Light: A Fairy Tale (Fairy Tale Physics) by Sarah Allen

Light: A Fairy Tale (Fairy Tale Physics)
Title : Light: A Fairy Tale (Fairy Tale Physics)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 76
Publication : Published April 22, 2018

The physics of electromagnetic waves, explained in a fairy tale.

All the new Prince John wants is to be like the heroes he's read about. He wants to fight dragons, rescue princesses, and increase the economic production of the kingdom. But when the crown finally rests on his head, it turns out that things aren't as easy as he thought they'd be, and the kingdom has more secrets than he knew.

A mysterious sorceress gives John an enchanted candle and a chance to learn about the light mages of old, and the truth about how his parents died, and John must decide what to do with that truth before the kingdom he loves is torn apart.

Enjoy the story for its own sake, and in the process learn the strange physics behind light, including wave-particle duality, one of the underpinning ideas of quantum physics.

Light: A Fairy Tale (Fairy Tale Physics) Reviews

  • Rebecca Cambridge

    I'm not quite sure who her audience is. The book is in two sections. The first is the fairy tale. The second is a physics text. My first thought was maybe for a beginning high school class. The idea is excellent. However, I'd like some feedback from early literacy specialists.

  • Bryan

    Another well written tale to introduce students to the physical laws of light. The scientific explanation in the back is well done and easy to understand.