Let You Go by Jaxson Kidman

Let You Go
Title : Let You Go
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 356
Publication : First published November 20, 2018

After our first kiss, he moved away.

After our first time together, he confessed it wasn't his first time.

After buying me my first drink, he said he was with someone else... but still loved me.

Now I'm staring at two pink lines on a pregnancy test... and the number he gave me to call?

It's been disconnected. Great. 

This is a full length, stand alone novel. And when you're done, make sure you check out my other books: 

Let You Go Reviews

  • Paula

    I don't get it. What's up with all the 5 star reviews? Hero cheats on heroine over & over again throughout their entire relationship. He sleeps with heroine one minute, then in the next page, we read about him screwing someone else. Yes he had a shitty childhood but so what? He had a girl who loved him and took him back like the idiot she was, time and time again. Even in the end when he leaves her, he had no intention of ever coming back to her because he placed a higher importance on his career then the woman he supposedly loved. He only came back to her because he found out she was pregnant with his kid and he didn't want to be like his father. If she hadn't been pregnant, I doubt very much he would have ever come back to her because throughout the book, he kept saying how Rose would meet someone someday and have the life & family she deserved. There was never any jealousy or pain associated with that thought of her moving on to someone else. So for me, no way can I say this is a romance or love story! For anyone who hasn't read it yet, this is about a screwed/messed up H who had a shitty father & childhood but he had a loving & loyal girl who never gave up on him. He treated her like crap by sleeping with her one minute and leaving her the next and moving on to someone else. This pattern continued for years and stupid h always took him back - no question, no backbone from h. I hate stupid plots and even stupider characters! I should have known better!

  • Tracy *To the point Reviews*

    DNF! If I had finished this it would have been an insult to women who struggle with their self-esteem in regards to men all over the world!! I skimmed this story because I wanted to confirm what I saw in reviews AFTER I had started it. I was getting this creepy feeling that Rose, the heroine, was a huge DOORMAT!

    What the hell ladies? What are all the 4 and 5 star reviews about? This hero wasn't even nice to the heroine! He was a douche from the time they met. He had zero charisma, backbone, courage and not a touch of regard for anything but his sorry ass!!!

    I don't get it! He leaves her over and over and over again. Comes back only because of his father fucked up her life and he finds out she was pregnant!

    This book a ginormous NO NO!!

  • Lu Bielefeld

    Heroine has no backbone and likes to be treated like shit.
    A weak hero who does not know how to love and does not respect our heroine.

  • Dilek VT

    It sounds really horrible with a continuously cheating hero and a pathetic heroine who accepts him every time he comes back to her. Then, she accidentally gets pregnant... yayyy!


  • PointedlyBlunt

    Can’t relate to the idea of ever giving a cheater a second chance.

  • SC

    As far as the relationship between the two main characters go - it was just a big fail. The H claims to love the h, yet every chance he gets, he screws with her mind and feelings, then leaves her with the intention of not coming back. Weak as he is - he always does in fact come back, only to perpetuate the dysfunctional relationship they’re in. The h - bless her soul - is just as much at fault as he is, seeing as she continues to allow him to treat her the way he does. How can she possibly believe he loves her ? What kind of asshole says “I’m still in love with you, but I’m here with someone else”? And she’s ok with that, how do we know? Oh because he takes said other woman home, breaks up with her, then goes back to where the h was, and then takes her home too. The author basically made her a commitment-phobe who never had a healthy relationship seeing as she’s only ever been with the H. Don’t get me started on the fact that when he finally leaves for his big break, he decides to leave his phone behind (clue in h, that means he doesn’t want you to reach him), so she has his dad get his new number, where is your self esteem, your back bone woman ? Get the damn hint. He sits there, in his new world , thinking how he’d drop everything and run to her if she asked it, but yeah no, he’s also telling himself he’s gonna make a life in LA instead.

    As if that wasn’t bad enough, did anyone take the time to count how many times lips curled in this book ? Because let me tell you, you can find that phrase twice in as many sentences. To be honest, I skipped a lot of the book because I got sick & tired of the back and forth and the writing was painful.

    There are so many much better written books out there, do not waste your time on this one.

  • Cc

    You know, I used to say a male author would hold his H to higher standard in a cheating situation. He would see where the hero needed to grovel, grow as a human being and..........apologize (gasp). He would write his heroine as a strong woman who would demand respect, and at least ask why?!.........
    I LIED

    "And this baby now makes it so we are stuck together forever.” That's what Foster says to Rose at 95%, not "hey, baby, I love you." Not "I'm so happy about this baby" it's "now we're STUCK together because of this baby". You old romantic you, Foster. What every woman wants to hear, lol.

  • Rejane

    Oh yeah.. that’s the third review today I read with a crappy hero, crappy plot and weak, doormat heroine.



  • Tinabooklover

    This book made no sense to me and it took all my will to get through it. The back and forth between the two main characters was ridiculous. Nobody, I don't care who you are would ever put up with a man leaving you, coming back, leaving again, coming back....for years. Yes, years. He claimed to love her so much he just wanted her to have everything in life that he couldn't provide for her. So he would leave randomly, have other relationships and then come back, again randomly. They would have sex like he never left and, surprise, he would leave again. Stupid. Just stupid.

  • Julie

    Oh Kingsley...

    Damn I loved every second! I'm on a winning streak with books lately. Jumping in blind and by authors I randomly pick. This was an amazing story, one that tugged at my heart strings. Rose and Foster were amazing characters and I loved them equally. Not a dull moment. I'm so happy this didn't get past me!

  • BookAddict

    Why should you read this book and not some other one?

    The thing about this author is, with every book he writes, you can be sure you’re getting 100% of his heart, mind and soul. He doesn’t write with the goal of selling as many books as possible, so each of his works is carefully crafted, thoughtfully dissected and lovingly pieced back together into the compelling, evocative, emotive work you hold in your hands. Prepare to be taken on a journey, to be fully immersed into the center of the story and experience every scene, every thought and every feeling as if each one is your own. This book is a beautiful blending of fact and fiction, weaving it’s way into your heart, engaging your mind and leaving its permanent stamp on your soul.

    Kidman doesn’t resort to questionable marketing tactics or employ intimidation or incentives to garner readers and positive reviews. He offers large pieces of his heart and long glimpses into his soul, always bringing his best work, hoping the reader will use care with his vulnerability, appreciate the authenticity and transparency of his storytelling, find value in his words and glean bits of insight and wisdom that will enrich the reader's life. He is easily the most genuine, sincere, forthright author I have encountered.

    Rose and Foster’s story is not an easy, lighthearted romance, but a relationship filled with fear, frustration, loss, disappointment and angst. It's also heartbreakingly beautiful, deeply emotional and preciously tender. Their story effortlessly had me under its spell from the very first sentence until the last. It was impossible to not fall in love with Foster, from his teenage years where his heart had already been broken and life had knocked him down time and again, and then as he grew into the man who realized his own worth and finally got it right.

    If you’re like me and have tired of the same old tropes and well-worn plots being trotted out, or you’ve come across far too many books written in only a few days and poorly edited to get them into readers' hands as quickly as possible, or you’re looking for a book that will actually elicit some emotion or give you something to think about, do yourself a favor and read this book. It’s deep, it’s heart wrenching, it’s endearing, it’s inspiring, and it will leave its mark on you.

    *I reviewed this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

  • Sheridan

    How can you write such words that have so much meaning, yet the words I write for this will not do this story justice!
    Let You Go brought back all the feels of 5 Years Later.
    The connection that Rose and Foster share. Meeting while younger at a party, but the connection started before that when Rose was once grieving her loss, Foster had seen her but he just kept walking...
    Their love was intense and just waiting to explode, but when life happens, sometimes the best way to avoid the inevitable pain is to walk away.

    Foster gets bounced around, but one thing was always his constant... his love for her.
    The past and the present are all brought up through the story and you can get a really good feel for their lives and what happened with them.
    Chance meetings and stolen moments of a ‘hello’ or a wave is what happens when you live in the same town, until a simple “I need you” is all it takes for the two of them to get lost in their fate.
    But in life when things are good, moments are taken away once again. He thinks if he leaves and lets her go, she will live her life. Rose thinks she is letting him off because she believes he is living out his dream, but being away from her is that really his dream?

    It’s real, it hits home!
    It’s raw, it’s emotional, it’s the best yet!

    So many quotes from the book I would like to put in here, I just don’t know where to start. But i loved this story!

  • JESSICA ~Snuggly Bear Paws~

    Didn't finish at 89%

  • K Reynolds

    Wow!! Jaxson Kidman is a master of words. His words can crush your heart only to use them to poetically revive your very soul. Foster and Rose are real. We feel their heartbreak, frustration, self-deprivation, failures, and finally joyous love, peace, and successes. Life is messy and unpredictable and Jaxon captured that perfectly. I still haven't recovered from the haunting beauty this book showed me. I am in love with everything about this book as well as everything in and given through Jaxson’s writing. I recommend and you absolutely must read. I ku’ed and bought because it was just that good.
    It was asked why someone liked this book and these characters. This is my very personal response. I believe all persons opinions have value and merit, especially when they vary from each other.

    I did not ARC this book. And while I am a fangirl it’s not of Jaxson (yet). I did enjoy this book. Maybe because I work with kids like Foster. You forget Rose had a choice and her choice was to love and choose him when no one else ever did. While it might seem weak I find her staying true to her emotions takes strength. She was looked upon and judged by her sister and friend much as you all are now. She could have settled into a relationship and never been happy because it wasn’t what her heart wanted. Would that have been more acceptable? We know Foster is not a great magical hero like the fairytales, it’s made clear from the beginning. He does evolve quite significantly over his journey. I would rather he not grovel as it’s not who he is. His personality isn’t going to magically change even though so many writers make us expect that. This is real. Real life. If you don’t know a Rose I’d be surprised. Judge however you choose but he didn’t cheat but he also didn’t fundamentally change who he was. He realized things and opened his heart to accept the love he tried to push away. That’s what sometimes happens in life. There’s room in romance for real. The fact that you dislike doesn’t mean others are lying in their like. That kills me when others assume reviews are not true because they didn’t enjoy or even finish a book. It’s an insult. You are saying to me my opinion is not valid because you don’t agree. I would never place that on another. I hate that you didn’t “get” this book. I love that I did. It gave me hope for the children I see struggle almost every day with the brokenness and desperate want of love or change of a parent that’s never coming. It’s not a seamless journey through life and love and I am thrilled there is some realism being inserted into this romance. I fully respect your opinion to not like this book and to judge the characters I happen to love; however, I will never think your disrespect of my opinion is acceptable.

  • Jan

    The blurb, the cover both caught my eye and I was hooked.

    My first book by this author but I think I will have to read another book because these characters frustrated the hell out of me.

    When I read the blurb I thought it was a childhood friend's to lovers romance, the guy left for whatever reason then she finds out she's pregnant, does he return years later finding out he's a dad? That's a question I was eager to know.

    What I didn't expect was two teens who fall in love and the girl is so head over heels with him that time and time again she is treated like a doormat, he goes off brooding about his life or being a musician she wakes up to another note and he comes back whenever as if it's all ok to just up and leave whenever too and shes like "oh hi honey your home" walk all over me kind of thing. Sarcastic? But thats how it made me feel. Sorry but I don't like reading about women with no backbone, loving someone doesn't make you a weaker person and Rose deserved better.

    I was enjoying the book at first, I didn't like the present then past part how it was written, I would have preferred a journey from teens to the present day.

    Even at the end Foster still couldn't redeem himself and commit fully until the 11th hour and by that I mean the last page.

    The concept of the story is ok, a guy who's a free spirit, a creative soul who runs whenever things get real while the girl just except him for who he is.with an acceptance that, that's just Foster that's what he does, he runs? I just hoped at some point, earlier at least, lessons would have been learned and I got to see a dramatic change in Foster. I didn't doubt his love for Rose but the plot could have been more stars if only it had been told a little differently.

  • Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog)

    Let You Go was a roller coaster of emotions.

    Foster and Rose have known each other since they were teens. She fell in love with him the first time she saw him, but Foster was a different story, or at least, he didn't wear his heart on his sleeve the way Rose did. To be honest, the push and pull, run away bs Foster pulled on Rose was a bit much for my tastes. I wanted Rose to end up with someone who really deserved her, and I'm still not sure Foster really deserved Rose. He was so hot and cold with her throughout their entire lives that I wanted to smack him more than once. Sigh...poor Rose.

    But, as is Jaxson's trademark, Let You Go is pretty heart tugging and raw. It's absolutely a love story, but it's not a pretty one. Foster is too much of a jerk for it to be pretty. And pretty isn't what I expect, or get, from a Jaxson Kidman story, so if it had been too sweet I probably wouldn't have even liked it. So, although I never fell in love with Foster and hate the way he treated Rose, I still really liked Let You Go. It's emotional, angsty and raw. Another great read from the master of emotional angsty love.

  • Meg Talks Romance Novels

    Rocked to the very core, the heart, is a good way to put it. No matter what I say though, will convey how I feel after reading it. Jaxson Kidman delivers pure raw magic.

    You know those stories that you can’t wait to read? Ones that when you are finally reading them it reaches your soul, and you can’t put the book down? That is Let You Go.
    Foster and Rose’s story is the full definition of its complicated but I know you’re the one. They meet as teenagers and it’s a rollercoaster ride all the way to the end. A thrilling edge of your seat one.

    Foster is an amazing character and you will instantly love him. His humor and heart, one of a kind. Rose is a strong stubborn, spitfire. I loved her. The chemistry is amazing and you will love the story between the two. The secondary characters are strong to the story as well.

    Intense, thrilling, funny, passionate and amazing. Jaxson gives a 5 Star must read. I highly recommend this one. Cheers.

  • Kathy

    Very enjoyable, well written book of two people that are like some magnetic force, impossible to stay away from each other no matter how hard they try. Rose has loved Foster from the first awkward meeting, Foster the town bad boy with the useless drunk, mean father knows he should stay far away. Too bad best laid plans never last. Likable characters, hot chemistry, and a ending that stays true to Foster & Rose made this a satisfying read.

  • Carly Davis

    So close to home

    I thought I had read the best when I read Our Last Road, but how wrong I was. This book had me on the edge of my seat. The chemistry and twists had me wanting more. Rose and Rhett's relationship hit me so hard, as I've been there before. Let's just say it hit close to home for me.❤❤❤🌹
    5 stars hands down

  • Katie

    Man I loved this book, it was easily relatable to parts of my life. Foster & Rhett lives there relationship never saw it come that they were brothers. Even if I was staring me right in the face. Foster & Rose I’m go glad they finally find there way together & stayed together. Foster & Frank wow I love them together from the start.

  • Lana

    1.5 stars

    Was pretty bored reading this book, especially since all of the major plot twists were already summarized in the book description. Besides one fact , I honestly didn't need to read the book at all.

    The writing was also not engaging enough for me.
    I found myself skimming a few pages

    The heroine had no backbone, and I couldn't sympathize with her at all - at one point she even apologizes to him. Girl, are you kidding me?

  • Jac K

    Emotional rollercoaster
    Foster and Rose have known each other since they were teens. She's always loved, but Foster has issues...running as a means to cope. He was pretty much hot and cold with her throughout their entire lives...I wanted to kick him a lot. Honestly, I am not sure Foster is good enough for Rose. I kinda felt like she deserved better. It's an ugly love story:)

  • Izzie d

    Eh no!!!!

  • Paola

    Personagens principais péssimos, a mocinha aceita tudo que o cara faz e é uma chata, não me conectei com nenhum deles

  • Armenia

    “Hey Rose..even if I’m away, I won’t be..”

    Your heart will ache, it will break and shatter, but in the end, it becomes whole again with a few scars.

    Let You Go is the story of Foster and Rose and their relationship made precarious because of Foster’s dad, Kevin. His selfish, deadbeat father cruises in and out of his young life, upending any stability Foster has. Each time Kevin gets hauled off to jail, Foster is thrust into the foster care system, moving from home to home, a hell he’s had to endure growing up. Foster falls in love with Rose but doesn’t admit it at first. How can he lure her into a world of hurt and disappointment that is his life? In spite of a crappy childhood, Foster is loyal and honest and trusting. My heart breaks for Foster and the frustration and sickening desperation he goes through because of his father’s machinations.

    Rose, on the other hand, despite falling in love with Foster since high school, has grown into an independent woman whose path leads to marketing a small coffee company. Though content, she misses the only man she has ever loved, Foster.

    “He couldn’t let me go. I couldn’t either.”

    I admire Rose never giving up on Foster whenever he reappears in her life which happens a few times throughout the book. She’s wanted Foster forever and it’s time to take a risk to be together now that Rose is pregnant. I love the wonderful and satisfying ending with Rose, Foster, and their newly formed family.

    Let You Go is not an easy story to read. There is a lot of pain. It twists up your insides and makes your heart break for Rose and Foster. It’s also a well-crafted story filled with heartbreaking emotion, redemption, and second chances. There are a few surprising reveals about what Foster learns about Everett, a young man he teaches guitar in the basement of the coffeehouse where he plays his gigs. I admired Frank, Rose’s father, who was more of a father to Foster than his own dad. Jaxson Kidman seamlessly blends the present and past backstory which added depth and richness to this romance. At the end of the book is the beautiful lyrics of the song Foster writes about Rose. It’s beautiful and reflects everything about their relationship in the story. I highly recommend this book to fans of romance. Great job, Mr. Kidman. I received and voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

  • Valerie

    I read this book a full 24 hours ago, and I cannot get it out of my head.

    This book has some of the funniest, most frustrating, heart-wrenching, and heart-warming moments.

    I should apologize in advance for the incoherent review this may end up being. I can't get myself together because this book has yet to let go. Some books you forget almost immediately, some stay with you a while, this one has imprinted on my heart.

    Foster had it rough. He is talented. Strong. Fighty. And gun-shy. One thing that is undeniable is that he loves Rose. Period.

    Rose is smart. Caring. Determined. Independent. And completely stuck in Foster's gravitational pull.

    This is as close to a real love story as I can imagine you can get between the pages of a novel. It is messy. It hurts. It has fist-pumping wins, and moments so frustrating I wanted to intervene myself.

    There were very few errors, if any at all. There was beautiful prose, and even more beautiful stolen moments. It lived up to its blurb and its blurb was pretty gut-wrenching. Though it was written in such a way that I felt saved from the angst that could have been. I just cant get past this one.

    Its going to be with me for a while. Like novels by CoHo and Mia Sheridan, that's the best description I can give. My heart hurt for them. My inner cheerleader cheered for them. I just can't move on.

    The nicknames. The hand squeezes. The pull that exists only between them. I've read some of the 1-star reviews, and I honestly feel like there's no way we read the same book. This one is worth every sing page turn spent holding my breath. If I can't convince you, maybe my favorite quotes can...

    "Here's the truth about Foster... whatever happens, it's always worth it."

    "But the thing was... there were different types of forever... some good and some bad."

    "Hey, Rose. Sorry about that time I slipped away. Left you waiting on another day. Leaving the ashes of forever spread around, my footprint in the middle of your heart."

    "All... Fucking... Mine"

    "There's always a choice. Here the thing... I fucking choose you."