Title | : | Norse Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Norse Folklore Including Fairy Tales, Legends, Sagas and Myths of the Norse Gods and Heroes |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 140 |
Publication | : | Published March 3, 2018 |
The stories from Norse mythology linger in our culture today. Four days of our week are named after members of the Norse pantheon (Tyr, Woden (Odin), Thor and Frigg). Wagner’s Ring Cycle has kept one version of one of the great Norse stories alive in the minds of music lovers. Readers of modern fantasy will find many echoes of the Norse tales as well. Something in these old and puzzling stories still has the power to move and unsettle us and to inspire new acts of creation.
This book will give you a brief introduction to some of the best-known myths found in the primary sources. This book includes a glossary of names in the back in case you need help keeping track of a rather large cast of characters. Enjoy your explorations!
Within this book, you'll find the following Norse myths and topics covered
The Creation of the Worlds The Building of Asgard Why Odin Has One Eye and Tyr Has One Hand The Mead of Poetry Loki the Thief Love and Trouble Thor the Bride Thor’s Adventures in Utgard Odin the Host and Odin the Guest Andvari’s Curse Regin and Sigurd Sigurd and the Dragon The Marriage of Sigurd Brynhild’s Betrayal The Death of Sigurd The Passing of Balder Ragnarök Grace Note: The Story of Rolf Krake Download the book now and learn more about Norse mythology
Norse Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Norse Folklore Including Fairy Tales, Legends, Sagas and Myths of the Norse Gods and Heroes Reviews
A great introduction to Norse Mythology.
I knew nothing about Norse Mythology. This seems like a great start for learning about Norse Mythology.
I admit I was a bit confused, maybe it was because the names were so foreign to me and some of them seemed quite similar to one another. -
I really liked this re-telling. Prior to this, I had read Neil Gaiman's version, which read more like a novel while this read more like an anthology. Many of the stories were similar, but there were a few I hadn't seen before which made me like it a good deal more than I thought.
This is a really good intro and overview of Norse mythology. It's by no means the most comprehensive collection of tales, but a great introduction, and the author gives readers a list of other sources to consult, if they want to look further into the subject.
A good start for those who want to learn about Norse mythology. Some statements are questionable but overall a good outline.
Terrible, terrible copy editing and grammatical issues.
3,5/5 🌕
Siendo sincera, nunca me llamó la atención la mitología nórdica, desde pequeña siempre leí más sobre la egipcia y la griega, y después acabe muy interesada en la celta, la cual es mi favorita y me sigue apasionado a día de hoy. Pero, después de ver la serie Ragnarok me he acabado picando con esta, y al estar con la suscripción de Audible me tope de casualidad con este libro, y la verdad es que me ha gustado bastante.
Es un libro corto pero con bastante información, habla de los mitos más importantes, como el del Ragnarok, por ejemplo, entre otros. Te hace una introducción sobre dioses como Thor y Odín, o Freya, Tyr y Balder, también había sobre Loki, la serpiente de Midgar o Fenrir. Para empezar a leer sobre esta mitología este libro ha sido perfecto.
Pero tengo que reconocer que me hubiera gustado que hubiera hablado más del panteón de los dioses, que función tenían, la cultura, etc. Esta guay que te hable de los mitos, pero cuando son demasiados ya aburre, por lo menos a mí en lo personal. Me suele gustar que vayan alternando los mitos y hablar sobre la historia del dios, de donde surgió y que función tenía. Pero por lo demás, ha estado muy bien, y para alguien muy novata en el tema, está genial.