Title | : | De odöda |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
ISBN-10 | : | 9789132201776 |
Language | : | Swedish |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 126 |
Publication | : | First published October 5, 2018 |
Det här är Egerkrans när han är som bäst: vidriga vampyrer och gruvliga gastar i en både blodisande och makalöst vacker tappning. Den mörkare inramningen till trots känner man tydligt igen den unika stil som gjort Nordiska väsen och Nordiska gudar till moderna klassiker, älskade av läsare såväl som kritiker.
De odöda Reviews
Here is my actual copy with the cover. Also, you can buy these books and many cool things from Grimfrost.com! I have ordered many different things with great quality and they have awesome shipping from across the pond 😉
Here are a few pics from the book. There are a lot and a story of each.
Table Of Contents
Rolling Head
Happy Reading!
Mel 🖤🐶🐺🐾 -
Super bra!!!
Johan vet verkligen hur man ska skriva fakta böcker om mytologiska och urband legends varelser. Som hans tidigare böcker älskar jag bilder. -
Geniale Illustrationen, super spannende Texte! Ich liebe es!
Yksi tähti lisää upeasta, synkästä, karmivasta kuvituksesta. Egerkrans on kaivanut ympäri maailmaa esiin kaikki mahdolliset verisuonia kaihoavat hirviöt. Tuttujen vampyyrien ja zombien lisäksi paljon paljon muuta.
One word review: Beautiful!
Just kidding I guess. But it is beautiful, these illustrations are simply to die for and with that very appropriate for this coffee table book. "The Undead" takes you around world and each page with its own stunning drawing will tell you about a different myth concerning undead creatures. The interesting aspect was how often you encounter overlap and similarities in century old stories about the dead sucking our blood. Of course what it reflects is the unifying fear of death, even continents apart it freaks us out in similar ways so we create stories to bind them and summon up vampires from our mind because at least those we could theoretically fight, death will come for us all.
The European ones covered a lot of familiar ground but also held surprises for me like the beautiful river nymph Rusalka or the hilarious Hungarian chicken vampire Liderc. And is the comic character Blade based on the legend of the Dhampir? My favorite section was maybe the native North American stories, the Rolling Head aka Chichipischekwan is truly disturbing, and both the roots behind the Windigo and the Adlet are sad and fascinating for that make depressingly beautiful tales. I also deeply enjoyed the myths on the West African Adze and the Japanese Gaki. I was excited to rediscover the Filipino Manananggal which I remembered from Isabel Yap's collection "Never Have I Ever".
But seriously, every page here is such wonderful time spent in amazingly drawn visualizations of the world's fears and with that the world's attempt to make a dark sense of the threat of death. I know it can be tricky to get your hands on a copy of this (this one came from grimfrost) but for the right person this is a beautiful gift, it was for my husband. Also, simply perfect to read during October!! -
(Review in Norwegian)
En rask lese-opplevelse med masse informasjon om diverse vandøde fra rundt om i verden. Mens jeg hadde hørt om noen av dem, var det flere av dem som var helt nye for meg, noe som var en positiv opplevelse. I tillegg er det en stor liste med bøker om temaet bakerst i boka, så man lett kan gjøre mer research om det er ønskelig. Det var nemlig noen av beskrivelsene jeg stilte spørsmål ved, for det matched ikke hva jeg har lest tidligere.
Og kunsten er veldig fin, full av stemning og følelse. -
I was drawn to Egerkrans and his work via the
Vaesen RPG book, which is far beyond being just an RPG rulebook. The art and content were detailed and wonderful, and it took the subject matter of the vaesen themselves seriously, incorporating folk remedies and superstitions into the book to be used as storytelling tools.
I'm happy to say that The Undead follows the same formula and is a well-researched collection of art and information spanning the globe. It brings together similar traditional stories, draws comparisons between the practices and beliefs of disparate cultures, and provides details about fighting the undead as gathered from superstitions the world over.
It's a fascinating view into our fear of death and into the monsters we've imagined for ourselves for centuries... maybe millennia. As soon as I finished this, I dived into Egerkrans' The Norse Gods, and even though I've already read the Vaesen RPG book, I ordered a signed copy of the original Vaesen book via his store and can't wait to read that, too. I'm really looking forward to the English translation of his Dragons book. -
Tycker tyvärr den här funkade sämst av Egerkrans böcker hittills, mycket pga ämnet är så enormt att det liksom blev "lacking". Men fortfarande så intressant och kul och snyggt!
Fascinating collection of folklore from across the world. Wonderfully illustrated in the usual style of Johan Egerkrans (even if some of the European undead illustrations tend somewhat towards fantasy, like the Strigoi or the Dhampir, but that’s not necessarily negative. On the contrary I could well picture myself in the cloak of a Dhampir).
Personally I do however prefer the previous books Nordic gods, and Nordic vaesen, mainly because of their more narrower focus and keeping of a single theme. -
Gorgeous artwork, and the text also very well written, if a little brief.
Gorgeous illustrations - undead creatures around the world...
What could one want more? -
What can I say about how much I love this book? A large-format guide to dozens of varieties of mythological undead creatures from cultures around the world, captured in stylish, modern full-color illustrations. The explanatory texts are brief, but well-written and researched (as evidenced by the selected bibliography at the end). It's the kind of book I would spend hours perusing as a kid -- though the English edition (from Grimfrost) stands out for its high quality presentation: flawless design, rich paper and cloth binding. A perfect combination of art, word and object for grim adults or extremely frightening children.
http://boktokig.blogspot.com/2018/10/... -
Ihanan kauhea kirja! <3 Melkein kyllä suosittelisin 12+ ikäisille...
Das Cover hat mich als Fantasyfan sofort angesprochen. Es ist aus Leinen und hat somit eine sehr wertige Optik.
Kommen wir zum Inhalt:
- schöne Illustrationen teils auch richtig schaurige
- gute Aufteilung nach Regionen
- sehr interessant und informativ
Jetzt kommen wir auch schon zu dem Negativen viel von den Dingen die mir gefallen haben, haben mich zugleich auch etwas enttäuscht.
- zu wenig Informationen zu den jeweiligen Untoten (man kratzt nur ganz leicht an der Oberfläche)
- die Illustrationen haben für mein persönliches empfinden nicht immer 100% zu dem jeweiligen Untoten gepasst (jammern auf hohem Niveau)
- mir persönlich war der Schreibstil teilweise etwas zu steif und trocken
Zum Schluss kann ich nur sagen die Bewertung dieses Buches ist sehr schwer für mich. Ich bin sehr zwiegespalten, was wie ich denke daran liegt, dass ich gerne mehr Inhalt gehabt hätte. Und vielleicht auch erwartet haben für den Preis.
Für meinen Geschmack hätte es mehr Text sein dürfen und vielleicht dafür weniger Bilder, denn ich denke die farbigen Bilder sind der Grund für den Preis. -
Die Untoten haben mir sehr gefallen.
Es war interessant zu lesen in welchen Teil der Welt die Untoten dargestellt werden. Welche Sagen es alles gibt und wo es teils Überschneidungen gibt.
Vampire, Untoten, die verschiedenen Bezeichnungen. Wie sie entstehen. Was sie ausmacht. Ob man sie besiegen kann.
Alles wird hier sehr einfach und gut beschrieben und mit dabei gab es ein paar tolle Zeichnungen. Die waren schein teils was gruslig, aber passend zu dem was Beschrieben wurde.
Witziger weise kannte ich ein paar Bezeichnungen aus der Serie Supernatural, obwohl da sie ein wenig anders dargestellt wurden. Ich fand den Wendigo im Buch nämlich schon sehr gänsehauttechnisch dargestellt.
Auf Grund der Tatsache das nicht alles ausschweifend beschrieben wurde sondern sich auf das wesentlich konzentriert war ist es wirklich nice zu lesen. -
A really fascinating deep-dive into the lore of the undead, and while each being could have had a much lengthier explanation, it serves well as an introduction rather than a definitive work. Add some beautiful illustrations and the fact that Egerkrans actually brings up the problem with the modern vampire and witch hunters and you got yourself a solid read.
My only problem is that there's too little to sink your teeth into and that it's hotly debated whether Elisabeth Bathory bathed in blood or not, so that's something I wouldn't state so clearly as a fact as he did.
It was still a fun book though. Recommended as an entry point for monsternerds. -
Like it's predecessor, Vaesen, The Undead is a fascinating and beautiful tour through mythology and folklore, this time from around the world and focusing more on the mortally challenged. The art style of the many illustrations is wonderfully dark yet strikingly beautiful, befitting the subject matter, and the range of creatures and locations covered makes it a diverse and interesting read.
Highly recommended, for those with a love of the macabre and a fascination with the Undead, this is nothing short of perfect. -
This is another beautifully illustrated compendium from Johan Egerkrans, filled with stunning and disturbing artwork and intriguing snippets of myths and legends. I just wish that it was longer, with more examples from non-European legends. Whilst I'm sure it is what he knows the most about, he is a great researcher and I'm sure some more creatures could have been featured with just as much care and attention.
I feel like you need to be in a specific head space to read this back to back and sadly I was not. I feel like it was boring and that the topic was of a lot of monsters we already now besically everything off.
Will I finish this book? Im pretty sure I will re find this book in my collection one day and absolutely love it due to my big interest in fantasy and mythology but It was just not the right time for this book -
Genau wie
Nordische Wesen ein kurzweiliges Buch mit wundervollen Bildern. Einerseits wünschte ich mir, die Beschreibungen gingen noch etwas mehr ins Detail, andererseits hatte das Buch ingesamt die passende Länge für meinen Freitagnachmittag. -
Beautiful and grotesque illustrations and enthralling descriptions of undead beings from the mythologies and folk traditions of the world.
A fun read, I learned a few thing and this will be a good resource for years to come. -
Bilderna är SÅ coola!
Texterna lite småtråkiga. -
Døds-bra (he he).
Fin og kortfattet introduksjon til kjente og ukjente udøde fra ulike tradisjoner og folketroer. Veldig fine illustrasjoner. -
En bra introduction till odöda varelser som existerar runt om i världen
jattebrå! konsten är så vacker
(min svenska är dålig, ursäkta mig)