible and gives a great overview of the book of Romans. She offers suggestions on where to look for help with resources and study aids. The first week are spent doing an overview of Romans 1-7 and understanding the context (who wrote it, when, why, etc…), which is important to do before digging into any Bible study. Since this focuses on the Scripture in Romans 8, as Trillia says we need to know the therefore before we move forward. All this helps us to dig deeper, because surface level studying of the Bible is not going to help you learn about God. I like what she says “It takes time to really know a person – and the same thing is true about getting to know the Bible.” She created this to be a 5-days of study a week, but offers flexibility to help make it work for you. In addition, this study may be done in a group setting or individually.

    You will have daily Bible reading, she offers cross-referencing when needed, explore section to help in understanding and to dig deeper, reflect section with questions to help, and application of the Bible’s message to be lived. All of this makes for a great study to understand and know God more!Here are a few highlights I have from the book, though there are many, plus my personal notes and answers to the questions!

    Our unfaithfulness looks like bowing to our idols, putting other things in our life ahead of God. It looks like neglecting to commune with Him through prayer. It looks like stubborn repentance, refusing to acknowledge our sin and come to Him for forgiveness and reconciliation. If we’re honest with ourselves, we can see we just don’t have it in us. We lack the faithfulness required to keep a relationship with God….but thankfully our faithfulness isn’t what keeps us with Him. It’s His faithfulness that secures us.
    There are a number of reasons why I would die for my kids. There is absolutely no reason why Jesus would have died for you and me except for His great love and mercy. There is nothing that we contribute to the initial relationship with our Savior except our sin.
    This Scripture assures us of two things: 1) we will be tempted to sin, and 2) we will always have a way out, a way to say no. We are guaranteed this because of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
    It is no small thing that we can use the word Abba as we cry out to our Father.
    Suffering is not the end. Our suffering leads us somewhere and to Someone. To glory.
    We have a Hope, and our Hope won’t put us to shame. Our great Hope sympathizes with our weaknesses and sent a Helper to assist us in our need. We are weak, but He is strong. We cry out, and He will answer in our day of trouble.
    Opportunities to share the gospel are all around us. We have a treasure – a great treasure. We keep it in “jars of clay: (2 Cor. 4:7), which means we’re human and won’t get it right 100% of the time. But we don’t have to! God is the one who does the heart work. We simply need to be faithful to share.

  • Ruth Hill

    I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not financially compensated, and all opinions are 100 percent mine.

    First of all, you will notice I have not put this in my "read" shelf yet. There's a reason for that. This is a heavy book filled with Biblical truths in which the reader can delve deeply into the Scriptures. Originally, I considered finishing the entire study before reviewing it, but to do so would have caused me to miss so much wonderful truth. While I have done plenty of cursory reading and reflecting in this book, I am still working my way through the study portion of this book. To be honest, I may never put it on my "read" shelf until the truth really sinks in!

    I have been doing Bible studies most of my life, and there is nothing I enjoy better than a study just like this one. It's broken down into days so that studying the chapter of Romans 8 is not an overwhelming task, and the reader really gets to delve into the meat of the Scripture. If you have been subsisting on spiritual milk and soft foods, this is the one to really whet your appetite. You are expected to do what is required and read, research, answer questions, and truly reflect on how this particular chapter of the Bible can change your life as a believer.

    Up to this point, I haven't seen anything that I don't agree with, but there may be something as I continue going. However, everything is Biblically-based, and a conservative view of the Scriptures is always espoused. There's not a lot of controversies to be had on the foundational principles of the faith, and there is no doubt this book continues to bring you back to, "What does the Bible say?" There is plenty of room to answer the questions, and if you are unfamiliar with studying your Bible in depth, this may be the perfect book to start your quest!

  • Tammy Knott

    I received, free of charge, an advanced copy of If God is For Us: The Everlasting Truth of Our Great Salvation a 6-week Bible Study of Romans 8 by Trillia J. Newbell for the purposes of review. The publishers are Moody Publishers, you can purchase a copy of the study by clicking the following link

    I am into the second week, day two of this study. The study begins with a cursory overview of chapters 1-7 as a means to set the scene for chapter 8, the focus of this study. Though the first week only summarizes chapters 1-7, I find that it is still a very detailed and deep look at these chapters and helps one to look forward to the next five weeks of chapter 8.

    I had recently completed a personal study of the book of Romans, so I was familiar with the book and had done an extensive study chapter by chapter. Having said that, I find the questions in this study to challenge my knowledge and cause me to think in different ways about the text of the scripture. The questions are engaging and thought provoking. Reflection questions allow the individual to apply the text to personal life and gain further insight to the purposes of the text and it's meaning in Christian life.

    The commentary of each section is insightful and moves the study along. Giving an over-all sense of what the theme is of the scripture being studied. I find Trilla's insights and writing style to be very easy to follow and profound in her discovery of the word.

    Each week has five days' worth of questions to help guide you through the scripture, the first week covers a lot of ground so each day has a set of study questions, commentary, and then a set of reflection questions. The following weeks present all study questions at the beginning of the week, then each day in that week afterwards has commentary and reflection questions focusing on specific themes of the verses under review. It is easy to follow and allows one to truly study the bible with questions designed to get you thinking about Scripture and how to apply it to your life.

    I highly recommend this study for anyone who is looking to dive deeper into the Word and explore Scripture in a more intimate way.

  • Theron John

    The illustrations in the devotionals and some of the other content makes this especially a wonderful Bible study for women. This Bible study will bless the ladies who partake in gazing upon the beauty of God in His Word.

    If you know someone who needs to be reminded of these constant and biblical truths or that needs the confidence of what God has done for them in Christ because of His love, then pick up a copy of If God Is For Us for them today. Even better, purchase a copy of Nebwell’s study for yourself and walk through Romans 8 together!

    4.5 out of 5 Stars

  • Ruth

    I started this on my own last year, stalled out, and re-started in January with a partner. The rich and layered discussions the questions in this book provoked have been just wonderful. The right book at the right time. All things work together.

  • Kelley


  • Abby Caracci

    4 ⭐️
    Spending time meditating on Romans 8 & going through this study with some friends was deeply rewarding. There was a LOT of questions & content for each week which made it feel overwhelming - we had to break it up into smaller chunks.

  • Create With Joy

    If God Is For Us: The Everlasting Truth Of Our Great Salvation is a 6-week Bible study that delves into the history and theology of one of the most beloved portions of Scripture – Romans 8.

    The author describes the study as a “hybrid” that combines both traditional Bible study and devotional reading.

    This beautifully designed Bible study will speak to women at all points in their spiritual journeys and is paced so that even the busiest of women can find the time to complete it.

    This excerpt is taken from the original review that is published on my blog. To read my review in its entirety, please visit
    Create With Joy.

  • Michele Morin

    Given the word “God,” without self-editing or over-thinking, what’s the word or phrase that comes immediately to mind? If you’ve been schooled in the false gospel of ceaseless striving, you may come up with words like judgment, severe, or disapproving. After all, it’s clear that we are not equipped to measure up on our own to the demands of a holy God.

    However, if you’re tuned in to the truth of Romans 8, you are living a better story for it begins with the soul-liberating truth:

    “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

    In If God Is For Us: The Everlasting Truth of Our Great Salvation, Trillia Newbell employs her gospel shovel to turn over the soil of Romans 8, revealing the fertile riches of major themes:

    Life in the Spirit
    Our role as heirs with Christ
    The promise of future glory
    Our assurance in the present moment
    The everlasting love of God that is the foundation of our life with him.
    A Favorite Chapter from a Cherished Book
    The six-week in-depth study begins with an overview of the book of Romans and a flying trip through the first seven chapters to serve as background for the material in Romans 8. This is a sound practice to establish here and to carry forward into our independent study of Scripture, because context is crucial to a full understanding of what we read. Evangelical tradition often has us jumping right into application of a passage without a full knowledge of the author’s intent.

    Insightful questions lead the reader into considering what the passage says AND what it means, urging a full engagement with the text and a deep dive into all that’s unknown before giving in to the temptation to consult with the “experts” through commentaries. Then and only then are we ready for application of the truth to our lives, and Romans 8 delivers in so many ways, for not only does it unpack the heart of the gospel, but it offers assurance to those who are “in Christ Jesus” that we can indeed, through the power of the Spirit, live in fellowship with God on this fallen planet he created and loves.

    Many thanks to Moody Publishers for providing a copy of this book to facilitate my review, which, of course, is offered freely and with honesty.

  • Lori Schumaker

    This Bible Study is broken down into a 6-week plan. Week One is a little different from the remaining five in that we get the opportunity to spend this first week reading through the first 7 chapters of Romans and responding through the questions and closing devotion each day.

    The first week is the most intensive week as we have a bit more daily reading and questions to answer. I like how Trillia gives us this background, though, before stepping into the meat of Romans 8.

    One of my favorite aspects of this study is the use of devotions. So often we find two different products: devotions or Bible Studies. In this Bible Study, Trillia brilliantly weaves the two together. If you are a story girl like me, the devotions draw us in deeper and help us to see the text as it applies to our daily lives.

    Weeks 2-6 dig deeply into the verses of Romans 8 —what it says about the gospel and the glory of God.
    It digs into many of the Truths found in Romans such as:
    *The Spirit is actively at work in us (8:4-11);
    *We are heirs with Christ, the adopted children of God (8:12-17);
    *Our suffering is for a great purpose and doesn’t compare to the glory we will experience (8:18-25);
    *Even in our weakness, the Spirit is at work (8:26-27);
    *God is working all things for our good (8:28);
    *And absolutely nothing can ever separate us from the love of Christ (8:31-39).

    So, as you can see, these are some important — life changing — TRUTHS. They are ones we need to hold onto and rest in. They serve as our hope in the middle of the difficult times and as our warfare when the enemy wields his ugly lies to discourage and dismiss us from our purpose and our joy.

    This study is for any woman in any season of life. It’s a study for the woman wanting to fully grasp the depth of God’s love and His commitment to us. This study will prepare, give hope, and provide insight into the power of the gospel and the glory of God.

    I highly recommend If God Is for Us.

    Thank you to Moody Publishers for providing a copy of this book to facilitate my review, which, of course, is offered freely and with honesty.

  • MaryAnn Bell

    What would change if you really understood all that God has done and is doing for you?

    Sure we know in our head that God is for us, that there's great hope in his relationship with us and salvation for us, but sometimes these truths can be hard to believe in the midst of exhaustion, busyness, and a world of spiritual and physical opposition. If God Is For Us is a devotional Bible Study on Romans 8 designed to cement in your soul the great truths of our salvation and an understanding for how the Holy Spirit guides our new life in the Spirit, all found in this beloved chapter of Scripture.

    Why just the one chapter? The simple answer: there's so much there! It's no wonder that so many Christians list Romans among their favorite books of the Bible and Romans 8 as their favorite in the book. Romans is packed with profound truth after profound truth which are then followed up with life-changing promise after life-changing promise. In this 6-week study, Trillia Newbell will walk you through Romans 8 and help you cement deep inside yourself the scandalous truths of our great salvation, our inheritance, the assurance of our faith, and ultimately the love of our good Father.

    Each week will include:

    5 daily readings out of Romans

    A devotional for each daily reading

    Questions for reflection and study

    If you've experienced the comfort of Romans 8 before, but want to plant it more deeply in your person this is the Bible Study for you. And it's great for individual or group settings.

    My Thoughts: This is a wonderful study of chapter 8 of Romans. It is thorough but this study is the combination of a study and a devotional. There are your daily or weekly read "prompts" to help you get into the word; with suggestions on how to enrich your reading. There are questions for the reader to respond to help the reader understand what has been read. There are five days of devotionals to explore and support the reader's thinking about the study reading and how to apply it to their life.

    All in all, this is a wonderful study for those looking for a good Bible Study.

  • Lauren DuPrez

    Romans 8 is probably best known for its famous verse 28. What I love about Trillia Newbell's new study on the chapter is that it gives readers the whole context of the glorious promise contained in this verse. If God Is For Us: The Everlasting Truth of Our Great Salvation, is Trillia's latest book and it is one that I have enjoyed greatly. If God is For Us takes readers through 6 weeks of looking at Romans with the emphasis on Chapter 8. One of my favorite aspects of this book is that the first week of the study is exploring Romans 1-7 which provides readers with the context of what is occurring once they arrive at Chapter 8. Each week is broken up into studies for five days which I found to be helpful as it gives readers a few make up days if they are unable to complete each study in the five day timeframe. Each study has a passage of Scripture to read followed by response questions. I'm deeply appreciative of the care Trillia invested in crafting these questions because they are challenging yet simple enough for learners at all levels. The Explore section of the study includes a passage of Scripture along with some thoughts from Trillia about the passage and is followed by the Reflect section which contains application style questions. Although I have previously read Romans a few times and studied it in depth with a group of friends years ago, I found that If God Is For Us helped me to see Romans 8 and its preceding chapters in a new light. I'm thankful for what I have learned by going through If God Is For Us and am proud to recommend it. I received If God Is For Us compliments of Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest review.

  • Jennifer

    This is a great Bible study, mixing questions that reflect the biblical text itself with application and devotional questions. Since the intent of the workbook seems to be to cultivate personal devotion through study of Romans 8, the study balances exegetical study with meditation and journaling.

    I highly recommend reading the introduction to the workbook before you start: there are different ways to use the workbook, and that introduction helped me understand its organizing principles so that I could use it in a way that suited me best. For example, the study focuses on Romans 8 but begins with a quick overview of Romans 1–7, which could be intimidating for readers who haven't studied those chapters before; I was glad that the introduction explicitly invited readers to take a helicopter ride over those chapters or to take more than a week to move through them. Another example: once the workbook gets to Romans 8, the structure for the weeks changes, and I don't personally love the way that they front-load study of Romans 8 itself before shifting almost exclusively toward devotional material. This is an easy problem to solve, however: each day, I do some of the week's "Day 1" questions along with one of the other days for that week so that the workbook can help me through both kinds of engagement each day.

    Overall, this study is a great dive into a particularly rich portion of scripture. I am using the workbook for personal study but feel confident that it would work well for group study as well. I highly recommend it!

    Disclosure: I received this book free from Moody Publishers but have since bought two other copies as gifts for others.

  • Jennifer

    God’s got your back! We often say it, see it, post it, text it, wear it, merchandise it. In her study If God Is For Us, Trillia J. Newbell interrogates the branding of Romans 8 and inspires us to dig the meaning behind the mantra. We love to emphasize the conquering but we often forget the love. We are NOT conquerors through confidence in our own strength, striving, success, sacrifice, or spirituality; we are ONLY conquerors through confidence in HIS LOVE!

    I was struck by the Venn diagram of God and Abraham: Abraham’s sacrifice of his son was spared through God’s grace, God in His grace did not spare his son but sacrificed him for our sake. Both involved sons, both involved sacrifice, one was prophetic, the other was a prophecy fulfilled.

    Likewise, I was struck by the Venn diagram of intercession, the Spirit intercedes in perfect harmony with God’s plan and our destiny; Jesus intercedes for our triumph. Both intercessions are for our good! Like Hur and Aaron, when we experience faith fatigue and our spiritual muscles get weak, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are on BOTH our sides lifting our hands for victory!

    Finally, I was struck by the significance of overthinking as the greatest obstacle in sharing the gospel. We fear forgetting something important or getting something wrong, looking stupid or not being spiritual enough. And so we stay silent and quench the Spirit. But Romans 8--and Trillia J. Newbell's study--can be summarized in Paul’s unforgettable words: “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

  • Jill

    "If God Is For Us" by Trillia J. Newbell is a six-week Bible study focusing on Romans 8.  Just one chapter, but it packs a punch.  The first week is a quick study of Romans 1-7, but the following five weeks are based solely on the verses in chapter 8.

    Newbell's vision of one chapter for six weeks brings a beloved chapter and favorite book of the Bible to life in us as we study Romans 8 in depth.  Each week consists of five daily studies that lead us into thought-provoking questions and insightful exposition by Newbell that helps us internalize God's Word.

    Perfect for a group study or individual use, "If God Is For Us" will encourage and bless everyone who participates. It will impact the lives of new Christians as well as mature Christians.  

    I always enjoy the Bible studies Moody Publishers prints. Start off the year in Romans. You will be blessed and encouraged. By the end of the six weeks, you will be able to explain Romans 8 in detail and with passion.

    Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Moody Publishers, as part of Trillia J. Newbell's "If God Is For Us" Launch Team. I was not required to write a review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

  • Michelle

    If God Is For Us is a 6-week book study on Romans 8. It can easily be lengthened to an 8-10 week study. I had the pleasure of learning from author Trillia Newbell through an online study by the publisher. I had a great experience both in studying the book and getting to know the author.

    Author Trillia Newbell prefers using the English Standard Version (ESV) Bilbe for this study. I used both the ESV and NIV as I studied. I feel this study is adequate for mature Believers, new Believers, and Seekers. As Biblical truth is conveyed, it also includes assurance of our salvation. I believe Christians need to be reminded of what and why we believe, as well as Seekers know what and why we believe.

    I recommend this study to church groups, home groups, and individuals because it is informative and the print is easy to read. The first week is an overview before delving deeply into chapter 8. I see this book as one to go back to again and again. The binding also seems to be durable enough to hold up through several reviews of the study.

    Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

  • Debbie

    "If God Is For Us" is a Bible study on Romans 1-8, with a focus on Romans 8. It is a six week study with five lessons per week. The first week involved reading Romans 1-7 and answering reading comprehension questions about the material to prepare you for the context and content of Romans 8. The rest of the weeks looked at Romans 8.

    Each week started with a chunk of verses to read for that week and several reading comprehension questions to help you process what was being taught. This did not count as a day, so you may wish to treat each week of lessons as taking six days. For each day, the author provided the verses for that day and then talked about them. She helped clarify points from the verses and explained how these truths can effect our lives. Each day ended with questions that reflect on how these verses impact our lives and can change how we live. Overall, I'd highly recommend this study for personal study. It can also be used for group study, but the group leader would have to determine what questions would work best in your group.

    I received an ebook review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.

  • Katelyn H.

    I just finished up this study this morning. I actually really liked it! I've done several of these types of studies before (reading + homework each day) but this is the first one that I've actually fully completed. The content was well written and easy to comprehend. Each day's "message" and accompanying homework was relatively short and very manageable. I truly believe that this study has helped to bring me closer to God in the midst of a relatively dry spell in my spiritual life. I've also been leading a small group of women at my church through this study and it has sparked some great group discussions. My only complaint is the lack of a leader guide. That would have made leading a group of women through this study a little easier, but other than that I really liked it! 4 starts from me!