20th Century Boys: The Perfect Edition, Vol. 1 by Naoki Urasawa

20th Century Boys: The Perfect Edition, Vol. 1
Title : 20th Century Boys: The Perfect Edition, Vol. 1
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1421599619
ISBN-10 : 9781421599618
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 424
Publication : First published July 29, 2016

A deluxe bind-up edition of Naoki Urasawa’s award-winning epic of doomsday cults, giant robots and a group of friends trying to save the world from destruction!

Humanity, having faced extinction at the end of the 20th century, would not have entered the new millennium if it weren’t for them. In 1969, during their youth, they created a symbol. In 1997, as the coming disaster slowly starts to unfold, that symbol returns. This is the story of a group of boys who try to save the world.

20th Century Boys: The Perfect Edition, Vol. 1 Reviews

  • Artemy

    Naoki Urasawa is one of the biggest creators of manga, and 20th Century Boys is one of THREE (!) series that could be considered his magnum opus, the other two being Monster and Pluto. These new "perfect" editions contain two volumes at once in a larger format, and are going to reprint the entire series in 12 volumes total. The story of 20CB borrows its structure from Stephen King's IT, as it's set in two timelines and follows a group of people who came up with something sinister when they were kids in the 60's, and the repercussions of those events that are catching up to them as adults in the 90's. It's paced quite slowly, at least for these first two volumes, as Urasawa focuses more on establishing the characters, their relationships and the history behind them, while the central mystery unravels really slowly, mostly in small teasers at the end of each chapter. Despite its slow pace the book is really engrossing thanks to Urasawa's great character work and wonderful, expressive art — his style is one of my favourites in manga, very distinctive and recognisable — and the mystery itself, despite being so vague, is very intriguing and keeps you guessing. Overall, this might be the series by Urasawa that got me the most committed to keeping up with it, so for now I am ready to follow these new omnibuses as they come out to see where this story will end up.

  • Oriana

    Still working on my ability to read and appreciate manga! I did really enjoy this, particularly the irascible kiddos, though it was so long and involved that I often found myself losing track of who was whom by the time I saw them again. I'd love to keep reading, but this series is so insanely long!! That would probably wind up being something like a $200 investment, and I can't really say I liked it that much...

  • Rory Wilding

    It took me seven months to read all nine volumes of Naoki Urasawa’s manga Monster, and so it would seem appropriate to the next Urasawa title that is also going through the “Perfect Edition” treatment by Viz Media.

    Whilst Monster was an epic psychological thriller that took place across Europe, starting with Germany (a country that often crops up in Urasawa’s other manga), based on the first volume of 20th Century Boys, the author is aiming for something bigger with a sci-fi adventure story that may feature world-threatening consequences, but is also aiming for something more personal that speaks to the author and a particular generation in 20th century Japan.

    Jumping back and forth from their childhood beginning in 1969 and the present day that is 1997, the manga tells the story of Kenji Endō and his friends, who notice a cult-leader known only as "Friend" is out to destroy the world, and it has something to do with their childhood memories. Very much in the style of Stephen King’s It, the story explores both the childhood and adulthood of these characters, who at an early age were consumed by various forms of pop culture, such as music, manga and anime and how these things as well as their friendship has spawned into something evil by the time they are adults.

    For most of this volume, Kenji is the main protagonist who had a desire to play rock music with a guitar, but is now left running a convenience store with her widowed mother, whilst taking care of the baby of his sister, who has disappeared. He is a likeable but also unlikely hero who tries to maintain too much responsibility. Whenever it focuses on the childhoods of Kenji and his friends, there is a relatable charm about the childlike interactions, which are not only funny, but really embraces that sense of wish fulfilment that is nicely contradicted with the realities of being an adult.

    Much like Monster, this is an ensemble piece where even the least significant character has a voice that is expressed in a whole chapter, creating enough engagement, especially tragedy suddenly strikes. The best example here is Donkey, who clearly felt like an outsider with his constant snotty nose, but has many great moments showing how he joins the eponymous group. In a very touching scene, you have adult Kenji playing softball and having learned a valuable lesson from Donkey, he honours his late friend.

    This is certainly a funnier story compared to what Urasawa has previously done, but that’s not to say that the author hasn’t forgotten his sense of darkness, considering that the baddies here are a religious cult that infiltrate the likes of law enforcement and government, whilst preparing to destroy a world as planned by a mysterious shadowy figure who leads this organisation. Any depiction of a contemporary religious cult will always get under your skin.

    Having reviewed every volume of Monster, I have always praised Urasawa’s artwork, largely because of how expressive his characters, as well as his richly detailed backgrounds and in 20th Century Boys, this is no exception. The art here is perhaps looser as with a greater emphasis on humour, it fits appropriately with the childlike sensibilities. If there is one character to keep an eye out on an artistic standpoint, it would be Kenji’s baby niece Kanna and just notice every single thing she does and it’s brilliant.

    On this first volume alone, there is a lot going on with many characters slowly becoming pieces of a very big puzzle that will be solved throughout this already epic manga. Immediately, Urasawa has built enough investment with these people that it makes me excited to see where they go next.

  • Maksym Karpovets

    Чи часто трапляється, коли не можеш відірватись від читання? Це один із тих випадків, де усе чудово - від історії до персонажів. Наокі Уросава розвиває сюжет в різних часових пластах, поступово додаючи деталі й нюанси для читача. Одного разу компанія дітей задумали врятувати світ, заховавшись у своєму таємному сховищі. Вони прописали сценарій у своїй голові, але й гадки не мали, що якось це може відбутись у реальному житті. Утім, це не просто така собі фантастика на межі із апокаліпсисом/трилером/психологічною драмою, адже невідомо, що спричинило епідемію вже у нашому часі, таємничий культ Друга, появу великого залізного робота-монстра, врешті, появу своєрідного Героя (насправді зовсім ні), який має врятувати цей світ від знищення.

    Усе умовно, усе лише натяками, але манга від того тільки виграє, адже загальна атмосфера невизначеності й загадковості затягує миттєво. Несуттєві деталі впливають на основний сюжет, а неважливі герої стають важливими. Урасава постійно перемикає наративи, смикає то одного, то іншого персонажа, не фокусуючи на чомусь єдиному. Спочатку це трохи важко читати (точніше, не усе зрозуміло), але згодом вимальовується загальна картина. Тому ця історія поліфонічна й багаторівнева, сповнена несподіваних поворотів.

    З одного боку, це розповідь про дружбу, де навіть маленька дівчинка може мати таку силу, що з легкістю розкидає двох близнюків-бугаїв. З іншого боку, це історія про людську вразливість, де кожен з нас має свої недоліки, травми, які краще компенсувати сильними сторонами. Водночас це історія про фанатизм, ідеологію та можливість стати кращим. Це також історія про історію, її природу й анти-логіку, бо ми й не знаємо до кінця, чому одні події є важливими, а інші - зовсім ні. Водночас це тільки початок, тому із великим задоволенням читатиму далі. Дуже крута манга, рекомендую.

  • Whitney Jamimah

    Yay! This was a super solid first installment into my long awaited read of 20th Century Boys. This was definitely a slower start and build-up but by the end I was hooked. I can see that this is going to be a STACKED mystery with layers upon layers to dig into and unfold. I am already dying to know more about this giant robot thing.

    Aside from being a slow start my only other minor complaint is that there were a lot of time jumps and it was like half of them were stated with a date in the corner and half were not so the reader just has to be careful and really pay attention.

    This was my last book before starting Medieval-A-Thon and now I’m mad because I don’t have the next volume on the schedule until June and I really want to pick it up right now!

  • Lukas Sumper

    I liked it for what it is, the only thing that lessened my reading experience was the hype and praise leading up to me finally reading it. If people try to sell this Book to you as a modern classic I really have to politely disagree.

    Despite that I really like the setting and mood the author put this story in, the more grounded and realistic world has the potential for real greatness but in this book, the characters/ story were checking all the checkboxes of a plain old coming of age story. Its nothing I haven't seen before which doesn't take away from the fact that its a good written one, so yeah maybe this will become better as it continues.

    3.5 out of 5 stars

  • Kadi P

    (Recommended by

  • Javier Muñoz

    Genial comienzo de serie. Kenji recibe una carta de un amigo de la infancia que supuestamente se ha suicidado con un extraño símbolo que le trae recuerdos pero no sabe por qué, pronto empieza a ver ese mismo símbolo en distintos sitios, asociado a varios crímenes que ocurren y a un grupo de personas dirigido por un misterioso personaje al que llaman "amigo". Al reunirse con viejos amigos de la infancia van surgiendo recuerdos que van echando algo de luz sobre estos misterios, pero sigue habiendo una sombra que les impide ver la relación entre ellos, ninguno consigue recordar la historia completa, lo que empezó como un juego de niños ha podido desembocar en una gran conspiración.

    Una historia en varias líneas temporales (en principio la de la infancia y la edad adulta de este grupo de personajes, pero también se desvelan detalles de su adolescencia) que promete muchas sorpresas y giros, ya sólo este primer tomo cuenta lo suficiente para que la trama nos atrape y nos preocupemos por el porvenir de los personajes, los numerosos flashback le dan una gran profundidad al trasfondo de los personajes, además el dibuje cumple notablemente, con personajes bien diseñados y un nivel de detalle bastante cuidado.

  • Rhockman

    Historia contada de forma no lineal en la que vemos como episodios del presente tienen su raíz en el pasado y como repercuten en el futuro. Cada momento temporal es una etapa de la vida del protagonista, los sentidos de las cosas cambian en su camino a la adultez y hace que miremos de forma reflexiva los cambios de personalidad que ocurren en la personalidad.
    En simultaneo hay una conspiración religiosa de ciencia ficción.

    El dibujo es increiblemente expresivo y detallado, el dibujo da sensación de movimiento y la composición de viñetas genera un buen ritmo narrativo que sostiene el suspenso al momento de terminar cada página.

  • Jennifer Hahn

    Välskrivna karaktärer, intressant och spännande story (so far) och bra tecknad. Den levde definitivt upp till allt bra jag har hört om den. Jag är glad att jag ändå gick in utan att veta mer än the basic premise. Det känns som att det är en sån serie som blir bättre ju mindre man vet om den.

    Jag har redan beställt volym 2-5 och jag tror att Adlibris långsamma leverans kommer att kännas mer långsam än vanligt..

  • Sarah  Aubert

    I really enjoyed this first omnibus; Urasawa conveys such character depth through a handful of panels and this draws you into the narrative with ease. The primary antagonist is the perfect combination of creepy and compelling and the central mystery has me wanting to read on immediately. Urasawa's admiration for Stephen King shines through, and so far this seems like the perfect place for fans of his work to start with manga.

  • Hila

    insanely good. amazingly well crafted. not a SINGLE panel to spare. astonishing artstyle. excellent pacing. original and profound. moving.
    😭ffs i need to read the rest of the volumes as soon as posible

  • Jojosbookshelf

    Urasawa, you did good.

  • Liam || Books 'n Beards

    I've been wanting to re-read 20th Century Boys for years - I originally read the entire manga in an adrenaline haze back in 2013, and since then began buying up volumes (an expensive undertaking), intending to re-read my own copies. Then I discovered they were releasing Perfect Editions of it. Damn it.

    So, Pretty Edition in hand, I've now finally started my re-read. It certainly lived up to my remembered expectations. It's been long enough that I can't really remember most of the plot beats which is nice, but also kind of defeats the original purpose of my re-read which was to experience it again knowing what I did after my first read, but oh well. Not going to complain about experiencing it again for the first time.

    An excellent re-release, and an intriguing start for someone picking the manga up for the first time - plenty of foreshadowing that I remember does come good, but I can't remember how! I look forward to picking these up as they're released.

  • Ryan T

    This manga is quickly becoming one of the most intriguing works of writing I have ever read, and it is soaring to my top 10 favorite manga of all time. If the story gets better, it will definitely make it. The art is incredible, and I love how the mangaka is so skilled at differentiating the characters without relying on crazy hairstyles or mannerisms like many other mangaka. Instead, the artist is a master at drawing faces, and every face is as detailed as the next. Ridiculous skill is shown throughout this first perfect edition volume both in terms of writing and drawing. Haven't felt this sense of intrigue since I've read Death Note, or this need to devour the series since Chainsaw Man. Here's to many more great volumes, Naoki Urusawa do not disappoint me now, I am more than invested in 20th century boys.

  • Camilo Guerra

    Llegue con muchos comentarios positivo de un grupo de amigos que recordaban su infancia mientras veian lo que la adultez los había convertido mientras una conspiración empieza a tomarse el planeta. Todo tiene este tomo, suspenso, drama, comedia, acción, intriga a raudales y nostalgia de una manera que no pensaba y me dejaba con el corazón en la mano, además de u grupo de personajes que siempre te deja con mas y mas, todo con un arte hermoso que te destroza.

    - Caballeros... antes tenían mi curiosidad. Ahora tienen mi atención.

  • Sean O'Hara

    I've always heard this series described as Stephen Kingy, and after reading it I can confirm, it is extremely Stephen Kingy -- specifically IT mixed with The Stand. If the main villain were to suddenly announce he's Randal Flagg, I'd sit back and nod and say, "Oh yeah, that totally makes sense."

    Also, Goodnight Punpun is totally channeling this with some of the secondary characters and background plots.

  • Djulia

    Penso che per ora è il miglior fumetto/manga che abbia mai letto. Probabilmente ho anche l'età perfetta, dato che sono più o meno coetanea dei protagonisti, quindi forse è più facile immedesimarsi. Infatti consiglierei di leggerlo intorno ai trent'anni, ciò non toglie che sia sicuramente godibile anche a 20. Trovo fantastico il fatto che il protagonista stia tutto il giorno con la nipotina neonata sulle spalle! È un particolare unico che mi ha stupita. Inoltre è una persona comune, lavora in un negozio e non va neanche benissimo, da ragazzo suonava la chitarra in una band e da bambino si costruiva i rifugi per chiacchierare e giocare coi compagni di scuola. Tutto molto comune. Ma scopre che in realtà potrebbe aver combinato (involontariamente) un guaio molto molto grosso che riguarda tutta l'umanità!
    Promette benissimo, sia la storia, sia i disegni. Non vedo l'ora di continuare col secondo volume.

  • Taylor Rabbitt

    Ngl I was so confused the first 3/4 of this volume but I’m intrigued

  • Jyoti Ramjee

    While this is was engaging, I'm not sure if I will continue this series because Urasawa tends to drag out his stories and I just don't want to invest in something with a mediocre ending.

  • Blanca

    I really don't know what to say. This was my first ever manga, thanks to a recommendation. And damn I enjoyed it! It didn't even last me a day. I couldn't put it down. I really loved how it reminded me of two books I won't name (yet). Now off to volume 2!

  • Olly

    Edizione clamorosa e molto attesa.
    Primo volume stupendo, indimenticabile, una introduzione perfetta per una storia indimenticabile.

  • Lyra

    this was a series that captures my heart when i was a kid. it is one of those series that i think of years later because of how Good it was. so, it’s fair to say i was pretty happy that this perfect version of the manga was released!! since i had a hard time finding the volumes in the past it is nice to be able to hold a series i love in my hands again.

    about the actual book: i will always adore the style of naoki urasawa. for those of y’all that Know me, you know akira is one of my favorite pieces of media and it’s author, katsuhiro otomo is an inspiration in both writing and art. naoki urasawa is right up there for me with plot and visual beauty in this work. the style of 20th century boys is so Amazingly unique and i find myself just staring at the fantastic artwork in this book. honestly rereading this makes me want to go pick up pluto again too because as usual, it does not disappoint.

    anyways, enough rambling. this is a story that takes dark twists and turns but is an experience worth having in my opinion.

  • Emi

    Pero qué bueno que es! Me encanta este manga: el argumento, el ritmo, los personajes, como va pasando de una época a otra sin que te hagas un lío...

    Hay muchas cosas que no recordaba, hace muchos años que lo leí por primera vez. Por ejemplo, no recordaba que uno de mis personajes favoritos ya estaba muerto al principio del manga, pero como sigue saliendo en los flashbacks ni siquiera me acordaba.

    Es ágil, divertido, interesante, espeluznante... Una lectura fantástica.

  • Myles

    First time reading a manga and I found it gripping. The pace of the story keeps you interested throughout as the tension slowly builds throughout. It took me a while to adjust to the manga art style and get some of the Japanese references but you get used to it and I really enjoyed it by the end. The only strange part is getting used to reading it back to front in the traditional Japanese way. I'd highly recommend for anyone looking to give manga a go.

  • Will Rigual

    Rating: 4
    A pretty good start to an intriguing series. I cant properly judge it until I get my hands on vol. 2, because much of it feels like set up(until a pretty big revelation at the end). I will say if you hate slow paced stories this manga isn't for you. Don't go into it expecting tons of action. Its more of a mystery/ thriller than anything else. overall I really like this manga and think it's worth a read if your into this kinda thing.

  • Angel Matarin

    20th Century Boys, vaya pasada. Logra introducirnos a una historia enorme entre varias épocas sin que baje el interés en ningún momento. Ves a unos niños formando un club supersecreto, y a la vez a esos mismos niños en sus vidas adultas, con sus responsabilidades y decepciones varias, todo a través de una colección de personajes muy jugosos y el líder de una secta que amenaza con dominar el mundo con el cambio del milenio de fondo... Tiene mucho encanto.

  • Carlos J. Eguren

    ¿Y cómo había tardado tanto en empezar a leerme esta obra maestra? Solo con el primer tomo, Naoki Urasawa se ha convertido en uno de mis autores de cabecera. Magistral. #TwentyCenturyBoys

  • Koen Claeys

    This is so good, I wish I could give it more than the maximum score. All the positive superlatives apply. Must-read !