Wide Brown Land: Stories of Titan by Simon Petrie

Wide Brown Land: Stories of Titan
Title : Wide Brown Land: Stories of Titan
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0992512557
ISBN-10 : 9780992512552
Format Type : ebook
Number of Pages : 190
Publication : Published April 16, 2018

Light levels are low. It's killingly cold. These conditions are, it transpires, connected.

The icy landscape around you--hillocks, boulders, ravines, foregrounding a hazy, rumpled horizon beneath an opaque, lowering sky--wears a patina that shades from sepia to umber, puddled with drifts of dark sand. The atmosphere, though thick, would permit only a parody of there is no succour in it. Were it not for the insulating, carefully-regulated containment of your suit, you would be dead within minutes, frozen solid within an hour.

Welcome to Titan.

Wide Brown Land is a collection of hard science fiction short stories set in the settlements and badlands of Saturn's haze-shrouded moon, Titan, where the landscape is as formidable a foe as the most determined adversary.

Wide Brown Land: Stories of Titan Reviews

  • Octavia Cade

    An interconnected series of sci-fi stories set on Titan. There's no overall arc here, and no follow-up to some of the stories, but that's something I genuinely don't mind as nearly every story is, if not contained, then possessing of its own arc, which makes for a satisfying read - or at least it does for me. As you would expect from the premise, these stories are hard sci-fi, and while I'm not an expert in the field (my own science background is in biology) Petrie is, and his introduction offers up credentials and researched sources that gives the collection a real sense of accuracy - or as accurate as one can get under the circumstances. Of course I'm mostly accepting his word here, but it seems to me that someone with Petrie's background isn't likely to stuff his stories full of flat-out wrong, which I appreciate. The stories themselves, these little interwoven narratives, are touching and sometimes uncompromising, but I think the very realistic danger of colonist life on Titan is at times over-emphasised by the very high death count. I mean, it's a difficult balance to strike and I think for the most part Petrie does it very successfully, but for me the most affecting story is the one not about death (or risk of) at all... "Emptying Roesler". Human stories remain that, whether they're on Titan or Earth, and the stakes don't have to be lethal to get me to care.

    Full review to come in Strange Horizons, and I'll pop the link in here when it's up.

  • Tsana Dolichva

    Wide Brown Land by Simon Petrie is a collection of stories set on Titan. I've previously read and reviewed Matters Relating to the Identification of the Body, which is a novella set in (and on) the same world, and a few short stories, such as those appearing in Difficult Second Album, "CREVjack" and "Fixing a Hole" (which also appear in Wide Brown Land). Most of the stories in Wide Brown Land are reprints from various venues, but four —‘Erebor’, ‘Goldilock’, ‘Phlashback’, and ‘Placenta’ — are published for the first time in this collection.

    The stories in this collection, while having a very consistent setting, have a variety of different themes and premises. There are stories of survival, peer pressure and criminal activity. Some of the characters are trying to get by, or to make the best of a bad situation, or to solve their problems before time runs out. My favourites — which shouldn't surprise anyone — were those stories where the characters had to solve some sort of technical problem, possibly with life-or-death stakes. The final story in the collection "Placenta" was a most memorable example of one of these.

    As well as more sciencey stories (for lack of a better word), there were also several tense and action-based stories. Some of these involved "pharmhands", mostly as antagonists. After several stories with pharmhands as a more nebulous threat, I was very interested to learn more about who they actually were in "Phlashback". Another very tense, but not strictly action-packed, story was "Hatchway". It was a memorable story about the very real dangers of teenage peer pressure when living in a hostile environment.

    Overall, this was an enjoyable read with a good variety of stories in a meticulously realised setting. They're hard science fiction but most of the stories are character-driven to varying degrees. As usual, comments on each individual story are included below. I highly recommend this collection to fans of science fiction, especially those intrigued by human life on Titan, the most-hydrocarbon-soaked of Saturn's moons.


    “Storm in a T-Suit” was an interesting story. A storm on Titan, a rescue mission, a tragic backstory and a crazy theory, all made for a thoughtful and engaging read.

    “Hatchway” is a story about peer pressure as well as the pressure of Titan’s atmosphere, with chilling elements for both the protagonist and the reader.

    “Broadwing” is about a crash landing and a long wait for rescue. It felt like a scene-setting piece to give us a good feel for Titan and a bit of background on flight and the landscape.

    “Emptying Roesler” is about an inspector, a man in an abandoned building (yes, on Titan) and illegal activities. I feel like we’re only getting hints of what the “pharmhands” are really up to (in this story and in “Hatchway”) and I want to know more. Also, this story ended abruptly, albeit in a logical place. I would not have minded finding out what happened next to the characters.

    “CREVjack” — previously read. I came back to reread it after I started “Goldilock”, however, since that story felt like a sequel and I couldn’t remember the specifics of this earlier one. The ending remains emotionally difficult to read.

    “Lakeside” revisits the protagonist of “Broadwing”, an adult now and dealing with different life issues. After spotting something strange from his plane, he has a bit of a run in with some criminals.

    “Erebor” seems to be about it the protagonist of Matters Arising... a look at her earlier life and a mildly unlucky climbing expedition.

    “Goldilock” is a direct sequel to “CREVjack”, picking up moments after that story left off. It continues in a similarly tense and action-packed vein with another very dramatic ending.

    “Fixing a Hole” — previously read.

    “Phlashback” is a third story in the “CREVjack” and “Goldilock” sequence, this time picking up shortly after the previous story left off and shifting point of view characters (again). Finally we get to learn more about pharmhands and their place in the scheme of things on Titan. Another tense story.

    “Placenta” is about a pregnant woman who suddenly finds herself in a life- and baby-threatening situation and must do a bit of sciencey problem-solving to survive. It also gives us a snapshot of an abandoned part of Titan, which strongly reminded me of an Abandoned Photography blog I’ve followed.

    4.5 / 5 stars

    You can read more of my reviews on my blog.

  • Sue Bursztynski

    A wonderful read! You do have to enjoy hard SF(fortunately I do), but I like my hard SF with some people you might actually know in real life. An old man waiting in an abandoned building for his daughter to return. A heavily pregnant woman who has to work out VERY quickly how to avoid a build up of carbon dioxide in her spacesuit, to save herself and her baby. Mum, Dad and child in a broken down vehicle, an ordinary thing on Earth, but a lot more serious on Titan...

    For a full review, check out my blog post, here:

  • Dion Perry

    As the title suggests this book is a collection of stories from Titan. The settings are of a hospitable world that does not support life. These stories then are set around how people survive using technology and the ability to think quickly during life-threatening situations. They are suspenseful, filled with action and cleverly written. The author is a scientist who knows his stuff, so there is plenty of science and technology. The books, however, can be read by those who aren’t scientists but do enjoy SciFi. I enjoyed them and I look forward to reading more from this author.