Perfect World, Tome 6 (Perfect World, #6) by Rie Aruga

Perfect World, Tome 6 (Perfect World, #6)
Title : Perfect World, Tome 6 (Perfect World, #6)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 2369742860
ISBN-10 : 9782369742869
Language : French
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 192
Publication : First published June 25, 2015

Kawana refuse d'accepter le choix d'Ayukawa : il lui paraît inconcevable qu'il ne soit pas l'architecte en charge de la réalisation de la maison de Keigo et Kaede. Faisant une croix sur sa résolution de ne plus le revoir, elle part pour Tokyo pour tenter de le convaincre de changer d'opinion. Comment se passeront leurs retrouvailles ?

Perfect World, Tome 6 (Perfect World, #6) Reviews

  • queen0f_hearts

    I would have given this volume around 2.5 stars but then the end happened and convinced me to continue reading this series. I’ll be honest here, the series started glorious and very promising but since Ayukawa and Kawana broke up, it’s kinda going downhill. It’s still cute and stuff and I still hope for them to get a Happy End but the point is, I don’t really see any development. And this only serves to reduce my interest to go on reading. Unfortunately.

    Kaede and her boyfriend are in the center of attention and I’m certain, they’ll remain on this position for some more chapters. The problem is, I find their storyline a little bit over the top and I’m pretty sure, sooner or later Kaede’s death will be part of the plot. Of course, this is how life can turn out and we can’t ignore the complicated and sad sides of life but it just sometimes feels as if this series tries to compensate the lack of disabled protagonists (and people in wheelchairs) in any fictional story by giving us an overload of them. I mean, I’m in a wheelchair too but that doesn’t mean I know a ton of other disabled persons. Maybe it’s due to Ayukawa’s profession, I understand that. Still, the more chapters I read, the more over-presented and dramatized they seem.

    Uff. This is hard. I seem to complain so much but I nonetheless don’t plan to drop this series because I have hope for things to entertain and touch me as much as they did at the beginning. Here’s to love.

  • Megan

    3/5 stars

    Nothing is worse than seeing a series you enjoy steadily go downhill, and that's how I'm starting to feel about this series. The unnecessary drama is most of the plot now. Even though I dislike Koreda, I feel sorry for him a little because of how Kawana is handling things. Meanwhile, this volume included one of my least favorite tropes: miscommunication. On top of that, it's starting to look like there might be cheating or a rough break-up ahead.

    Again, I have mixed feelings. I like how Kawana is working towards her dream. I also like that she's starting to realize that she's not over Ayukawa. I'll read the next volume to see how things go, but that might be the volume that makes or breaks this series for me.

  • Shae

    I feel like this series doesn't pull its punches when it comes to the important things! Love this story! Need physical prints in the US!
    I continue to be obsessed with it!

  • Cris

    No, ya basta 😥

  • Laura Grace

    I confess that the ending saved me on this one because I think I was getting to a point where I really considered dropping this series. *hides*

    I feel so bad saying that because I LOVED the first volume of this series so so so much! But it's been really hard seeing everything unfold the way it is right now. I think I just wish that Tsugumi would break up with Koreda for BOTH their sake. I feel it has been deeply unfair to him that he comes and meets her family, but that she is still continually thinking of Itsuki. I know that Tsugumi is not a perfect heroine and I don't expect her to be one, but it's hard for me to fully support her with the decisions she is making romantically.

    On the flip side, I am LOVING seeing her thrive in pursuing her passion and how stubborn she was to get the position she was hoping for! While I do think she might have had some ulterior motive, I think it was mainly her wanting to do this job to help her friends' have the most happiness possible. They could still have that without her working on the job obviously, but I think there is a special touch there with her relating and helping this couple.

    I LOVED the last chapter! It was SO nice seeing our leads together even if it wasn't in a romantic way. Tsugumi HAS come so far and I'm glad that Itsuki IS seeing that in her and openly saying so.

    But that cliffhanger! :o :o :o I never expected that!

    I'm going to give this series another volume and see how things go. It's definitely not a bad one, but it's hard seeing some of the struggles our leads have, and truly wanting them to reunite and have a relationship again (since neither is getting over the other). It's obvious they are not the same people they were when dating because both of them have grown and maybe that's something I need to keep in mind when moving forward...

  • Jessica ❀

    I really HATE Koreda, he is possessive, jealous, and so manipulative. He is toxic asf and I need him to leave immediately. Nagasawa is almost just as bad. And Kawana being so stupid and not seeing how toxic him and her family are is making me so angry. Ugh.

    That cliffhanger though? Continuing for at least one more volume.

  • Amanda (BookLoverAmanda)

    Didn’t love this one - 2.5-3 stars. Just ready for the ending 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀unnecessary language (God’s name in vain) and just tired of the love triangles

  • Ady Weasley

    En serio que esta historia solo me hace sufrir por los protagonistas

    Tsugumi viaja con Kaigo para hablar con Istuki sobre el proyecto de la casa, y finalmente deciden hacerlo pues conociendo toda la historia Itsuki diseña un plan.

    Mores ase entera del trabajo y aunque no está del todo convencido decide apoyar a Tsugumi en su sueño, ella promete no defraudarlo.

    Un terremoto complica las cosas

  • Ray Flores

    [ Re-read in 2024. ]

    "If I am stronger now, it’s because I met you. You’re the one who changed me."

    You know? I’ve been reading this manga for several months now and I still think that Itsuki and Tsugumi deserve to be together. I think that despite their flaws and mistakes, they do belong to each other since they make themselves happy. But truth be told, the circumstances around them are not that simple.

    They’ve met with other couples who have had the same issues and some of them have given them words of wisdom due their own experience: how love can come in many shapes and forms and how happiness isn’t just one way or another. No relationship is perfect but I strongly believe when two people want to be together, they can overcome their struggles.

    This volume has shown us what it’s like to be apart from the person you love and still be happy for them even if you’re no longer together.

    That’s exactly why I really like Koreda, who’s nothing but a nice guy who’s trying to win Tsugumi’s heart in his own way. He knows she’ll never love him like she does with Itsuki, but he’s trying –and that fucking hurts me too.

    From the beginning, I’ve always thought this story has no useless drama and it’s actually talking about real issues between real people here.

    Everybody just wants their happy ending, eh.

    This volume contains chapter 25 – 29.


    Volume 1 |
    Volume 2 |
    Volume 3 |
    Volume 4 |
    Volume 5

  • Sarina

    3,5 Sterne

    Nach dem letzten Band, den ich doch etwas enttäuschend fand, war ich gespannt auf diesen. Alles in allem hat mir dieser Band wieder besser gefallen, allerdings finde ich es immer noch schade, dass sich die Geschichte im Kreis dreht. Tsugumi, die sich versucht einzureden, dass sie mit Hirotaka glücklich ist, obwohl sie sich in meinen Augen nur was vormacht, um es u.a. ihren Eltern recht zu machen. Itsuki stürzt sich total in die Arbeit und redet sich ein, dass es richtig war sich von Tsugumi zu trennen. Seine Beweggründe kann ich ja auch verstehen, aber so viele Pärchen um ihn herum haben es auch geschafft und könnten eigentlich als Vorbild dienen. Stattdessen sind beide unglücklich.
    Und daran ändert sich auch irgendwie nichts....Ich hoffe jedoch, dass sich das in Band 7 ändern wird, denn auf den letzten Seiten gab es eine (richtig fiese) Wendung, die die Geschichte in eine andere Richtung lenken könnte und die mich gespannt zurück lässt.

  • Dayla

    Reading is manga is a mix of “this is so good,” and “ugh I’m so frustrated.” I want to root for these two, but they’re surrounded by such selfish people who make the MC feel like she’s being selfish.

    The story is great and I sometimes feel like I’m watching a jdrama. I hate the nurse and this other dude, and I hate how the MC thinks she’s being selfish.

    I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY. Lol okay, emotions done.

    Happy reading!

  • Tania

    Ríe Aruga deja a tus personajes ser felices y déjame ser feliz también.

    Es que, ahhhh, por qué me das ese final para este volumen, este circo del llanto no se detiene porque además me dices el pasado de Koreda como si nada hahaha. Ayyyy. Al menos la pareja ya casi ve construida su casita :(

  • Mariana


    Este es un manga que estuvo muy bonito y desde que lo dejé así en el 5 quería continuar con la historia. Pero pasaron varias cosas que me desesperaron y sentía que solo estaban alargando más la historia, pero igual lo disfruté.

  • Isel

    They're so miserable and just hiding it.
    Why's everyone ignoring it? Because there's no way they can't see it.

  • Leila ✨

    Estoy amando esta historia con todo mi corazón pero, al mismo tiempo, lo que me está haciendo sufrir no tiene nombre.

    4 de 5 estrellas.

  • camilla

    aiuto che ansia il terremoto e tutta la situazione mi ha fatto prende un colpo

  • Andrea

    So I cry in every volume? Yes yes I do.

  • Brenda

    "No existe una sola forma de ser feliz"

    Quisiera que el mundo fuera un poquito más fácil y las cosas terminarán bien.

    No puedo imaginar lo difícil que es tener el corazón roto y tener fingir con una sonrisa que todo está bien cuando te encuentras con la persona que amas y de la cual tuviste que alejarte.

    Tsugumi e Itsuki deben afrontar su separación con madurez. Aunque sinceramente quiero verlo como ese pequeño detalle positivo que necesitan para extrañarse y darse cuenta que pueden ser felices... 🤧

    Es que en serio necesito que esos dos vuelvan a estar juntos, ya sufrieron demasiado.

  • ℂ ✧

    Una història d'amor hetero plena de drama, anades i vingudes i amb un protagonista que va amb cadira de rodes per culpa d'un accident. Trobo que és una sèrie que retrata molt bé les lesions medul·lars i totes les possibles afectacions en la vida diària així com el repte que suposa tenir parella quan es pateix una discapacitat en el context de la societat japonesa. M'ha sorprès (i molestat força, la veritat) com l'entorn de la parella principal es creu en el dret d'intervenir i jutjar-los. A la trama té massa protagonisme la família i els "enemics/rivals", s'estira massa el xiclet i hi ha aspectes de la parella que es podrien haver aprofundit més. Com a punt a millorar, em sembla que la història és massa vainilla i que el tema de la sexualitat només es toca de puntetes. En general, una història d'amor diferent i refrescant, però amb un ritme irregular.

  • d★ (hiatus)

    … sin comentarios
    sigue sin agradarme nagasawa y koreda; siento que deberían entender que solo retrasan e impiden la felicidad de los protagonistas (por muy tonto que suene… es que en serio quiero que itsuki y tsugumi sean felices AAAAA)

  • Andreea

    I feel like nothing much happened in this one. A lot of filler. Very slow pacing. Great cliffhanger at the end but...

  • Grecia Fava

    Ya no se si simplemente ponerle una estrella por todo lo que me hace sufrir 😭😭

  • Bell Potter

    (Aviso: lectura hecha en ejemplar en español, publicado en México. La presente nota se modificará cuando se dé de alta en GR la edición correspondiente).

  • Luana

    La lettura di questo manga prosegue tra alti e bassi.
    Partiamo dagli alti, ovvero tutta la parte dedicata al progetto della nuova casa/locale per Keigo e Kaede: infatti, dopo un po' di pressing, Itsuki viene convinto a prendere parte a questa iniziativa, deciso a dare vita a un ambiente che sappia incarnare appieno i sogni della giovane coppia e che si adatti all'evoluzione delle condizioni fisiche di Kaede. Tsugumi, oltre a fare da sostegno morale, finirà per dare il suo contributo come interior designer: e così, i nostri due protagonisti si ritrovano a lavorare di nuovo fianco a fianco (anche se inizialmente, Itsuki non sembra molto entusiasta della cosa, ma poi si fa convincere dall'entusiasmo genuino della ragazza) per dare vita a qualcosa di speciale che potrebbe davvero cambiare la vita di due persone.

    Per quanto riguarda i bassi, beh, si parla sempre del lato amoroso della faccenda: l'incontro e la successiva collaborazione tra Itsuki e Tsugumi rischiano di complicare certi rapporti, in particolare quello tra la ragazza e Koreeda - quest'ultimo non sembra prendere molto bene la cosa, anche perché viene a scoprire il tutto da una terza persona. Chi? Ovviamente l'infermiera, che sente sempre il bisogno di dare fiato alla bocca e di farsi film su una relazione praticamente inesistente con Itsuki (che la tratta con gentilezza, perché è una persona civile, ma qui si fanno già progetti per il futuro). Insomma, il leitmotiv del volume è "tranquilli, non ci rimettiamo insieme". Voglio proprio vedere quanto durerà questa convinzione...tanto più che alla fine ci lasciamo su un momento di grande angst: un terremoto colpisce la zona di Matsumoto e il povero Itsuki si ritroverà in casa da solo. Ora per Tsugumi parte una corsa contro il tempo per raggiungerlo...

  • Shaun Trinh

    3.5/5 Stars

    I love how we finally get to see Tsugumi actively pursuing and fighting for her own passion and ambition. So far in the series she has put the wants and needs of others before her, and she still is, but it's great to see her come more into her own and take charge of her journey. I also loved the somewhat bitter-sweet moments Tsugumi and Itsuki shared while working together.

    This series seems to be building up to Tsugumi standing up to her family about how they want her to have a "normal relationship" that's not with Itsuki so I'm looking foward to that because her family is getting on my nerves with their back-handed comments. Even if it's with genuine intentions.

    However what brings this volume down from a 4/5 star read for me is how I cannot stand Tsugumi and Itsuki's current relationships. I was on board and find with Tsugumi dating Koreda at the start, but as I keep moving on from volume to volume i'm growing more tired of it. He seems like a fine guy, but the chemistry isn't even there to support this relationship that we know isn't going to last. I found myself hoping that the earthquake at the end of the vlume would take Koreda out of the equation, even if that would be a poor writing choice. Then there's Nagasawa (is that her name), and I don't care that much for whatever the author is doing with her and Itsuki either. We seemingly settled that they would stay platonic friends as it's a one sided crush from Nagasawa, and yet her and Koreda are taking up page time that I wish was allocated else where.

    Hopefully volume 7 will finally free me from Koreda and Nagasawa.

  • Lila Cyclist

    3,5 stars

    Well, saya berharap saya sudah menyelesaikan manga ini sebelum saya menonton live action-nya. Saya lebih memilih menonton film dengan ending yang saya sudah tahu dari manga/ novel yang saya sedang baca daripada saya kehilangan mood membaca setelah menonton filmnya. Untuk pemeran utama di live action versi movie-nya, meski saya suka dengan Iwata Takanori, saya pikir dia kurang cocok memerankan sosok sakit-sakitan Ayukawa. Dia terlihat sehat dan pipinya selalu merona. Tsaaaahhh… Sementara versi doramanya, Ayukawa akan diperankan oleh Tori Matsuzaka. Saya lebih memilih Matsuzaka-san dibandingkan Takanori-san. Dari segi acting, tentu saja mereka sudah sangat berbeda. Matsuzaka-san bisa berperan sebagai orang baik, psycho tukang bunuh, hingga semacam anak-muda-yang-main-dengan-tante-girang hahahaha… Tapi itu kembali ke selera sih ya. Untuk pemeran wanitanya, saya lebih suka Hana Sugiksaki sebagai Kawana dibandingkan Mizuki Yamamoto. Kembali ke selera sih, buat saya. Tapi yah, liat saja nanti.

    Review lengkap di
    Perfect World 6

  • Lindsey (Books for Christian Girls)

    Overall (vol. 1-9) thoughts:
    I prefer light-hearted mangas, and while this series has its happier moments, it’s also very real with the discussions and events that take place. It’s heart wrenching at times, frustrating at others, and I just want them to be happy. *sniffs* This series has given me a lot to think about (mainly volumes 1,2 & 9), but I don’t know if I’ll be continuing with any more future releases, I think vol. 9 ended it well enough for me.
    (Thought on this volume: Is this going to get happier (meaning are they going to get back together))? Literally the only cute parts in the last three volumes have been the cover.)

    1 star due to taking God's name in vain and other translated cussing.

    Content for this Volume-
    Praying at a shrine for a deceased family member; Mentions of shrines, charms, & praying; Two “thank God”s are said;
    Three 'God's, a 'honest-to-God', a 'God d*mn it', a 'd*mn', a 'dumb*ss', two 'hell', and two 'stupid's; A mention of alcohol; Tsugumi stays the night at her boyfriend’s house (nothing sexual is shown or mentioned to have happened); Mentions of crushes, dating, dates, girlfriends/boyfriends, & breakups.

  • CharlyyGentlePhoenix

    Perfect World T6 – Rie Aruga (Japonaise) – 2018 – éditions Akata --
    J'aime beaucoup les personnages principaux mais les digressions sur les persos secondaires me perdent un peu.
    On retrouve la niaiserie gentille habituelle, qui, mine de rien, est rare en Littérature ! (Sauf peut-être si vous lisez beaucoup de Shojo !).
    En gros Koré-Ada c'est Jacob, et Ayukawa c'est Edward …
    Cela dit Kawana parvient encore à évoluer et à se réinventer… Dans sa relation avec Ayukawa, bien plus que Koré-Ada, qui passe un peu à la trappe… Sauf quand il est déjà trop tard ! Ayukawa et Kawana s'aiment profondément comme c'est le cas d'un amour sur dix….
    Je pensais pas au début mais y a beaucoup de suspens et de drama ! --
    Oh my ! Vient la confrontation tant attendue entre Koré-Ada ? Ayukawa et Kawana autour d'une table… J'ai peur que la jalousie de Koré-Ada le rende un plus flippant. Car c'était un bon personnage à la base mais Kawana l'a un peu pris pour un second couteau.

  • Hibikiyume

    Avis intégralité :

    Un manga super intéressant les comportements des personnage collent à une réalité pas de sur jeu pas de comédie juste du réel quand revoir son amour de jeunesse réveille la flamme qui était en vous mais que découvrir qu’il  est en fauteuil remet forcement vos sentiments en doute.
    Ce qui est intéressant c’est que on va rencontrer un couple plus âgé ( de l’age de leur parents) ou la aussi l’un d’eux est en fauteuil ce qui permet à notre duo d’avoir une vision de leur relation dans l’avenir car un couple avec un en fauteuil ne sera pas du tout la meme aventure que avec 2 personnes valides. Puis on rencontrera un jeune couple d’étudiants donc cela nous montre aussi la version jeunesse . bref un manga très bien développé.
    Le seul gros défaut du manga c’est que l’on a pas de notion de temps alors que nous suivons leur vie sur envions 9 ans.